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Assassin's Creed Odyssey |OT| This is Sparta

Because if people cheat in their single player game, they aren't going to buy our XP Boosters... in a SINGLE PLAYER game.

Real scummy move. My ass on the player experience. If they truly cared about that they wouldn't have made gaining levels such a huge grind and implement XP Boosters in the game for nearly £10.00!

Fuck off Ubi.


Honestly after the lovely experience i had in my 27 buck ac origin + dlc's and everything in it.

I really got pissed of in odyssey when i started. The FPS was terrible, barely had 50 fps in the party fight ( 9900k 5ghz, oc'ed 1080 ti., then afteri start the game ( bought the ultimate edition ) my 2 hour of exp/money boost was already consumed 10 minutes in without informing me how to pauze it = 20 minutes gone.

As the ultimate edition normally costs 120 euro's or something, they couldn't even bother to add that exp boost, there best value pack is 99,99 euro's ( lol ) and ofcourse they only sell 2400 if you need 1500 points for exp pack. then the insane prices and not even free ingame money with that expensive pack.

I felt kinda scammed already.

Anyway, playing the game now, no clue why they changed alt to shift really annoying but solvable.

Performance is terrible on ultra tho, barely 60 fps at times, gpu constantly on max used even at 1080p.

Saving solution from a really good system in origin towards now manual saving = bah.

Map is a huge downgrade, way better in origin.

The water doesn't look as good as in ac origin, something i really liked, boat waves are terrible. So also not that great. However the detail did went up so that's good on everything else.

My question however is, when i press V or better hold V in ac origin, i can see all kinds of items around me appearing visible as its somekind of scout button. its that removed in ACO? because it doesnt'seem to work anymore or did it change?

Also how to equip outfits?
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Bullet Club




If you don't have altantis already get it, its really good. It's 3 episodes with ~ 10 hours of content each in 3 different worlds. get for sure that first free world if you can.

Anyway my little review about the game.

Finally beated the game after origin with all dlc etc. Took me 93 hours. 100% the atlantis dlc didn't bother with the dlc 100% before it and the main game is only half done ( story completed tho ).

My experience with the game.

Will discuss the base game first:

1) Performance was rough, i could barely hold 60+ fps in towns on a 9900k oc'ed to 5,1ghz, and in caves and night fps would drop all the way down to sometimes 63 fps and that's at 1080p.

Ended up reducing volumetric fog to high, and fog to low which gave me 20 more fps overal ( city's still 60 fps lows tho ) and increased actually the quality of the game, the implementations of those two are pretty bad in this game.

Oh i played it on a 1080 ti. on average now i sat around the 85 fps which makes it a lot more smoother.

2) If you start choose the girl, the guy voice is really bad ( dlc it's fine, main game its bad ). Seems like they designed the game around the girl more.

3) Overwhelmed with stuff that happens at the start, everything gets thrown at you and honestly at the start it was more ??? what's all going on and why does things happen. The elite system with GTA stars not a fan of it. When you get a bit better geared and higher level its solid but early on its brutal. ( played it on hard mode )

4) Didn't like the map much, also the game is to big in my opinion. They would have been better if they cut down on large land area at the start which just feels like u are stuck on endlessly. The quests on the boards also is something i don't like. They should remove it, i already was 20+ the moment i left the first area as result

5) architecture wasn't as good as the origin game, also character isn't that likable and story introduction wasn't that much interesting to me.

6) The slow start and moving to other area's felt like i didn't really wanted to go into the world much. AC origin u had 12 marks on a map to go towards and everything was well worked out and pacing was great. This game it just felt like u are forever in a area.

7) All NPC's felt the same, pls kill this guy for me the end quests. All NPC's looked kinda the say specially in the start which made the game feel like unfinished or just copy past efforts to create more content. It was a steep downgrade from ac origin and made quests boring and dull filler stuff.

8) The spartan vs greek solution was also not a good idea, i rather had spartan vs persian area. But i guess it was there choice. The Battles are dull and non interesting.

9) Athene or the main city was pretty ugly in comparison towards ac origin which was absolutely stunning on every level. which kinda made it rough.

10) Lack of real progress really, and the dull quest line made it hard for me to move forwards.

11) combat is nice, no negative about that, however i would like to have a 1 click costum apply solution

12) Experience tokens u can get are far from needed in my experience, but honestly it feels like scummy business practise anyway. They should remove that directly specially in a game that costs a lot of money already and is single player after all

13) Too many cultists i already had my weapon at level 3-4 the moment i first discovered the upgrade stone, however never bothered finishing them because honestly the game was pretty easy after all already.

