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At least 53 dead after explosion in Lahore's Gulshan-i-Iqbal Park (Pakistan)

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God damn what kind of god wants you to go to children's park (or any place really) and kill innocent people you dumb fucks!

RIP to the victims >_<

- J - D -

The article emphasizes the lack of security at the park. With a crowd and park that size, would it really be feasible to monitor all comings and goings? I suppose it wouldn't have hurt.

I can't really express how disgusting this is in a way that doesn't sound trite, so I won't try. Rest in peace, all victims.
RIP. The attack on Iraq a few days ago hit a lot of kids too and now today at a childrens park.

Fucking cowardly pieces of shits.


According to news it was mainly kids and women who died, and the crowd was especially large since everyone was off for holidays.

Police also apparently found a suspicious ID card as a lead. And they've also arrested people related to the suspect.

Seems like the target was Christians though (independently of whether only Christians died). So maybe next a time wait a bit before posting this.

I overall agree with your point. But I'm wondering if Christians were the main targets then this location makes no sense since everyone was there, this was not some Christian dense area and there was no christian event going on. I'm pretty sure the vast majority of victims here are Muslims.

Either way the intention of the terrorists is pretty clear, but their target is still sort of confusing. Unless the terrorists just wanted to do some sort of attack on the day of Easter regardless of who is targeted.
According to news it was mainly kids and women who died, and the crowd was especially large since everyone was off for holidays.

Police also apparently found a suspicious ID card as a lead. And they've also arrested people related to the suspect.

I overall agree with your point. But I'm wondering if Christians were the main targets then this location makes no sense since everyone was there, this was not some Christian dense area and there was no christian event going on. I'm pretty sure the vast majority of victims here are Muslims.

Either way the intention of the terrorists is pretty clear, but their target is still sort of confusing. Unless the terrorists just wanted to do some sort of attack on the day of Easter regardless of who is targeted.

Agreed. Perhaps the desire to be the biggest pieces of shit possible overrode the intention of targeting specifically christians.


Fuck this is awful. For some reason I got a Facebook notification about it saying "we think you were in the area of this bombing, post to let your friends know that you're safe". I'm in Canada


Fuck this is awful. For some reason I got a Facebook notification about it saying "we think you were in the area of this bombing, post to let your friends know that you're safe". I'm in Canada
That was a glitch worldwide, a few people I have on Facebook also saw it.


You have to be a special person to do something like that in a park filled with kids. How any sort of ideology can bypass the instinct to protect the young, dazzles me.
This is the exact place where the attack occurred as per the reports.


You can imagine how packed it can be. Just devastating.
BBC mention a possible explanation for the timing of the attack.

Meanwhile in the capital, Islamabad, police fired tear gas at thousands of protesters who marched in support of Islamist gunman Mumtaz Qadri, who they see as a religious hero.

Qadri was hanged last month for the murder of Punjab governor Salman Taseer five years ago.

Mr Taseer had defended a Christian woman jailed on blasphemy charges.


BBC mention a possible explanation for the timing of the attack.

Qadri was hanged last month for the murder of Punjab governor Salman Taseer five years ago.

Mr Taseer had defended a Christian woman jailed on blasphemy charges.

This shit get my blood boiling.

It's insane how the secular military has allowed these Islamists groups to persist and gain influence.


Children's park. Pure pure evil. These evil people need to be tortured and put to death. It's senseless and completely utterly wrong to hurt children who did nothing and have a lot to look forward in life.
There is no possible reason anyone's God could approve of something as bullshit as this.

Only true sickness in the mind can lead to something like this.

i would say that they were satanically influenced

isis and other militant groups

they'll get theirs in the afterlife

and no, there wont be 1,000 virgin women waiting for them.

deluded lunatics


This is just.. No words

RIP to all the victims in this senseless act by another group of useless morons.

This is so sad
Just when I reminiscence how peaceful it was recently too. My condolences to all the victims.

&#1573;&#1616;&#1606;&#1614;&#1617;&#1575; &#1604;&#1604;&#1607;&#1616; &#1608;&#1614;&#1573;&#1616;&#1606;&#1614;&#1617;&#1600;&#1575; &#1573;&#1616;&#1604;&#1614;&#1610;&#1618;&#1607;&#1616; &#1585;&#1614;&#1575;&#1580;&#1616;&#1593;&#1608;&#1606;&#1614;


Action is needed not rhetoric. I don't want one more person blown up...

They've already had several extensive military campaigns to root out terrorists in that country, so it remains unclear as to what more Pakistan can do at this point.

Short of some sort of civil war with Islamist communities, there doesn't seem to be a solution in the short-term for Pakistan.
Targeting minority Christians on Easter
Women and children....

You'd see a villain do this in a movie and think it was unrealistic because it was too evil to be believed


I really don't think it was targeting Christians.

Unfortunately, it was and they want to go after the Pakistani PM next.:

Suicide blast kills at least 65 in Lahore park - The Express Tribune

TTP&#8217;s Jamaatul Ahrar claims responsibility

A Pakistan Taliban splinter group claimed responsibility for the deadly suicide attack.

&#8220;We claim responsibility for the attack on Christians as they were celebrating Easter,&#8221; spokesperson for the Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan, Jamaat ul Ahrar, Ehansullah Ehsan told The Express Tribune over telephone.

&#8220;It was part of the annual martyrdom attacks we have started this year,&#8221; Ehsan said, adding the operation codenamed &#8220;Saut-ul-Raad&#8221; will continue this year.

&#8220;We had been waiting for this occasion,&#8221; the TTP JA spokesperson said. &#8220;We want to convey to the ruling PML-N and the prime minister that we we have arrived in Punjab and we will reach you&#8221;.


Junior, please.
And yet I have people on my Facebook saying we should "do nothing" because otherwise the terrorists win.

Sorry chaps but this has already turned into a war.


And yet I have people on my Facebook saying we should "do nothing" because otherwise the terrorists win.

Sorry chaps but this has already turned into a war.

It was mentioned earlier, but Pakistan seems to have been conducting extensive military campaigns against terrorists in the country for quite some time now.

They are already at war, but there isn't much else that country can do at this point.


Islamist is kind of a terrible term to use as pretty much every political party in Pakistan is supportive of a role for Islam in the governance of the nation. Making them all 'Islamist'


Islamist is kind of a terrible term to use as pretty much every political party in Pakistan is supportive of a role for Islam in the governance of the nation. Making them all 'Islamist'

That's a fair point, I didn't know that.

I've removed the entire sentence.

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
Holy shit, the depravity never stops. Absolutely infuriating. RIP

The article emphasizes the lack of security at the park. With a crowd and park that size, would it really be feasible to monitor all comings and goings? I suppose it wouldn't have hurt.
Yeah but like... it's a park. You'd hardly think security would be primordial in a children's park. :(

This is the exact place where the attack occurred as per the reports.


You can imagine how packed it can be. Just devastating.
Wow. :(

- J - D -

This is the exact place where the attack occurred as per the reports.


You can imagine how packed it can be. Just devastating.

Holy shit, the depravity never stops. Absolutely infuriating. RIP

Yeah but like... it's a park. You'd hardly think security would be primordial in a children's park. :(

Wow. :(

Ah it's like an amusement park. I thought it was just a plain ol' open field with trees and a pond kind of park. That's is especially devastating.
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