Just home from work. There was zero popping.
I'm not even sure Cena getting popped would be that much of a black eye.
No media covered Brock going back to the wwe.
Bayley looked insanely in shape at Takeover so I'd bet on her above nearly anybody else.
But getting popped would kill the gimmick so badly![]()
I'm going to take a wild guess and say he's gotten his contract offer from WWE, to be burning his bridges like that.
What would you guys seriously think would be a "black eye" scenario? Especially in a post Benoit WWE.
The whole "black eye" thing is hyperbolic anyway but let's just roll with it
Stro being unbannedThe real question is what would leave a black eye on WrasslinGaf?
What would you guys seriously think would be a "black eye" scenario? Especially in a post Benoit WWE.
The whole "black eye" thing is hyperbolic anyway but let's just roll with it
What would you guys seriously think would be a "black eye" scenario? Especially in a post Benoit WWE.
The whole "black eye" thing is hyperbolic anyway but let's just roll with it
The real question is what would leave a black eye on WrasslinGaf?
Damnit stop making me remember!Zach giving WM2000 a D
We would never turn on KO. He has unquestionable talent.KO is the best guy on the whole roster
I'm surprised GAF hasn't turned on him
yas king
What if they BOTH got popped?I don't buy Rusev. They'd have had Reigns squash him and take his belt, surely.
A black eye hs gotta point to Bayley. Who else is so wholesome?
Cena getting busted wouldn't leave a "long lasting black eye."
Has to be something major/criminal.
Something that would "be a black eye on the sport" would have to be Cena getting popped. Or maybe Roman getting popped a second time. Or a string of NXT poppings
Not sure what to make of this tbh[/IM
Yeah I'd wager so. ROH stays a dumpster fire.[/QUOTE]
Being in a relationship with 2 top promotions, plus having decent house and ppv business is pretty good.
Yet the booking is milquetoast.
[quote="serenewarfare, post: 214576638"]The thing I dislike most about ROH is their insistence on telling their fans how much better the New Japan guys are than their own guys. It's like WWE with part-timers, but even worse because at those are old WWE guys so they control it to a degree.[/QUOTE]
Agree they need to find a happy medium. Don't need okada or naito to job every show but they need to let someone like lethal or Cole get a big win
What if they BOTH got popped?
Stro being unbanned
She had a quality six pack starter kit going on, I was mirin', but I don't think she's an obvious "look at her she's on the juice" candidate. A month of disciplined dieting produces her result.
Fire Hydrant Seth is another story.
The thing I dislike most about ROH is their insistence on telling their fans how much better the New Japan guys are than their own guys. It's like WWE with part-timers, but even worse because at those are old WWE guys so they control it to a degree.
Stro being unbanned
Accurate.that's kind of a dumb looking move. It looks like he passes out in the middle of a perfect plex or something and just drops.
In these uncertain times WWE need to fallback on reliable men to carry this company.
The champ that Raw deserves.
so I guess thats why Finn was only raiding one arm when he was celebrating last night, not the whole "this belt sucks and people will boo it" scenario lol
Watch AJ be on the popped list.
That type of shit will get him on POP TV stat.
He doesn't go over Cena clean if he popped.
That angle writes itself. Just give her a Lindsay Lohan gimmick.I think Bayley being popped would be the most shocking.
She'd probably return with some dark gloomy gimmick of how even childhood heroes can fall down the ladder.
I realllyyyy love that new move from Seth btw, I think it looks brutal[/img[img][/img
I'm still not over this. In a way it redeems the lack of white gear.[/QUOTE]
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