14 ) Biggest offender was movement speed, horses felt useless near city's also not having more then just horses kinda was a huge let down.

15) Boat department was pretty bad, rather not have it next time, the normal small boats are enough and because of the big boats the small boats are kinda completely useless. It's just the same shit over and over again. U want to get the teleport points and never look back really.

16) Visually the game wasn't much impressive, ac origin was pretty darn impressive looking and visually stunning, this game not so much. There where good looking area's don't get me wrong but the base game was pretty rough in general visually.

17) Give me a option that clearly showcases me where the DLC starts and what level its acceptable. I had to google a lot to figure out where to start a DLC or even find the DLC name for that matter.

Something like DLC 1: Legacy of the first blade start off quest. It's really hard to figure stuff out.

18) Animus stuff is god awful should be removed entirely, luckily it was almost non existent in the base game.

19) Also to many islands, if they reduced the main land stuff the islands would come faster i would probably like it a lot more, now however it was just to much.

20) I hate the light system really, pressing m to change day to night does not give you a really day light type of sunlight. it's always half dark and the daylight is only really short there. I like bright colors but instead it was mostly darkish / grayish.

21) Saving in this game was so so so so so BAD. AC origin never had a issue with the save system this game omg so so so bad. Please go back to AC origin save solution. I had to multiple manual save in encounters just to not lose half hours of progress.

Conclusion base game

Pretty bad to be honest, didn't really enjoy it much and forced myself through it to get to the DLC. Hoped it would improve after that. It was worse then origin for sure, from architecture to characters and gear looks to story to voice acting. The only plus side was the combat, but getting assaulted in any combat solution by those red guys endlessly because rather annoying.

DLC 1 : Legacy of the hidden blade


Felt like BOTW, some fetch quests with zelda's dad sitting there and this girl which felt more like zelda. The hunting quest honestly felt like i was starting the game all over again. Not so good start for sure.

Later on however i really liked it, story made sense. Pacing was fantastic and loved every piece of it ( won't spoil stuff ).

Episode 1:

Was great in general, slow start however.

Episode 2:

Also absolutely fantastic and the water battle was hard. really liked it. The ending felt a bit like a never ending one, they should have cut it up a little but in general the story was far more interesting specially as it covered also persians then the entire base game. Pacing was nice but a bit long at the end.

Episode 3:

Dark area mostly not a fan off, but in general again absolutely fantastic episode. Loved it. Ending was also nice.

DLC 2: Odyssey the Fate of Atlantis

The reason i bought ac odyssey to start with, i am big on mythology and frankly AC origin Pharoah second DLC was just amazing. I heard this DLC was kinda the same thing but with greek so i had to get the complete package to play through it now finally was the time.


Light puzzle was interesting, i like puzzles and then u find the opening of atlantis.

However there is a guy infront of it that informs u only that he wants to destroy the gates towards it. Big ???? because i want to go there. He sends u over and over again towards other fetch quests to get pieces to open the gates. Which pushes you to those mythical beasts that i already had 2 collected from ( didn't had to do the ogre quest as u could just get it from the ogre on that island that you can straight up kill so yea win for that one.

After beating those things i return and ended up my head slamming on the desk sitting and redoing things twice over with animus chick that i honestly find god awful. It's terrible.

After a few hours now trying to start the dam atlantis world, i still was stuck in this god awful dialogue i couldn't care for.

When finally stuff starts to move forwards, u enter into the DLC and dam it's worth ever single bit off it.

Episode 1: Fields of Elysium:

Absolutely beautiful, small world with content that isn't too big and a self contained story that goes fast and works well, new skills, beautiful new area's. I really liked this one. The NPC's and the characters where also really likable. A complete 180 from the base game, also 12 hour of content was exactly enough and fights becoming more difficult was also hardly needed. So i liked that a lot also. The new fight elements added extra dept towards combat.



Bright colors and beautiful high area's with lots and lots of plants everywhere. Stunning. Nothing like i expected to happen when entering. After a guy joined my stream he mentioned there where 2 more worlds which basically give me more a kingdom hearts fibe on a right way done same i had with ac origin pharaohs. Absolutely loved it.

Episode 2: Torment of Hades:

Oh boy not a fan of horror type of games and killing off all my colors yea no ty.

But i started and plunged myself through it as i really wanted to see atlantis ( hey they advertised with it on the picture so i guess that's the 3rd one right? ) so how bad could it possibly be?

Not bad at all actually

The visuals i got fast adapted towards and the returning characters from the main game where actually pretty good. The architecture even while everything was gray and black was absolutely fantastic and even the vulkano and sun where really solid looking. I liked the characters and voice acting in it for sure. And it grabbed me into the world straight away.

