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Assassin's Creed Odyssey is one of the best games this generation... Fight me!


Deleted member 471617

Unconfirmed Member
AC Odyssey was an excellent game. My second best of 2018 only behind God of War.


Shitty game, level cap is "broken" and you should buy timesaver for 10€ not to grind, fuck this game.
I'm big fan of the series and i have to quit it for that bullshit, level cap jumps 8 level in main mission and force me to do many hours of side missions to be good enough level to continue, i don't have time for that!
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Origins had better world design, protagonist, melee, bows, skills, loot, quests, Shadow of Mordor rip-off, art, lighting and music. It also had a lot of boobs.
What Odyssey does better is the naval combat and I guess the main quest does not turn into a barely coherent mess in its final third.


I have all Assassin's Creed games up to Revelations. One day I woke up, looked into the mirror and asked myself what the hell I was doing with my life. Since that day I haven't played any more Assassin's Creed games because it's a rather boring, repetitive and micro transaction-infested experience with no heart and soul whatsoever.

Every time I imagine how Assassin's Creed is developed I see a sweatshop assembly line, working 365 days a year to shove another mediocre game down our throats just before Christmas. I urge everyone to play better games than Assassin's Creed, they're not hard to find.


It's not even as good as Rogue in the AC library, OP.

Setting's pretty cool, but the nemesis system sucks and bullet (sword?) sponge enemies don't have a place in an assassin game, IMO.


Neo Member
It`s a very good game, but it feels too long and generic, i dont have any problem with grinding gear, but with the world being so big that most of the town are just too common.


I have all Assassin's Creed games up to Revelations. One day I woke up, looked into the mirror and asked myself what the hell I was doing with my life. Since that day I haven't played any more Assassin's Creed games because it's a rather boring, repetitive and micro transaction-infested experience with no heart and soul whatsoever.

Every time I imagine how Assassin's Creed is developed I see a sweatshop assembly line, working 365 days a year to shove another mediocre game down our throats just before Christmas. I urge everyone to play better games than Assassin's Creed, they're not hard to find.

I totally disagree with this. There are so many moments, little details, little dialogues in Odyssey where you can see the heart and passion of the individual artists shine through. I think people who dismiss this as being factory assembled haven't looked good enough to see it. It is FILLED with those things.

Do understand it with older AC's but not in this one...

Deleted member 740922

Unconfirmed Member
Loved it OP. I put 115 hours into it and was never bored at all with it. Great game.


Hype Train conductor. Works harder than it steams.
Best games of this generation top 100? 200? Help me out here.
I see nothing special about it and I got Gold Edition, I've played a few hours at Launch and decided it was Origins but in Greece which doesn't help because Origins had Greek Cities in it too. Everything is too samey to Origins.
The map is better flushed out, and Alexios is funny as fuck, I give it that.
So they got Alexios right, Kassandra not so much, She's more bland then anything, I think Conner had more emotion and She's no Evie or Elise
And I'm sure they just put a womans head on Alexios body called it a day, And whats worse is Kassandra does exactly the same dialogue but seems to come off stiff and serious when it's ment to comedic.
Its a actor acting vs someone reading the script out loud.
And because of that I see no put but choice other then to play as a woman, which I would have loved a second female character with a different story and combat type
But ya, they definitely photoshop some girls head on the male character.
I'm currently playing it now as I've sent 80 quid on it, maybe it gets better but I doubt it'll be one of the best games of the generation.


Best games of this generation top 100? 200? Help me out here.
I see nothing special about it and I got Gold Edition, I've played a few hours at Launch and decided it was Origins but in Greece which doesn't help because Origins had Greek Cities in it too. Everything is too samey to Origins.
The map is better flushed out, and Alexios is funny as fuck, I give it that.
So they got Alexios right, Kassandra not so much, She's more bland then anything, I think Conner had more emotion and She's no Evie or Elise
And I'm sure they just put a womans head on Alexios body called it a day, And whats worse is Kassandra does exactly the same dialogue but seems to come off stiff and serious when it's ment to comedic.
Its a actor acting vs someone reading the script out loud.
And because of that I see no put but choice other then to play as a woman, which I would have loved a second female character with a different story and combat type
But ya, they definitely photoshop some girls head on the male character.
I'm currently playing it now as I've sent 80 quid on it, maybe it gets better but I doubt it'll be one of the best games of the generation.

