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Attack on Titan Season 2 |OT| NO MANGA TALK

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And this is why we won't ever get another season. You guys complain if it's anything but,mindless action. 1 episode has slow pacing and it's the worst thing in the world and you're ready to drop the anime.

The world isn't separated into mindless action and worthwhile thoughtful talking that makes you feel like a smartypants. There's also such thing as mindless talking.

And we don't have just one slow paced episode. This season also featured Totally Pointless Flashbacks to 1) the adventure in the snow, 2) Mikasa *not* fighting Annie, 3) Mikasa *again* bailing out Eren. Even that potatogirl ep, which I enjoyed as a standalone thing, retraced well-worn thematic ground.

Mikasa not fighting Annie didn't suck because I wanted a cool fight, it sucked because I wanted Mikasa to have any kind of non-Eren relationship. Did she and Annie develop a mutual respect rivalry? Total seething hate? A burgeoning friendship?


People who thought the last two episodes were boring or a waste of time would be better of not watching any further. Because that is what Attack on Titan is. A lot of world and character building. The action is just kind of there as a backdrop and sometimes to resolve conflict.

Everything coming from Reiner, Bertholt and Ymir this episode was pretty fucking important. More important than 90% of the Anime we've already seen. This episode was definitely furthering the plot. If you're only staying for Titan MMA action... well you'll very likely get disappointed.

Related Manga Spoiler:
I was very surprised how they showed part of the Marco scene. Do you guys think they'll show the complete thing later on like in the Manga or will this be the extent of it? That was kind of weird.
People who thought the last two episodes were boring or a waste of time would be better of not watching any further. Because that is what Attack on Titan is. A lot of world and character building. The action is just kind of there as a backdrop and sometimes to resolve conflict.

Everything coming from Reiner, Bertholt and Ymir this episode was pretty fucking important. More important than 90% of the Anime we've already seen. This episode was definitely furthering the plot. If you're only staying for Titan MMA action... well you'll very likely get disappointed.

Related Manga Spoiler:
I was very surprised how they showed part of the Marco scene. Do you guys think they'll show the complete thing later on like in the Manga or will this be the extent of it? That was kind of weird.

I was getting frustrated that Eren didnt get the whole "WHo do you work for" question out of his mouth

I mean I suppose "Who is the enemy" is that. Otherwise there was a lot of pauses and back and forth. Everyone seems on edge to talk about anything

If i had to pick positive developments from the episode it would be the focus on "Who is monkey man"

Also the focus on Christa being an important person in all this. And the team being sent to go investigate Connys mom


You can have meaningful character interactions without drawing it out into 22 minutes of characters staring at each other and not saying anything meaningful*.

Especially in what was supposed to be a confrontation.

*This is an exageration. Eren asking Bertrolt how he felt when Eren talked about his mom, Ymir maybe-turning sides, the Reiner psycho reveal was all solid. In all I think the second half was better than the first.
You can have meaningful character interactions without drawing it out into 22 minutes of characters staring at each other and not saying anything meaningful*.

Especially in what was supposed to be a confrontation.

*This is an exageration. Eren asking Bertrolt how he felt when Eren talked about his mom, Ymir maybe-turning sides, the Reiner psycho reveal was all solid. In all I think the second half was better than the first.

I think we are going too long without revealing the motivations of the 2 sides of this conflict

All I have in my mind is Monkey man Vs Rich assholes in the capital

With everyone else getting caught up in it and having no clue why the world is the way it is


Eren asking Bertrolt how he felt when Eren talked about his mom

No joke, this is one of my favorite scenes in the Manga. And I love how they did it in this episode.

Another of my favorites should come up pretty soon.
Manga Spoiler:
Bertholt breaking into tears.


You can have meaningful character interactions without drawing it out into 22 minutes of characters staring at each other and not saying anything meaningful*.

Especially in what was supposed to be a confrontation.

*This is an exageration. Eren asking Bertrolt how he felt when Eren talked about his mom, Ymir maybe-turning sides, the Reiner psycho reveal was all solid. In all I think the second half was better than the first.

Exactly. There was some good shit in the second half. My favorite part of the episode was Eren asking Bertholdt what he thought when he told him how his mom was killed. What was frustrating was that you have these two guys right here who you ask a ton of questions and yet half the episode is "Hey Eren you can't escape because of this and that and this and that. Can I really not escape tho? If I do this and that I'll probably die? Hmmmmmm." And then Eren staring angrily at the two instead of asking wtf their goals are, what their deal is, what their home is, or anything of the like. Instead it's just "who's the enemy? Who's the monkey?" The silent treatment to that was incredibly frustrating. It pissed me off because we're already deep into the episode, still haven't learned shit, and then it ends. Fuck that.
Everything coming from Reiner, Bertholt and Ymir this episode was pretty fucking important. More important than 90% of the Anime we've already seen. This episode was definitely furthering the plot. If you're only staying for Titan MMA action... well you'll very likely get disappointed.

