And yet he hasn't presented his side in a manner that's not insulting to the mother of his kid and just as much ideologically fair as he proposes to raise the child. He came down hard on Baptism and now he's out of the house without his daughter. He could easily come to decisions with her about Church going, schooling and being brought up that way but he's been acting quite immature. People calling them crazy just because they feel strongly in their belief system isn't going to help his situation.
Hell no. I wont read all of that.
And yet he hasn't presented his side in a manner that's not insulting to the mother of his kid and just as much ideologically fair as he proposes to raise the child. He came down hard on Baptism and now he's out of the house without his daughter. He could easily come to decisions with her about Church going, schooling and being brought up that way but he's been acting quite immature. People calling them crazy just because they feel strongly in their belief system isn't going to help his situation.
OP said be basically didn't want anything to do with the Orthodoxy until the kid could decide for themselves what religion they are to take part in, if any.
I don't see this as an immature position to take. I see going through with an empty ritual, having family disown you due to not toeing the line god-wise, and his wife stepping behind his back and totally disrespecting his wishes for his daughter, as totally over the line. He's right as far as I'm concerned. Tone has nothing to do with it, this is his daughter's education, and this will come up over and over again until he figures out how to reach a compromise that both parties are happy with.
Yeah, OP is lucky he doesn't have to deal with making decisions for his son. My problem is that people think of this as "important", it's not, and the longer we allow people to continue to think the performing of superstitious rituals as important, the further down the wrong path we go.
Hell no. I wont read all of that.
Great contribution.
They're not crazy they've just been socialized to think certain traditions and rituals are important. This is why people get so "omg gaf is so anti-religious it's annoying." You're not separating the issues stemming from religion from the people. You're just outright insulting believers.
The immaturity comes in how he describes "winning the argument" and scoring it. There is no argument to be won. There has to be a compromise for the sake of his daughter.
He has a tl:dr version in the OP.
The immaturity comes in how he describes "winning the argument" and scoring it. There is no argument to be won. There has to be a compromise for the sake of his daughter.
The only reason it is wrong and is not important to you is because you don't believe. OP is the sole minority among believers made up of his family and his girlfriend's family.
The immaturity comes in how he describes "winning the argument" and scoring it. There is no argument to be won. There has to be a compromise for the sake of his daughter.
Her family, friends, and society will all have a profound effect on how she views things. Men don't experience this the same way as women.
And yet he hasn't presented his side in a manner that's not insulting to the mother of his kid and just as much ideologically fair as he proposes to raise the child. He came down hard on Baptism and now he's out of the house without his daughter. He could easily come to decisions with her about Church going, schooling and being brought up that way but he's been acting quite immature. People calling them crazy just because they feel strongly in their belief system isn't going to help his situation.
She also thinks that in Ashleys early years without religion I will be talking down about God and convincing her not to join a religion. Lastly, if Ashley does pick a religion (at lets say 17 years old) for 17 years of her life she would be considered atheist and I would be winning for those years.
The immaturity comes in how he describes "winning the argument" and scoring it. There is no argument to be won. There has to be a compromise for the sake of his daughter.
Allowing lies and fearful paranoia/superstition to be taught to your child isn't a compromise someone should be willing to make. Obviously I'm just referring to the schooling thing though not the baptism. If the mother is this adamant about throwing her husband out over a glass of water who's to say she won't want the kid to grow up to be a tea partier?
If someone dunks white paint and blood over themselves, rolls around in feathers and speaks to the sky for a token of good will, they're crazy, at least during that moment. I don't know why the baptism ritual is considered any different.
And I don't know why they should ever care about being insulted. For them heaven awaits and I will be tortured forever in the afterlife, why should they care what I have to say? I don't go into churches and call them idiots out of nowhere, that would be rude, but I will think so in my head and most people would feel the same way about cults in general.
Allowing lies and fearful paranoia/superstition to be taught to your child isn't a compromise someone should be willing to make. Obviously I'm just referring to the schooling thing though not the baptism. If the mother is this adamant about throwing her husband out over a glass of water who's to say she won't want the kid to grow up to be a tea partier?
But the mother didn't seem very open to a compromise, she even went behind his back like a total cunt.
Would a compromise even be necessary if this was regarding say, his daughter's education? If I ever have kids, there is no way I'd ever be willing to compromise on some topics such as "evolution", or "plate tectonics". I'd also be weary of teaching my kid about the existence of magic water.
Zoe: It's wrong and unimportant to everyone because there is no such thing as the supernatural.
I don't let people democratically vote on whether something is true or not. It either is or isn't, independent of sentient beings to interpret it.
Are you sure it wasn't presented in a way that is not insulting to the mother? His proposed compromise in the OP seems to be giving her almost everything she wants except for religious exclusivity, but including a baptism. The mother is viewing this as a competition as much or more than he is. Quotes like:
Make me feel like this family needs serious intervention from somebody, and that he has not been acting solely in the wrong here.