I found Kassandra's VA to be much better though... Sorry man...


Hype Train conductor. Works harder than it steams.
I found Kassandra's VA to be much better though... Sorry man...
No need to be sorry, you choose Kassandra and thought her delivery was good, thats how you enjoyed the game.
But I played 5 hours with Kassandra and thought nothing of it the voice acting was fine and then 2 hours of Alexios before I decided Alexios was how it was ment to be as me my brother was in tears laughing.
The dude is funny and theres no way those line was ment to be any otherway, his facial reaction and how he responds to everything is completely absent with Kassandra.
But some people might not like that.

Wow, AC combat is shit.
The old games was better and so is Witcher 3's
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I had a great time with it but ultimately I felt like Origins was better to play (I still don't understand why a Spartan can't use a goddamn shield) and had a better story.
Odyssey is too big for its own good. It's bloated. The dialogue choices and... ugh.. romance options were unnecessary additions. Instead of one good protagonist we have 2 half baked ones.

Origins was more focused. The size o the map was just right. Bayek was likeable and made me care about his quest for vengeance. And combat was better IMHO.


I enjoyed it for the first 10 hours or so then it got as boring and repetitive as the rest of the AC games.


A fantastic game. My most played game this generation, right after Witcher 3 and Halo 5.
I'm happy you like it OP.

For me personally it was the worst AC so far. I though the game world was very bland and generic - and this applies to most quests as well. Most locations are just "Kill commander and loot treasure" and for me, who is always OCD in AC, this was a real fun killer.

For contrast: Origins was for me the best AC ever and one of the greatest games I have ever played.

Always funny to see how people's opinions diverge when it comes to AC. :messenger_grinning_sweat:


Playing Origins post-game atm. Going to launch into Odyssey afterwards. The Origins ending was terrible, but the game in general is fun. I just wish they'd clean up the combat.


“Right game for the right time in your life” often gets misconstrued into “this game must be objectively special because I like like it, and I wouldn’t love anything ordinary.”

Ubi games aren’t special; rather they are polished and expensive corporate products that tap into bits of human psychology that make us repeatedly tap buttons on bits of plastic. Addictive time wasters? You bet. Something special, lord no.


I didn't finish it. It's an OK game, but it gets so fucking boring. Ubisoft games all feel the same. Initially they're fun, but the repetition and grind just kill it.


Well i only put in 10-15 hours into it , the combat is good , nice and tight , It looks fantastic aswell and they are the High points for me in my brief time in playing the game.

At the end of the day , its a Ubisoft borefest with laughably bad written , repetitive missions.

Also a pet peev of mine is , they take an american voice actor and they put on a stupid Greek tone , whilst speaking English and they try to sound like stavarious who works down my local Kebab shop ( Crystals best Kebabs in London )


@ DS_Joost DS_Joost Alright I believe you :) I intend on playing it someday. It's really the first AC that interests me (at all), so could be fun. Though.. it's such a HUGE game, I really need to get in the right mood/headspace to tackle it.


So I have owned and Assassin's Creed Odyssey since it came out last October, but I have just recently really gotten into it. I am now 35 hours in and my god is this game much better than several people's reaction would've let me to believe it is. Most of the discussions surrounding the game revolved around the microtransactions and the fact that people think the game is artificially grindy. I for one, can understand such concerns, however I do believe that has been removed with the last update containing level-scaling options. Now, onto why I think it's one of the best games of this generation:

I am also a big fan of Assassin's Creed Odyssey (and Origins too, for what it's worth).
The historical settings are always enjoyable and technically the games are impressive.

The main criticisms I would have are the pacing of the story and the amount of content in the game.
This is a criticism I have for most open world experiences these days.
The stories are never well focused and driven and there's too much stuff to do.

It's a super enjoyable game though.
One of the best of this generation? I think so, yes.
It's a game designed to make you buy stupid shit in-game.

