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August Wrasslin |OT| I'll tout it to the papers if I have to

Speaking of Swagger, wouldn't it have been better to let him go over Ziggler in the OH NO UPSET match?

He hasn't won in forever too and it would have been nice cause they have a history and at least Swagger is a former champ.

Basically why didn't Cena keep saving us from Riley appearing on TV?


Neo Member
Speaking of Swagger, wouldn't it have been better to let him go over Ziggler in the OH NO UPSET match?

He hasn't won in forever too and it would have been nice cause they have a history and at least Swagger is a former champ.

Basically why didn't Cena keep saving us from Riley appearing on TV?

I'm all for pushing Ziggler (I wish Swagger had won the Vicki's-love match, though), but holy hell, what in god's name have they been doing with him lately. This thing with Jericho is so horribly dumb (not that I'm not excited to see them wrestle....)
Smackdown spoilers:

Michael Cole came out to boos. Brodus Clay's disco ball is hanging above the ring. Lilian Garcia made her entrance.

Booker T came out and discussed Sheamus stealing Alberto Del Rio's car at Raw. He said he wanted an apology from Sheamus, who made his entrance and apologized. Del Rio interrupted and wanted to press charges. He insulted Sheamus and got in Booker's face. Booker announced Sheamus vs. Del Rio for the World Hvt. Championship will take place on tonight's show.

1. Sin Cara defeated Cody Rhodes. Rhodes said Sin Cara wears a mask due to him being ugly and cockeyed. They used the stupid Sin Cara mood lighting again. A good match. Cody kept trying to get the mask off of Sin Cara, but it eventually led to him being rolled up for the pin.

2. Christian defeated Antonio Cesaro. Antonio said victory in five languages. 
Christian was way over. Good match back and forth match. Cesaro shows promise. Christian speared Cesaro and got the win. Cesaro beat up Christian after the match.

3. Randy Orton defeated Jack Swagger. Orton was in control from start to finish in the short match, which ended with an RKO.

Booker T and Teddy Long spoke in an office backstage until they were interrupted by Tyler Reks and Curt Hawkins, who asked them about opportunities. Booker said they have the look, but they can't seem to get the job done by beating Ryback. Booker said he wants A-plus talent.

4. Jinder Mahal beat a pair of local wrestlers. After the match, Ryback entered and ran off Jinder. Ryback demolished the local wrestlers. The crowd was very into the "Feed Me More" chant.

Jericho introduced The Highlight Reel but was interrupted by Vickie Guerrero. Jericho called her Dolph Ziggler's mother. Dolph didn't show for the interview so Vickie stood in. Vickie threatened to walk off show. There was a recap of Dolph losing on Raw with the Tout finish. Good back and forth mic work. Well kinda, Jericho was good. He claimed that Y2J is back. Ziggler jumped the barricade and attacked Jericho from behind. Ziggler caught him with the Zigzag and then hit him with the Money in the Bank briefcase.

5. The Primetime Players (w/A.W.) defeated Primo and Epico by DQ to become No. 1 contenders to the WWE Tag Titles. Kofi Kingston and R-Truth were on commentary. There was no sign of Rosa Mendes. A.W. threw water of Kofi and Truth. The tag champs beat down AW in the ring until he escaped. The Players won the tag match via DQ. Primo and Epico looked upset with Kofi and Truth for costing them the match. Possible triple threat for the tag titles?

Eve attempted to sweet talk Booker into giving her a job, but Booker said nothing is available. Kaitlyn entered the room. She will face Eve next week with the winner of the match becoming Booker's assistant.

6. Rey Mysterio defeated The Miz in a non-title match. A very good backd and forth match. Mysterio looks and moves like he did ten years ago. Miz did well also. Mysterio won with a roll up. After the match, Triple H came out and Pedigreed The Miz in a segment that probably won't air on television.

Daniel Bryan made his entrance to major heat. Great mic work by Bryan promoting his match at SummerSlam. Kane entered and then A.J. came out to my surprise. She flirted a little and was very complimentary of Kane. She asked Bryan to shake Kane's hand and he said No!!! She demanded that he shake Kane's hand. Kane and Daniel Bryan fought a little. Bryan rolled out and jumped the barricade. A.J. was on the stage laughing. Kane exited.

7. Sheamus vs. Alberto Del Rio for the World Hvt. Championship. Del Rio wore black and it fits his character better. The police showed up to attack Sheamus before the match (apparently they were hired by Del Rio). With Sheamus down, Del Rio locked in the Cross Arm Breaker. The match never got started. The show ended with Sheamus clinching his arm.


Hearing Bork talk has ruined him for my GF apparently. She hadn't heard him talk before, says he has such a nice soft voice its more soothing than 'menacing' or whatever he is supposed to be lol.

I say that makes him even MORE dangerous.



Hearing Bork talk has ruined him for my GF apparently. She hadn't heard him talk before, says he has such a nice soft voice its more soothing than 'menacing' or whatever he is supposed to be lol.

I say that makes him even MORE dangerous.

No he's not the least bit threatening.

We all know what's going to happen.

HHH will beat him after a 'tough' match, paul heyman will come out, get pedigreed and HHH will celebrate with Steph in arms.