The armor solution to get into the area's was a pain i actually had to google the armor as the quest mark never showed up on my screen. After i got that solved the map was actually really likeable. Short, concrete and had a lot of fun going through it.



While really basic, the art style was absolutely fantastic and with the likeable story and characters + voice acting it was so much better then anything base game provided. It instantly resolved any issue's i had with the game in general after the first 2 episodes.

Then after some bad animus junk we finally arrived atlantis !.

Episode 3: judgement of Atlantis:

Boy oh boy the city, the water, the colors the plants, the people, the voice acting the start it gave me for some weird fibe kingdom heart 1 feelings when i was a kid when u entered a new level. It was absolutely fantastic looking, extremely likable story start etc etc. Also day and night system that's actually half decent that the other maps lacked was a plus point.



The enemy's where a lot harder which resulted me to change my tactics and spec to work with it.

After doing some basic starter quests, i started to explore the land and boy it looks absolutely fantastic, this is how the game should been entirely. Just these type of episodes al lteh way to the end with new area's / worlds etc after 12 hours of gameplay. It was so good in ac origins and it's absolutely fantastic in this DLC.

The story was absolutely fantastic, the new skills where interesting and specially the environment was drop dead gorgeous with a absolute solid story to boot. Characters where also extremely likable.

The little problems i did had with this episode was, lack of water creatures which i would aspect from atlantis, i would liked to see more mythological creatures really or bigger sea life which just wasn't there. Which was suprising to me.

Also another issue i had was the upgrade weapon system, the moment u can enter those level 3 access zones is basically when you completed the dlc for 95% already, which makes those skills kinda useless to gain at that point. They probably should have pushed them in some form earlier on.

Also didn't really like the end choices for the final fight much so i ended up googling the alternative ending which also wasn't much special. Kinda weird they went for that, felt really tacky.

Ending of it, with endless animus stuff was really bad. I rather had the option to tune out of that stuff entirely. It just felt so forced and tacked on that it made zero sense to me. It's god awful they need to drop it.

Complete conclusion about the entire game:

I paid 48 bucks for the game with everything in it, and frankly i don't think its worth it. a 29,99 price would probably be the target they should have aimed for, the 120 bucks they think that there game is worth with the ultimate edition will just result in endless piracy as it's simple way to much for what they offer and not having a edition with atlantis which is basically the best thing about odyssey is honestly worthless.

The base game was just straight up bad, the DLC's where absolutely fantastic specially the atlantis once and honestly they should just make that the base game and expand on it. I hope they do for there next game something like that. Or make the dlc stand alone solutions.
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From today until September 1, you can download the DLC The Fate of Atlantis episode 1 for assassins created Odyssey for free.
For XBOX One and PC, it is possible from today.
For playstation 4 from tomorrow!

Edit: for people who want to download it via steam.
Click on this link store.steampowered.com/app…756



NeoGAFs Kent Brockman


If you don't have altantis already get it, its really good. It's 3 episodes with ~ 10 hours of content each in 3 different worlds. get for sure that first free world if you can.

Anyway my little review about the game.

Finally beated the game after origin with all dlc etc. Took me 93 hours. 100% the atlantis dlc didn't bother with the dlc 100% before it and the main game is only half done ( story completed tho ).

My experience with the game.

Will discuss the base game first:

1) Performance was rough, i could barely hold 60+ fps in towns on a 9900k oc'ed to 5,1ghz, and in caves and night fps would drop all the way down to sometimes 63 fps and that's at 1080p.

Ended up reducing volumetric fog to high, and fog to low which gave me 20 more fps overal ( city's still 60 fps lows tho ) and increased actually the quality of the game, the implementations of those two are pretty bad in this game.

Oh i played it on a 1080 ti. on average now i sat around the 85 fps which makes it a lot more smoother.

2) If you start choose the girl, the guy voice is really bad ( dlc it's fine, main game its bad ). Seems like they designed the game around the girl more.

3) Overwhelmed with stuff that happens at the start, everything gets thrown at you and honestly at the start it was more ??? what's all going on and why does things happen. The elite system with GTA stars not a fan of it. When you get a bit better geared and higher level its solid but early on its brutal. ( played it on hard mode )

4) Didn't like the map much, also the game is to big in my opinion. They would have been better if they cut down on large land area at the start which just feels like u are stuck on endlessly. The quests on the boards also is something i don't like. They should remove it, i already was 20+ the moment i left the first area as result

5) architecture wasn't as good as the origin game, also character isn't that likable and story introduction wasn't that much interesting to me.

