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Assassin's Creed Revelations |OT| Requiescat in Pace (56k)


So what about the six other players who were actually trying to blend in?

I don't know if it was just a fluke, but if the winners are consistently the people who play like that, then multiplayer mode completely fails at what it sets out to do.

a good player who plays stealthy > good player who runs around

why? because the whole system is based on points, not number of kills.
you'd need 5x 100pt kills after chasing a target to match just one decent blended kill.

if your good enough, you can still beat people who aren't that great by running around rooftops,
which sounds like what the guy your playing against was doing.

the multiplayer mode is not to blame


a good player who plays stealthy > good player who runs around

why? because the whole system is based on points, not number of kills.
you'd need 5x 100pt kills after chasing a target to match just one decent blended kill.

if your good enough, you can still beat people who aren't that great by running around rooftops,
which sounds like what the guy your playing against was doing.

the multiplayer mode is not to blame

I'm not saying I should have beat him. It was my first match, but we weren't the only two people in the match. He won by a wide margin.

This entire mode is built around the idea of blending in with your surroundings to sneak up on your target. If that doesn't win matches, they absolutely failed at what they set out to do.

Also, "you're."


So what about the six other players who were actually trying to blend in?

I don't know if it was just a fluke, but if the winners are consistently the people who play like that, then multiplayer mode completely fails at what it sets out to do.

In my experience, the good to great players will want the most points per kill, and they are not going to get that leaping off of rooftops and running around. True, some people play like that and somehow still miraculously score decently, but they seem like the exception rather than the rule. And you can always combat roofers/runners with ranged weapons, like the gun or knives, so there are options. If there are too many players like that, either quit the lobby and try a new one, or find a place on the map where they can't grab you from above. I play MP quite often in Rev and have found ways to work around players like this.

Now, the overuse of offensive smokebomb, on the other hand.....


In my experience, the good to great players will want the most points per kill, and they are not going to get that leaping off of rooftops and running around. True, some people play like that and somehow still miraculously score decently, but they seem like the exception rather than the rule. And you can always combat roofers/runners with ranged weapons, like the gun or knives, so there are options. If there are too many players like that, either quite the lobby and try a new one, or find a place where they can grab you from above. I play MP quite often in Rev and have found ways to work around players like this.

Now, the overuse of offensive smokebomb, on the other hand.....

I might give it another try and see for myself. I only played the one match outside of the tutorial, so I don't know if it's par for the course or not.

Stuff like this is why I don't play many online games, though. Strangers are tools.


I'm not saying I should have beat him. It was my first match, but we weren't the only two people in the match. He won by a wide margin.

This entire mode is built around the idea of blending in with your surroundings to sneak up on your target. If that doesn't win matches, they absolutely failed at what they set out to do.

Also, "you're."

"You're" very opinionated about a multiplayer mode that has tons of different game modes and variables based on a single match.


I'm not saying I should have beat him. It was my first match, but we weren't the only two people in the match. He won by a wide margin.

This entire mode is built around the idea of blending in with your surroundings to sneak up on your target. If that doesn't win matches, they absolutely failed at what they set out to do.

Also, "you're."

you just gotta strike the right balance between the quality of your kills, i.e how many points your earning per kill and the speed at which your getting these kills

and yep i stopped trying with grammar on forums, i dont even capitalize anything, it was quite liberating actually


I'm really digging the new Deathmatch mode, streamlines things a lot. Though the real challenge still remains in the wanted mode

Nori Chan

New achievements for dlc:

-Carnival: Stay blended for 3 minutes during a Wanted session in Siena

-Wild Rage: Perform 3 stuns without dying in Jerusalem

-Restrained Violence: Obtain 5 Kill Assist bonuses during a session of any Team Mode in Dyers

-Straw Hat: Perform 2 kills from haystacks during a session in San Donato

-The Spice Of Life: Obtain 2 Variety bonuses during a session in Firenze

-Up And Down: Perform 5 Leaps of Faith during a session of Assassinate in Imperial District


----- ------
Anyone have any multiplayer tutorials? I like it but I could use some tips. I went 7-1 in my first deathmatch but I suck in the other game modes.


The deathmatch maps with no rooftops are the best because the little roofies are completely out of their element which makes it incredibly easy to win. I honestly don't understand why those people play this game -- they're completely missing the point.


