G1 Climax 24 is the greatest tourney ever.
also Eating Spirit
Bray doesn't look that bad shirtless.
G1 Climax 24 is the greatest tourney ever.
also Eating Spirit
G1 Climax 24 is the greatest tourney ever.
also Eating Spirit
God damn Hero. How unhealthy is it to suddenly put on what appears to be at least 30 pounds of fat in 8 months in your 30s? That dude must be so depressed.
BUT WHAT IF his plan is to get really fat and then lose it all to prove he has the work ethic WWE fired him for not having? SWERVE: He's going to be fat forever now.
Even one Fatt Hardy didn't let himself go that quickly.
Bray doesn't look that bad shirtless.
What sucks is that is what has happened to me this year. I am normally 140, and I am 172 right now. Shit sucks. I've been super lazy ever since I got injured at the gym.
I think they're... well, you know (also, not that kevin sullivan)Retweeted by Karen Jarrett
Kevin Sullivan @KevinSullyTV · 3h
Don't ride other peoples waves, coattails, or reputations. Stand up and own it. Get out of the way.
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G1 Climax 24 is the greatest tourney ever.
also Eating Spirit
G1 Climax 24 is the greatest tourney ever.
also Eating Spirit
Also, I've learned from OT that DC marks tend to be more sensible than Marvel marks.
Also, I've learned from OT that DC marks tend to be more sensible than Marvel marks.
I dunno.
I've talked to people who legit think Man of Steel is better than anything in the MCU
I don't get involved in that crap, but it seems like the Marvel people take this wayyyy too seriously. They're just comic book movies, and just that. I like Marvel, but I guess I would be more into their stuff if they tried harder at stuff outside of just movies. Their game selection is trash, and most of their animated work is subpar too.Yeah, the DC fanatics are much more defensive and combative due to the company being so down the past few years. They typically have to make up for DC by getting into silly fights in a battle their will continue to lose for the next few years.
I don't get involved in that crap, but it seems like the Marvel people take this wayyyy too seriously. They're just comic book movies, and just that. I like Marvel, but I guess I would be more into their stuff if they tried harder at stuff outside of just movies. Their game selection is trash, and most of their animated work is subpar too.
I don't get involved in that crap, but it seems like the Marvel people take this wayyyy too seriously. They're just comic book movies, and just that. I like Marvel, but I guess I would be more into their stuff if they tried harder at stuff outside of just movies. Their game selection is trash, and most of their animated work is subpar too.
Agree with this from a quality perspective. And DC is far outpacing them on TV too with Arrow and Flash compared to SHIELD. Really, cinematic is the only advantage Marvel has IMO.
Marvel wins with comic sales, merchandise sales, and several other areas. You can't count Flash. If you are, then you might as well include Marvel's six upcoming TV shows (Daredevil, Iron Fist, luke cage, Jessica Jones, Defenders, Agent Carter).
"Quality perspective" "IMO". No doubt Marvel is more successful though.
You may be alone in many areas, but I agree that Arrow is better than Shield. I won't go on too much though, OT has so many Marvel/DC/Comic threads as is.
Damn Nattie looking nice!!
Yeah I feel the same way. I feel like shit when I get winded walking up a flight of stairs. The only reason I'm not TOO worried about it is because I've gained and lost large amounts of weight multiple times. I remember when I was 22 and I was just about 200 pounds and I lost 60 pounds in a little over 3 months. Granted that was almost 6 years ago and a lot can change with your body in 6 years.I mean I put on 30 pounds myself, but I'm still in my mid 20s and I felt like it knocked the shit out of me. Knees/ankles/hips hurt all the time. Back stiff. Out of breath much quicker. No energy. I've lost about half of it and still feel the effects. Hero is almost a decade older than me and doing a job where he is required to be pretty active. It's been hard as fuck for me to lose the weight at 26. Hero is 34.
I dunno.
I've talked to people who legit think Man of Steel is better than anything in the MCU
I hope her and Charlotte are able to compete against one another after Charlotte leaves NXT.
It's nice thinking that there's so much women's talent in NXT that the Divas roster will, in reasonably short order, be filled with nothing but good wrestlers. I mean, other than Eva and Cameron, it's almost there already. All of the others can go to some extent.
It's nice thinking that there's so much women's talent in NXT that the Divas roster will, in reasonably short order, be filled with nothing but good wrestlers. I mean, other than Eva and Cameron, it's almost there already. All of the others can go to some extent.
there are two big ones you seem to be forgetting
gah Day 11 hasn't been uploaded and i think i accidentally stumbled across the result for the finals. the price i pay for being cheap!
If you are referencing the Bellas, I think they have gotten to a point where they are fine. Definitely a step below the rest, but not offensive or anything. And damn was that Divas roster offensively bad from top to bottom for a good 4-5 years.
I dunno if i'd call them "good," or at least i haven't seen them be good lately. I guess it's hard to tell when one is stuck in handicap squash matches and the other is just cutting some just awful promos regularlyIf you are referencing the Bellas, I think they have gotten to a point where they are fine. Definitely a step below the rest, but not offensive or anything. And damn was that Divas roster offensively bad from top to bottom for a good 4-5 years.
I was being cautious on Original Bonski's twitter, too, and BAM multiple images.
When he said two big ones, I thought he was just referencing Nikki.
I dunno if i'd call them "good," or at least i haven't seen them be good lately. I guess it's hard to tell when one is stuck in handicap squash matches and the other is just cutting some just awful promos regularly[/IMG]
Who? Name namesShhhh, knocking MoS will summon them, or him.
wrasslegaf, i need more 80s bands to listen to. I already have Duran Duran, Depeche Mode, New Order, Hall & Oates, Cure, Springsteen, Genesis, Was (Not Was), Michael Jackson, U2, Tears For Fears, INXS, Robert Palmer, and Bananarama.
But I need a much bigger sample palette.
Missed out on getting tickets this year, was he good or terrible?Just came back from Outside Lands. Fuckin Kanye.
G1 Climax 24 is the greatest tourney ever.
also Eating Spirit
G1 Climax 24 is the greatest tourney ever.
also Eating Spirit