Thanks for those 5 minutes Finn, hope it was worth the 2+ hours of painting/removing
I honestly have no idea. I'm not familiar with this at all.
Wouldn't be the first time.
lol crowd loves it but gaf is all angry as fuck
It would 10 times better if he didn't do so much crawling. You can clearly walk just fine. Just walk.
Well I guess old loser ass Rollins is gonna win....fuck
Segment was fun and made Finn look like something cool and not like a random dweeb
GAF being mad because of their imaginary desire to see it for the "first" time at SummerSlam is dumb. Everyone who posts on GAF has already seen Finn do the demon entrance, ffs.
Segment was fun and made Finn look like something cool and not like a random dweeb
GAF being mad because of their imaginary desire to see it for the "first" time at SummerSlam is dumb. Everyone who posts on GAF has already seen Finn do the demon entrance, ffs.
Seriously, I get why it could have been preferable to keep it until Summerslam, but some of you guys are being over dramatic about how Balor is suddenly done.
The crawling could work if he just crawled out instead of all the way to the ring. Or maybe if he crawled out from somewhere else like under the ring.The crawling needs to go. I can take the head dress. The crawling is not prime time. It's corny af.
This is the problem. Entrance needs work.
That's the first time I've seen him do this thing. It's weird.
I doubt it. Having Finn lose his first match as the demon immediately kills the gimmick. He kind of has to win.
Having a mental breakdown when forced to retire:
"I had to go out to Florida (to shoot Total Divas) and we're in John Cena's house for four weeks or whatever and there's cameras just on you all the time. I just had this horrible mental breakdown."
Retreating to nature to help cope with his extreme sadness:
"That's what I needed. I needed to get away from all of that and just get out to be by some trees. It's hard for me. I don't do really well in cities, which is crazy given that we're flying in and out of these major cities every week. Brie (Bella, his wife) describes it as anxiety. And she would be accurate. I get this anxiety in cities and places like that. When you grow up in kind of a small town and when you grow up around a lot of green and trees and nature and that sort of thing, sometimes I think it's a little mentally disconcerting to be around this concrete."
You think the Demon King will lose in his first main roster match? Yeah, that ain't happening.The problem with them making such a big deal about the Demon is that it makes me worried that he's going to win at SummerSlam. I generally like Finn, but Seth is my Universal Champ.
Segment was fun and made Finn look like something cool and not like a random dweeb
GAF being mad because of their imaginary desire to see it for the "first" time at SummerSlam is dumb. Everyone who posts on GAF has already seen Finn do the demon entrance, ffs.
Don't worry, you haven't seen all of it. I'm sure at SummerSlam he'll do the chainsaw thing.
WWE badly needs a new monster heel. I never watxh NXT, is there any on there?
It's OK, I'm a vanilla midget too. I'm only 5'8 😣I'll punch you
WWE badly needs a new monster heel. I never watxh NXT, is there any on there?
WWE badly needs a new monster heel. I never watxh NXT, is there any on there?
Welp Bryan had an interview and we see now why they canceled his appearances and is going to making watching Total Bellas kinda of sad:
I'm not sure I want to watch the Total Bellas episode where Bryan has his breakdown.
WWE badly needs a new monster heel. I never watch NXT, is there any on there?
Samoa Joe