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Attack on Titan Season 2 |OT| NO MANGA TALK

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I really like how aggro Eren is.

Seems that things are favoring Team Titans right now. Guessing Erwin would be the saving grace for the humans here. Mikasa's also there, too.

Bertholdt said that "Eren doesn't seem to remember either," implying that he ate someone to turn back into a human? I wonder if he's mistaken and unaware of Eren's circumstances, or if he's correct.

Erwin barely showed up this episode though, literally disappeared after they reach the forest. I expect the 104 cadets to do something about it (and bring back Eren). Hannes, please don't die. His last line is so death flaggy. Fighting and dying to save the protagonist trio will be a suiting end to his conflict from episode 1,2, but please don't happen.

I thought Bertholdt meant that they didn't remember anything from before they first awoke, although it is possible eating helps you turn into human. I don't think we saw Eren eat anyone though.


the 60 year thing, and Ymir turning into a titan as "punishment" just brings up so many more questions that won't get answered before the season ends


Solid episode, I didn't expect them to go that deep into Ymir's backstory. Next two eps will be action-packed goodness.


I did not remember this chapter in the manga revealing so much. Great episode, which was needed after the last two sleepers.

It's interesting to see how the Scouts react to Ymir and feel so comfortable around her.

Reiner and Bert's ODM gear can seemingly shoot for miles lol.


lol at the titan piggyback. Just such a strange visual.
That bit of them
throwing people off the walls which made them titans had me like whaaaaaa???


lol at the titan piggyback. Just such a strange visual.
That bit of them
throwing people off the walls which made them titans had me like whaaaaaa???

(episode 35 spoilers)
We didn't see exactly what they were doing - I imagine theres more than just the throwing them off the wall. It is interesting though - seems like people were being turned into titans as punishment at one point.

Ymir became human again by eating Reiner's friend. Is that why Titans eat humans? They're all looking for humans like Eren/Annie/Reiner/Bertrolt to get their humanity back?


That expanded backstory on Ymir was real nice

The only thing is that they cut out some dialog between Reiner and Bertholdt at the beginning to make room for it I guess, which is weird because it was an important detail that explains why the two of them know Christa is important to the wall cult.
(episode 35 spoilers)
We didn't see exactly what they were doing - I imagine theres more than just the throwing them off the wall. It is interesting though - seems like people were being turned into titans as punishment at one point.

Ymir became human again by eating Reiner's friend. Is that why Titans eat humans? They're all looking for humans like Eren/Annie/Reiner/Bertrolt to get their humanity back?
One of the soldiers had a syringe in his hand if you look closely as he pushes Ymir off


That expanded backstory on Ymir was real nice

The only thing is that they cut out some dialog between Reiner and Bertholdt at the beginning to make room for it I guess, which is weird because it was an important detail that explains why the two of them know Christa is important to the wall cult.

huh. yeah, I was wondering if the reason for her importance is something that I just missed or forgot, but they just haven't got around to really explaining it yet?


huh. yeah, I was wondering if the reason for her importance is something that I just missed or forgot, but they just haven't got around to really explaining it yet?
No the actual specifics aren't known in the anime yet, all we know at this point is that Nick pointed the survey corps to her as someone who help them uncover the truth about the walls, and that she's an illegitimate child of a noble family that the wall cult wants to get rid of.

Ymir learned that by eavesdropping on a conversation between two wall cult members, and (not a major spoiler but spoilering just in case the anime shows this later, because this was skipped over in today's episode)
at this point in the manga it was revealed that Annie learned the same thing through similar means, by tailing and eavesdropping on wall cult members, which is why Reiner and Bertholdt also know.


the 60 year thing, and Ymir turning into a titan as "punishment" just brings up so many more questions that won't get answered before the season ends

I keep coming back up to the food tin from earlier this season.

If it's only 60 years, how can Ymir read the tin but not Reiner? What's going on?!


Loved papa Reiner carrying his family around on his shoulders.

I keep coming back up to the food tin from earlier this season.

If it's only 60 years, how can Ymir read the tin but not Reiner? What's going on?!

The soldiers were obviously v different in the past, too. Some kinda shit went down.

Also, was that even our same city? Or there's more ringed cities around? I don't think so but maybe?


Was not expecting them to show so much regarding Ymir. Might be too much IMO but I'm not sure how it appears without context. Would be interested in seeing what people thought about it.


60 years.
Punishing people by throwing them off and injecting them?
Eren is a Coordinator? What?
Picking up Christa, Annie and that? What is that?
What the heck are Titans anyway? All of them started off as humans and became Titans? So many questions, I don't know what came first anymore, the Titan or the human?


Wow they really did show Ymir's backstory this early.