6) The slow start and moving to other area's felt like i didn't really wanted to go into the world much. AC origin u had 12 marks on a map to go towards and everything was well worked out and pacing was great. This game it just felt like u are forever in a area.

7) All NPC's felt the same, pls kill this guy for me the end quests. All NPC's looked kinda the say specially in the start which made the game feel like unfinished or just copy past efforts to create more content. It was a steep downgrade from ac origin and made quests boring and dull filler stuff.

8) The spartan vs greek solution was also not a good idea, i rather had spartan vs persian area. But i guess it was there choice. The Battles are dull and non interesting.

9) Athene or the main city was pretty ugly in comparison towards ac origin which was absolutely stunning on every level. which kinda made it rough.

10) Lack of real progress really, and the dull quest line made it hard for me to move forwards.

11) combat is nice, no negative about that, however i would like to have a 1 click costum apply solution

12) Experience tokens u can get are far from needed in my experience, but honestly it feels like scummy business practise anyway. They should remove that directly specially in a game that costs a lot of money already and is single player after all

13) Too many cultists i already had my weapon at level 3-4 the moment i first discovered the upgrade stone, however never bothered finishing them because honestly the game was pretty easy after all already.

14 ) Biggest offender was movement speed, horses felt useless near city's also not having more then just horses kinda was a huge let down.

15) Boat department was pretty bad, rather not have it next time, the normal small boats are enough and because of the big boats the small boats are kinda completely useless. It's just the same shit over and over again. U want to get the teleport points and never look back really.

16) Visually the game wasn't much impressive, ac origin was pretty darn impressive looking and visually stunning, this game not so much. There where good looking area's don't get me wrong but the base game was pretty rough in general visually.

17) Give me a option that clearly showcases me where the DLC starts and what level its acceptable. I had to google a lot to figure out where to start a DLC or even find the DLC name for that matter.

Something like DLC 1: Legacy of the first blade start off quest. It's really hard to figure stuff out.

18) Animus stuff is god awful should be removed entirely, luckily it was almost non existent in the base game.

19) Also to many islands, if they reduced the main land stuff the islands would come faster i would probably like it a lot more, now however it was just to much.

20) I hate the light system really, pressing m to change day to night does not give you a really day light type of sunlight. it's always half dark and the daylight is only really short there. I like bright colors but instead it was mostly darkish / grayish.

21) Saving in this game was so so so so so BAD. AC origin never had a issue with the save system this game omg so so so bad. Please go back to AC origin save solution. I had to multiple manual save in encounters just to not lose half hours of progress.

Conclusion base game

Pretty bad to be honest, didn't really enjoy it much and forced myself through it to get to the DLC. Hoped it would improve after that. It was worse then origin for sure, from architecture to characters and gear looks to story to voice acting. The only plus side was the combat, but getting assaulted in any combat solution by those red guys endlessly because rather annoying.

DLC 1 : Legacy of the hidden blade


Felt like BOTW, some fetch quests with zelda's dad sitting there and this girl which felt more like zelda. The hunting quest honestly felt like i was starting the game all over again. Not so good start for sure.

Later on however i really liked it, story made sense. Pacing was fantastic and loved every piece of it ( won't spoil stuff ).

Episode 1:

Was great in general, slow start however.

Episode 2:

Also absolutely fantastic and the water battle was hard. really liked it. The ending felt a bit like a never ending one, they should have cut it up a little but in general the story was far more interesting specially as it covered also persians then the entire base game. Pacing was nice but a bit long at the end.

Episode 3:

Dark area mostly not a fan off, but in general again absolutely fantastic episode. Loved it. Ending was also nice.

DLC 2: Odyssey the Fate of Atlantis

The reason i bought ac odyssey to start with, i am big on mythology and frankly AC origin Pharoah second DLC was just amazing. I heard this DLC was kinda the same thing but with greek so i had to get the complete package to play through it now finally was the time.


Light puzzle was interesting, i like puzzles and then u find the opening of atlantis.

However there is a guy infront of it that informs u only that he wants to destroy the gates towards it. Big ???? because i want to go there. He sends u over and over again towards other fetch quests to get pieces to open the gates. Which pushes you to those mythical beasts that i already had 2 collected from ( didn't had to do the ogre quest as u could just get it from the ogre on that island that you can straight up kill so yea win for that one.

After beating those things i return and ended up my head slamming on the desk sitting and redoing things twice over with animus chick that i honestly find god awful. It's terrible.

After a few hours now trying to start the dam atlantis world, i still was stuck in this god awful dialogue i couldn't care for.

When finally stuff starts to move forwards, u enter into the DLC and dam it's worth ever single bit off it.

