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Assassin's Creed Revelations |OT| Requiescat in Pace (56k)

Re: Collectathons.

You can buy maps that show you where the treasures are from the bookshops.

Any Data Fragments spotted while in Eagle Sense will be marked on your map. Then if you manage to collect 50 Data Fragments, all the remaining ones will also be added.

I'm can't remember how many it took but after about 25-30 Data Fragments I was able to buy a map for all the pages of Ishak Pasha's Memoir.


Just to save the sanity of someone else (too late for me), the recent 1.02 patch breaks a few of the challenges, making then impossible to achieve. I got such on the craft one of each bomb casing/effect types. The workaround is to delete the patch.
Just to save the sanity of someone else (too late for me), the recent 1.02 patch breaks a few of the challenges, making then impossible to achieve. I got such on the craft one of each bomb casing/effect types. The workaround is to delete the patch.

jesus, i thought i was going insane with that challenge.

also broken appears to be the "all books" achievement - if anyone else notices broken things, i'd love to hear about it.

any word on whether ubi is working on a fix?
Just to save the sanity of someone else (too late for me), the recent 1.02 patch breaks a few of the challenges, making then impossible to achieve. I got such on the craft one of each bomb casing/effect types. The workaround is to delete the patch.

Which platform? I've been playing the PS3 version with 1.02 the entire way and I completed all the bomb challenges.


Neo Member
I was confused with the item locked in Altair's vault being
another Apple... I was expecting some mindblowing information since we already have an Apple, but I guess two Apples are better then one...? I thought what we would find would be a final key that Altair left behind which contained all the wisdom and understanding that he gained after a lifetime of studying the Apple from his very limited world view

There are actually *many* apples in the AC universe and this was the one Altair had all along. The one Ezio gets is actually different from Altair's which ultimately ends up in the hands of someone else, so it wouldn't be easy for Desmond and co to get Altair's. I think the whole point of it was to get Desmond to be in the presence of this Apple so that Jupiter could speak to him, clarify events, and then give him the knowledge to use the grand temple (as evidenced by the line "Take my words. Pass them from your head into your hands," and Desmond's arms glowing when he wakes up.)


Which platform? I've been playing the PS3 version with 1.02 the entire way and I completed all the bomb challenges.

Was playing on the PS3. I had been playing the game for a while pre-1.02 which I was only prompted to install a few days ago, so is it possible you attained the challenge beforehand? There were also reports by people who managed to still keep it installed, and obtaining some of the bomb challenges via some jiggery pokery around the bomb merchant in the market, but that didn't work for me.


I'm sure this has been talked about a million times, but what am I supposed to do if my copy comes with a French card talking about an exclusive DLC code, saying to look for it on an English card that isn't in the case? :p


OH MY GOD at the direction and character-work
once you get into the library/vault. The moment where Altair sits down and then the camera pans around him until we're back in Ezio's time, with Ezio looking at Altair's skeleton, is probably my new favourite game story-telling moment. And then Ezio, rather than allowing the job to take him over, realising the battle is now Desmond's rather than his and resolving to leave. Just awesome


OH MY GOD at the direction and character-work
once you get into the library/vault. The moment where Altair sits down and then the camera pans around him until we're back in Ezio's time, with Ezio looking at Altair's skeleton, is probably my new favourite game story-telling moment. And then Ezio, rather than allowing the job to take him over, realising the battle is now Desmond's rather than his and resolving to leave. Just awesome

Yeah I loved that moment also. The
music swelling up during the entire scene, and Ezio's speech of accepting that which was beyond his understanding
. It will remain a very memorable moment of gaming for me.


Ok so a few hours into this game with a few thoughts.

1) Its not nearly as bad as some of the people in here make it sound. I went in thinking this was going to be the worst in the series and so far its MUCH better than Brohood. The story flows much better than the predecessor. Brohood felt like you were going from 1 random sidequest to the next until the very end where it picked up.

