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August Wrasslin' |OT| Make a.. make a good...uh...a good wrestling thread

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
He's got a bit of that Kirk Angel and Jericho stank on him, too funny too often. It gets you stuck at that level more often than not. Rock and Austin were also hilarious but only occasionally.

I'd say Kurt was a top level guy though. I'm not saying THE guy. I'm saying in that Undertaker tier. I don't think I could see Rusev there. More of a 'you're before the main event' and occasionally main event and we'll give you like one reign' kind of guy
I think the problem with Joe is his age more than anything. He's in god mode right now, but what guarantee do they have that he'll be around long enough to really generate them revenue off of a win against Brock? AJ has the same problem.

Roman makes sense. Maybe that really tall Eastern European amateur wrestler they signed a year or two ago will be ready before Brock decides to peace out. Otherwise, their options are limited.
Well they already had Brock lose to those young kids HHH and John Cena


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Hurts to say it, but Rusev is a goof. I just can't ever see him as a top level guy. upper midcard/Benoit/Jericho/Eddie level. He has all the talent for it, but he's just been too tainted at this point.

Completely agree, unfortunately.


He's got a bit of that Kirk Angel and Jericho stank on him, too funny too often. It gets you stuck at that level more often than not. Rock and Austin were also hilarious but only occasionally.
Funny thing about that is, both Kirk and Jericho got put over by the likes of Austin and Rock especially on PPV's. How often have you see Rusev or other such heels (Wyatt) going over the likes of Roman or Cena? Problem came when Triple H would go over both and have himself feud with a dog and Stephanie instead of making both Kirk and Jericho a legitimate threat.

Briefly watched the PPV, but fell asleep little after the tag match. I have seen what people are writing about the later events so I'm not quite sure if I'm even going to watch.

-The first match with Enzo/Cass vs. Jericho/Owens was fine. The opening dialogue went too long, I get the pandering but none of it was funny or engaging. Guess it was just for the audience.
-Women's match was good for what it's worth. Don't care for either character but no serious complaints.
-IC match was the same, albeit short. Crews is terrible on the stick and seems to have no real direction. Why was he brought up? What happened with Darren Young?
-The AJ and Cena bout, while good, felt like the same modern style WWE stuff we see each time. Big move after big move. False start nonsense. Overall it was the best match thus far, but none of it was anything new. Cena taking time off and leaving his armband in the ring felt reminiscent to The Rock leaving in 2002. Fans knew it then and booed him a bit during the match; fans booed Cena but it's a meme thing to do with the awful chants.
-Last match being New Day vs. Anderson and Gallows. OK, I've seen some New Day stuff in the past and why is it acceptable they keep cheating? For instance, they'll be in a match and all of a sudden Kofi intervenes, or Xavier does something to throw off the heel while just being a manager to create a 3v2 advantage. They do this while being babyfaces. This was stupid and made no sense. It also feels like they're milking New Day's title run for whatever reason to pass some sort of milestone but none of their feuds are anything noteworthy.


Still steaming over Sasha losing.

If she had nagging injury problems why did they even give her the title in the first place?

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Well they already had Brock lose to those young kids HHH and John Cena

Cena was a fluke and a great match.

HHH matches though are among his worst since coming back. I'd rank them right in between the Ambrose match (the worst Bork match) and the Big Show Royal Rumble beatdown.
Rusev just couldn't get it done tonight. And something tells me that if he can't get it done in the ring, then he can't get it done in the bedroom. But I'm sure the Big Dawg Roman can show him how to handle Lana.

believe THAT
Still steaming over Sasha losing.

If she had nagging injury problems why did they even give her the title in the first place?

Maybe she thought she could tough it out, but it just became too much to deal with given her style. It's really not that big of a deal. She'll be back and she'll still be over.


Rusev just couldn't get it done tonight. And something tells me that if he can't get it done in the ring, then he can't get it done in the bedroom. But I'm sure the Big Dawg Roman can show him how to handle Lana.

believe THAT

I'm sure the Big Dog's wife would take issue with that.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Still steaming over Sasha losing.