Only tinkered in Bro. In Rev is stun better? I could flank my killer in Bro, be 99% through my stun animation and they would still kill me. It was so-so broken.


Only tinkered in Bro. In Rev is stun better? I could flank my killer in Bro, be 99% through my stun animation and they would still kill me. It was so-so broken.
There's now a contested kill animation when both players attack at about the same time. You'll get 100 points for that and your enemy will lose some bonus points.


Anyone have any multiplayer tutorials? I like it but I could use some tips. I went 7-1 in my first deathmatch but I suck in the other game modes.

Deathmatch is my favorite game mode, so don't feel bad if you don't want to play any other mode. Deathmatch is great, especially for the sleuthy player.

This post got longer than I expected, but it's for anyone who wants to get better at the game. The best tip I can give new players is to learn how to play defensively before you learn how to play offensively. You probably won't win very many games while you're getting the hang of defense, but it will make you a more well-rounded player. The reason why I think defensive play is so important is because a lot of the time, for me, half of my points in a match will come from defensive play; I frequently get more stuns than kills because I have 1 - 3 pursuers and only one target. Getting 650 point stuns makes defense totally worth it. Obviously you'll still be getting kills while learning defense, but you should be focusing more on who's trying to kill you than who's your target.

First off, if you haven't played the tutorials already, you should do so before continuing. I'm not going to explain the whispers or the Incognito Meter* or other basic things like that. (*I know it's called the Approach Meter, but I call it the Incognito Meter because that's what you should going for every time.)

Ok, so playing Defensively:
  • How do I spot my pursuer?" Da red arrow duh. No seriously, the number one thing is learning how to spot other players. It's actually really easy to figure who's an AI and who isn't when you know what to look for. The AI will usually have smooth walking patterns that follow a path, and the human players will have jerky walking patterns (you'll commonly see their character shaking back and forth a little bit). Human players usually walk straight at their target, cut corners, walk in areas that AI never go in (chase breakers and haystacks obviously, but there are countless other areas that AI never touch which you will memorize over time; for example, anyone playing in the fountain on Rome is a meatbag). Looking for all these subtleties is made infinitely easier in Deathmatch because there are no lookalikes unless a player is using Morph or Blender. However, knowing how to spot players is extremely important for every other game mode because there are countless lookalikes all over the map. When starting off, I recommend blending in groups that are stationary because it is easier to observe the area.
  • How do I use the B button?" You keep asking stupid questions, but I'll humor you. Once you know how to spot players, that's when you can apply your defensive abilities to embarrass your pursuer. The number one rule to stunning is kind of a shitty one: mash B, a lot. If someone who is clearly a human is walking at you, mash B -- if they're your pursuer, you will at least contest their kill, which means points for you. I am an aggressive-defensive player. What I mean by that is if I spot my pursuer, I am not afraid of walking directly at him, Muting him, and then stunning him. That allows me to focus 100% of my attention on my target; I don't need to wait for him to come to me. Sometimes, if my abilities are still reloading, I'll even run up behind my pursuer if he hasn't found me yet and stun him. Say you see someone suspicious who's walking at you but you're not sure if they're actually your pursuer or not, a good tactic to "test" them is to walk at a perpendicular angle to them to see if they follow you. If so, the answer is clear: mash B.
  • "What abilities/perks should I use?" For defensive abilities, I recommend: Mute, Disguise, Bodyguard, Decoy. For perks: Blender, Overall Cooldowns.
  • "Mute over Smoke Bomb?" I don't use Smoke Bomb because Mute is instant and has a wider range, but you'll see a lot of the better players using the smoke bomb. Mute is awesome because it can be used both defensively and offensively (this also applies to smoke bomb). Use it defensively to stop your pursuer from killing you and getting the easy stun. Use it offensively when you've built up your Incognito Meter and you want to stop your target from contesting your kill.
  • "Why don't you use Morph?" I do, but only in Manhunt (the team based mode). The reason why I don't use Morph is because you are way more obvious when you're walking around with a gang of lookalikes. Blender is all you really need -- it's like an automatic mini-morph with no cooldown -- plus one lookalike is way more subtle.
  • "Dat Disguise." When you know your pursuer is following you, break his line of sight by walking around a corner, disguise, u-turn, stun that bitch. He won't see it coming. Feels good man. Also very useful for killing your target; you get an automatic Hidden bonus without having to be blended in a group.
  • "Bodyguard is kind of unreliable." Yes it is, but I prefer it to Decoy because it PUNCHES YOUR PURSUER IN THE FACE. It sucks when your bodyguard dances around and lets your pursuer kill you, but it does the work for you and your pursuer will usually be dumb enough to give you a Lure bonus. If he isn't and stuns your bodyguard instead, you can step up on that bitch and punch him yourself. It also has a really fast cooldown as far as abilities go. Basically it's a great tool to have when Mute is reloading.
  • You didn't even mention Poison." Nope. I play like the type of player that would use poison, but I don't use poison. It's extremely situational, it has a really long reload, it can only be used offensively, and I don't think 300 points is a big enough bonus to convert me. If you're a new player, don't ever touch this. There are much better things you should be using. I have seen "the pros" combine Poison with the x2 Death Streak and a Smoke Bomb to get 2000+ point kills. That seems not worth the time.
  • "Do you ever run away?" Nah, I ain't no pussy. Even when both my abilities are reloading and it "makes sense" to run away to stay alive, I stand my ground. In this situation, I may walk away from my pursuer, get around a corner and wait for him while mashing B. He usually won't expect me to be waiting for him and I'll get the stun. This doesn't always work, but it's worth a try.