Okay, sure, but eventually the show has to tell us WHY things are important. At some point, I'd hesitate to even call things important at all if they require a reveal far in the future to make sense -- at that point they're just foreshadowing or easter eggs. Like others have said, we got some useful info in this episode that makes sense even now, but there have been too many episodes this season where manga readers insist important things happened but I have no idea what they were.

Also, not targeted at you specifically, but at everybody on this page: aren't we not doing any talk of the manga beyond the anime in this thread?


lol at super dramatic talking. There was one point where they started shouting at each other and there was like 40 different camera cuts between everyone, it was like a scene out of death note or something.


Okay, sure, but eventually the show has to tell us WHY things are important. At some point, I'd hesitate to even call things important at all if they require a reveal far in the future to make sense -- at that point they're just foreshadowing or easter eggs. Like others have said, we got some useful info in this episode that makes sense even now, but there have been too many episodes this season where manga readers insist important things happened but I have no idea what they were.

Also, not targeted at you specifically, but at everybody on this page: aren't we not doing any talk of the manga beyond the anime in this thread?

This is not the kind of show that will rush to give you the answers you're looking for. That they still haven't shown what's in that basement should be an indicator to that. Pretty much everything gets answered sooner or later. But on the way to these answers there will be a lot of new questions coming up. AoT is definitely going for the long run here.

And it is hard to even attempt to answer some of the "side" questions in this thread without taking about the manga at all. Like the people arguing that this episode made no difference to the plot. They are wrong. This was a very important episode. But will those people believe me if I say that without hinting at anything at all?

I'd argue were still in the phase of explaining the world. And this will be going on for quite a while more.


I think this is where I stopped reading the manga back then, because I knew I wouldn't get answers any time soon lol

But it's not that I don't like it. They want to keep you in the dark for as long as possible and that's fine. The problem is that this is kind of amplified by how much time there is between seasons. If I hadn't read some chapters of the manga after S1 was over, I would have probably also been pissed by how little they've given us so far.
I've stopped reading on my own volition (reading weekly scans is miserable imo) so this is more like a bonus for me, to see the stuff animated.
hange is the best character
I have liked her since season one so I'm glad season 2 is giving me more Hange. She can be so goofy and then switch to serious as fuck in an instant. I'm actually trying to figure out which is her actual personality, but she seems natural as both so I guess that's just the way she is.
I have liked her since season one so I'm glad season 2 is giving me more Hange. She can be so goofy and then switch to serious as fuck in an instant. I'm actually trying to figure out which is her actual personality, but she seems natural as both so I guess that's just the way she is.

I used to be pretty neutral about her, but after watching this season of the anime and rereading the manga she's now my favorite character by far. Her little fangirlish reaction when titan!Eren managed to comunicate with her during his fight against titan!Reiner was super funny and cute. I find her really relatable in a way because she's so intrigued by the mysteries of the titans, much like us as the viewers. You gotta root for her and hope she finds the truth.
I used to be pretty neutral about her, but after watching this season of the anime and rereading the manga she's now my favorite character by far. Her little fangirlish reaction when titan!Eren managed to comunicate with her during his fight against titan!Reiner was super funny and cute. I find her really relatable in a way because she's so intrigued by the mysteries of the titans, much like us as the viewers. You gotta root for her and hope she finds the truth.
I loved her "I will devour you" threat to Titan Annie. She's a curious woman that seems fascinated with the mysteries of the world. I also like how she pays attention to Armin's observations. I hope those two come together on a battle plan soon. It's also nice that she's still a pretty capable character battle wise.


manga 👏 readers 👏 fuck 👏 off

This isn't the thread for you. Don't post manga spoilers even behind tags.


manga �� readers �� fuck �� off

This isn't the thread for you. Don't post manga spoilers even behind tags.


Just implying stuff happening in the next episodes somehow ruins the experience for me. I didn't think this thread would contain any of that. Might avoid going into this thread in the future...
I found the pace of this episode fine, it had a good, tense dialogue between the character and a great mood for the clash between the traitors and Eren and Ymir.
It was the last episode where they wasted too much time being on top of the wall and reminiscing a worthless flashback.


semen stains the mountaintops
Even these "slow" episodes go by incredibly quick if you're into the show.


