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Assassin's Creed Odyssey is one of the best games this generation... Fight me!


So I have owned and Assassin's Creed Odyssey since it came out last October, but I have just recently really gotten into it. I am now 35 hours in and my god is this game much better than several people's reaction would've let me to believe it is. Most of the discussions surrounding the game revolved around the microtransactions and the fact that people think the game is artificially grindy. I for one, can understand such concerns, however I do believe that has been removed with the last update containing level-scaling options. Now, onto why I think it's one of the best games of this generation:

What is so special about this game, for me, is that it feels like something more than just the sum of it's parts. It's not the different gameplay elements, or the different stories, or the world, or all that. For me, it's the combination of all these things that make it so fantastic. I will try to put into words because I find it very difficult, but once the game clicked, it clicked really hard and I am enjoying every second of it. What is important to know is that the title of the game is Odyssey, and it is at it's absolute best when it embraces that concept. It feels like an Odyssey through the sheer variety of quests, but also the vastness of the world that is realized wonderfully. For me, the world feels alive and rife with stories to uncover, from the three main questlines to the smaller ones sometimes contained to one island. I am now at the rebellion quest on Mykonos and having Barnabas read the quest description proved to me that there was something more to this game than meets the eye. The genuine feel of that conversation got to me, where I realized how many great stories had already crossed my path and that there will be many more to come. I was just about to embark on a new one. What I mean is that it feels not just like a main story with some small quests, but like you are building the legend of (in my case) Kassandra, having a whole mythology build around you with every step that you take. It honestly gave me a-thousand-and-one-nights vibe. Realizing there and then that this story began on Kephallonia and then having it go all the way through here (having been to Athens, Korinth, Megaris and all that having left that behind) I am beginning to see the scope of this thing. It is for me the first Assassin's Creed game I have ever truly enjoyed, but perhaps that is because it is an Assassin's Creed game in name only. Every other part of this feels like it was build in a vacuum (it wasn't I know), to be this singular game, not as part of a series.

It is in fact when it betrays it's part of a series heritage that the game falls down. The modern day sequences aren't just forced in, they feel like they jank me right out of the experiences. That and a couple of other minor niggles are the only things I have against it. The combat system is superb, the movement (god the responsiveness of the movement... take note devs!), the mythological creatures, finding a certain lost city, the stories of all the different people, sometimes the completely unforeseen consequences of your actions. The beautiful locations to explore, those breath-taking moments standing on a beach watching the sun goes down. I can't stop playing it. There is wonderful moment after wonderful moment. Atmosphere is one of the most important aspects of a game for me, in order to hook me. What is atmosphere? The stories, the buildings, the vastness of the plains, the sun rising and setting, the way the light of torches bounces off walls, the music, the implication of everything that you do... it is almost unexplainable. I just know Odyssey has it in spades, just like Skyrim, or Mass Effect for example.

I am sorry I am vague here. But there is this feeling while playing this game that I haven't had for a long time. A truly special feeling I don't get often. Last time I had this, it was with the old Mass Effect Trilogy.

If you haven't tried it already, do it. And ignore those who say it is level-gated or whatever. Unless you want blast through the main storyline (which god honest, who would WANT this in a game as beautifully crafted as this, with so much attention to detail almost everywhere) there is absolutely no problem.

And no, I am not a Ubisoft employee. Not even a Ubisoft fan. I am just honest enough to acknowledge something special when I have it in my hands. And right now, I do. Game is the most underrated game of last year, in my opinion. In fact, like the title says, it is one of my favourite games this whole generation.

Edit: I wanted to add though that I've recently had a discussion about this with a friend of mine and we both believe that the reason this game works so well is because Greece itself is just such a wonderful location where all this different elements combine together so greatly. It really ties it up. I could not think of a better location for this, because Greece is both beautiful, mysterious, mythological, vast and well known, and we both seriously doubt all this would work in a different location. I myself would not want to be the game director on the next installment, so to speak.
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At least Origins is a drag to play :(

I suspect I would feel the same with Odyssey.

