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August Wrasslin' |OT| Make a.. make a good...uh...a good wrestling thread

"WE WANT SLATER" when two great wrestlers are working their ass off is self-indulgent trash that has nothing to do with the belt and everything to do with getting their chants off. The belt was an excuse for certain sections of the crowd to verbally masturbate. Ive long said how pathetic CM Punk chants are, but at least the crowd managed to shout that down.
We want Slater was during a really poorly executed Roman/Rusev segment that added to the general contempt to the product the fans had over the course of the night.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Some of it lines up since Jericho and Orton are really close IRL.

I do hope Jericho doesn't think his Goldberg magic will work on Brock


Then don't buy a ticket to go to a show you won't like.

Its a circus that travels around maybe twice a year in some communties and the quality is always all over the place.

I mean you could have a KO - Zayn match or you wind up with Ambrose - Y2J

Most times the tickets are sold out before they even announce the card so you either have to trust that the show will deliver based on the brand (which is what they want anyway) or you pray that they book a good card that isn't leading into a big show.

Fans right now have grown up knowing so much about the product and also seeing the patterns of how Vince handles the guys he likes. Its starting to happen to Big Cass.

Jericho and Brock got into a SHOOT

Be careful Brock, Goldberg knows Y2J can shoot or worse he could play his music in your direction.
Dave said:
The ending of the Randy Orton vs. Brock Lesnar SummerSlam match, which went pretty much as planned, led to a verbal and somewhat physical confrontation between Lesnar and Chris Jericho last night.

According to multiple sources, Jericho came to the gorilla position just as the match ended, apparently to see if Orton was okay and to find out what exactly happened. He asked Michael Hayes what the finish was or if that was the finish. Hayes wouldn't answer him at which point Jericho said, "That's bullsh*t."

Jericho said that just as Lesnar came back from the ring. Lesnar thought he was talking about his match, and called Jericho a pussy according to one version, or "shut up" according to another, and to mind his own business. The two got face-to-face and started exchanging words, with one version saying they were shouting at each other the whole time. Lesnar pushed Jericho with his fingers, and Jericho did what was described as the "Rousey-Tate" forehead press.

They got tangled up against the wall and Lesnar told Jericho to punch him or kiss him. Paul "HHH" Levesque jumped in quickly and broke it up. It was heated enough that they went back at it at which time Vince McMahon broke it up. Jericho started yelling about Lesnar and McMahon told Jericho that it was all a work and to be professional. Levesque reportedly told McMahon that Lesnar started it, and Jericho was just standing up for himself but there were more words exchanged.

Jericho saw Orton and got mad, which everyone noted was because he was concerned with Orton's health and safety. Orton reportedly assured him that he knew the way everything was coming.

That last paragraph. Orton dumb as hell if he okayed, and thought fans would like, that ending

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Give Jericho the Universal strap

Why not at this point
I knew Jericho entered into another plane of excellence with that facial hair and his recent work, but tussling with Brock and coming out undefeated? Push him to the moon.


Someone in the SummerSlam thread last night was trying to say Jericho was bad and should retire already. I just laughed at him.


At least Jerico is standing up for people in the back.

Part of the reason why there needs to be a union is to protect performers from themselves.

Look at the shit WCW had Bret do with stunt driving for example.

Vince literally went up to Orton and told him his job was to take an elbow to the face from a professionally trained fighter so that he would bleed.

If I was Orton I would have just bladed and paid the fine or whatever. Imagine his wife and daughter watching this? In a real MMA fight you have an official there and doctors standing by ready to stop the fight and get him to medical attention as soon as possible. Instead Brock continued the beat down (albeit a soft work at that point). There is also forced time off and recovery for the fighters, not with the WWE.

Hell same thing could be said for the Samoa Joe blood. If his life or health was in danger the match should have stopped regardless of how the booking was supposed to go.


Hayes defended Lesnar and ragged on Ambrose for his comments against Lesnar and now this shit happens with Hayes not doing a damn thing. Let alone, Jericho and Ambrose are great friends. Jericho did the best he could to help Ambrose after that Lesnar shit.

Jericho's one of the fucking boys man.

And Hayes can suck on a PORCELAIN DICK as far as I'm concerned. What a fucking bitch yo.

And hell, Trips defended Jericho in this? Man. Amazing.
Hayes defended Lesnar and ragged on Ambrose for his comments against Lesnar and now this shit happens with Hayes not doing a damn thing. Let alone, Jericho and Ambrose are great friends. Jericho did the best he could to help Ambrose after that Lesnar shit.

Jericho's one of the fucking boys man.

And Hayes can suck on a PORCELAIN DICK as far as I'm concerned. What a fucking bitch yo.

And hell, Trips defended Jericho in this? Man. Amazing.
The boys probably going to try and get Brock in a dark alley.


I remember that some a go people said that Seth should be face because he have too many face moves

Now, with his moves he's killing most of the roster. The true heel of the company


So what is the best case scenario for Finn? Is there any possibility he doesn't have to give up the title?
It's possible it's just a dislocation, and in that case he could work the next PPV taped up.
Best case scenario? He has to rest from the dislocation, be back in action by the next PPV most likely.
It helps that Clash of Champions isn't for another 5 weeks.
They can stall for 3, gauge how Finn's healing and book an injury angle then and still have enough time to build towards a different main event.

Of course, if the early prognosis is poor, they can always run a tourney or something starting next week.
Just caught up with the Summerfest, quick points because i'm sure it's all old news and you all discussed the shit out of it last night:

• New drinking game: take a shot whenever a wrestler makes the 'I can't believe my opponent kicked out of my finisher!' face. Hammered within an hour.

• I'm one of Cena's biggest detractors, but Cena/Styles was match of the night. So good. I predict: AJ takes the belt from Ambrose, has a lengthy run, Cena comes back at Mania and beats AJ (because he always gets his heat back dude) to tie Flair.

• Why are the New Day champions? The belt doesn't elevate them, and they don't elevate the belts. So stop hogging them and let anyone else run.

• JeriKO is great fun.

• Why did the women's title match happen so early? Nikki Bella returning is not a big deal - the women's division is better without the Bellas.

• Dean Ambrose is junk and I hated every second of his 'where's the heat?' match with Ziggles. So did the crowd by the sound of it.

• Commentary - JBL was doing his best to bring down the Cena/AJ match, he's abysmal. Just send a top commentator from each brand (Corey and Mauro) and let them call all night. JBL, Otunga and Saxton (why are either of these in this role?) and fucking Cole need to go.

• That new universal title is awful looking, but that was a predictable outcome to anyone with a basic grasp of logic. There was an obvious pattern forming. Fuck off to wrestlers telling fans off for disliking it though, they're tired of titles looking like shit. Years of garbage spinning belts and PR & Marketing-based designs has that effect.

• Seth/Balor never really got into gear with me, and i'm not a Balor hater like many here. Seth's frog splash and package fisherman's driver thing were both glorious. But fuck me Seth is clumsy. Great to watch in the ring but he needs to stop injuring people.

• I'm really bored of modern indestructible Brock. I realised this when I found myself enjoying Orton. The juice sign in the crowd was money.

• Remember when Kane unmasked and he was so deadly he had to be chained up and surrounded by security back stage? And he'd destroy people? Until Shane McMahon superkicked him into some fire? I did when Shane turned up at the end and took the F5.

Sorry about the wall (of text) brothers.

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