Digital Foundry: Assassin's Creed Shadows - PS5 Pro vs PS5 Review - One Of The Best Upgrades For The System


Identifies as young
Impressions based on performance mode i think?
I already said that my impression is that the low resolution, lack of hair physics, and fairly obvious cut in detail, viewing distance, vegetation, etc. seemed like too much of a compromise for 60fps.

Do you have a VRR TV? If so, don't you consider 40fps (balanced) mode a good substitute?

P.S. Oliver from DF, I think, was a bit grurrr with the "one of the best upgrades for Pro" thing. And in fact, it's leading a lot of people to take a reality check.
On social media, he's now saying something like that statement is focused on performance mode vs. base consoles because he thinks it's the mode he values the most... 🤔

Yes, performance is the only mode I'll play on consoles. Honeslty, even performance mode feels a bit choppy. Balanced is just worse. I may just be spoiled playing on PC and then moving over, but I've done the same with Dragon's Dogma 2 and Space Marine 2 and the difference wasn't nearly as jarring.

It's kinda funny thinking back to how anti-VRR/120hz this place was just a few years ago.

Eh....this "place" also made VRR out to be the greatest thing ever created for gaming. As usual, the truth doesn't match the extreme takes on either side.

Tank? Do you mean if the PC version also drops to 30fps in the Hideout like consoles?

I think the only place PC version locks FPS is for the cut-scenes.

That is correct


so no fps drops in the hideout for PC
got it

Yep. Hideout:





Moderated wildly
as expected, one of the best texture streaming implementations ever
one of the best dlss implementations I've ever seen (nvidia app override available). even 1080p dlss 3 quality looks good but dlss 4 is something else
smooth framepacing
great scalability between presets, and even medium looks great
game runs like a dream
even the dynamic resolution runs properly on PC

For fucks sake! Stop it i can only get so erect!

Worth buying just for the eye candy?


For fucks sake! Stop it i can only get so erect!

Worth buying just for the eye candy?
people say the game is good too so could be worth it imo

I'd say it is worth it for Naoe's hair alone. looks unique, never seen anything quite like it

My advice?
Games are always a great purchase even just for graphics :D

But what do I know... I am watching youtube shorts 4 hours a day

are u joking or do you really watch shorts 4 hours a day for real?
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Can’t Git Gud
people say the game is good too so could be worth it imo

I'd say it is worth it for Naoe's hair alone. looks unique, never seen anything quite like it

are u joking or do you really watch shorts 4 hours a day for real?
Man I don't know what I am doing.
The only game I played and finished this year was Wukong.
Last year only handful of titles (finished 9 only. miserable).
I do come from work. Sit on my secretlab chair. Scroll yt shorts.... fall asleep in my chair with head down. Wake up after 20-30 minutes. Feel like shit. Go argue on some forums.
When I watch content, I usually watch youtube or twitch. Few tabs open... and scroll shorts in another tab.

I know I am brain rotting but it keeps happening.
The funny thing is, my wife sits there on the couch brain rotting on instagram (I don't have instagram).
And my best friend similar age as me... also scrolls shorts.
It's a perfectly engineered time waster / brain rotter.

Think about it? Why play games myself? I can watch other people play them... and watch yt shorts about any crap possible to give jolt to my stupid brain.

I bought Wilds on release. Not launched ONCE.
But I am not forcing anything. it is what it is. I am sure, I will get around eventually.

Seriously - you guys are surprised people are brainrotting on yt shorts? Everyone I know is affected lol. It's like a sickness.
tl;dr Maybe not 4 hours of shorts alone but for sure yt+twitch+shorts 4 hours? EASILY... and forums
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Man I don't know what I am doing.
The only game I played and finished this year was Wukong.
Last year only handful of titles (finished 9 only. miserable).
I do come from work. Sit on my secretlab chair. Scroll yt shorts.... fall asleep in my chair with head down. Wake up after 20-30 minutes. Feel like shit. Go argue on some forums.
When I watch content, I usually watch youtube or twitch. Few tabs open... and scroll shorts in another tab.