Ok, so now that you know how to do that shit, this is how you do this shit. Offense:
  • "I'm not patient." Be patient. If you can't play patiently, then you'll be running around on rooftops and rushing your kills, and I don't want to play against you; you should find a different game to play. Playing patiently means blending in groups and waiting for an opportunity to kill your target. If another player kills your target, don't worry about it -- that will happen a lot. You can't be in the right place at the right time all the time. It will be heartbreaking when you're blended in a group, have your Incognito meter full, and your target is walking right at you. What could go wrong? Another player kills your target is what could go wrong. That shit sucks, but it happens. Wait for the next opportunity.
  • "My K/D ratio sucks." It doesn't matter in this game. Quality over quantity, my friend. The key to victory is your Average Kill Score. If your AKS is over 400 in your statistics page, you don't need any tips from me. The two bonuses that you should be deliberately going for every time are Incognito and Hidden Kill. That's +350 and +300 respectively. Those are two of the biggest bonuses you can get and the best way to earn a lot of points in a match. Pretty much every other bonus will happen contingently.
  • "The Incognitometer." That's right, it's pronounced like "thermometer". Filling this bad boy up can be kind of difficult for a number of reasons. Obviously the best way is to be blended, but you can't always get your kills from a blended spot. A common problem is you'll walk around a corner and your target will be a few meters away, facing you, and your meter still says Discreet. You can either get the quick kill and move on, or you can go for the 350. What I'll do is u-turn and walk in front of my target so that my back is to him (my camera is still looking at him though). By this point he'll know your another player but he probably won't know you're after him. Once your meter says INCOGNITO, BABY, let him catch up to you and then press EXECUTE. This is a similar tactic to what I'm going to talk about next.
  • "Walking like a boss." Learning how to walk like a robit not only keeps you alive but significantly decreases your chances of your target contesting your kill. You never want your target to know you're going to kill him until after you're killing him. Walking like a robot better ensures this. For example, you and your target are walking at each other down a straight pathway. The dumb player will give his identity away by bee-lining it straight for his target while fast-walking; the target sees this and contests the kill. The smart player walks along the same path the AI follows, while not fast-walking, while keeping his distance from the target -- if his incognitometer is full, he EXECUTES when in range. If it's not full, he may u-turn after passing the target so that he's following behind the target, then EXECUTES when the meter is full. This works really well when your target does not know you're another player.
  • "Why don't you go for the focus bonus?" Because it's too difficult. The range at which you need to be from your target in order to get the focus bonus is the same range at which a giant B appears above your head for your target. Most players with eyeballs will press the B button long before your focus meter is full. The only time this is worth going for is when your target is stunned on the ground.
  • "So what abilities should I be using?" I never have more than one offensive perk in an ability set, and the offensive perk I usually have can also be used defensively. I like Throwing Knives a lot, but Hidden Gun has its use. Both of these are for the roofies running around above you. You should only ever use the Hidden Gun when your target is camping the rooftops. I cannot tell you how embarrassed I feel for the people that sit on a little perch at the top of a building and shoot people with the Hidden Gun. "I'ma Sniper." Haha, no you're not. Throwing Knives are way more versatile. Use them on people who are climbing walls and people who are sitting on perches or the ropes that hang between rooftops. Use them to slow down a fast-walking target. Use them on your pursuer; the knives will stun someone for the first second of their effect, so if you're quick you can stun them before they can kill you.