2) I actually like making my own bombs but jesus, RELAX ALREADY. They put 10 bomb material containers every square foot in the game. Stop pushing it down my throat, I like the concept and it works but I dont want it being the highlight of the game.

3) Dens, just like the borgia towers they are okay, nothing special but its annoying as hell how a den captain runs away and you have to wait for the next day to capture him again. There is no fast forward in the game so thats pretty stupid IMO. Just let me kill him and move on with the game ok?

4) the hookblade is the shit, end of story. I love using it to get extra distance but I wish there were more ziplines. Really cool addition IMO.

5) Whoever thought up the concept where you gain bad reputation per store bought you should be fired immedietly from Ubisoft. No excuses, its an awful concept that makes NO sense.

6) Den Defense. I only played the tutorial but it wasnt bad...Kind of stupid and out of place but whatever, as long as I'm not forced to use it no biggie. I have been keeping my rep low so I havent needed to retake a den.

7) Overall I like it so far, I just feel like Ubi could have really made a great series if they put an extra 6months-Year into brotherhood or revelations. AC2 still stands to be the best in the series up to this point and its really hard to tell someone to pay 60 bucks for this when there are SO many great games out right now.
1) Its not nearly as bad as some of the people in here make it sound. I went in thinking this was going to be the worst in the series and so far its MUCH better than Brohood.

Definitely not seeing that last sentence. Just on the level of mission scope it seems like a real downgrade. The main story missions are just a few and seem less than epic and so very very guided and linear. Plus there is no build-up to any of the main missions. Remember having to set up defenses in Venice, then getting the costume, then getting the flying machine, all in separate missions -- then you go on the real mission? It made it feel epic. Now it's just... go here... kill. (EDIT: OK... that's II and not Brotherhood. But still, I don't recall Brotherhood feeling less epic in terms of the actual missions.)

3) Dens, just like the borgia towers they are okay, nothing special but its annoying as hell how a den captain runs away and you have to wait for the next day to capture him again. There is no fast forward in the game so thats pretty stupid IMO. Just let me kill him and move on with the game ok?

Pro-tip: Once you've failed, allow yourself to die. You should start at a checkpoint while the captain is still around.


Finished ACII and AC:B in the last month and now I have just cracked open revelations. I'm loving the graphics and the colors in revelations. The cinematic sequences are pretty awesome. I'm sure I'll be posting in here with questions and excitement, but as I'm starting it off: does anyone have any suggestions?
I'm putting you on notice RevelationsGAF

I'm about to unveil my research and show you whats going to happen in AC3.

the kicker is, this place I'm talking about....

I may very well be driving there in the coming weeks.
Just finished it, game was definitely on par with II and Brotherhood.

Is it worth my while doing Desmond's memory sequences? Or just better to google to story behind em...


Just finished it, game was definitely on par with II and Brotherhood.

Is it worth my while doing Desmond's memory sequences? Or just better to google to story behind em...

youtube that shit, and just listen to it in the background. most of its garbage to be honest.


Here's my thoughts on AC3.

AC: Embers might imply we play as a chinese woman assassin. It would be the same time period more or less, so the combat would still be intact. We could go BACK in time but I find that unlikely. There is one time period that for story reasons would be Assassins Creed Lore's wet dream. The French Revolution/American Revolution.

Let's take a look at Brotherhoods Ending. SPOILARZ.

Assassins Creed Brotherhood - Ending scene

It Shaun points out the Phrygian Cap and a Masonic Eye and says those two symbols only come together in one place.

Right here.


French Revolution.

So the game reveals something important during this time period is relevant. Now why is this a perfect time period? AC has always been about real historic people and events and how the AC universe crafts them into a larger Assassin v Templar conspiracy. We have a wide variety of important historical figures here, the time period is one of the most exciting in all of history.

And this is just too perfect to go to waste.