I know I am brain rotting but it keeps happening.
The funny thing is, my wife sits there on the couch brain rotting on instagram (I don't have instagram).
And my best friend similar age as me... also scrolls shorts.
It's a perfectly engineered time waster / brain rotter.

Think about it? Why play games myself? I can watch other people play them... and watch yt shorts about any crap possible to give jolt to my stupid brain.

I bought Wilds on release. Not launched ONCE.
But I am not forcing anything. it is what it is. I am sure, I will get around eventually.

Seriously - you guys are surprised people are brainrotting on yt shorts? Everyone I know is affected lol. It's like a sickness.
tl;dr Maybe not 4 hours of shorts alone but for sure yt+twitch+shorts 4 hours? EASILY... and forums
I hope u can get out of it and play wilds because its such a damn fun game.
I think u would enjoy ac shadows too
I get you though, sometimes you just don't want to play any games or watch any movies or anything that requires proper attention. that is why I keep avoiding playing baldurs gate 3. didn't play anything for 4 months myself. often watched movies and whatnot. indiana jones took me out of it. you gotta find something to take you out of it
however I think it is healthier to argue on forums than to watch youtube shorts which ultimately what I end up doing lol


Loves his juicy stink trail scent
Man I don't know what I am doing.
The only game I played and finished this year was Wukong.
Last year only handful of titles (finished 9 only. miserable).
I do come from work. Sit on my secretlab chair. Scroll yt shorts.... fall asleep in my chair with head down. Wake up after 20-30 minutes. Feel like shit. Go argue on some forums.
When I watch content, I usually watch youtube or twitch. Few tabs open... and scroll shorts in another tab.

I know I am brain rotting but it keeps happening.
The funny thing is, my wife sits there on the couch brain rotting on instagram (I don't have instagram).
And my best friend similar age as me... also scrolls shorts.
It's a perfectly engineered time waster / brain rotter.

Think about it? Why play games myself? I can watch other people play them... and watch yt shorts about any crap possible to give jolt to my stupid brain.

I bought Wilds on release. Not launched ONCE.
But I am not forcing anything. it is what it is. I am sure, I will get around eventually.

Seriously - you guys are surprised people are brainrotting on yt shorts? Everyone I know is affected lol. It's like a sickness.
tl;dr Maybe not 4 hours of shorts alone but for sure yt+twitch+shorts 4 hours? EASILY... and forums
Play animal well.

It’s the truth.
I agree with Topher Topher , the Performance mode on the PS5 Pro needs some work, it's not as bad as Avatar but there is a big enough trade off as the image quality goes down the drain.

However, when I switch to the 30 FPS, Jesus Christ this game is beautiful... I remember sinking 150 hours into AC Odyssey, and it's visuals are ingrained in my head and I can say that Shadows is a truly generational leap over it, the lighting combined with the highly detailed geometry. Just wow!
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When did this happen?
Regularly, before the PS5 got VRR. People would argue that 120hz screens made games look worse and that VRR was an unnecessary crutch that PS5 didn't need. Tons of ridiculous shit that magically went away as soon as PS started adding 40 fps modes to their games. Literally 80% of the arguments I'd get into on this place back then was about VRR/120hz/OLEDs are useless, etc.


Ugh, I'm torn. I'm so torn. My favorite thing is doing GREAT by playing something very well that I detest. Noooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Meryl Streep Doubt GIF
Same here. But don’t fall into the dark side. It is just the same repetitive open world slop fest, but with awesome tech!!

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Mr Moose

Regularly, before the PS5 got VRR. People would argue that 120hz screens made games look worse and that VRR was an unnecessary crutch that PS5 didn't need. Tons of ridiculous shit that magically went away as soon as PS started adding 40 fps modes to their games. Literally 80% of the arguments I'd get into on this place back then was about VRR/120hz/OLEDs are useless, etc.
Are you sure they weren't talking about VRS? I don't remember anyone being against VRR (except if devs are shit and rely on it), I only remember Riky hyping it up like it was the greatest thing ever.