My most used ability set includes Mute, Throwing Knives, Blender, and Overall Cooldowns with Silent Kills Streak +250 and Boost Cooldowns as my streak bonuses. Having two abilities that I can use both offensively and defensively is extremely useful; this class allows me to play sleuthy or aggressively, which makes it a very versatile set.

Hopefully this turns any new players into gentlemen instead of more stupids running around on the rooftops -- they really are missing the point. Playing sleuthy is a lot harder because it requires you to outwit your opponent, but that's what makes it so rewarding. It's the best part about this game. It's like chess, man, except with knives...


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Mute sucks
in Brotherhood anyway
dude. Fuck outta here with that recommending it over Smoke Bomb shit. Hell, Smoke Bomb sucks too because it takes too long to deploy to where using it defenseively is suicide unless being chased.

Morph all day erryday. Stick in a stationary crowd with morph or morph a crowd and get into a hiding place. Most people won't suspect you being hidden elsewhere unless using Templar Vision.

Maybe tactics/perks changed in Revelations. I need to really level up to 50 in Brotherhood and start into the multiplayer of Revelations. But seriously: Mute and Smoke Bomb suck. >_>

malfcn said:
nly tinkered in Bro. In Rev is stun better? I could flank my killer in Bro, be 99% through my stun animation and they would still kill me. It was so-so broken.

Also this. Stunning sucks in Brotherhood because of lag and kill priority even if you get a drop/see them approaching and start to mash O/B to stun them. Shit is stupid and you are better off just morphing crowds and luring a person to make them lose a contract instead of relying on seeing them.

Nori Chan

Defenders are fucking catered in this game.

They're given a prompt to press B so it's REALLY REALLY hard to get focus kills in this game unless you're on a roof over them.


Mute sucks
in Brotherhood anyway
dude. Fuck outta here with that recommending it over Smoke Bomb shit. Hell, Smoke Bomb sucks too because it takes too long to deploy to where using it defenseively is suicide unless being chased.

Morph all day erryday. Stick in a stationary crowd with morph or morph a crowd and get into a hiding place. Most people won't suspect you being hidden elsewhere unless using Templar Vision.

Maybe tactics/perks changed in Revelations. I need to really level up to 50 in Brotherhood and start into the multiplayer of Revelations. But seriously: Mute and Smoke Bomb suck. >_>

So you haven't played Rev's multiplayer yet and you're trying to tell what works better in it? There's a reason I have you on my ignore list.


Any good post-holiday sales on this? I remember AC2 being around $20 mid-way through 2010 and that game was actually well-received.


Any good post-holiday sales on this? I remember AC2 being around $20 mid-way through 2010 and that game was actually well-received.

you missed the holiday sales, it was pretty cheap over christmas.

it should be even cheaper in a few months
Is it me, or are the assassin's creed getting easier over the installments? I mean, it has always been a piss-easy series of games, but this is reaching ridiculous heights. I was trying to get myself killed after letting a captain escape, and i was having trouble *getting myself killed*. Not only you carry a ridiculous amount of insta-health items, your health regenerates from the lowest amount to 1 bar, and Ezio godlike skill with killing instruments would make it easy to take on an army of heavily armed soldiers.
even with a broom
It's so ridiculous that the intro sequence really is not believable at all. He should just have chain-killed the whole garrison.

Still, I like the game a lot. Ezio is probably my favorite character this generation.


Okay just finished. I don't really understand how people put this game ahead of the rest of the series. The entire thing felt really fresh (I played through II in the beginning of december, Brotherhood at the end of december). I felt like brotherhood improved on 2 and added some cool stuff but none of it was really that relevant and did not make a huge difference to what you did in the game (Guilds tasks, assassins recruits). But with revelations I felt like all of it while a side story had the ability to improve the main story line. Everything felt like it had a purpose in the game. All three characters really developed and it wasn't in a rinse wash repeat way. Altogether I am thoroughly amazed with how awesome this game is.