I also ust realised Erwin's voice is Jotaro's and now i can't shake the connection


I love the action parts and get super excited but I also love the slow plot talking stuff, especially what is happening now as it's regarding stuff I've wanted to know since day 1 (the armored Titan etc stuff).

I was really looking forward to this last episode because I imagined it to be a talky plot episode but we didn't get enough to satisfy me lol, other than Ymir trying to get info on the Monkey Titan.

Basically I'm like SERIOUSLY WHAT THE F**K IS GOING ON??? That's all I wanted Eren to scream at them lol.

Yeah I'm lost in the story but it's intriguing lol

^quote posting manga spoilers even in
tags. Shit is dumb as a anime watcher browsing an anime thread


60 years.
Punishing people by throwing them off and injecting them?
Eren is a Coordinator? What?
Picking up Christa, Annie and that? What is that?
What the heck are Titans anyway? All of them started off as humans and became Titans? So many questions, I don't know what came first anymore, the Titan or the human?

I think the priest, in the first episode of the season when Hanji took him, kind of implied that it was bigger than titans or humans. who the fuck knows


So little story seems to have progressed this season it's kinda sad lol. How many more years until we get the next morsel of plot?
I don't think there's much point in showing so much about Ymir so soon since it does nothing but add to the mountain of questions. Kind of a weird choice imo.
Loved this episode. My favorite dialogue episode so far.

We learned a lot today:
1) you have to eat someone (special) to turn back into a human after being transformed into a Titan.
2) there is this society in the past, either within the walls of which we know or somewhere else, that punished criminals by turning them into titans.
3) Eren ate someone (special) to turn back into a human (this obviously ties into the flashbacks he has from season 1 with his dad injecting him with a serum),
4) you don't remember certain things during your time as a Titan wandering the earth.
5) the beast Titan is a big deal
6) Ymir is not in cahoots with Bert and Reiner, even though it was kind of questionable in previous episodes.

Let's talk


(episode 35 spoilers)
We didn't see exactly what they were doing - I imagine theres more than just the throwing them off the wall. It is interesting though - seems like people were being turned into titans as punishment at one point.

Ymir became human again by eating Reiner's friend. Is that why Titans eat humans? They're all looking for humans like Eren/Annie/Reiner/Bertrolt to get their humanity back?

Question there though is Why would turning them into a titan be a punishment worse or simpler than just simply killing them. Maybe it was part of some experiments or something?

I think the eating human things is spot on. I remember in season one they state that the titans have absolutely no need to eat humans for sustenance, so the human angle would explain why they're so hostile towards humans i guess.



Yes it should be unless they somehow put it in the last episode. Also

Question there though is Why would turning them into a titan be a punishment worse or simpler than just simply killing them. Maybe it was part of some experiments or something?


Well in this episode Ymir said
it felt like a neverending nightmare so it's kinda meant to torment them as punishment


Question there though is Why would turning them into a titan be a punishment worse or simpler than just simply killing them. Maybe it was part of some experiments or something?

I think the eating human things is spot on. I remember in season one they state that the titans have absolutely no need to eat humans for sustenance, so the human angle would explain why they're so hostile towards humans i guess.

wouldn't that mean every single titan has a human in their nape? no way

He has a split personality so maybe he forgot how to read it.

I could see that. maybe if he was warrior Reiner he woulda been like "oh ya, herring."
or maybe not
the only point of that scene was to foreshadow Ymir changing.
maybe he was playing dumb and thinking "wait a damn second, you shouldn't know what this is," before realizing it, but before he could saying anything the titans all started attacking the tower



No manga talk beyond what has been covered up to the current episode please. Also don't be that guy who thinks they are clever by constantly hint-hinting at stuff, or the person who constantly asks questions that would obviously be a spoiler if answered.
Loved this episode. My favorite dialogue episode so far.

We learned a lot today:
1) you have to eat someone (special) to turn back into a human after being transformed into a Titan.
2) there is this society in the past, either within the walls of which we know or somewhere else, that punished criminals by turning them into titans.
3) Eren ate someone (special) to turn back into a human (this obviously ties into the flashbacks he has from season 1 with his dad injecting him with the serum),
4) you don't remember certain things during your time as a Titan wandering the earth.
5) the beast Titan is a big deal
6) Ymir is not in cahoots with Bert and Reiner, even though it was kind of questionable in previous episodes.

Let's talk

When in this episode did we learn that the Beast Titan is a big deal? I don't remember him being brought up at all.

Also, do we know for sure that you have to eat someone to turn back into a human? I thought there was still the possibility that it was just a coincidence that Ymir ate someone before turning back into a human.
When in this episode did we learn that the Beast Titan is a big deal? I don't remember him being brought up at all.