Episode 1: Fields of Elysium:

Absolutely beautiful, small world with content that isn't too big and a self contained story that goes fast and works well, new skills, beautiful new area's. I really liked this one. The NPC's and the characters where also really likable. A complete 180 from the base game, also 12 hour of content was exactly enough and fights becoming more difficult was also hardly needed. So i liked that a lot also. The new fight elements added extra dept towards combat.



Bright colors and beautiful high area's with lots and lots of plants everywhere. Stunning. Nothing like i expected to happen when entering. After a guy joined my stream he mentioned there where 2 more worlds which basically give me more a kingdom hearts fibe on a right way done same i had with ac origin pharaohs. Absolutely loved it.

Episode 2: Torment of Hades:

Oh boy not a fan of horror type of games and killing off all my colors yea no ty.

But i started and plunged myself through it as i really wanted to see atlantis ( hey they advertised with it on the picture so i guess that's the 3rd one right? ) so how bad could it possibly be?

Not bad at all actually

The visuals i got fast adapted towards and the returning characters from the main game where actually pretty good. The architecture even while everything was gray and black was absolutely fantastic and even the vulkano and sun where really solid looking. I liked the characters and voice acting in it for sure. And it grabbed me into the world straight away.

The armor solution to get into the area's was a pain i actually had to google the armor as the quest mark never showed up on my screen. After i got that solved the map was actually really likeable. Short, concrete and had a lot of fun going through it.



While really basic, the art style was absolutely fantastic and with the likeable story and characters + voice acting it was so much better then anything base game provided. It instantly resolved any issue's i had with the game in general after the first 2 episodes.

Then after some bad animus junk we finally arrived atlantis !.

Episode 3: judgement of Atlantis:

Boy oh boy the city, the water, the colors the plants, the people, the voice acting the start it gave me for some weird fibe kingdom heart 1 feelings when i was a kid when u entered a new level. It was absolutely fantastic looking, extremely likable story start etc etc. Also day and night system that's actually half decent that the other maps lacked was a plus point.



The enemy's where a lot harder which resulted me to change my tactics and spec to work with it.

After doing some basic starter quests, i started to explore the land and boy it looks absolutely fantastic, this is how the game should been entirely. Just these type of episodes al lteh way to the end with new area's / worlds etc after 12 hours of gameplay. It was so good in ac origins and it's absolutely fantastic in this DLC.

The story was absolutely fantastic, the new skills where interesting and specially the environment was drop dead gorgeous with a absolute solid story to boot. Characters where also extremely likable.

The little problems i did had with this episode was, lack of water creatures which i would aspect from atlantis, i would liked to see more mythological creatures really or bigger sea life which just wasn't there. Which was suprising to me.

Also another issue i had was the upgrade weapon system, the moment u can enter those level 3 access zones is basically when you completed the dlc for 95% already, which makes those skills kinda useless to gain at that point. They probably should have pushed them in some form earlier on.

Also didn't really like the end choices for the final fight much so i ended up googling the alternative ending which also wasn't much special. Kinda weird they went for that, felt really tacky.

Ending of it, with endless animus stuff was really bad. I rather had the option to tune out of that stuff entirely. It just felt so forced and tacked on that it made zero sense to me. It's god awful they need to drop it.

Complete conclusion about the entire game:

I paid 48 bucks for the game with everything in it, and frankly i don't think its worth it. a 29,99 price would probably be the target they should have aimed for, the 120 bucks they think that there game is worth with the ultimate edition will just result in endless piracy as it's simple way to much for what they offer and not having a edition with atlantis which is basically the best thing about odyssey is honestly worthless.

The base game was just straight up bad, the DLC's where absolutely fantastic specially the atlantis once and honestly they should just make that the base game and expand on it. I hope they do for there next game something like that. Or make the dlc stand alone solutions.
How many hours did it take you to beat the main story and how many hours total did you sink into the whole game? I am playing without the XP boost but I am dragging feet here since it does require some side quest attention. Feels like this is gonna take forever. I have not checked out many hours I have soaked in the game but I am like level 22 last I checked


Complete conclusion about the entire game:

I paid 48 bucks for the game with everything in it, and frankly i don't think its worth it. a 29,99 price would probably be the target they should have aimed for, the 120 bucks they think that there game is worth with the ultimate edition will just result in endless piracy as it's simple way to much for what they offer and not having a edition with atlantis which is basically the best thing about odyssey is honestly worthless.

The base game was just straight up bad, the DLC's where absolutely fantastic specially the atlantis once and honestly they should just make that the base game and expand on it. I hope they do for there next game something like that. Or make the dlc stand alone solutions.

