Anyone notice how crazy the crowd reaction for Naito was during the multi-man tag yesterday? The more he's snubbed by New Japan, the bigger reactions he gets. You'd have to be deaf, dumb and blind to not believe they're building to something there.
You are SUCH a broken fucking record, jesus haha.
they just want to see some puppies
A draw for creepsEva Marie is a draw and it's time y'all stop pretending she isn't.
A draw for creeps
A draw for creeps
worked for bayley
Becky Lynch has that market on lock.
A draw for creeps
worked for bayley
the best possible payoff to this whole eva angle is her shooting the single as the first maneuver in her first main roster match
followed by an attempt to post the leg
I can hear the "this is awesome" chants already
I don't think Bayley is that appealing to the male crowd in that way, Datazord, but I'm not that hip on the tumblr trends as some of you guys are.
It's an unfortunate intersection. She's not meant to appeal to those dudes, but those dudes are there.
The Russian, Bulgarian, Samoan and American hero, Rusev.Rusev could pass as a Samoan
Kane and Eva need to team up. The Devil's Favorite Demon and All-Red Everything could take the world by storm. They even have the same lighting!
Book it.
It's an unfortunate intersection. She's not meant to appeal to those dudes, but those dudes are there.
Kalisto's doing fine with his obvious pre-show Baron Corbin match for Summerslam.The Kane cycle is due another Woman's storyline, maybe she can get her own mask to look less expressionless.
It's either this or a tag team, Kanelisto would be a good..uh...a good tag thing.
wouldn't be the first time something is marketed and made for young girls, yet somehow "those dudes" become the main audience
Kalisto's doing fine with his obvious pre-show Baron Corbin match for Summerslam.
See?! He's great![/QUOTE]
I foresee a slick roll up victory in his future, in one of the 10 matches at least.
Women who are popular bring out the creeps. Welcome to every female celebrity ever.
Eva Marie is a draw and it's time y'all stop pretending she isn't.
That one "Can I Get A Hug" Bayley shirt proves WWE know what kind of fanbase Bayley has and they are gonna make that large amount of dollar from it.
Zero fucks given. How many more years before they finally push him?
Zero fucks given. How many more years before they finally push him?
Damn, I went from top 10 to klonere/DM status in only a week.I blame blackaroni.
Apparently HBK has moved his family to Florida and is going to be an NXT trainer. Should be good for the guys there.
Dude can even teach them to sell their own hits.
This is a stupid stupid stupid stupid forever spot. No need to do it. If you want blood, slicing your forehead open with a blade is far preferable.
Shibata is going to head up this NOAH invasion thing and was crazy over from it last night, got to main event a bunch of G1 shows this year and has a belt finally. He's getting pushed.
They have plenty of other trainers at Full Sail. Shawn can focus on his strengths when it comes to teaching. He doesn't need to cover everything.But isnt Shawn a terrible teacher?
But isnt Shawn a terrible teacher?
Our boy did it
They have plenty of other trainers at Full Sail. Shawn can focus on his strengths when it comes to teaching. He doesn't need to cover everything.
What do you are Shawn teaching Strengths?
Shibata is probably literally killing himself for a company that won't even give him a legit push.
No, a NEVER belt is not a legit push.
I'm sure Go will tell you what great things await you after a NOAH tour
What do you are Shawn teaching Strengths?