Describe how Odyssey sucks.
Braindead easy to the point that you could have 0 skill in terms of gaming and still beat the game. Making a game this ridiculously easy takes all the fun out of a game for me because if there's no challenge in a game and no story then what's the point exactly 'And no the endgame isn't hard and you shouldn't have to wait till the literal end of the game for a challenge'. Add to that you got moons in your face every two seconds which took the excitement out of finding them and searching for them out the window because there's wayyyy too many and they're wayyyyy too frequent which again takes away any sense of accomplishment in finding them.
Then you got cappy which started off awesome i admit. Transforming into a dinosaur had me saying wtf this is cool but then i slowly realized how lame it was to control a massive dinosaur in a condensed tiny environment to where i felt constricted on his movement and constricted in general. And the dinosaur powerup is the peak of cappy and his powers because the other cappy abilities are beyond gimmicky and lame. A bullet bill who can just fly woo hooo a guy who can jump in the air high woo hoooo. All of cappy and his abilities have like 2 button presses or sometimes just 1 that you can use for said ability which again was simplistic and lame sorry it was.
Add to all this that the worlds themselves are wayyy too tiny and condensed and i never felt like i was on an actual 'odyssey'. When i played mario galaxy 1 and 2 i felt like i was in space because of the gravity mechanic the worlds themselves, the music, the enemies etc etc. In odyssey you just feel like you're playing a basic 3d mario game and that's it because you can't control the ship it's just for show and the planets again just look like mario levels and not space levels at all. I could go on and on but mario odyssey is way too easy, way too basic, way too formulaic, and just plain boring in my opinion considering the standard that 3d mario games before it have set.

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