TLDR: The last good AC game was 2.
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Odyssey was the first AC game where I kept on playing all the side-mission stuff after I was done with the main storyline. Never got bored even though it has by far the largest map.


Yeah i have said the same myself on here before. Probably my fave game from the past 2 or 3 years.
And say what you want about Ubisoft, but they sure give you 'bang for your buck' with their games.


Tag, you're it.
It can be the most awesome game ever for you that's not a problem, but it's a really bad Assassin's Creed game :messenger_fistbump:
I'm still enjoying Odyssey 140 hours in, 78% completed. Gameplay wise it's very fun and quite challenging in the hardest difficulty setting, where you die with a couple of hits. It could have been even better if the setting was history-based rather than a fantasy one. Origins felt a lot more realistic in this regard. Also, the map is too damn big, with many repetitive activities.


It can be the most awesome game ever for you that's not a problem, but it's a really bad Assassin's Creed game :messenger_fistbump:

And I think that is exactly why it works. I can understand that some people feel like this. I just feel like it completely freed itself from some arbitrary and long in the tooth shackles.

I'm waiting for the Roman game. Greece was the foundation for Rome.


I think Rome would be too similar. That would for me feel too much like swapping one thing for the next. I truly feel that Odyssey is the pinnacle of what Origins started and that Rome would be too much of the same.


I'm still enjoying Odyssey 140 hours in, 78% completed. Gameplay wise it's very fun and quite challenging in the hardest difficulty setting, where you die with a couple of hits. It could have been even better if the setting was history-based rather than a fantasy one. Origins felt a lot more realistic in this regard. Also, the map is too damn big, with many repetitive activities.

I can believe the realistic argument, but I LOVE the fact that history and mythology are so intertwined. Greece without it would take away the epicness (hate that word but okay) of it all. That is one of the factors that make it feel so great, although maybe not traditionally AC...
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You are not alone OP. I agree with your observations. I enjoyed Odyssey more than I thought i would, especially after playing thru Origins.


Being not a 'real' Assassins Creed game is why Origins and Odyssey are so good imo.
I could never really get into the other AC games, except Black Flag, but that was more to do with the fact that you could pretty much play it as a pirate simulator.
Origins and Odyssey are pretty much huge open world RPG's now, and they are all the better for it.
They really need to drop the future stuff by now though, its not needed anymore and just feels tacked on at this point.


Being not a 'real' Assassins Creed game is why Origins and Odyssey are so good imo.
I could never really get into the other AC games, except Black Flag, but that was more to do with the fact that you could pretty much play it as a pirate simulator.
Origins and Odyssey are pretty much huge open world RPG's now, and they are all the better for it.
They really need to drop the future stuff by now though, its not needed anymore and just feels tacked on at this point.

Very true. I feel the game would be even better without it. It really doesn't need it. I don't care who Layla Hassan and her friends are, or who they are fighting against or whatever... I just want to continue on Kassandra's wonderful journey through the Greek lands!


Nah the last good Creed game was the first one. You actually had to put in some effort to get info on your targets and shit. Sure it was repetitive, but it was the closest thing to the actual history books on the Hashashin during the Crusades.

Every other game threw all of that away and just got more outrageous and comic book like.

Oranges and Odyssey might as well just be new IPs. I did finish Origins but man Odyssey was just too damn big for its own good. Also the side quests were dull as shit and the combat (like the rest of the series) requires zero skill. The enemies always hanging around your level didn't help either. Here you're supposed to be this absolute Greek god like badass, but Im still chipping away at a fuckers health on the first area of the game 60 hours in (granted Im aware this has been patched but its still bullshit and should've been left out altogether).


Nah the last good Creed game was the first one. You actually had to put in some effort to get info on your targets and shit. Sure it was repetitive, but it was the closest thing to the actual history books on the Hashashin during the Crusades.

Every other game threw all of that away and just got more outrageous and comic book like.