Great review. Regarding performance (I've played about 64 hours according to uplay), I'm on a gtx 1080 & I7 8700 & it doesn't matter whether I reduce settings all the way down (even resolution to 720p), I still get massive sporadic frame rate drops in towns. So it's just something I have to live with, i.e. I don't believe this game is particularly well optimized. I ended up playing with the very high preset at 1080p, with volumetric clouds reduced to medium (a ridiculous performance killer without much visual benefit) & fog to medium as well. That combined with an adaptive antialiasing set to 60fps gave me a fairly solid & smooth game. It's just the aforementioned random drops which can be very annoying (my own litmus test for performance is using the torch at night, i.e. that seems to eat performance massively ergo when it remained at 60 fps, I was good to go).

With regards to the character choice (Alexios or Kassandra), I was ready to give Kassandra the benefit of the doubt & assume they'd made a good female protagonist... but they haven't. She looks like a man, has a seriously muscular body & all the armors in-game are made for men, even hers. Over ten years ago Mass Effect 1 had female variations on the N7 armor, but Assassin's Creed Odyssey? Nope, she looks like a butch dude once the chest armor is equipped. So no thanks. Once again evidence of Ubisoft's "multikulti + variatious gender identities" virtue signalling their way to butchering the female physique like a modern era Doctor Frankenstein & transitioning her into a man (I won't even venture into the "why the fuck are half the Spartans & Greeks literally people of color?" question, i.e. I guess "historical accuracy" for Ubisoft means racially transforming ancient Greece into modern day California). Vive la diversity.

As for the game, after some initial positive sentiments (especially on the Kephallonia island where the experience was more focused), it's now far too gamey for its own good, i.e. Spartan & Athenian outposts right next to each other + mercenaries running around/riding their horses all over the map means this feels like a Super Mario level in 3D masquerading as a Greek Odyssey. Collect coins, collect loot, kill enemies (all of them, there's no choice between Sparta & Athens) & run around repeating those tasks whilst levelling-up ala Destiny. Do NPC's or the plot even care that Alexios is a war profiteer playing both sides for his own personal gain? Nope. You can kill all the Athenians in an area, then all the Spartans & then rinse-repeat ad-infinitum. There's zero impact on anything. I haven't even reached the halfway point of the game but it makes taking the narrative seriously very difficult.


I don't agree with you guys, loved the game for the reasons you didn't, I guess?


The optimisation is definitely a thing. I played most of it on an I5 and a normal HD, and let me tell you: screw your GPU. I upgraded my PC and what made the difference was a serious SD and a major, major CPU upgrade. What's weird is that Odyssey ran better for me than the previous game.


Gold Member
AC Odyssey is a frustrating game. The world design is great, graphics are amazing, and the quest design is way better than I thought - and much better than Origins. I think there's a lot of creativity and heart to a lot of it. The story is pretty interesting and the mechanics around the Cult and the mercs is really cool. I also think, contrary to popular opinion, the Alexios character is really great and well done, including the voice acting. I mean, I'm not surprised that videogame websites all uniformly declared the female PC to be the superior choice, but I don't think it is fair to the designers or VA.

The combat sucks though, the ship battles are way too basic, and the level scaling is just crazy. I get the idea, but in all seriousness, they should have just gotten rid of levelling altogether. The end result is the same. I know you just cannot make a game without tedious leveling and colored loot in 2019, but it would have been better. I also hate hate hate the way any interesting POIs in the towns trigger insta-murdering guards who they force me to kill to get the stuff inside, which ties into the stupid war mechanics they designed. I should be able to walk into a temple or workshop without sounding the alarms. The quest boards are just a waste of time and I stopped doing them after a while, it's just useless bloat, the actual quests and exploration give more than enough content.

it's now far too gamey for its own good, i.e. Spartan & Athenian outposts right next to each other + mercenaries running around/riding their horses all over the map means this feels like a Super Mario level in 3D masquerading as a Greek Odyssey.... Do NPC's or the plot even care that Alexios is a war profiteer playing both sides for his own personal gain?

Believe it or not this is close to the truth of the situation. The Spartans had a permanent base within 12 miles of Athens for the last decade of the war, and Athens spent a lot of time in the Peloponnese. Both sides hired mercs with impunity and they played both sides as needed, no more than Alcibiades. This is one of the few things the game gets right about the conflict, the rest is utter nonsense, which is frustrating because, again, I think they did a great job with so many other aspects of the quests. I enjoyed the game a lot more when I just went out of my way to ignore the dumb stuff like the territory conquests and quest boards and focused on the stuff I did like. But even then, there's a lot they should have cut out.
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The optimisation is definitely a thing. I played most of it on an I5 and a normal HD, and let me tell you: screw your GPU. I upgraded my PC and what made the difference was a serious SD and a major, major CPU upgrade. What's weird is that Odyssey ran better for me than the previous game.