Paris during this time would be perfect for free running. I can already imagine a key mission where we rile up citizens and storm the Bastille. Then it becomes a power struggle for France.

But before this, the American Revolution can play a big role. This article explains why.


Some quotes...

there are important historical figures that would fit in perfectly with the franchise. After all, George Washington was a Freemason. And Ben Franklin? A whiz with inventions, technology and early studies of electricity. Who better to hook you up with fancy new tech of the day, taking the place of Leonardo da Vinci?

The last reason I'm thinking that "Assassin's Creed" is bound for the US is that it makes good business sense. The franchise is one of Ubisoft's most successful, and it's not because people are fascinated by the futuristic dealings of Desmond and the Templars. People enjoy discovering and exploring famous periods in history, and few periods are more well-known than the American Revolution. This would give "Assassin's Creed 3" more mainstream cache, encouraging non-fans to check it out.

And if Ubisoft really wanted to bring in the mainstream, where better to set the game than the most famous city in the world? New York's Manhattan Island in the late 1700s was made up of narrow, winding alleyways and a dense collection of buildings in the south, while the north part of the island was still mostly undeveloped, perfect for horse-riding and mansion-robbing.

Of course, if "Assassin's Creed 3" went the route of the second game in the series, we might even see multiple cities, with Philadelphia and Boston being the most likely inclusions. Either of these two cities could also make of their own game, if "Assassin's Creed 3" was followed up with a similar "Brotherhood"-style installment.

The big problem with this time period would be combat. Firearms are now the mainstream weapon here. So do they revamp the entire combat system?

We start at the end of Brotherhood:


Listen to what Sean says that the Phrygian Cap and a Masonic Eye only come together one place, and then he gets cut off, well I'm sure you have heard in mentioned but that place is...

The French Revolution! Don't believe me? Go look it up and you will find it.

However, this was only left as a hint and has recently been thrown to the side lines, why? I'm about to explain, but I believe we will be going to the french revolution...

Brotherhood DLC, the DaVinci Disappearance: The ending of this game includes one of the biggest hints we have had come our way. Again Spoilers ahead . At the end Ezio's DNA activates a strange device in the Pythagorean temple. Leonardo questions this, and Ezio tells him to forget it and that it was a message for someone else, DESMOND!

What is the message you say!?!?

43 39 19 N 75 27 42 W

Coordinates, and where do you think those go to!?!

Upstate NY, 3 hours away from my current location...

to be specific...

right there, that is the EXACT location of the coordinates. but OH OH OH it gets deeper...

When you back out these coordinates you get 3 places, Rome NY, Florence NY, and Turin NY.

These coordinates we are provided are almost dead center between these three towns/citeis... that by the way create a PERFECT RIGHT TRIANGLE...

these coordinates are really close to a place called...

http://www.dec.ny.gov/lands/8060.html ...

The legend says that Napoleon hid here from ASSASSINS!!!

Ending of Revelations:
Now the ending of Revelations confirms a lot o what I'm thinking... You are told that the "Temple of sorts" is in upstate new york, or at least that is where the map zooms into! Sean also mentions during the game that he is posing as a dr. at....

SUNY Upstate, a place that has a relative short distance from these coordinates.

In the final cut scene where we see Desmond wake up we are shown a remote place, a cave of sorts, and wind turbines, are there any turbines near these coordinates? Yes, Turin NY has some.


This was the evidence I could find to support that the region has some wind turbines.

Now Here is my theory on whats going to happen in AC3.

We will start off as Desmond going to find this temple or ruin of sorts. In these locations provided via coordinates. we will go into these "Bonaparte Caves" and find evidence that Napoleon was there, and given the apple of eden by George Washington. The Assassins Creed Wiki states George Washington gave the apple to someone else at some point. I think we will be playing a lot as Desmond BUT, we will be going throughout history. We will start as an ancestor fighting in the American Revolution, and we will gill fight to its finish, then the apple of eden will be given to Napoleon when he comes over, and the Assassins trying to kill him are actually Templar agents. He brings the apple to France to help with the French Revolution, ancestor goes with him. You fight the French Revolution. The games climax will be Desmond and gang going to France, or hell maybe somewhere else, maybe staying in Upstate NY I have NO IDEA.

