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At least 148 including 132 children dead as Taliban storm Pakistan school

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Please tell me in THIS case what interpretation they used and what was their goal that was islamic?

Again, I haven't read the Quran and it's already been stated that in this case their goal was revenge on the army for it's recent efforts against them.

That doesn't invalidate the fact the rest of the organization still utilizes religion in it's propaganda and recruiting. And this is just a guess, but I imagine those suicide bombers acted on the belief they would go to paradise after death, which is also a religious ideal.

No one is saying the religion this group follows is the correct form of Islam, in fact quite the opposite, it is a twisted and untrue interpretation that they merely use to their own corrupt ends. But to say that religion is not a factor within this group is false.


Yes the Taliban are abusing the faith of the people like the children and their Parents who are applying their faith.

Did you even consider anything I wrote or did you just leap into defence mode?

Religion can encourage people to do lovely things, and in rare cases it can contribute to people doing awful things. It is important to identify those factors and try and reduce it from happening.
Again, I haven't read the Quran and it's already been stated that in this case their goal was revenge on the army for it's recent efforts against them.

That doesn't invalidate the fact the rest of the organization still utilizes religion in it's propaganda and recruiting. And this is just a guess, but I imagine those suicide bombers acted on the belief they would go to paradise after death, which is also a religious ideal.

No one is saying the religion this group follows is the correct form of Islam, in fact quite the opposite, it is a twisted and untrue interpretation that they merely use to their own corrupt ends. But to say that religion is not a factor within this group is false.

Taliban are the tea party of muslim world (even worse in most aspects) . They say they are for the constitution (islam) but go against in every way they can

Did you even consider anything I wrote or did you just leap into defence mode?

Religion can encourage people to do lovely things, and in rare cases it can contribute to people doing awful things. It is important to identify those factors and try and reduce it from happening.

So let me get this straight and answer me, you think rather than abusing the faith they are just applying the faith ? Because I was actually agreeing with you that Taliban abuse the same faith as those of the chldren and parents who apply it in their daily lives


So let me get this straight and answer me, you think rather than abusing the faith they are just applying the faith ?

False dichotomy. When a Catholic priest abuses a child I don't think they are doing it to abuse or apply the faith. Rather I am saying it is a consequence of dangerous traditions within the faith (namely repression of normal sexuality) that help to produce the environment in which this kind of crime emerges.

I am saying that there must exist some kinds of unhealthy behaviours or traditions within some forms of Islam which result in this kind of action from time to time.

This only applies if you put the ideology of Taliban on the same level of sanity as baptist or Lutheran which is to say you think their view of faith on terms of extreme is the same as those children

Let me get this straight: do you think they only do this because of their (in)sanity? Do you think all people with mental health issues are dangerous?
False dichotomy. When a Catholic priest abuses a child I don't think they are doing it to abuse or apply the faith. Rather I am saying it is a consequence of dangerous traditions within the faith (namely repression of normal sexuality) that help to produce the environment in which this kind of crime emerges.

I am saying that there must exist some kinds of unhealthy behaviours or traditions within some forms of Islam which result in this kind of action from time to time.

Let me get this straight: do you think they only do this because of their (in)sanity? Do you think all people with mental health issues are dangerous?

This about the deaths of children not the tangent of mental health I asked a very simple question: do you believe the

1. The Taliban are abusing the faith of the children and parents
2. The Taliban are applying the faith in its proper form as opposed to the children and parents

I was agreeing with you initially but you seem to have ill convictions that somehow the faith of the parents and dead chldren has as much weight as that of the nutjob Taliban


This about the deaths of children not the tangent of mental health I asked a very simple question: do you believe the

1. The Taliban are abusing the faith of the children and parents
2. The Taliban are applying the faith in its proper form as opposed to the children and parents

I was agreeing with you initially but you seem to have ill convictions that somehow the faith of the parents and dead chldren has as much weight as that of the nutjob Taliban

I dont agree with the premise of your question. By way of a comparison, a Catholic priest who abuses children is still a Catholic, so a Taliban member who commits a terrible act is still a Muslim.

