Jimmy King
Holy Foley premieres after SummerSlam?
Oh no...
Oh no...
Dean Malenko can kiss my ass.
Dean Malenko can kiss my ass.
I'M AN ASSHOLE!Backlash 1999 is a fun show.
It has two amazingly slow but very interesting walking hardcore brawls. The Rock/Austin match is a thousand times better than the WM 15 match. Where to Stephanie? Match of the night might just be X to the P A C versus HHH. Chyna might be the only woman in the world to be able to pull off a chainmail thong.
The RAW the night after has the satanic wedding and the introduction of the Ass Man theme, which no one knows how to react to.
Feuding with everyone more popular than him, I see.HHH has been moving backwards feuding with DX via popularity. He feuded with Corporate Chyna, then joined her to feud with DX Leader X to the P A C. Now he's on to Billy Gunn.
Feuding with everyone more popular than him, I see.
Lmfao! That generic ass theme song man! It was trash.He's ahead of the NAO's individually now. He's about on the same level as Chyna/Kane/X to the P A C right now. He does have a shitty corporate HHH theme and wore a RAW IS WAR tabard to the ring lately.
Hunter doesn't dip into the hgh until later. Rockabilly grows a little bit later. 2k16 Ken Shamrock looked exactly like himKen Shamrock is by far and away the most jakked person in WWF in 1999. HHH is growing but nowhere near there yet. Billy Gunn is starting to lose a bit of mass. Bulldog isn't back yet. The LOD are gone...I think. They did just reappear a few weeks ago.
Reminiscing about WCW in the late 90s depresses me. I just came into this country and it was one of the few things that got me through those early years of culture shock.
That said, it was 20 years ago. I can't even...
Liger was barely there and doesn't really count.
I'd put Psicosis over Malenko, Eddie and Jericho easily. Ultimo too. Psicosis was the glue. And you're forgetting La Parka.
Silver King, Lizmark Jr., El Dandy, Blitzkrieg, Super Dragon during that one house show, Super Calo, Halloween, Damien 666, I'm forgetting some others I'm sure. Kaz Hayashi and Three Count were mostly later era.
I'd mention Prince Ikea but he's terrible just like Evan Karaigas and it would be better if none spoke of him.
so good
This is very hard......rank 'em -- WCW Cruiserweights not named Jericho, Eddie, Malenko, or Rey:
Psicosis, Billy Kidman, Juventud Guerrera, Alex Wright, Ultimo Dragon, Konnan, Syxx, Pillman, and Liger. EDIT: LA PARKA!
I have always been fascinated by Ultimo Dragon and wish he had a better WWE run. I never paid too much to Liger, although I guess I should start checking out his matches on the Network.
EDIT: forgot about La Parka, my bad!
rank 'em -- WCW Cruiserweights not named Jericho, Eddie, Malenko, or Rey:
Psicosis, Billy Kidman, Juventud Guerrera, Alex Wright, Ultimo Dragon, Konnan, Syxx, Pillman, and Liger. EDIT: LA PARKA!
I have always been fascinated by Ultimo Dragon and wish he had a better WWE run. I never paid too much to Liger, although I guess I should start checking out his matches on the Network.
EDIT: forgot about La Parka, my bad!
Rock & Hart are the top two highest paid actors of the year so far.
You mad that the dynamic duo is making more money than you'll ever imagine homes?Well, yeah, they each make 5 shitty movies a year.
You mad that the dynamic duo is making more money than you'll ever imagine homes?
You sound furious.I'm pretty sure I come out ahead of The Rock if you account for how much he spends on HGH.
You sound furious.
But Miz is actor to wrestler. Sit down Mark!I am furious, because The Rock's mediocre work is overshadowing the real greatest wrestler to actor transition of all time.