Oranges and Odyssey might as well just be new IPs. I did finish Origins but man Odyssey was just too damn big for its own good. Also the side quests were dull as shit and the combat (like the rest of the series) requires zero skill. The enemies always hanging around your level didn't help either. Here you're supposed to be this absolute Greek god like badass, but Im still chipping away at a fuckers health on the first area of the game 60 hours in (granted Im aware this has been patched but its still bullshit and should've been left out altogether).

The outrageousness really fits the Greek setting well (or perhaps the other way around), in my opinion. That is WHY it works for me. Also I get your point about hitting targets. But I don't care about hitting targets. I care about the stories of the people, the history of the world around me. It's not historically accurate, but it is really interesting. That's why it clicked for me; I want to see more of it, so much more.
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The outrageousness really fits the Greek setting well (or perhaps the other way around), in my opinion. That is WHY it works for me. Also I get your point about hitting targets. But I don't care about hitting targets. I care about the stories of the people, the history of the world around me. It's not historically accurate, but it is really interesting. That's why it clicked for me; I want to see more of it, so much more.

Yeah I definitely put it closer to a superhero open world game than anything else. One thing current open world Ubi does is certainly give you your moneys worth in terms of content. So many free quests and stuff they just dole out like candy. A couple of those super monster bosses that you take on were actually pretty well done.

The Alien

I agree.

I was never a huge fan of AC games. People wouldn't shit up about how awesome Odyssey was and I grabbed it dirt cheap on Black Friday. Basically been playing it since (medusa's a real bitch, though).

I think it's a great game, but I still marvel at what a technical triumph it is. The game is huge and looks phenomenal. I'm amazed that I can go into soon many buildings, can watch an active city or seas from afar.

Kudos Ubi, kudos.


am not even gonna call a game with such janky combat one of the best. on my dead rotten body

look at these shit tier animations.

Well I would love to know what constitutes good animations then in games on the SAME scale... (so yeah that disqualifies Bloodborne)... I would really love to see it...

And if janky animation can really destroy a game this encompassing to you, then I don't know what perfection you are used to playing.
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Well I would love to know what constitutes good animations then in games on the same scale... (so yeah that disqualifies Bloodborne)... I would really love to see it...

pretty sure this is was developed by a staff much larger than blooborne. one is just cheap and pushed out for the masses and one is good

ubisoft games are he equivalent of fast food.


Gentlemen, we can rebuild it. We have the capability to make the world's first enhanced store. Steam will be that store. Better than it was before.
I'm glad to see so many people liked the game, including OP

I'm not sure about "best of this generation" but it was a great game. "One of the best", maybe but the verdict is still out on that one. I personally liked it better as an epic single player experience than other games last year like God of War or Detroit which I found kind of surprising.


I agree.

I was never a huge fan of AC games. People wouldn't shit up about how awesome Odyssey was and I grabbed it dirt cheap on Black Friday. Basically been playing it since (medusa's a real bitch, though).

I think it's a great game, but I still marvel at what a technical triumph it is. The game is huge and looks phenomenal. I'm amazed that I can go into soon many buildings, can watch an active city or seas from afar.

Kudos Ubi, kudos.

The absolutely stunning views you can get is one of the things I left out of the OP, but yes, those are god-tier and jawdropping sometimes.


Also, can we all agree that the woke message about how many genders worked on the game beforehand needs to go? (Of course it wont)

I don't care that Bill who identifies as a lizard on Tuesdays and Thursdays helped make your game.


I agree.

I was never a huge fan of AC games. People wouldn't shit up about how awesome Odyssey was and I grabbed it dirt cheap on Black Friday. Basically been playing it since (medusa's a real bitch, though).

I think it's a great game, but I still marvel at what a technical triumph it is. The game is huge and looks phenomenal. I'm amazed that I can go into soon many buildings, can watch an active city or seas from afar.

Kudos Ubi, kudos.
I didnt like the Medusa fight, problem is that my memory is dreadful and i cant quite remember why i didnt like it, just that i didnt.
Also i was 80 hours in, and just started the cult quest thing where you have to hunt down the cultists. Anyway i took a break for the Anthem beta, the Division beta, and Anthem full game etc. And i remember being stuck on the cultist quest becasuse it said that the more cultists you killed, more info and other cultists would unlock, but i killed all the available cultists and no other cultists unlocked. If anyone could give me some advice, or tell me what i'm doing wrong, i'd appreciate it, because i'm done with Anthem now and i'm going to go back to Odyssey.