I said on the previous page - people will do lovely things in the name of their religion. Most people of most religions are like that. Most people in general are like that. But palming off every bad event as due to the actions of a "nut job" is ignoring the potential for asking hard questions and thinking of ways to fix things.

You decry people blaming the religion. I'm not blaming the religion at all, I am being far more nuanced in where I place the blame. But people readily place the blame at the feet of mental health issues and wash their hands of it. That is a case of stigmatising people just as much as when people say that it is entirely due to religion.

These events are due to a conflation of issues. Religion is part of it. Mental health might be part of it. Local culture is another element. Military history. Poverty. Upbringing. All these elements contribute.

People need to acknowledge or look for ways in which each element has contributed to it.
I dont agree with the premise of your question. By way of a comparison, a Catholic priest who abuses children is still a Catholic, so a Taliban member who commits a terrible act is still a Muslim.

I said on the previous page - people will do lovely things in the name of their religion. Most people of most religions are like that. Most people in general are like that. But palming off every bad event as due to the actions of a "nut job" is ignoring the potential for asking hard questions and thinking of ways to fix things.

You can't even answer the question if the Taliban are abusing the faith vs applying the faith ? :) well most know the answer to the question

And you are comparing a priest to a Taliban ? Really ? Lol


You can't even answer the question if the Taliban are abusing the faith vs applying the faith ? :) well most know the answer to the question

And you are comparing a priest to a Taliban ? Really ? Lol

I'm making an analogy, but you seem to be deliberately misreading my posts and flippantly dismissing the point.
I dont agree with the premise of your question. By way of a comparison, a Catholic priest who abuses children is still a Catholic, so a Taliban member who commits a terrible act is still a Muslim.

I said on the previous page - people will do lovely things in the name of their religion. Most people of most religions are like that. Most people in general are like that. But palming off every bad event as due to the actions of a "nut job" is ignoring the potential for asking hard questions and thinking of ways to fix things.

What's the hard question here? There is nothing that even vaguely allows the killing of children in Islam.

What you're saying is that ANYTHING an allegedly religious group does, it has to be religiously motivated. If the TTP started driving a specific make of car, do you think they justify it from religion? If they start going to McDonald's over Burger King, are they justifying it based on religion?

Someone already posted a comment where a TTP spokesperson was asked how they could justify this attack, to which he couldn't even attempt to use Islam as some sort of shield.

This particular attack has NO religious overtones. It is purely a revenge attack. "You kill us, we kill you back."
I'm making an analogy, but you seem to be deliberately misreading my posts and flippantly dismissing the point.

Your analogy is a religious priest abusing children comparing a Taliban killing children as if Taliban can be good like a good priest. Please at least use a correct analogy. You still can't answer the very simple question which shows the motivations


Your analogy is a religious priest abusing children comparing a Taliban killing children as if Taliban can be good like a good priest. Please at least use a correct analogy. You still can't answer the very simple question which shows the motivations

Lets go back to your question then.

Are the Taliban holding the same faith as the other Muslims around the world? I would say yes, they are of the same faith. Although I acknowledge there are multiple interpretations of Islam such as Shia, Sunni, etc. Just as with other religions this is typical. A Wahabist would call themselves a Muslim and so would a Shiite. Just as a Lutheran and a Catholic are Christian.

So is a Taliban terrorist following or abusing the faith? That depends on who you ask. A Taliban member would say they are following it, and say that everyone else is wrong. The fact that not everyone else agrees with them suggests to me that the Taliban are abusing the faith.

However that is not the point I'm getting at and you seem to be too happy to box my opinion up into one you can easily ignore in order to avoid the point. What is it that causes a group like the Taliban to so fundamentally misinterpret the texts, or are they taking some obscure texts out of context? You can't just say they are doing this because they are all insane. There has to be some contributing factor from the religion which has been misinterpreted and magnified beyond reason.


Lets go back to your question then.