HHH wins. HHH wins HHH wins HHH wins HHH wins HHH wins. HHH wins. HHH wins HHH wins HHH wins HHH wins HHH wins.HHH wins. HHH wins HHH wins HHH wins HHH wins HHH wins.HHH wins. HHH wins HHH wins HHH wins HHH wins HHH wins.HHH wins. HHH wins HHH wins HHH wins HHH wins HHH wins.HHH wins. HHH wins HHH wins HHH wins HHH wins HHH wins.HHH wins. HHH wins HHH wins HHH wins HHH wins HHH wins.HHH wins. HHH wins HHH wins HHH wins HHH wins HHH wins.HHH wins. HHH wins HHH wins HHH wins HHH wins HHH wins.HHH wins. HHH wins HHH wins HHH wins HHH wins HHH wins.HHH wins. HHH wins HHH wins HHH wins HHH wins HHH wins.HHH wins. HHH wins HHH wins HHH wins HHH wins HHH wins.HHH wins. HHH wins HHH wins HHH wins HHH wins HHH wins.HHH wins. HHH wins HHH wins HHH wins HHH wins HHH wins.HHH wins. HHH wins HHH wins HHH wins HHH wins HHH wins.HHH wins. HHH wins HHH wins HHH wins HHH wins HHH wins.HHH wins. HHH wins HHH wins HHH wins HHH wins HHH wins.HHH wins. HHH wins HHH wins HHH wins HHH wins HHH wins.HHH wins. HHH wins HHH wins HHH wins HHH wins HHH wins.HHH wins. HHH wins HHH wins HHH wins HHH wins HHH wins.HHH wins. HHH wins HHH wins HHH wins HHH wins HHH wins.HHH wins. HHH wins HHH wins HHH wins HHH wins HHH wins.
Also I made myself chuckle during Bork and HBKs thing, comparing HHH to poochie, its like when HHH isn't around everyone should just be saying "where's HHH?"


People have turned on AJ now? Christ, now I'm just wondering if you guys will turn on Bryan before or after he gets the WWE title. I'm not sure how WWE is supposed to make you happy. When they push the people you like, it makes them uninteresting.


formerly cjelly
People have turned on AJ now? Christ, now I'm just wondering if you guys will turn on Bryan before or after he gets the WWE title. I'm not sure how WWE is supposed to make you happy. When they push the people you like, it makes them uninteresting.

It's a WWE problem, not a WWE Universe problem.


what would hapen if you came home from school and then you walked in the house, AJ was asleep on the couch. there was a note from mom saying she be back in a few hours. AJ turns to her side and reveals her pink skull undies.


People have turned on AJ now? Christ, now I'm just wondering if you guys will turn on Bryan before or after he gets the WWE title. I'm not sure how WWE is supposed to make you happy. When they push the people you like, it makes them uninteresting.

WrasslinGAF is a bunch of wrestling hipsters. Once Ambrose gets big they'll hate him too. The only reason they're still interested in AJ is because she's adorable and Bryan because he's title-less at the moment.

what would hapen if you came home from school and then you walked in the house, AJ was asleep on the couch. there was a note from mom saying she be back in a few hours. AJ turns to her side and reveals her pink skull undies.
I'd wake her up, ask her why she's here, then ask her why my mother left me a note implying I have sexual relations with the same woman who's banging Kane, Bryan, Punk, and Jay Lethul.


what would hapen if you came home from school and then you walked in the house, AJ was asleep on the couch. there was a note from mom saying she be back in a few hours. AJ turns to her side and reveals her pink skull undies.

Is AJ related to you in this situation?

I'm just kidding. I'd wake her ass up!
Glad to see they are turning Jericho back babyface. His heel character had gotten so fucking bland, it was incredible. Hopefully he goes back to wrestling in pants again. I never got used to Lance Storm in trunks. Same goes for Jericho.


NeoGAF's smiling token!
what would hapen if you came home from school and then you walked in the house, AJ was asleep on the couch. there was a note from mom saying she be back in a few hours. AJ turns to her side and reveals her pink skull undies.
It's just like my japanese anime.
WrasslinGAF is a bunch of wrestling hipsters. Once Ambrose gets big they'll hate him too. The only reason they're still interested in AJ is because she's adorable and Bryan because he's title-less at the moment.

It's not that they get big and then we hate them. It's that they get big, Vince says "HEY LEMME GO AHEAD AND CHANGE DIS AND DIS RIGHT HERE OK GO FOR IT BABAY" and they shit up the screen, THEN we hate them.


formerly cjelly
what would hapen if you came home from school and then you walked in the house, AJ was asleep on the couch. there was a note from mom saying she be back in a few hours. AJ turns to her side and reveals her pink skull undies.

I'd tell her to get back to school.
People have turned on AJ now? Christ, now I'm just wondering if you guys will turn on Bryan before or after he gets the WWE title. I'm not sure how WWE is supposed to make you happy. When they push the people you like, it makes them uninteresting.

I'll have it known I disliked the whole AJ angle once Raw became written entirely around her and she was making Punk and Bryan look like idiots. I only turn on things that are bad.

A Pretty Panda

fuckin' called it, man
what would hapen if you came home from school and then you walked in the house, AJ was asleep on the couch. there was a note from mom saying she be back in a few hours. AJ turns to her side and reveals her pink skull undies.

That just means my fan fics have come true. I would then go write better fan fics.


It's not that they get big and then we hate them. It's that they get big, Vince says "HEY LEMME GO AHEAD AND CHANGE DIS AND DIS RIGHT HERE OK GO FOR IT BABAY" and they shit up the screen, THEN we hate them.

Yea, that to. Bryan keeps 95% of my interest in RAW, the other 5% is Punk and Dolphy. Once Bryan changes (which my guess Vince will make him magically sane like AJ and turn him face), I'll lose most, if not all, interest in the show. Summer angle sucks so far.


I'll have it known I disliked the whole AJ angle once Raw became written entirely around her and she was making Punk and Bryan look like idiots. I only turn on things that are bad.
I do remember you saying something like that. I was talking about the others.
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