I think there is a good chance I'm right, given how close these coordinates are to ubisoft montreal, not THAT unreasonably far right? What if Ubisoft even hid something there.

I bet it'd make a great AR marketing campaign...

Regardless my friends and I are taking a road trip there for shits and giggles.

...Interesting. I did indeed type in those coordinates after finishing Da Vinci Disappearance the other day, but that's as far as I went.

Well, the French revolution and/or Napoleon times would be pretty ripe for exploration/alternate history, that's for sure. Gameplay wouldn't have to be too hugely different (unlike with a China/Japan switch). The best thing about those time periods is that it's hard to point out who exactly the bad guys or good guys are. Napoleon was a positive force in many ways, but he did kill millions of people through constant warring. The French Revolution was all about FREEEEEEEEEEDOM!!!!, but it did get way way way out of hand with the constant decapitations and reigns of terror.
...Interesting. I did indeed type in those coordinates after finishing Da Vinci Disappearance the other day, but that's as far as I went.

Well, the French revolution and/or Napoleon times would be pretty ripe for exploration/alternate history, that's for sure. Gameplay wouldn't have to be too hugely different (unlike with a China/Japan switch). The best thing about those time periods is that it's hard to point out who exactly the bad guys or good guys are. Napoleon was a positive force in many ways, but he did kill millions of people through constant warring. The French Revolution was all about FREEEEEEEEEEDOM!!!!, but it did get way way way out of hand with the constant decapitations and reigns of terror.

Exactly, but imagine, we go through both American AND French Revolutions.

How about this upstate NY mystery... I'm excited to actually travel there.
Fucking bastards. Sequence 3 of Memory 8, the full sync is to kill 20 guards, I more than cleared it (I was counting out loud after every one) but it failed me. This is the second time through its done it. I like the full sync idea but carrying it forward Ubi have to stop being such cocks about auto saving after failure and let people replay from checkpoints. They are way too many missions where the the bit you actually need to sync is surrounded by 5 mins of faff, unskippable cutscenes, walking and talking bits and so forth.


Yeah, I gave up on trying for 100% sync in everything when I realized it requires starting missions over again from the very beginning if you fail. I don't have the skill and the patience for that.


I need to get round to playing MMO's i have on the backburner, but I cant because im addicted to this game :p.

At 77% sync so far.


I need to get round to playing MMO's i have on the backburner, but I cant because im addicted to this game :p.

At 77% sync so far.

dont worry, once your done, your really done. there is nothing left after you 100% it.
i just restarted the story again
Yeah, I gave up on trying for 100% sync in everything when I realized it requires starting missions over again from the very beginning if you fail. I don't have the skill and the patience for that.

I'm more mad because I did it but the game screwed me out of what's rightfully mine. I've been doing okay as far as syncing goes, I've only missed 2 or 3 other ones up to this point. I just want to get done with the story now and mop it up later. There was a 9 month gap between me finishing Brotherhood and getting 100%.


I cant stand the full sync thing. Anytime you do a mission and only get 50% sync it makes you feel like you failed the mission.

Ubisoft definitely had made some questionable gameplay calls with the past 2 games. Whatever, still fun.


I cant stand the full sync thing. Anytime you do a mission and only get 50% sync it makes you feel like you failed the mission.

Ubisoft definitely had made some questionable gameplay calls with the past 2 games. Whatever, still fun.

Not to mention the times when they spoil the mission with the description of the sync goal. Terrible stuff.


It seems like one of my recruits has been away on the The Little Prince mission for an awfully long time.... Like hours.