Are the Taliban holding the same faith as the other Muslims around the world? I would say yes, they are of the same faith. Although I acknowledge there are multiple interpretations of Islam such as Shia, Sunni, etc. Just as with other religions this is typical. A Wahabist would call themselves a Muslim and so would a Shiite. Just as a Lutheran and a Catholic are Christian.

So is a Taliban terrorist following or abusing the faith? That depends on who you ask. A Taliban member would say they are following it, and say that everyone else is wrong. The fact that not everyone else agrees with them suggests to me that the Taliban are abusing the faith.

However that is not the point I'm getting at and you seem to be too happy to box my opinion up into one you can easily ignore in order to avoid the point. What is it that causes a group like the Taliban to so fundamentally misinterpret the texts, or are they taking some obscure texts out of context? You can't just say they are doing this because they are all insane. There has to be some contributing factor from the religion which has been misinterpreted and magnified beyond reason.
Um why? Why does there have to be some logic behind there actions?

They result to violence because most of the Islamic world rejects their "interpretations" of the religion. Thats not completly relevant in the context of this conflict with Pakistan, though.
Lets go back to your question then.

Are the Taliban holding the same faith as the other Muslims around the world? I would say yes, they are of the same faith. Although I acknowledge there are multiple interpretations of Islam such as Shia, Sunni, etc. Just as with other religions this is typical. A Wahabist would call themselves a Muslim and so would a Shiite. Just as a Lutheran and a Catholic are Christian.

So is a Taliban terrorist following or abusing the faith? That depends on who you ask. A Taliban member would say they are following it, and say that everyone else is wrong. The fact that not everyone else agrees with them suggests to me that the Taliban are abusing the faith.

However that is not the point I'm getting at and you seem to be too happy to box my opinion up into one you can easily ignore in order to avoid the point. What is it that causes a group like the Taliban to so fundamentally misinterpret the texts, or are they taking some obscure texts out of context? You can't just say they are doing this because they are all insane. There has to be some contributing factor from the religion which has been misinterpreted and magnified beyond reason.

That's the the answer I was looking for and what is wrong with the thought process.

It's the 1 in 10 rule again when the 1 Taliban or extremist does something to the 9 other Pakistanis you are treating his ideology has separate but equal when in fact it is separate and an exception rather than the norm.

If your thought process treated this like the exception you would realise the political and social nature which results in these people. See when you say why the Taliban are able to misinterpret text, don't you see islamophobes do the same ? They both use the same ignorance and logic to apply their I'll convictions to the text and both ignoring context, one does it to hate islam and one does it to promote hate within Islam and both are exceptions not the norm.

Any person who does not understand the faith and repeatedly picks and chooses rules from their faith will never understand the faith and that is extremists like Taliban even though this attack was not a religiously motivated one I am describing their emergence

The common argument for those who don't understand the faith of these children is that islam promotes violence but when told and proven that islam only promotes violence as a defense against an offending force and not any civilian, the argument cycles back it promoting violence as if they have their fingers plugged into the ears and they are not listening to anything. Then when their own country is attacked by the fundamentalists, they say that to defend our freedom and right of life, we have to use violence to kill the terrorists which is exactly also what the Islam of those dead children and their parents says and what these people then say is proof of islams violence.

It's a cycle jerk of hypocrisy and ignorance in the name of hating

Juicy Bob

It really saddens me that the cancelling of a shitty Seth Rogan film has received more attention in the last 24 hours than this horrific atrocity.


What the fuck? Well, there it is. There always has to be one truly attrocious thing happen at least once a week because of some fucking fanatic fuckheads. Killing kids? Jesus fucking christ these guys are way past irredeemable. Bathe them in fucking acid. Gotta go cool off now.
One of the best articles written and what every Pakisfani must read and every Arab and person in every muslim nation


There is a line separating man from God that should never be crossed. For when it is, hell breaks loose. We witnessed hell today in Pakistan. One hundred and thirty two children slaughtered in a barbaric attack on a school.

