I'm surprised this particular brand of "John Cena Sucks" chants never caught on:
in related videos
amazing Booker T commentary!
I'm surprised this particular brand of "John Cena Sucks" chants never caught on:
in related videos
amazing Booker T commentary!
Hurray! DDP Over came the odds™ and keeps the Undisputed title! I tried running over the Undertaker with the motorbike but it just kind of stopped whenever it collided with him. That means DDP has ruined Taker's streak.
I can't make it out--what's he saying here?
On working with John Cena in 2005/06: “That guy had some heavy fists. Carlito and I used to joke around that in tag matches with Cena and HBK, we would literally rush to get to Shawn Michaels, because he wasn’t as heavy with hands and the other guy would be stuck with Cena and you’d be potato’ing each other left and right. I remember at the Elimination Chamber I felt like I was in a real shoot fight. It’s not that he’s bad, he just gets really fired up and he’s got big hands, he doesn’t realise his own strength.”
Cena is the best pure striker in WWE, this will be the setup to his match with Undertaker where he breaks the streak.
Plus Cena beat Lesnar, he is legit!
its a same old thing
You're...watching Smackdown?
Whos this bald Doofus?
Oh yeah, that did actually happen, what am odd thing to drop.Cena is the best pure striker in WWE, this will be the setup to his match with Undertaker where he breaks the streak.
Plus Cena beat Lesnar, he is legit!
He said five different hello's therefore he knows 5 languages! WWE~!
Claudio Castagnoli from the world's greatest tag team. I'm not suprised you don't know who he is.
gotta mention how shitty it is for the podcast
Claudio Castagnoli from the world's greatest tag team. I'm not suprised you don't know who he is.
Link please.
I thought WGTT was Benjamin and Haas?
I'm going to record it after Smackdown is over.
I'm trying to figure out whether to record it live via stream or just record it offline then upload it to youtube.
Are you going to have a Q & A session because I have...
A lot of things...
I want to get off my chest...
I don't hate you G-Fex...
KOG you should watch Game Grumps. You like retro gaming and that's what the show is about.