Also, do we know for sure that you have to eat someone to turn back into a human? I thought there was still the possibility that it was just a coincidence that Ymir ate someone before turning back into a human.
Oh I watched both this episode and last consecutively. It was probably last episode where Ymir emphasized the terror she saw in their eyes when they saw the beast Titan.

"When you turned back into a human, do you remember the PERSON you ate?" -Bert
Cmon, that's pretty in your face that the person she ate caused her to turn back into human lol.

He literally mentions one person. THE PERSON. Not THE PEOPLE or A PERSON THAT LOOKS LIKE *BLANK*.


We got some pretty good backstory this episode. So now we know the turning into Titans is something that outside military uses as a weapon in Reiners case and as a punishment in Ymirs case.

Also the tidbit with Eren is interesting, is Reiner saying here that Eren is actually a "warrior" like them and just forgot his memories?



yeah I think it was last episode where Ymir asked what the deal with the monkey titan was

also, early in the episode Bertholdt says "maybe we won't have to come here anymore" if they get Christa and Erin back to their "hometown." they've gotta be from another... realm or some shit.
and Eren is "the coordinate," so he's the catalyst to get them back there?
fuuuuckin a. i dunno.

Also the tidbit with Eren is interesting, is Reiner saying here that Eren is actually a "warrior" like them and just forgot his memories?

maybe, but I feel like Hannes would have said something about Eren being adopted or something


yeah I think it was last episode where Ymir asked what the deal with the monkey titan was

also, early in the episode Bertholdt says "maybe we won't have to come here anymore" if they get Christa and Erin back to their "hometown." they've gotta be from another... realm or some shit.
and Eren is "the coordinate," so he's the catalyst to get them back there?
fuuuuckin a. i dunno.

maybe, but I feel like Hannes would have said something about Eren being adopted or something

Not sure he has to though, for the sake of intrigue and what not. And he and Mikasa are pretty damn close in age so.. its possible. It would also give Mikasa an out on the brother-con angle. Which alot of anime's like to pull that card "we are not blood related" or " you were adopted".


Not sure he has to though, for the sake of intrigue and what not. And he and Mikasa are pretty damn close in age so.. its possible. It would also give Mikasa an out on the brother-con angle. Which alot of anime's like to pull that card "we are not blood related" or " you were adopted".

But that plot point already exists... with Mikasa. Eren saved her remember? His mother just took her in. They are no more connected or disconnected if Eren was adopted or not.


Not sure he has to though, for the sake of intrigue and what not. And he and Mikasa are pretty damn close in age so.. its possible. It would also give Mikasa an out on the brother-con angle. Which alot of anime's like to pull that card "we are not blood related" or " you were adopted".

Mikasa is the adopted one. They aren't blood related.

Lol beaten to it^
Also the tidbit with Eren is interesting, is Reiner saying here that Eren is actually a "warrior" like them and just forgot his memories?

i thought he said that referring to the person Eren potentially ate as a titan?
not about him being a warrior like them


But that plot point already exists... with Mikasa. Eren saved her remember? His mother just took her in. They are no more connected or disconnected if Eren was adopted or not.

Welp, forgot about that.

i thought he said that referring to the person Eren potentially ate as a titan?
not about him being a warrior like them

What do you mean who Eren ate as a Titan? They only talked about Ymir eating their friend.
i love how they emphasized just how particular the person that Ymir ate was.
it didnt seem like she ate any humans as a titan and then immediately went dormant soon after?

then she just rises 60 years later, eats this one guy, and turns back to human?
haha wat

What do you mean who Eren ate as a Titan? They only talked about Ymir eating their friend.

Bert asks Ymir if she remembers who she ate before turning human. she says she doesnt. sorry. must have been your friend.
Bert says it's okay. He says he doesnt remember who they ate, and it seems like eren doesnt either.

im paraphrasing but im pretty sure this is how it went? or did i just f up the interpretation of that scene while i was eating pizza?


The city has guns in the present. Armin's little basket plan way back when used guns. Guns just aren't very common because they're basically useless against Titans.


I've given up at this point, manga people can't avoid waving their dicks around with their knowledge, even if spoiler tagged. I only click spoilers tags from people who make it clear they're talking about the anime or pure conjecture based on the anime.


Also when the soldiers were gunna kill Eren & Co and he manifested the Titan torso to block the fire, I think they had guns drawn, too.

That's like, a thing. That the MP have guns because their enemy isn't Titans, but people.


Also when the soldiers were gunna kill Eren & Co and he manifested the Titan torso to block the fire, I think they had guns drawn, too.

That's like, a thing. That the MP have guns because their enemy isn't Titans, but people.
yeah. there's a ton of guns in the show.
Levi points a pistol at the priest, trying to threaten him to talk


So now we know the army guys have the technology to turn people into Titans, as seen when they inject them with this weird vaccine.
Question is that all armies or just that one form Ymirs time?
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