Not to mention, the 3D option makes this game come to life (esp with the crazy graphics [relative of course]).

rdrr gnr

Is it me, or are the assassin's creed getting easier over the installments? I mean, it has always been a piss-easy series of games, but this is reaching ridiculous heights. I was trying to get myself killed after letting a captain escape, and i was having trouble *getting myself killed*. Not only you carry a ridiculous amount of insta-health items, your health regenerates from the lowest amount to 1 bar, and Ezio godlike skill with killing instruments would make it easy to take on an army of heavily armed soldiers.
even with a broom
It's so ridiculous that the intro sequence really is not believable at all. He should just have chain-killed the whole garrison.

Still, I like the game a lot. Ezio is probably my favorite character this generation.
It works for the universe. In a lot of cases, it's about the 'destination' and not the 'journey' there. tbh, it would be annoying if the the core mechanics of the game were somehow 'harder.' I think trying to achieve 100% sync is fun way to increase challenge.


It works for the universe. In a lot of cases, it's about the 'destination' and not the 'journey' there. tbh, it would be annoying if the the core mechanics of the game were somehow 'harder.' I think trying to achieve 100% sync is fun way to increase challenge.

Wasn't really sure how to phrase a response but that is bang on!


Got this in my b-day package and popped it in. Is it me, or is the 3D very dark? As long as I'm outside and it's around noon-ish, everything is fine and dandy, but as soon as darkness sets in or I go indoors, shit becomes one big black blur in front of my eyes with hints of Ezio's silhouette...
I checked, and it's only AssCreed giving issues; Batman, Blob 2 and 3D movies are fine.
Just grabbed this game out of the backlog and popped it in for a couple of hours.

Holy shit, old Ezio looks different from young Ezio. When did his eyes turn yellow? Did Kyd do the score for this? I'm not at all impressed with the music and soundtrack vibe so far. It's incomparable to Brotherhood's.
Just grabbed this game out of the backlog and popped it in for a couple of hours.

Holy shit, old Ezio looks different from young Ezio. When did his eyes turn yellow? Did Kyd do the score for this? I'm not at all impressed with the music and soundtrack vibe so far. It's incomparable to Brotherhood's.

Jesper Kyd is again doing the score, its just a different ambiance and time from Brotherhood. Also, they re-scanned the actor's face with new tech and tweaked it a little bit, that's why he looks, well, more 'real' then the cartoon version of Brotherhood. Especially in the shadings departments.
Jesper Kyd is again doing the score, its just a different ambiance and time from Brotherhood. Also, they re-scanned the actor's face with new tech and tweaked it a little bit, that's why he looks, well, more 'real' then the cartoon version of Brotherhood. Especially in the shadings departments.

Only partially. The main theme and - it appears - the majority of the music has been composed by Lorne Balfe. Who is, apparently, a dude. The Kyd pieces are immediately recognizable, imo.
It's hard for me to compare Revelations to Brotherhood. Bro has higher highs and lower lows, whereas Rev is pretty much even keel at so-so to decent the whole way through. I remember being less frustrated at the controls in Rev, so maybe they tweaked it a bit there. Also, Constantinople is bland as shit.

Is it me, or are the assassin's creed getting easier over the installments? I mean, it has always been a piss-easy series of games, but this is reaching ridiculous heights. I was trying to get myself killed after letting a captain escape, and i was having trouble *getting myself killed*. Not only you carry a ridiculous amount of insta-health items, your health regenerates from the lowest amount to 1 bar, and Ezio godlike skill with killing instruments would make it easy to take on an army of heavily armed soldiers.
even with a broom
It's so ridiculous that the intro sequence really is not believable at all. He should just have chain-killed the whole garrison.

Still, I like the game a lot. Ezio is probably my favorite character this generation.
Yeah, the games are pretty easy, especially with the assassin autokills, bombs, crossbow, chainkills, mercs, etc., but not exactly playing the game for hardcore challenge. The rare times I actually die are usually from accidentally jumping off a really fucking high building or screwing up the missions because I wasn't paying attention to the rules.


Can someone remind me what happened with the apple of eden at the end of brotherhood?

summaries and shit are in the OP

Ezio then takes the apple and hides it in a place in which no one will find it - another temple, this one built underneath Santa Maria in Aracoeli, within The Temple of Juno.

Using the co-ordinates taken from Ezio's memories, Desmond, Lucy, Shaun and Rebecca open the temple, intending to use the Apple to locate the remaining temples in order to keep the other Pieces of Eden out of the Templars' hands.