Also, can we all agree that the woke message about how many genders worked on the game beforehand needs to go? (Of course it wont)

I don't care that Bill who identifies as a lizard on Tuesdays and Thursdays helped make your game.

I think it's a fine handreach to those who care about such a thing. I myself love having people of all walks of life work on my game, if only for differing creative viewpoints.


am not even gonna call a game with such janky combat one of the best. on my dead rotten body

look at these shit tier animations.

Combat is fine once you get used to it. Witcher 3 has much more janky comabat imo, and people praise that as a masterpiece (Odyseey is better imo, both great RPG's though).


I didnt like the Medusa fight, problem is that my memory is dreadful and i cant quite remember why i didnt like it, just that i didnt.
Also i was 80 hours in, and just started the cult quest thing where you have to hunt down the cultists. Anyway i took a break for the Anthem beta, the Division beta, and Anthem full game etc. And i remember being stuck on the cultist quest becasuse it said that the more cultists you killed, more info and other cultists would unlock, but i killed all the available cultists and no other cultists unlocked. If anyone could give me some advice, or tell me what i'm doing wrong, i'd appreciate it, because i'm done with Anthem now and i'm going to go back to Odyssey.

Sometimes you can get hints during either main quests, or sidequests. Sometimes there is a description with a cultist on where you can find a clue. Like ''this fort contains a clue for this cultist'' or something like that.


Also, can we all agree that the woke message about how many genders worked on the game beforehand needs to go? (Of course it wont)

I don't care that Bill who identifies as a lizard on Tuesdays and Thursdays helped make your game.
Yep i hate that, but they do it on all their games.
It pisses me off more that they feel that have to show that, just to please SJW's.


Combat is fine once you get used to it. Witcher 3 has much more janky comabat imo, and people praise that as a masterpiece (Odyseey is better imo, both great RPG's though).

Alright I hope you didn't awake the Witcher defense force with that one, haha! (I also like Odyssey more, but indeed both fine games).
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Yep i hate that, but they do it on all their games.
It pisses me off more that they feel that have to show that, just to please SJW's.

I don’t think they do it for the Far Cry’s unless I’m mistaken

Don’t think it’s there for Ghost Recon or Watch Dogs either
My only complaints about it would be how op some abilities are and the stupid a.i. There's no way I should have been able to kill Exekias while at level 30 just by running around a shed and using rush assassinate/hero strike.

Plus fuck boats, I would rather swim 2k and kill the crew one by one.


I really liked it. It made me go from actively avoiding Ubisoft games to being slightly optimistic about their new projects. It's a fun game with tons of things to see and do, and fun gameplay that's vastly improved over previous iterations (except maybe Origins but I didn't play that one)

I did have issues with it though:

-I still think it has a lot of issues when it comes to the writing. The main story wasn't very interesting to me nor did any of the characters really stand out. It's one of those games where I kept playing to see the new locations and find fun new sidequests but where I never felt interest in knowing what would happen next. Also, at this point the greater Assassins Creed narrative is just getting in the way. These games could be so much better if they were just standalone RPG's in historical settings

- The way it scales everything also makes it very monotonous and repetitive after a while. Aside from a few fun new skills, fights 40 hours into the game didn't feel all that different than when I was only 5 hours in. My attack going from 5 damage per hit to 500 means nothing if dozens of hours later I'm still fighting the same enemy types and it's still taking like 10 hits to kill them.

-Despite all the scaling, at a few points you I had to grind for levels to continue with the main quest which sucked. It felt like unnecessary padding and it made sidequests feel like some checklist activities I had to go find instead of fun side stories I would just stumble upon while exploring the world. I also can't help but be annoyed by a game having some grindy spots.....when they are selling a double XP option for $10.
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