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At least 230 people killed in Brazil nightclub fire

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Apparently a few people were blocked at the start but once security realized there was a fire going on everyone was free to go.

I mean it's tragic but I can't completely blame the guys, if someone tries to exit with an unpaid tab saying there's a fire and you're not seeing or smelling anything, it's dodgy, specially since fucking brazilians are always trying to pull shit like that. In some way this shitty culture of always trying to take advantage of things is to blame.

It is 100% illegal in all cases to obstruct fire exits in the US. A few guys sneaking into the club (in our case, where you pay at the door and pay for drinks at the bar) is worth it compared to the lives you put at risk by blocking an exit for any reason.


They're not a third world country. The US had a nightclub fire a decade ago that cost the lives of 100 people. It was because of the lax safety regulations on pyrotechnics that lead to the fire.

Brazil is far from a third world country. Stop being ignorant.

1) I've never read anywhere the station did not have a permit, or had an expired one.
2) It had four exits, not one.
3) People were charged and convicted for that fire. No one will be convicted for this one. If, big if, they are they won't be in jail for more than a few months, maybe they'll just get some community service.
1) I've never read anywhere the station did not have a permit, or had an expired one.
2) It had four exits, not one.
3) People were charged and convicted for that fire. No one will be convicted for this one. If, big if, they are they won't be in jail for more than a few months, maybe they'll just get some community service.

Tell us more about the future, oracle.
I want to hope that the threat of losing tourism may be enough to make law officials crack down hard on people who are responsible for this and hopefully lead to stronger enforcement of safety regulations (or at least institute them if none exist).
1) I've never read anywhere the station did not have a permit, or had an expired one.
2) It had four exits, not one.
3) People were charged and convicted for that fire. No one will be convicted for this one. If, big if, they are they won't be in jail for more than a few months, maybe they'll just get some community service.

10 exits wouldn't have been enough at that club. People starting falling, then piling up. blocking the way out.

The bottom line here is that going over capacity, coupled with what will probably have been fireworks, will have been the reason for this. Not lack of a permit. They were given a permit at some point in the past, despite having only 1 exit. It's not about the status of Brazil as a nation; it's about criminal misconduct by owners. And THAT can happen in any country in the world.

edit: also, apparently it had more than one exit. It's that some were locked or blocked.

Tom Penny

Same shit happened in my state in Warwick RI. They changed every fire code because of it. Fuck :( Every place has to have doors that you push to go out..sounds simple right.


Very very sad. If I ever saw pyrotechnics being used inside a club, I would leave immediately. Fireworks indoors is just a recipe for disaster.
I was talking to a friend about this earlier, since we see a fair amount of concerts. I dont think I'd leave, but I will certainly be moving towards the front door and scouting for emergency exits. Just in case. I mean, this sort of concert/event happens 10,000x each day the world over, so an event like this is relatively rare. Leaving might be safe, but also maybe a bit of an overreaction, kinda like how some people refuse to fly because of airplane crashes they've heard about.

This has been overblown I think. The DJ said the bouncers held back for a few seconds until they understood what was going on.
Yea, that sounds more reasonable. Some people I think were judging too quickly. No way they shut the doors on people with the realization that the place was going up in flames. Hell, they've got themselves to worry about as well, ya know?


Man, that was fucking sad. There are clubs here on my state (Maranhão) on the same condition... I'm sure people here in Brazil will start to make sure some clubs get closed.

Laughing Banana

Weeping Pickle
Does the band that start the fire survive?

I mean how idiotic can you be to launch a pyrotechnic like that in the middle of band performance inside a packed building? Idiots!


Does the band that start the fire survive?

I mean how idiotic can you be to launch a pyrotechnic like that in the middle of band performance inside a packed building? Idiots!
I think one of them died, the guitarist? There was an exit right next to the stage.


The worst part is at 6:25,
because if you look to the right you can see people being burnt alive at the entrance of the night club

Oh god, this is terribly sad. Jesus. :/

I doubt that. Knowing our government.

Well, idk, I think they will at least check for the licenses. I know in my city they said they are going to start reviewing it in three days. Its sad though, that something like this has to happen for them to start doing something.

I think one of them died, the guitarist? There was an exit right next to the stage.

There was no exit next to the stage, there was a corridor with two doors that looked exactly like an emergency exit, but was actually leading to the bathrooms, thats why they found a lot of corpses there. :/ The reason why most of the band survived was because instead of telling people to leave, the guys from the band saw the fire and started runnning. I dont blame them, its hard to think in a situation like this, but still...


Clubs are deathtraps for stuff like this. I like dancing, but the crowds, man the crowds. Having to basically squeeze through people to even move and I only imagine if a fire were to start and the craziness therein.



So sad =(

Was so worried when i saw the news because I know some people that lives in the area.... but thanks nobody I know is hurt

Brazil is far from a third world country. Stop being ignorant.

As someone who lives in Brazil .... Brazil is not far from third world.
It is a REALLY badly distributed place .... so we have cities that are like 5th world and cities that are first world.

Lots of money with very few people


Fireworks should be banned for indoor facilities. The only place I've seen fireworks used similarly is in stadiums, like the Rogers Centre. However that thing is huge, and it's all steel above the fireworks. No chance of a fire happening. Plus most of the time the dome is open.