This time the line was crossed by Taliban – a serial offender. They gloatingly accepted full responsibility, adding that the children were murdered in response to Pakistan army’s offensive against them. One might question such logic. After all there are rules, even in war. Rules set by the very religion the Taliban profess to follow. Civilians are off-limits. The children for sure.

But such logic matters not. For when you have crossed the line, you are no longer subject to constraints put on men. You are “god” now – judge, jury and the executioner – all rolled into one. The Taliban want to impose “shariah”. We can never know what that means, except to know that it means whatever the Taliban want it to mean. Murdering children could be kosher, if “the god” Taliban so decides. We better submit, or our head could be next.

There is a word in the western world for crossing the line between man and God. It is called Fascism, and the line-crossers are known as Fascists. But we in Pakistan know them through more honorific titles such as Maulana, Allama and Mashaikh – or even Generals and Prime Ministers.

Yes, make no mistake. The Taliban are not the first to cross the line between man and God. In fact, they are really one of the last to join this habitual pastime of Pakistani elite.

The line was first breached by Prime Minister Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto in 1974 who, flanked by every political party and religious scholar, set out to determine who was a true Muslim and who wasn’t. General Zia took this initiative to the next level by inventing his own “divine laws” that prescribed precise penalties for a wide range of “blasphemous” acts.

The following generation of leaders, both within the army and beyond, became even bolder. Why not just decentralize the whole business of trespassing on God’s territory, they thought. Thus you no longer had to head the parliament, or be a General to decide “god’s will”. Anyone with the right length of beard could do it. The subtleties of law and due process were no longer a hindrance.

A local cleric would declare some poor Christians “blasphemous”, and they could be lynched, burnt alive, or their entire community set on fire. The cleric and his mob would never face justice. And if the “accused” Christian somehow managed to save her life, she would surely be picked up by police and banished behind bars for years to come.

Before the Taliban butchered our children in Peshawar, there was a Talibanesque mob in Gujranwala that went to punish the “heretic” Ahmadis. They locked up women, and children as young as 8 months old, inside a room before setting it on fire. The whole episode was video-taped with exuberant men chanting religious slogans. The government looked the other way because the “god” was on their side.

This begs the question. Why blame the Taliban alone when so many in Pakistan are quick to impose divine punishment upon others? But let us not try to answer this question any more.

It is not easy to bury one’s own children. Not so many. And not so regularly. We must put an end to this. We must do the unthinkable. We must redraw the line between man and God in Pakistan, and promise never to breach it again.

This means getting rid of all discriminatory laws in Pakistan. All laws where the state interferes in matters of faith. It means getting rid of all blasphemy laws. The question is not whether Aasia Bibi committed blasphemy or not. The question is why should there be such a question in the first place.

We must respect the line between man and God. Let us all admit that there is no god, except God. May our children rest in peace.
Pakistan has carried out two executions, the first since a death penalty moratorium was lifted after a deadly attack on a Peshawar school.

One of those executed was convicted over an attack on Pakistan's Army HQ in 2009, the other over an assassination attempt on ex-leader Pervez Musharraf.

The UN had earlier urged Pakistan not to resume its executions.

Some 141 people, all but nine of them children, died in the Taliban attack on the Army Public school in Peshawar.

Pakistan's military carried out operations against Taliban units in areas near the border with Afghanistan on Friday, saying it had killed 59 militants.
'Different crimes'

The two executions were carried out in the central city of Faisalabad late on Friday, officials said.

Pakistani media named the two executed men as Aqeel, alias Dr Usman, and Arshad Mehmood.

Usman was arrested during the raid on the Rawalpindi HQ and sentenced to death in 2011.



A friend of mine at work is from Peshawar, and his family still lives in the area. He said regardless of "official numbers," the death toll is well over 200 at this point. They pulled over 100 bodies from a single auditorium where class was being held apparently. His wife lost 3 relatives in the attack, and they were friends with several of the teachers at the school.

Horrible stuff, I'm amazed it hasn't gotten more media attention.