Saying this episode is boring is "yikes" but telling people to "stop complaining" isn't? okay

I wasn't aware we couldn't dislike episodes.


The latest episode did crawl, and was a great example of the author's tendency to frustratingly withhold information just to stretch out the plot.


Junior Member
lol at super dramatic talking. There was one point where they started shouting at each other and there was like 40 different camera cuts between everyone, it was like a scene out of death note or something.

That made the scene more intense and impactful...which is a good thing.


Kinda hate to say this... but that's why there are fans of the show on YouTube who literally just take the important/exciting scenes from an episode and put it on UTube.

Eren is awesome but they really like drawing him as if he's a demon or something. He's in a messed up world so it makes sense though.


Was there any new info at all learned in the last episode? I just watched it and I'm not sure how the story has progressed at all.

I rewatched it last night having this same thought and I'm pretty sure the answer is no. Confirming and reinforcing a bunch of stuff but nothing really novel. Crista matters, Reiner is losing his grip on the warrior/soldier distinction and has been for a while, the Connie's Mom (?) Titan is suspicious, the Beast created Titans inside the wall, the Beast is either ally or North Star to Reiner & Bert.

Also I wonder how much Mikasa's actor gets paid. I'm pretty sure they had her record a dozen grunts and half a dozen deliveries of "Eren..." (hopeful, longing, distressed, determined) and then just been mix-and-matching her lines every episode from that sound board.


Do Reiner and Bert know what a monkey is? Eren doesn't, it's more clear in the manga apparently.

Reiners confusion could have been two things, his Soldier personality was in charge when they saw Monkey Trouble, and when they were talking to Warrior reiner he didn't remember it. Or, they just didn't know what Ymir meant by a monkey, since she seems to know older things even they don't (herring can).


Oh that's interesting. I thought it was weird that she mentioned monkeys since we've barely ever seen any animals, but I chalked up their expressions to just being impressed at how much she'd put together.


Oh that's interesting. I thought it was weird that she mentioned monkeys since we've barely ever seen any animals, but I chalked up their expressions to just being impressed at how much she'd put together.

Yeah, I don't think anyone inside the wall knows what a monkey is, or at least not the commoners. I'm unclear if the titan twins do because they seem to be of a different sect or whatever than Ymir.


My current hope is that at the end of the season they will announce the date. If they don't do it, then bad news, they don't plan to do it anytime soon.

I think they'll announce it, I haven't watched season 2 yet but there's plenty of material left to adapt going by the episode synopsis.


Yeah, I don't think anyone inside the wall knows what a monkey is, or at least not the commoners. I'm unclear if the titan twins do because they seem to be of a different sect or whatever than Ymir.

It's very obvious that Ymir is not a part of what Bert/Reiner are planning, as they hint several times at Ymir's other goals throughout this episode.

Judging by how Ymir read the food tin and Reiner couldn't, is it possible that Ymir is somehow much older than everyone else? But that doesn't make any sense at all, and she stated in the episode that she isn't as well versed in how a Titan works.
I love the action parts and get super excited but I also love the slow plot talking stuff, especially what is happening now as it's regarding stuff I've wanted to know since day 1 (the armored Titan etc stuff).

I was really looking forward to this last episode because I imagined it to be a talky plot episode but we didn't get enough to satisfy me lol, other than Ymir trying to get info on the Monkey Titan.

Basically I'm like SERIOUSLY WHAT THE F**K IS GOING ON??? That's all I wanted Eren to scream at them lol.

Oh shoot. They dashed out of the forest with Krista, so much for the good forest terrain. I thought they were gonna postpone the encounter to next episode, but wow.

It's also great to see Ymir's past. Also she's 60+ years old...?! Ymir confirmed from outside the walls (via tidbit), and that as punishment from that place, she was thrown into the wild as a titan. Only some people "awake" as humans, and that includes Ymir, Bertholdt, Annie and Reiner (and Eren, of course). Ymir's hometown is interesting because there were walls as well.

Why were Annie/Bertholdt/Reiner + friend sent to attack the walls? They don't even know who their target is (it seems), and don't even know where their "home town" is. The situation is such a mess.

I guess they'll end up outside the walls at this rate, but that was what it seemed when around ep. 23-ish, so we'll see.



I really like how aggro Eren is.

Seems that things are favoring Team Titans right now. Guessing Erwin would be the saving grace for the humans here. Mikasa's also there, too.

Bertholdt said that "Eren doesn't seem to remember either," implying that he ate someone to turn back into a human? I wonder if he's mistaken and unaware of Eren's circumstances, or if he's correct.
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