I get where you're coming from. WWE's 'finisher spam' is years and years past expiration yet I don't think they'll ever reel it back. I wouldn't have minded that match having more brawling.I really, really didn't get that out of it. It just felt like a back and forth match where they traded big moves. Maybe if Styles had really worked on Cena's leg a ton and crippled him leading to hitting a big move (Cena isn't tapping, I know that) I could buy that story. But both of them got enough shine to not make it feel like one side was dominating. It wasn't Brock/Cena from Extreme Rules or whatever.
It definitely made Styles but my god does that type of match grind my gears so much.
The match definitely put Cena in the place his opponents are usually in of 'I can't beat this guy! He took everything I've got multiple times!' Then they actually followed through and had Styles actually win. It's a nice change from stuff like the match he had with Bray at WM.
Even if you didn't love the match, which is fair, I think everyone should love where it puts Styles and WWE actually using long entrenched stars to help other parts of their roster. Its what they did with Jericho. It's what they did with Angle. It's my favorite thing WWE does.
Styles also got a backstage segment! He's like a well rounded character that is actually interesting and seems to be ambitious and going places! Crazy!