That is, a game that actively wastes your time, just to push you into buying the xp upgrade or other items.

No way I'm playing this shit. Even if everything else is fine.

Such games deserve to just be forgotten.
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GerAlt-Right. Ciriously.
Origins was a better game in terms of story and setting, although I do give a gameplay edge to Odyssey.

For me, Egypt was just a better designed setting than Greece. Every location felt unique, while Greece locations felt like they could be anywhere.


It's a game designed to make you buy stupid shit in-game.

That is, a game that actively wastes your time, just to push you into buying the xp upgrade or other items.

No way I'm playing this shit. Even if everything else is fine.

Such games deserve to just be forgotten.

Keep fighting the good fight then. Meanwhile I am loving every part of this game so far and wouldn't have missed it for the world...


Tears of Nintendo
I will not fight anyone, but I must say that after playing Origins, I've decided strongly that no way in hell I'll be buying and playing Odyssey, I just fuckin' won't. Now the reason why is that these games are just too fuckin' huge and long for no fuckin' reason but to bore you to death with repetative gameplay, mission objectives, boring as fuck side-quests, kill all the interest that you had in the setting and they're outstaying their welcome so fast and so many times over the course of playthrough that I can't even count.

The good game knows when to stop, the bad game on the other hand countinues to bore you and makes you question your purchase decision. Now, it doesn't fuckin' matter how long have you been playing the game, cuz if you've been playing it for so long and it only gets worse and worse or just boring as fuck over the course of the playthrough, this game is fuckin' bad, man, and it does not deserve your attention. So, well, there it is. I guess, it's good that they've mixed some things into these games to make them feel somewhat new, fresh and I see it, can feel it even, cuz new things are there, but fuckin' hell there arn't many of them, not much variaty of what you can do in the world and they need to stop making games so fuckin' huge and boring.

Just... just get to the fucking point over the course of 15-20 hours please, cuz I don't give a shit about poor people's problems in games, we have enough of all this shit in real life and I don't give a shit about them in games, moreover don't want to see them in games. I'm not playing games to watch and see all this miserable shit. I JUST WANT TO HAVE FUN! HAVE FUN PLAYING THE GAME! NOT BEING BORED TO DEATH FOR 60-100 HOURS, SAVING AND CARYING STUPID IDOITS ON MY BACK 359817359081039581039865 TIMES FROM ONE PLACE TO ANOTHER. Jesus Christ Almighty, have fuckin' mercy, huh?!

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Haven't played Odyssey yet, but based on Orgins, I would probably like it. Having beaten every mainline AC except for Unity (fuck that buggy shit), I must say that although the series is fun, the games aren't really goty worthy. Here are some flaws that plague pretty much every entry: crappy modern day parts , a bunch of half-baked content/filler and numerous bugs and glitches. Origins already had so many boring and repetitive sidequests and I hear Odyssey has even more of them. In my mind GOTY or GOTG is something that has basically no filler or crappy parts, like Mario 3. Just pure gaming goodness from start to finish.
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If only my penis was as big as my GamerScore!
It's ok. Too similar to Origins, which is too similar to every other Ubisoft game. The formula is just stale and I can't stomach it for any length of time anymore. Maybe if these games were shorter.
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The Alien

I didnt like the Medusa fight, problem is that my memory is dreadful and i cant quite remember why i didnt like it, just that i didnt.
Also i was 80 hours in, and just started the cult quest thing where you have to hunt down the cultists. Anyway i took a break for the Anthem beta, the Division beta, and Anthem full game etc. And i remember being stuck on the cultist quest becasuse it said that the more cultists you killed, more info and other cultists would unlock, but i killed all the available cultists and no other cultists unlocked. If anyone could give me some advice, or tell me what i'm doing wrong, i'd appreciate it, because i'm done with Anthem now and i'm going to go back to Odyssey.
That's another aspect of the game that wowed me. I was about 80 hours in also when I unlocked the cultist stuff too. Too have done so much, worked against a main story line and then to have to hunt down like 30 more people was crazy!!! (In a good way).

For the cultists, go into each cultist that isnt yet available. They should have hints of were to look for further clues. Some are random odd jobs from helping citizens, etc.
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