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At least 230 people killed in Brazil nightclub fire

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Why would I form an opinion when there isn't much information available? That is the whole purpose for rounding all the culpable individuals at the moment.

Should they be charged? Probably. It's going to be the prosecutions job to hold every every ounce of blame to these people. Read up on the RI fire. Was the guy deserving of the blame? Probably. Ultimately he only served a few years in prison despite outcry from the public and victim's families.


Well my argument would be that they're not 'directly responsible'.

And having information on where the liability is placed is not something you 'arrest' somebody for in my experience. Like I said, there's a difference between questioning and arresting here in the States. Maybe the difference is less pronounced in Brazil, I dont know.

I'm not sure where you ever got off trying to say I'm trolling, man. Really unnecessary and it doesn't even make any sense.

Ah ok. Whats a 'temporary arrest'? I'm guessing its like a forced questioning without any direct charges or something? If so, that doesn't seem unreasonable.

They can be jailed for five days or up to thirty if the judge deems it necessary. But under no charges, just for judicial procedures.
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