Wow just got to my second Demond animus mission and I cant beleive Ubisoft thought these would be a good idea. There is literally nothing fun about them...I really wanted to 100% this game but I have no idea how much time I want to put into these things. Its a half baked idea although I admire the effort, it just doesnt fit in this game IMO.


Wow just got to my second Demond animus mission and I cant beleive Ubisoft thought these would be a good idea. There is literally nothing fun about them...I really wanted to 100% this game but I have no idea how much time I want to put into these things. Its a half baked idea although I admire the effort, it just doesnt fit in this game IMO.

Yeah, they're not great. You can get through them pretty quickly if you rush, though. I've done four.


does anything happen, its just weird back story in a puzzle mode.

So far it's just monologue. :p But I haven't done the fifth (and I guess final) one. There are new puzzle elements in each stage, but none of them are very interesting or fun.


Wow just got to my second Demond animus mission and I cant beleive Ubisoft thought these would be a good idea. There is literally nothing fun about them...I really wanted to 100% this game but I have no idea how much time I want to put into these things. Its a half baked idea although I admire the effort, it just doesnt fit in this game IMO.
They aren't great, at first I thought they were going to be first person puzzle segments but then holding R1 I ran straight off an edge and then realised that you can barely do anything at all.

So Ezio
as a bard
is pretty much the best part of the series.

His songs were awesome, it is a pity we couldn't unlock the outfit via a side mission that involved doing it more or something similar.

There are actually *many* apples in the AC universe and this was the one Altair had all along. The one Ezio gets is actually different from Altair's which ultimately ends up in the hands of someone else, so it wouldn't be easy for Desmond and co to get Altair's. I think the whole point of it was to get Desmond to be in the presence of this Apple so that Jupiter could speak to him, clarify events, and then give him the knowledge to use the grand temple (as evidenced by the line "Take my words. Pass them from your head into your hands," and Desmond's arms glowing when he wakes up.)

I had actually missed that there are
multiple Apples and thought there was one that had just been passed around a lot, seeing it in so many places and trying to remember it's path was confusing me so I had to go look the Apple of Eden up on the AC Wiki to discover there are a bunch of them.

Silly me, lol.


I know this isn't the thread for the game but I'm trying to play Assassin's Creed 2 right now on Steam and I can't because the Ubisoft services are unavailable. So... I can't play my damn game?


I know this isn't the thread for the game but I'm trying to play Assassin's Creed 2 right now on Steam and I can't because the Ubisoft services are unavailable. So... I can't play my damn game?

Yup, wanted to play Brotherhood MP and I can't. Yay DRM.


GAF parliamentarian
Man, this game is pretty slow to start, isn't it? I'm at Session 5 and it feels like I've only been doing errands and side-quests. Where's the story? Who's the antagonist?


So Ezio
as a bard
is pretty much the best part of the series.

Fucking this! lol

Just finished that part of the sequence.

"Young Cesare, I heard him say, could not be killed by man. So I tossed him in the air to see where he might land."
"Cesare, Oh Cesare, a man of great depravity. He thought himself immortal 'til he had a date with gravity."

Those ones absolutely slayed me. haha

And props to A27_StarWolf for the awesome findings. I've read half your post and that shit sounds way too precise to be just a coincidence. Good stuff. I'll read the rest when I've finished Revelations. ;)


Just finished the game...I maybe got 10-ish hours out of it and thats buying most of the properties, a few desmond missions, 10/10 pages for the special armor and all story missions. I liked it but it still isnt as good as AC2 but it IS better than brotherhood IMO. I liked the recruit assassins better in this game than last because you can at least run missions with them and you get a sense of reward when you make all 7 den masters.

The story was all over the place which I'm not surprised about since Ubisoft seems to rush these games out. Overall I give the game a 8/10 and the series as a whole a 7/10. They really need to relax and take their time in between games because the past 2 games felt shallow and the story just didnt evolve itself really well.
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