Just to add a small fact here for those who aren't on PC, I have the game on the base ps4 (as well) & it runs like absolute shit on the 2013 console. It's a total disgrace when Assassin's Creed Origins looks & runs far better on the same machine. Is it the arrival of the ps4 pro which buggered the standard ps4? Who knows, but I don't like seeing an eyesore/stutter fest/ugly blurry mess when the previous entry was actually extremely playable at 30 fps & looked stunning, even now. I know some people will say "muh vegetation & foliage is harder to render than the desert" but come on, one small step on the island of Phokis & my eyes hurt.

The combat sucks though, the ship battles are way too basic, and the level scaling is just crazy. I get the idea, but in all seriousness, they should have just gotten rid of levelling altogether. The end result is the same.

This is true. I play on Nightmare/Exploration mode & all the loot, all the upgrades for weapons & armor basically serves to make combat remain the same "balance" at any level, or else I'm left behind & the enemies get impossibly hard. There's never that rewarding feeling of "oohrah motherf*ckers, I'm gonna kick some ass" after getting some rare or legendary gear, no, it's just about the tedious grind & keeping the same experience throughout the game. I can kill bandits at level 4 with the exact same easiness/or difficulty as level 15 bandits in the same location, irrespective of whether my sword was a rusty piece of sh*t or was Nikolaos's legendary one.

It means there's something wrong there.
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I really appreciate this discovery tour, it brings players closer to that culture offering very interesting insights. I've been a few months ago to a private conference about the "making of" of the game world, the creative director was there and also the historician responsible for her team. They showed the challenges they had to face in order to recreate Greece and the insane amount of work put into it. They really deserve a lot of respect, open worlds with such scale and into an historical context which is long way gone are the most difficult ones to bring back to life in my opinion.
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Jon Neu

I dream of a Game Of Thrones game that is a clone of Assassin's Creed, but just bigger.

Can you imagine the Next Gen Assassin's? They are going to be huge and pretty. I can't wait.

Xaero Gravity

I dream of a Game Of Thrones game that is a clone of Assassin's Creed, but just bigger.

Can you imagine the Next Gen Assassin's? They are going to be huge and pretty. I can't wait.
Seriously, if the past two AC open worlds are anything to go by, next gen should be mind blowing if they stay this consistent. Is AC Ragnarok rumored for this gen or next gen?
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NeoGAFs Kent Brockman
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I find all a ASSASSIN'S CREED games boring. I get tired after playing 2 hours of any of these games. Even Origins and Odyssey


many others open world games boring but not AC for sure. same for FC . just if its not your cup or tea, then its other thing. i played all AC games and loved them all. still my closest to heart are those where they build old London and old Paris cities. those are just amazing, then origins with oddysey are great too, much to do , much more then just exploring cities.


Yeah I had cleared the mythical creature battles except Sphix, and somehow thought that it was just the few mythical creature fights... this game is freaking LONG. Cleared out the 3 Atlantis zones, and now I'm going through the post-game ending stuff.
It's sort of weird how there isn't an actual ENDING with credits and such so far. Maybe after getting through all the extra blue ! marks? I did get the "best" ending family dinner thing, but it felt reeeeealy out of place. The whole talking down Demios went from I WILL KILL YOU to OK I'll just be your sibling again in like 3 seconds too which was sort of weak. Also WTF you don't get to actually fight/refight Persephone or Hades??? LAAAAAAME
Assassin's Creed is/was among my favorite game franchises and as Valhalla is releasing soon I'm trying to complete Odyssey. I have never ever complained about writing in a game but this is just horrible. Like it's intentionally a bad comedy wannabe. What were they thinking? And what makes it worse are the performances and the animations that have nothing to do with the voices you can hear. It's so bad that even some indie games would put shame on it. I really can't understand how this is considered a high point in the franchise. It's also janky and has nothing to do with being an Assassin. I'm only playing it to know the story and to explore the world but I'm so tired of the combat that I put every possible setting to the easiest just to get it over with. Why can't I be an assassin in an Assassin's Creed game? Is this Assassin's Creed: The Intern episode or why is it so bad?