A friend of mine at work is from Peshawar, and his family still lives in the area. He said regardless of "official numbers," the death toll is well over 200 at this point. They pulled over 100 bodies from a single auditorium where class was being held apparently. His wife lost 3 relatives in the attack, and they were friends with several of the teachers at the school.

Horrible stuff, I'm amazed it hasn't gotten more media attention.

It also still amazes me that this thread is only 10 pages. I guess to some people dead kids don't matter if they aren't white.

Red Mage

Is there anything about child killing in the Koran? Or do they even care about that anymore, just using what bits they can to justify their urges - aka cult-like behavior?

Somehow murdering children for your cause doesn't sound much like the religion of peace I've read Islam to be, but more like a cult.

And if they're doing it to get at the United States...good job guys, you got us good.

Yes. Well, the Hadiths, at least.


Book 019, Number 4321:
It is reported on the authority of Sa'b b. Jaththama that the Prophet of Allah (may peace be upon him), when asked about the women and children of the polytheists being killed during the night raid, said: They are from them.

Book 019, Number 4322:
It is narrated by Sa'b b. Jaththama that he said (to the Holy Prophet): Messenger of Allah, we kill the children of the polytheists during the night raids. He said: They are from them.

Book 019, Number 4323:
Sa'b b. Jaththama has narrated that the Prophet (may peace be upon him) asked: What about the children of polytheists killed by the cavalry during the night raid? He said: They are from them.​

Taliban are the tea party of muslim world (even worse in most aspects) . They say they are for the constitution (islam) but go against in every way they can.

No, they aren't. First of all, the Tea Party, Occupy Wall-Street, or any other political group in America has never done anything remotely on the same level as the Taliban. Heck, I don't think the KKK, for all of it's disgusting ideology and hatred, has ever managed to lower itself to the Taliban's level.

Secondly, Islam, as practiced by Muhammad, was much closer to what the Taliban and Al-Qaeda practice, than what it's Western followers practice. That doesn't mean I think all Muslims are terrorists or any of that nonsense, but Islam, as it was originally practiced, was not about peace, but submission. Hence its' name.


Just got a news alert that pakistan Air Force just took out the Pakistan Taliban leader Fazal Ullah in an air strike inside Afghanistan
Good riddance.

The kids had nothing to do with this. Can't believe they would just massacre innocent kids like that. These Taliban folks are broken and should be wiped out.
Secondly, Islam, as practiced by Muhammad, was much closer to what the Taliban and Al-Qaeda practice, than what it's Western followers practice. That doesn't mean I think all Muslims are terrorists or any of that nonsense, but Islam, as it was originally practiced, was not about peace, but submission. Hence its' name.

This just shows your ignorance towards Islam which is you saying what the Majority of what Muslims practice today is not the Islam of 1400 years ago and the Islamic ideology of taliban and ISIS is closer to that of the Holy Prophet. How much of a low browed uneducated person does it take to come up with that?

Yes. Well, the Hadiths, at least.

Book 019, Number 4321:
It is reported on the authority of Sa'b b. Jaththama that the Prophet of Allah (may peace be upon him), when asked about the women and children of the polytheists being killed during the night raid, said: They are from them.

Book 019, Number 4322:
It is narrated by Sa'b b. Jaththama that he said (to the Holy Prophet): Messenger of Allah, we kill the children of the polytheists during the night raids. He said: They are from them.

Book 019, Number 4323:
Sa'b b. Jaththama has narrated that the Prophet (may peace be upon him) asked: What about the children of polytheists killed by the cavalry during the night raid? He said: They are from them.

Your whole concept of Islam is based off of hadith and not Quran, Even if its an invalid hadith, you will portray as valid because...well it fits your "AGENDA" of Islam of Taliban being the REAL islam. how low can one get. Basically an insult to All the Muslims on GAF who are actually in all intends and purposes moderates and closer to Islam than the Taliban. A Hadiths validity is only there if it doesnt contradict the Quran

Sanctity of Life

[5:33] On account of this, We prescribed for the children of Israel that whosoever killed a person — unless it be for killing a person or for creating disorder in the land — it shall be as if he had killed all mankind; and whoso gave life to one, it shall be as if he had given life to all mankind. And Our Messengers came to them with clear Signs, yet even after that, many of them commit excesses in the land.

