Jimmy King
Crown us, King!

apparently she's been doing it ever shes been lifting, thats from 2011
im all for it <3
Hahaha this is awesome
Wrestlemania [number]: The Levesques Explode
I'm amazed that all these years later, that X-7 video package with Rock and Austin hasn't been topped. It's incredible. Just watched it again and it's still getting me hyped to see a match I've seen a dozen times already.
It's too bad Limp kills it, shitty band then, shitty band now.
EmbarrassingWatched Omega vs Goto.
Kenny has some real shit entrance music.
Kenny does like 4 submissions at the start and clearly walks over to the ropes so Goto can break them. Shouldn't Goto at least try to make it look like he's trying to wiggle over to the ropes?
That "moonsault" with Goto on his back looked super fucking dangerous.
Bullet Club sure has a lot of Vincents.
I thought the match was okay, no Cedric/Ibushi.
Without Limp Bizkit that promo is nothing. The fuck are you talking about?
Goldberg was almost always more fun to watch than Kevin Nash.
Triple H's sit down interview with JR before SummerSlam when he was supposed to win the title is hilarious. He rambles on about the curtain call and then JR is just like "It was four years ago..." as if to say "get over it"
But we all know how that turns out.
Triple H's sit down interview with JR before SummerSlam when he was supposed to win the title is hilarious. He rambles on about the curtain call and then JR is just like "It was four years ago..." as if to say "get over it"
But we all know how that turns out.
Bone street krew?What does Taker's belly tattoo mean?
I loved the G1 final (although I enjoyed Omega/Naito more). Omega's done a great job of transitioning up the card.
Would this have been AJs year had he stayed I wonder?
What does Taker's belly tattoo mean?
Let's hope Triple H keeps his hair like this cause that's his best look ever
My only memory of Kevin Nash is his squash match against Bob Backlund. And a picture of him wearing a Trump t shirt.
Can't stop thinking about the G1.
Not sure if I can muster the emotional energy to care about Summerslam next weekend.
Well there was also a very emotional GAA match I went to on the weekend as well
Who even cares about SummerSlam when McGregor vs. Diaz II is on this Saturday?
Nobody, that's who.
Who even cares about SummerSlam when McGregor vs. Diaz II is on this Saturday?
Nobody, that's who.
Who even cares about SummerSlam when McGregor vs. Diaz II is on this Saturday?
Nobody, that's who.
Sure, I imagine they'll have to give it to someone when Okada jumps ship.
Is this reverse world?
just finished Kenny Omega vs Hirooki Goto and it was everything ya'll hyped it out to be. The ode to the 2 previous bullet club leaders was a nice touch. Didn't know Kenny could speak Japanese so well. Glad to be Canadian right now lol
Anyone notice how crazy the crowd reaction for Naito was during the multi-man tag yesterday? The more he's snubbed by New Japan, the bigger reactions he gets. You'd have to be deaf, dumb and blind to not believe they're building to something there.
CM Punk documentary to air tonight on FS1 at 9:30PM ET