You are right but you are not going to win. Religious people of the type you describe cannot be reasoned with, and if there's a fight over custody a religious mother will prevail over an irreligious father. The best you can hope for is to let your GF have her way and seek to undermine the hocus pocus at every turn. Enjoy watching her try to drag the kid to boring interminable church and laugh.
But he is the father of his child, and has an equal say. Minority status in his family be dammed.
Further, i think that the person you're replying to has a solid point - if we feel strongly about something like that, why conform just because we're in the minority?
Are you sure it wasn't presented in a way that is not insulting to the mother? His proposed compromise in the OP seems to be giving her almost everything she wants except for religious exclusivity, but including a baptism. The mother is viewing this as a competition as much or more than he is. Quotes like:
Make me feel like this family needs serious intervention from somebody, and that he has not been acting solely in the wrong here.
The immaturity comes in how he describes "winning the argument" and scoring it. There is no argument to be won. There has to be a compromise for the sake of his daughter.
This is a bit presumptuous, you still have no idea how she will be raised.
Her compromise) Take the baby to her 40 day introduction, baptize her Greek Orthodox at 8 months of age, and have her celebrate the holidays and teach her the religion as she grows. Also once she is of age she can choose to continue the religion, pick a new one, or simply not participate in any belief.
This is not healthy relationship advice.
I use the term winning to easily describe the fact that she agreed with me and we should proceed with me idea. Not winning in the sense that I have conquered the situation or I am better then her. Scoring it.... not sure why I did it, maybe just to easily show she has admitted that my idea, of how religion should be brought into a child life, was correct three times and not once have I said the same to her... because its not.
Compromise... yes! I am said at a certain age. I have not gone into what might be an appropriator age.
My girl friends opinion? Only 8 months. That is NOT meeting me half way.
He's not in a healthy relationship. What's your advice, convert?
I use the term winning to easily describe the fact that she agreed with me and we should proceed with me idea. Not winning in the sense that I have conquered the situation or I am better then her. Scoring it.... not sure why I did it, maybe just to easily show she has admitted that my idea, of how religion should be brought into a child life, was correct three times and not once have I said the same to her... because its not.
Compromise... yes! I am said at a certain age. I have not gone into what might be an appropriator age.
My girl friends opinion? Only 8 months. That is NOT meeting me half way.
Why are you still arguing your point against your gf? Most people are telling you back down and put your family first, not provide you with counter arguments.
He's not in a healthy relationship. What's your advice, convert?
Imagine a neo nazi teaching his child white power until it's 17 and then letting it choose, as if that's reasonable, lol.
To not heed your terrible advice. The point of this thread is to improve his situation.
And you think continuously undermining it would help it further? Giving no advice is far better than giving bad advice.
Imagine a neo nazi teaching his child white power until it's 17 and then letting it choose, as if that's reasonable, lol.
Why are you still arguing your point against your gf? Most people are telling you back down and put your family first, not provide you with counter arguments.
Do you not understand how demeaning your post is to Neo Nazis?Do you not understand how insulting this is to anyone who's been brought up in a religious household?
False equivalency - and I'd wager most of us here have had the experience of being bought up in a religious household, and I'm sure it really wasn't *that* bad, unless one of your families was of the bat-shit conservative insane variety.Imagine a neo nazi teaching his child white power until it's 17 and then letting it choose, as if that's reasonable, lol.
I don't completely agree with your first point. I mean, I personally agree with you, but that's because I put very little importance into the whole family unit. People like the OP's girlfriend believe it's the entire family's duty to raise the child. The girlfriend was already making compromises by agreeing to not raise her child like the cousins.
And just to speak specifically to this scenario, I have more respect for someone who was raised religious and comes out as an atheist than someone who is an atheist because that's the only thing they've ever known.
False equivalency - and I'd wager most of us here have had the experience of being bought up in a religious household, and I'm sure it really wasn't *that* bad, unless one of your families was of the bat-shit conservative insane variety.
False equivalency - and I'd wager most of us here have had the experience of being bought up in a religious household, and I'm sure it really wasn't *that* bad, unless one of your families was of the bat-shit conservative insane variety.
Do you not understand how insulting this is to anyone who's been brought up in a religious household?
Oh you got me!
They're Greek Orthodox. Probability of bat-shit conservatism much higher than average, even if we didn't already know they hate Atheism.
Oh you got me!
Well, you're not going to be able to give that solid foundation to your daughter if you're not part of her life.Something that I failed mention was that I believe most of a influence is coming from her side of the family to baptize the child and raise it in their tradition. Once my child is baptized they will force the religion down her throat.
And no... I am not trying to win a fight or argument with my gf. I am trying to make sure my daughter has a solid foundation and I do not think one based on lies and fear is a solid start.