MGS mechanics have always been so wonky.Splinter Cell's stealth mechanics absolutely shit all over Metal Gear's mechanics though
But boy do I heart that series.
MGS mechanics have always been so wonky.Splinter Cell's stealth mechanics absolutely shit all over Metal Gear's mechanics though
Splinter Cell's stealth mechanics absolutely shit all over Metal Gear's mechanics though
MGS mechanics have always been so wonky.
But boy do I heart that series.
I bought peace walker or whatever the fuck it's called on psp and man...shit was unplayable. I gave up.Yeah I love me some Metal Gear as wellbut the stealth stuff is really baby shit compared to Splinter Cell.well, maybe except 5
I bought peace walker or whatever the fuck it's called on psp and man...shit was unplayable. I gave up.
At least it got a rerelease.
The best Metal Gear game in the last 2 console generations isn't even a stealth game
Crazy anime shit Metal Gear is the superior Metal Gear
Twin Snakes >>> MGS1
Twin Snakes >>> MGS1
MGS 4 was my favorite.
*Runs for cover*
It really was.
We all make mistakes
heck of a year for games this year, though. hoo-boy.
Yeah, those NBA games are typically alright.
It certainly is, though topping MGS4 is piss easy, I think Acid on PSP probably bested 4.The best Metal Gear game in the last 2 console generations isn't even a stealth game
Crazy anime shit Metal Gear is the superior Metal Gear
Twin Snakes >>> MGS1
Yeah this has been a good year for kideos. Not sure if anything is knocking Doom out of my #1 spot though
Honestly don't know what my GOTY so far is. No Man's Sky is up there, but there's a few games people have mentioned that I forgot were even this year.
#FE was damn good too.
UFC this weekend, gonna be good seeing that piece of trash that is a disgrace to my heritage get eaten again by Diaz.
♪ And they run when the sun comes up,
Sons of Liberty and Snake Eater are the best games.
INSIDE and The Witness are my two favorite games this year. I'm hoping for a Last Guardian Miracle, though.
Sons of Liberty is pure booty from a gameplay perspective. Absolutely loathe it, which is a shame because the out-there story and characters were the parts I really liked.
As for top games so far this year, in no particular order:
- Battleborn
You misspelled Overwatch, Menome
Last Guardian is a game I'm going to buy and like, but hot damn I'm pretty sure it's going to disappoint a lot of people
...but I haven't made my list of over-hyped disappointments yet?
- Battleborn
Just playing Reigns at the moment and have Oxenfree lined up.
Last Guardian isn't going to be any good at all. It's going to be another No Man's Sky-styled hype event, except it'll be worse because the game will be uglier.
Yeah this has been a good year for kideos. Not sure if anything is knocking Doom out of my #1 spot though
...but I haven't made my list of over-hyped disappointments yet?