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
Are you sure they weren't talking about VRS? I don't remember anyone being against VRR (except if devs are shit and rely on it), I only remember Riky hyping it up like it was the greatest thing ever.

Might be old to find, but there were definitely posts where folks would dismiss it as a gimmick or something. Not saying it was widespread, but there were certainly a few eggs which used to do that.
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I’m genuinely annoyed at ps fans towing the line for a “generational upgrade on pro here”. This blatant falsehood cheapens anything the community says.

The pro is sold as ps5 30 quality to 60 on pro. Thats the baseline, and we’re not even getting that, with no hair strand tech and lower res compared to ps5 quality. If anything it is underwhelming and nothing like a gen leap considering the base ps5 does the tech.

Zoinks….im outta here….


I’m genuinely annoyed at ps fans towing the line for a “generational upgrade on pro here”. This blatant falsehood cheapens anything the community says.

The pro is sold as ps5 30 quality to 60 on pro. Thats the baseline, and we’re not even getting that, with no hair strand tech and lower res compared to ps5 quality. If anything it is underwhelming and nothing like a gen leap considering the base ps5 does the tech.

Zoinks….im outta here….

I was called a nitpicker when I pointed out that claiming this is "the biggest gap ever in sub generation updates for console gaming" (yes this is a word for word quote) was a total exaggeration of this pro upgrade, by also comparing it to last gen upgrades like Gears 5 on One X, which ran at up to 4x the resolution of the base version and at twice the framerate and higher settings, an enormously larger pro patch by comparison (they aren't even really comparable tbh... like... 8x the pixels per second from base to pro system is insane).

what we see here is effectively a 50% performance boost over the base PS5. the Pro performance mode runs at the same settings as the Base PS5 Balanced mode. the difference between them is 20fps higher performance on Pro, and that´s it
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I didn't get the physical boxed PS5 version until almost 7pm (cheers Amazon!) so didn't get long to play it on the PS5 Pro version last night.

Only got to finish the prologue. However, the game does look stunning on the Pro - it's defaulted to the 30 fps Quality mode on my console but I switched to the 40 fps Balance mode before starting the game. 40 fps feels absolutely fine in this game and perceptively like 60 fps (since I never actually switched to the 60 fps Performance mode which helps!). The game runs smoothly on my LG C3 with no obvious framerate drops (so far) and the HDR presentation looks stunning as do the graphics overall (where the superb character models are shown off well in the many excellently directed cutscenes).

The only graphical issue I saw, besides some minor artifacting/flickering as a result of the upscaling (which is barely noticeable anyway unless I look for it), was a texture on a chest I was hiding in a Naoe where the texture would switch between various resolutions from ultra low to ultra high as I moved the camera around. Clearly, some kind of texture streaming bug and this was the only place I saw it during the first mission where you have to infiltrate a castle to retrieve a stolen box.
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Are you sure they weren't talking about VRS? I don't remember anyone being against VRR (except if devs are shit and rely on it), I only remember Riky hyping it up like it was the greatest thing ever.
No, it was 100% VRR. The discourse around VRR here when XSX had it and PS5 didn't was crazy.


Gold Member
Man I don't know what I am doing.
The only game I played and finished this year was Wukong.
Last year only handful of titles (finished 9 only. miserable).
I do come from work. Sit on my secretlab chair. Scroll yt shorts.... fall asleep in my chair with head down. Wake up after 20-30 minutes. Feel like shit. Go argue on some forums.
When I watch content, I usually watch youtube or twitch. Few tabs open... and scroll shorts in another tab.

I know I am brain rotting but it keeps happening.
The funny thing is, my wife sits there on the couch brain rotting on instagram (I don't have instagram).
And my best friend similar age as me... also scrolls shorts.
It's a perfectly engineered time waster / brain rotter.

Think about it? Why play games myself? I can watch other people play them... and watch yt shorts about any crap possible to give jolt to my stupid brain.

I bought Wilds on release. Not launched ONCE.
But I am not forcing anything. it is what it is. I am sure, I will get around eventually.