It's bad because everything new they introduce gets squeezed to the bone over and over again till there's nothing left in the end. I haven't been able to finish Odyssey because it was a continuous copypaste accompanied by forgettable cutscenes and cringey dialogues. Few missions were fun but you can count them on one hand. I loved the reconstruction of many locations and how the game looks overall but there should be more than that. That's a shame, as what they did with Origins, despite its flaws, could have been developed much, much better.
It's bad because everything new they introduce gets squeezed to the bone over and over again till there's nothing left in the end. I haven't been able to finish Odyssey because it was a continuous copypaste accompanied by forgettable cutscenes and cringey dialogues. Few missions were fun but you can count them on one hand. I loved the reconstruction of many locations and how the game looks overall but there should be more than that. That's a shame, as what they did with Origins, despite its flaws, could have been developed much, much better.
Origins is among my favorites but this one is a joke compared to that. Also the forced PC bullshit gets really tiring. I can't get over the cringiness of the dialogs. The original AC in 2007 is like a philisophical masterpiece compared to this trash. I really can't decide if they thought this was ok or they tried to make a parody of the franchise and thought this was funny. I don't know which is worse between the two.

Dr. Claus

Origins is among my favorites but this one is a joke compared to that. Also the forced PC bullshit gets really tiring. I can't get over the cringiness of the dialogs. The original AC in 2007 is like a philisophical masterpiece compared to this trash. I really can't decide if they thought this was ok or they tried to make a parody of the franchise and thought this was funny. I don't know which is worse between the two.

Yep. It was the most egregiously awfulAC game in recent memory. I posted a list of all the most basic historical notes they got wrong to create some asinine “lgbt” utopia version of Greece which simply didn’t exist.

I wouldn’t have minded so much I’d they stated they were not trying to be historically accurate or authentic - but that was supposedly their goal.
One of the major reasons I refuse to buy Valhalla until after reviews and people complete the game.


Yep. It was the most egregiously awfulAC game in recent memory. I posted a list of all the most basic historical notes they got wrong to create some asinine “lgbt” utopia version of Greece which simply didn’t exist.

I wouldn’t have minded so much I’d they stated they were not trying to be historically accurate or authentic - but that was supposedly their goal.
One of the major reasons I refuse to buy Valhalla until after reviews and people complete the game.

Just saw your post, good stuff.

I especially agree with the diversity of skin tones comment. This game has more Sri Lankan looking NPCs than it does those with fair skin / hair.


Gold Member
Yep. It was the most egregiously awfulAC game in recent memory. I posted a list of all the most basic historical notes they got wrong to create some asinine “lgbt” utopia version of Greece which simply didn’t exist.

I wouldn’t have minded so much I’d they stated they were not trying to be historically accurate or authentic - but that was supposedly their goal.
One of the major reasons I refuse to buy Valhalla until after reviews and people complete the game.

I wanted to love this game so bad, because I truly love ancient Greece and have spent years reading histories, reading the works in translation, studying it, and finally took a vacation there for 2 weeks last year to soak it up in person.

AC Odyssey looks beautiful, it is one of the best looking games ever, but that is it. As a game, it really sucks, too much garbage and bloat, that horrible way every single temple is a security threat, a lot of copy paste, it is just boring. As a piece of historical fiction, it is pathetic. I don't need it to be 100% accurate but I do need it to make legitimate attempts at capturing the important points and overall "tone" of where they set the game and they don't even come close. They successfully did it from the first game through Syndicate IMO, so obviously this is a deliberate choice they made.

AC Odyssey might be my most disappointing game ever.
Yep. It was the most egregiously awfulAC game in recent memory. I posted a list of all the most basic historical notes they got wrong to create some asinine “lgbt” utopia version of Greece which simply didn’t exist.

I wouldn’t have minded so much I’d they stated they were not trying to be historically accurate or authentic - but that was supposedly their goal.
One of the major reasons I refuse to buy Valhalla until after reviews and people complete the game.
Coincidentally the post you are talking about was the only one I read before posting here. To me it's not a surprise that things like this happen in every medium. Nothing is saint for these people and they will shoehorn everywhere their agenda, regardless if it has any truth in it. I didn't like this game even from the beginning, that's why I'm only playing it now. I thought I could get used to it by playing more but it's just horrible. It really feels like a low-budget parody of the franchise, used only to spread that bullshit agenda, always in your face. At least it would have some values but no, the gameplay sucks, the characters suck, the performances suck. Even the graphics feel somehow worse than in Origins, but that might be the setting. The music is good tho. I really don't get why this is so popular. This and Black Flag are the worst IMO. They are not ACs. Valhalla won't be really either, but from the videos I have seen at least I have the impression it will be much better.
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Gold Member
I gotta say that it feels good when you can unlock all the DLC armors and weapons with cheat-engine when you play on PC

75% of the armors are UGLY as fuck but whatever. Fuck Ubisoft.
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