The worst part about the Station club tragedy was that there was an exit right next to the stage that no one besides the band used to get out the building. Everyone just immediately ran towards the two main entrances/exits. It happened so quickly that I guess people either didn't know the other exit was there or couldn't find it.

Edit: I see this has already been brought up. My bad.


Authorized Fister
So hey, this is depressing. A list of the dead with pictures and even profiles.


Translated: http://translate.google.com.br/tran...m-casa-noturna-em-santa-maria-rs.html&act=url

So many young lives lost. This is just wrong, man.

Wow, I'm so saddened by this. I actually club a lot and it passes my mind from time to time when the clubs are packed that a fire could break loose any minute. So many young lives now left this world...
Really wish i hadn't watched the Station video. Reading the wiki links about the Chicago fire in 1906 and Boston fire in 1942 wasn't a great idea either. Being unable to leave a burning building and the helplessness that goes with that...what a terrible way to die.

It really is a repeating pattern, this type of shit should be very avoidable. We know the risks
The worst part about the Station club tragedy was that there was an exit right next to the stage that no one besides the band used to get out the building. Everyone just immediately ran towards the two main entrances/exits. It happened so quickly that I guess people either didn't know the other exit was there or couldn't find it.

Edit: I see this has already been brought up. My bad.
The people were told by bouncers that the exit was for band use only. :(
So they had no choice, but to head towards the entrance. Once people fell and jammed in the club’s main entrance, the fate of all behind them was sealed.


The people were told by bouncers that the exit was for band use only. :(
So they had no choice, but to head towards the entrance. Once people fell and jammed in the club’s main entrance, the fate of all behind them was sealed.

Now I'm a bit confused. LuuKyK stated that the entrance/exit didn't exist and that led to many deaths of people trying to leave via a corridor that was to a restroom.

Anyway, if there was an exit right next to the stage as I have heard multiple times, I don't see how bouncers would have had any influence on people using it once the fire started and panic set in. It's not like people would have been following orders when they think their lives are in danger.
Now I'm a bit confused. LuuKyK stated that the entrance/exit didn't exist and that led to many deaths of people trying to leave via a corridor that was to a restroom.

Anyway, if there was an exit right next to the stage as I have heard multiple times, I don't see how bouncers would have had any influence on people using it once the fire started and panic set in. It's not like people would have been following orders when they think their lives are in danger.
This woman talked about in an interview I watched. Said that she and her fiancee were turned away from the exit. They headed for the entance. Fred(fiancee) pushed her towards the front door to try to get her out. She ended up being trampled in the entrance. Baried under a pile of people with multiple third degree burns. How she survived is amazing. Sadly Fred died in the fire after pushing her ahead to save her life.

Edit: Here's the vid. :(


Now I'm a bit confused. LuuKyK stated that the entrance/exit didn't exist and that led to many deaths of people trying to leave via a corridor that was to a restroom.

Anyway, if there was an exit right next to the stage as I have heard multiple times, I don't see how bouncers would have had any influence on people using it once the fire started and panic set in. It's not like people would have been following orders when they think their lives are in danger.

I am talking about the brazilian tragedy. I think he is talking about the Station one that happened years ago.


Living in the shadow of Amaz
Finally managed to contact my friend who lives in Santa Maria. I wasn't really worried because I know he doesn't go to clubs, but I was still relieved to hear that he's well. He did, though, tell me that some acquaintances of his - not friends, but people he's met once or twice - were there and died.

Damn it all to hell.
Horrific...! I can hardly believe such a callous action led to so many deaths...It is like something out of a hellish nightmare... RIP to those who passed


No words...just so sad, especially with these messed up stories of douche securities and the fake exit doors...

A couple years ago I used to go clubbing almost every weekend, and still go from time to time now. Now that I think about it, the clubs I go to have pretty terrible lay outs as well if shit hits the fan...


I'm confused, why would an emergency exit sign lead to bathrooms? Why would the club owners even do something like that which has ultimately cost lots of lives?


I'm confused, why would an emergency exit sign lead to bathrooms? Why would the club owners even do something like that which has ultimately cost lots of lives?
No signs. It's just the way the place was set up it seemed that would lead to an emergency exit, and really should have considering four thousand people in the place.
I'm confused, why would an emergency exit sign lead to bathrooms? Why would the club owners even do something like that which has ultimately cost lots of lives?

I thinking they couldn't see very well from the smoke and were turned around/disoriented. They saw doors and perhaps assumed it was the way they came in when it wasn't. You see people pushing towards it and just assume it must be a way out.


Living in the shadow of Amaz
New official numbers: 234 dead. They've updated the count because 3 others didn't resist their injuries and died in hospitals.
I can't even imagine being inside a building with hundreds of people fleeing for their lives.

People frantically running for an exit, inhaling smoke, the intense heat, the feeling of being within death's grasp...it makes my stomach turn.


Been to Brazil quite few times. Carnival in Rio and was in Sao Paulo a couple weeks ago. That "pay at the door" thing is pretty awkward. We actually almost were stuck because my friends card got denied because he forgot to tell his bank he was in Brazil. When they swiped the card it came up declined and at that point it was restricted. Luckily someone we met that day was just gracious enough to pay them 400 US which comes out to almost 1000 reais. Its a pretty neat feature but obviously has its cons.

But back on topic, my heart goes out to those families. The last thing those poor people were thinking when they woke up in the morning was that they were going to die in a nightclub where they were expecting to unwind before their summer ends.
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