A staircase leading to the Apple is activated and Desmond and the others ascend it. Desmond approaches the Apple and glowing symbols begin to appear in the air.

then shit goes down, your not really told what happened to that apple.

but i assume its with the assassins now, same people who rescued desmond
Just finished the SP. I found it to be surprisingly on par for the most part with the last installment. In fact, the game itself felt like it had more effort put into it than Brotherhood. Loved the main quest, and I mostly liked everything else, although I only played the den defence game twice. My main issue was that the den/city management and related quests replaced any and all side quests, which despite the huge amount of content meant that things felt a bit sparse at times.

I liked how the plot neatly tied up Altair and Ezio's plot lines, hopefully so AC3 next year can have a fresh start, with the Altair parts being particularly well done. However, that CG cutscene with the First Civilisation at the end was frankly shit, and ruined any subtlety and mystery with regards to that aspect of the game. A huge stumbling block in an otherwise strong ending.


Platinum Trophy: Learned to Shit While Upright Again.
Well got all the Single Player trophies

Played Offline due to 1.02 Fiasco, now just need to go get all those MP trophies =[

The Desmond sequences started out fun, then just became annoying, "Oh, Hi! we added our own Portal-esque mini-game painted with every Tron Legacy color scheme imaginable"

Also as others mentioned... HOLY SHIT @ those Credits, that was Forever of the Forever

Time for Stats -

AC Revelations:

Synchronization (%): 98.91
Time Played: 28:08:45
Distance Covered (m): 190,860

For the others:

AC Brotherhood:

Synchronization (%): 77.22
Time Played: 23:09:06
Distance Covered (m): 275,033


Synchronization (%): 88.8
Time Played: 27:59:40
Distance Covered (m): 244,437

Can't believe I'm close to 100% on ACR lol, got guild challenges left, and maybe buy up all the monuments

The Books, sucked ass, almost 500,000A to purchase them, unreal


Got this in my b-day package and popped it in. Is it me, or is the 3D very dark? As long as I'm outside and it's around noon-ish, everything is fine and dandy, but as soon as darkness sets in or I go indoors, shit becomes one big black blur in front of my eyes with hints of Ezio's silhouette...
I checked, and it's only AssCreed giving issues; Batman, Blob 2 and 3D movies are fine.
I thought the 3d was dark but that is because you are basically wearing tinted lenses on an already dark game. I've heard that for most 3d settings it is recommended to turn on dynamic contrast and bump up your brightness a couple of notches. After I did that I had a hard time not wanting to play in 3d.

On a similar note, does this game play in 1080p? because when i'm not in 3d it is playing 1080p @60z and when I'm using 3d i get 720p @60hz. The textures are noticeably crisper and more detailed in the non 3d settings. oh, and I'm playing from a 360.


Does anyone have the AC encyclopedia that came with the collectors editions? It's quite expensive on the Ubisoft site, but I am fanatical about the story of AC - is it worth getting?
Ezio: "Those are some nice pickpocketing skills you got there"

Thief: "I've never been caught!"

Ezio: "Why don't you put those skills to better use. Fight with the Assassins!"

Thief: "uh, okay sure!"


Does anyone have the AC encyclopedia that came with the collectors editions? It's quite expensive on the Ubisoft site, but I am fanatical about the story of AC - is it worth getting?

then yes, it is worth getting. its the main reason i got the animus edition of the game.

there are 2 editions - black and white. the black one came with the animus edition and
the white one is sold separately through ubiworkshop - it also has an artwork section
which the black one does not. some of the art in there is in the OP at the bottom.


Wow, what a beautiful ending. Very emotional and heartfelt endings for both Altair and Ezio, and very nicely sets up ACIII.

Wow, just wow. Ezio is gonna go down as one of the best characters ever in gaming. We've seen him through birth all the way to the end of his story.

Game overall of more awesome of the same awesome, but probably not as good overall as Brotherhood. Right up there though. Give it to me yearly, please.


Wow, just wow. Ezio is gonna go down as one of the best characters ever in gaming. We've seen him through birth all the way to the end of his story.

and he barely changed at all the entire time. He was always crying and flailing his arms around.


and he barely changed at all the entire time. He was always crying and flailing his arms around.

Yeah right. Look at the first cutscene of AC2, then watch the ending of ACR. The character changed over the course of the games, big time.


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