Seriously - you guys are surprised people are brainrotting on yt shorts? Everyone I know is affected lol. It's like a sickness.
tl;dr Maybe not 4 hours of shorts alone but for sure yt+twitch+shorts 4 hours? EASILY... and forums
Brain rot is one thing but you seem to be perfectly aware of the situation and how unsatisfied you are without finding the drive to get out of there. You might suffer from depression or something...
If you can see someone to talk about this it might help you a lot.
In any case i wish you will soon be having fun playing the games you like and not just watching them !


Can’t Git Gud
Brain rot is one thing but you seem to be perfectly aware of the situation and how unsatisfied you are without finding the drive to get out of there. You might suffer from depression or something...
If you can see someone to talk about this it might help you a lot.
In any case i wish you will soon be having fun playing the games you like and not just watching them !
Thanks. I am sure it's not a depresison. My life is good and all is fine.
but I do lack the drive. I am letting it naturally flow for now. perhaps it's just a normal break we all take from time to time.
I think (shorts, instagram, twitch, watching games being played) is something affecting plenty of people if not even majority. It's easy brain cheat to get more endorphins ez way.
But the fact that I am fully aware and don't do much about it is another issue :p


No, it was 100% VRR. The discourse around VRR here when XSX had it and PS5 didn't was crazy.

I'm still mad that I paid $1000+ for my Pro setup (Pro, disc drive, 4TB SSD) and Sony couldn't match the XSX VRR implementation with their $700 Pro console.
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I'm still mad that I paid $1000+ for my Pro setup (Pro, disc drive, 4TB SSD) and Sony couldn't match the XSX VRR implementation with their $700 Pro console.
I'll never understand why Sony went the way they went with VRR on PS5. And, yeah, the fact they didn't improve it for the Pro is baffling to me. It actually would have been another great selling point for the machine, IMO. Here's hoping they improve it for the PS6.


Xbox had VRR support day one (even before on One X) and PS5 launched without it.

VRR was used in a console war. Of course 1.5 years later when Sony patched it in (inferior version, still...) VRR stopped being the enemy for some people.
Did it stop being the enemy for some, or was it unable to be used as ammo by others?


It's kinda funny thinking back to how anti-VRR/120hz this place was just a few years ago.

No, it was 100% VRR. The discourse around VRR here when XSX had it and PS5 didn't was crazy.
Whenever a feature is present on one platform and not another, it's a reason for console wars. With the VRR issue, it was clearly praised or scorned depending on whether you were on one side or the other.

But I do believe that there was mostly a complete lack of knowledge and misinformation about what VRR was, and a majority either scorned or praised it based on whether it was on their platform or not. That is, people saying it "wasn't useful", "that it didn't contribute anything", that it was a technology with its days numbered, "only to eliminate tearing"... and others saying it made 25fps games go to a 60fps experience... 90% didn't even had VRR TVs!! 😂
In the end, it turned out to be a magnificent (though not miraculous) tool that greatly improves the gaming experience in many games and opens the door to enjoying 40fps, unlocked fps, and even 120fps modes on consoles.
That said, there was no doubt cause for praise and hats off to MS for delivering VRR in its best form so early in the technology's infancy. But we already know that's not something you can ask of people who hate X platafform above all else...🤷
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Gold Member
Thanks. I am sure it's not a depresison. My life is good and all is fine.
but I do lack the drive. I am letting it naturally flow for now. perhaps it's just a normal break we all take from time to time.
I think (shorts, instagram, twitch, watching games being played) is something affecting plenty of people if not even majority. It's easy brain cheat to get more endorphins ez way.
But the fact that I am fully aware and don't do much about it is another issue :p
Definitely what someone with depression would say :messenger_grinning_sweat: (im mostly kidding of course)

i'll stop derailing the thread and won't bother you with it anymore, but i take what you are saying as "im not depressed because i don't 'deserve' it" (meaning you have a good life and everything you should need to be happy when others who have it worse aren't depressed), and i think it could be good if you could talk about anything you want to talk about to someone who is able to listen.
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