[6:152] Say, ‘Come, I will rehearse to you what your Lord has forbidden: that you associate not anything as partner with Him and that you do good to parents, and that you kill not your children for fear of poverty — it is We Who provide for you and for them — and that you approach not foul deeds, whether open or secret; and that you kill not the life which Allah has made sacred, save by right. That is what He has enjoined upon you, that you may understand.

[2:191] And fight in the cause of Allah against those who fight against you, but do not transgress. Surely, Allah loves not the transgressors.

[2:192] And kill them wherever you meet them and drive them out from where they have driven you out; for persecution is worse than killing. And fight them not in, and near, the Sacred Mosque until they fight you therein. But if they fight you, then fight them: such is the requital for the disbelievers.

[2:193] But if they desist, then surely Allah is Most Forgiving, Merciful.

[2:194] And fight them until there is no persecution, and religion is freely professed for Allah. But if they desist, then remember that no hostility is allowed except against the aggressors.

Followed by by the Hadith at the time the Quraish were coming to fight the muslims in a War were the following instructions

Muslim 019:4294:

It has been reported from Sulaiman b. Buraid through his father that when the Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) appointed anyone as leader of an army or detachment he would especially exhort him to fear Allah and to be good to the Muslims who were with him. He would say: Fight in the name of Allah and in the way of Allah. Fight against those who disbelieve in Allah. Make a holy war, do not embezzle the spoils; do not break your pledge; and do not mutilate (the dead) bodies; do not kill the children. When you meet your enemies who are polytheists, invite them to three courses of action. If they respond to any one of these, you also accept it and withold yourself from doing them any harm. Invite them to (accept) Islam; if they respond to you, accept it from them and desist from fighting against them. Then invite them to migrate from their lands to the land of Muhairs and inform them that, if they do so, they shall have all the privileges and obligations of the Muhajirs. If they refuse to migrate, tell them that they will have the status of Bedouin Muilims and will be subjected to the Commands of Allah like other Muslims, but they will not get any share from the spoils of war or Fai' except when they actually fight with the Muslims (against the disbelievers). If they refuse to accept Islam, demand from them the Jizya. If they agree to pay, accept it from them and hold off your hands. If they refuse to pay the tax, seek Allah's help and fight them. When you lay siege to a fort and the besieged appeal to you for protection in the name of Allah and His Prophet, do not accord to them the guarantee of Allah and His Prophet, but accord to them your own guarantee and the guarantee of your companions for it is a lesser sin that the security given by you or your companions be disregarded than that the security granted in the name of Allah and His Prophet be violated When you besiege a fort and the besieged want you to let them out in accordance with Allah's Command, do not let them come out in accordance with His Command, but do so at your (own) command, for you do not know whether or not you will be able to carry out Allah's behest with regard to them.

Bukhari Book 052, # 257.

Narrated By 'Abdullah : During some of the Ghazawat of the Prophet a woman was found killed. Allah's Apostle disapproved the killing of women and children.

Bukhari Book 052, # 258.

Narrated By Ibn 'Umar : During some of the Ghazawat of Allah's Apostle a woman was found killed, so Allah's Apostle forbade the killing of women and children.

Maliks Muwatta Book 021, Hadith 008.

Yahya related to me from Malik from Ibn Shihab that a son of Kab ibn Malik (Malik believed that ibn Shihab said it was Abd ar-Rahman ibn Kab) said, "The Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, forbade those who fought ibn Abi Huqayq (a treacherous jew from Madina) to kill women and children. He said that one of the men fighting had said, 'The wife of ibn Abi Huqayq began screaming and I repeatedly raised my sword against her. Then I would remember the prohibition of the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, so I would stop. Had it not been for that, we would have been rid of her.'"

but then again, you can try and find little corners to scrape for manufactured information to create your agenda that most muslims here on GAF are not really following the actual Islamic teachings smh


It also still amazes me that this thread is only 10 pages. I guess to some people dead kids don't matter if they aren't white.