If she had nagging injury problems why did they even give her the title in the first place?
My guess is she asked to drop it after getting the belt. I say good for her for wanting time off to heal. She can easily bounce back and can clean up any injuries she might have in the process. Plus her and Charlotte's feud pushes more giving time for Nia Jax to develop a bit more until she has her turn.

I just find it darkly ironic that the match in which she drops the belt was like the last kind of match you wanna have if wanting time off to heal.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Never give up, man God.

Never ever ever never. Ever never. Never give up ever ever.


John Cena never tapped!

He didn't tap, Maggle! He did something worse, his body quit on America!

etc, etc.

(I love the passing out gimmick honestly. Too stubborn to give up. The best is Foley submitting himself via mandible claw and Shamrock losing it.)
So WWE uploaded footage of the GMs and commissioners hyping up the crowd on YouTube.

for SmackDown their bosses were more over than their world title competitors

for RAW you can hear the crowd's utter disgust upon seeing the title unveiled

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
also this woman

no one ever talks about how Scott has the most vicious open palm chops in pro wrestling. Shit sounds like gun shots. Shit sounds like it's ripping flesh off. Heenan is losing it over the chops


If just the background of the logo was red I don't think it would be that bad, but for the WHOLE THING to be that color? Truly ugly. And what happens if they draft a current champion to the new show, which has happened numerous times? Are you going to have a bright red belt on Smackdown?

Jamie OD

Why do you want to borrow my jacket?

No reason, just need it for a moment.


I'll be over this stupid belt by the morning, for now, it still looks like brain matter.

If they start selling little WWE Title jellies then maybe I can get over it but for a main title all red leather looks hideous.


Balor got injured in the match. Fuck.
By Mike Johnson on 2016-08-22 02:28:00

New WWE Universal champion Finn Balor was injured during his Summerslam match against Seth Rollins, PWInsider.com has confirmed. Sources indicate that Balor was sporting his right arm in a sling following the PPV. There is concern the injury is serious and could require surgery. In watching back the bout, Balor was grabbing briefly at his right shoulder after being nailed with a small package driver and did not raise the arm (which was holding the Universal championship) after the match. We are told Balor will be getting examined tomorrow and once WWE has a determination on exactly how serious the injury is, they will go from there. More as we get it.Balor is slated to appear on Good Morning America tomorrow at 8 AM Eastern.


So was it this or just pure disgust for the title which is why he didn't raise it?

I give it two weeks before WrassleGaf Bret Hart is calling Rollins reckless again.
Rollins is clearly marking his territory. He will injure/retire anyone who gets in his way at being on top. Cena,Sting and now Finn.

I'm saying this sarcastically before anyone works themselves.



Slowing catching up on the matches. Aries and NWJ was very enjoyable; for all the controversies that Aries has been in, he's damn good in the ring.


Had time before work to watch AJ/Cena and Balor/Rollins.

AJ/Cena was an even more excessive version of Owens/Cena II. Just kicking out of shit with no real flow. Definitely underdelivered for me, very disappointed.

Balor/Rollins was better in my mind although probably because I'm still a Rollins guy and even though all the rational, factual arguments about Balor are true, he's still my boy. Popped huge for Gods Last Gift. Even more kudos to the guys for having gotten the crowd back into the match after that belt reveal.


Wait Boots got got on Twitter? Nooooooooo!

So many indie shows I never would have bought, so many Japanese matches I never would have looked for if it wasn't for his lovely GIFs :(
Wait Boots got got on Twitter? Nooooooooo!

So many indie shows I never would have bought, so many Japanese matches I never would have looked for if it wasn't for his lovely GIFs :(

Yep. WWE will lose or gain nothing from this, there'll always be someone GIFing shows, and it makes no difference. The indies these guys promoted will take a knock.


Huh, guess I'm the only one who isn't over the moon about the Cena/AJ match. Do people really think its a MOTY? Just couldn't get into it at all.

Yep. WWE will lose or gain nothing from this, there'll always be someone GIFing shows, and it makes no difference. The indies these guys promoted will take a knock.

Yeah Quildan was out there saying how much he thinks it helps promotions of his size. Plus he's done more for NJPWWorld for English speakers than NJPW itself.
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