Tbh I think it's because it's so horrible and shocking there's not much to say besides how depressing and horrible it is and RIP for the victims and fuck the barbarians that did this.


Holy shit at this thread. Children have died. Pakistan is going against Taliban and you guys fucking argue about religion.

Taliban have always interpret the Islam incorrectly since day 1, but this is not because of their belief, its because they are inherently scum of human kind.

Hope they die horrible death.
Holy shit at this thread. Children have died. Pakistan is going against Taliban and you guys fucking argue about religion.

Taliban have always interpret the Islam incorrectly since day 1, but this is not because of their belief, its because they are inherently scum of human kind.

Hope they die horrible death.

Sorry that we are discussing aspects that many view at the root of the problem. Better to just ignore it, eh?
Holy shit at this thread. Children have died. Pakistan is going against Taliban and you guys fucking argue about religion.

Taliban have always interpret the Islam incorrectly since day 1, but this is not because of their belief, its because they are inherently scum of human kind.

Hope they die horrible death.

people in this very thread think Taliban ideology of Islam is the actual Islam so the 'blame Islam' is not surprising ^^
if they don't blame islam as the culprit they are saying that islam itself is not the issue but people are, but that would defeat their entire argument against Islam. (see below)
So the Taliban are dumb as rocks on top of being evil? What can they possibly gain from the mass killing of children, other than rallying the entire region against them?
Quran actually call for democracy http://youtu.be/hIwb03dV73o?t=19m10s

But as I point out repeatedly . . . other people can read other things they want into these texts and rationalize their behavior as being god sanctioned.

But as I point out repeatedly . . . other people can read other things they want into these texts and rationalize their behavior as being god sanctioned.


perfect response: http://pakteahouse.net/2014/12/18/peshawar-attack-taliban-and-banu-qurayzah/

I can't believe you are believing the Taliban over the childrens parents and rest who suffered....wow

you actually believe what the Taliban believe over what most others believe. holy crap

and even if you dont believe what the Taliban believe for any reason you are showcasing their belief over the victims belief.
perfect response: http://pakteahouse.net/2014/12/18/peshawar-attack-taliban-and-banu-qurayzah/

I can't believe you are believing the Taliban over the chilrends parents and rest who suffered....lol

Stop lying. As I've told you many times, my position is that all religions are bunk. So, no, I don't believe their interpretation. SO STOP LYING OVER AND OVER AGAIN.

What I believe is that they kill people and they claim religious justifications for it. That is a fact no matter how much you so want to deny it. Reality . . . deal with it.
Stop lying. As I've told you many times, my position is that all religions are bunk. So, no, I don't believe their interpretation. SO STOP LYING OVER AND OVER AGAIN.

What I believe is that they kill people and they claim religious justifications for it. That is a fact no matter how much you so want to deny it. Reality . . . deal with it.

actually are u not parading the Taliban Propaganda for everyone to see as ....maybe this is Islam? are you not?

Oh i do deal with them being abusing my faith and i am applying my faith but your constance parading of their cause as if they are applying their faith and I am abusing their faith
I'm sorry, I believe in free speech and looking at all the relevant information. But you can continue to hide from reality if you want.

Well Free Speech was also being administered by people who hate. so thats ok. Anyone sane can see you are spreading misinformation as information, all i see is taliban propoganda and never a word about the victims belief


someone has to stop the hatred in here lol sorry. apologize for dragging it like that

Speculawyer was simply pointing out what justifications the Taliban use, since, as others have mentioned time and again, the only way to stop or combat an ideology is to understand it.

It would be nice if we could simply kill all the terrorists but so far, that hasn't worked at all, if we want them beaten sooner rather than later then grasping their mindset so that we may tackle and prevent it is an absolute must.

No one is trying to undermine the victims by trying to understand 'why' this happened and 'how' it can be prevented going forward, quite the opposite actually.
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