Lesnar vs Bo is NOT happening at MSG according to meltzer
Bob's Burgers is by far superior to Archer, you are wrong.
Podcast I'm listening to brought up an idea that Taker should have done a soul transfer with Lesnar, then dress Lesnar in black, not talk, and turn Paul Heyman into Paul Bearer.
Here's a crazy idea: just also call the women "superstars".
Podcast I'm listening to brought up an idea that Taker should have done a soul transfer with Lesnar, then dress Lesnar in black, not talk, and turn Paul Heyman into Paul Bearer.
Power bombcast has been advocating a soul transfer from Taker to Reigns since before WM30!
Oxford dictionary exposing the business: http://www.oxforddictionaries.com/us/definition/american_english/kayfabe
Jeff's idea of good wrestling is stuff that isn't sustainable or even fun.
He would be the guy arguing for Kane to come out as doink the clown and win the divas title for a 2 week reign.
Fellow Tulsans:
I haven't read the article just yet, but didn't want to forget to post it.
Pro wrestling and Tulsa have been tag-team partners since the dropkick learned how to fly.
Less than a month until the Stang era begins friends!!
Less than a month until the Stang era begins friends!!
Indy Poster Thursday?
Can't go wrong with a steel cage match while getting back to back meals.
Oh nice, at a Ryan's. You should go!
I hope Sting wins, aligns with thenWoAuthority and Rollins goes mute and hangs out in the rafters until the Rumble, and after winning that goes back into the rafters until Mania itself.
Also, lots of baseball bat pointing, please.
Thinking about it...but Ryans sucks :/
Less than a month until the Stang era begins friends!!
#IndiePosterThursday here in Tulsa, OK
This is what we need to go to. Abra will be there as well.
This quote from the article is KILLING me though:
If I could get away with it ... I would give cigars to the girls, and we would have a smoky-feel, blood-and-bulls, knock-down, drag-out fight thats not politically correct, Cox said.
And the people on the west coast and east coast would say Thats whats wrong with America today, and you and I both know thats whats right with America today. Were going to show up. Were going to give them a good time.
That's a high-quality low-quality line...
And I'm pretty sure my casual friend will want to go because she's in love with Rick Steiner... it'll be hilarious to see her reaction to current Rick Steiner. We may have to watch The Wrestler before attending, to get her in the right state of mind. Heh...
Are you guys splurging on front row or what?
We'll still probably go...
Abra's gonna be on the show, so I'll just kinda figure out what I want to do. I don't NEED front row but I enjoy front row. Dunno!
Yeah, when someone says they're specifically NOT going to be politically correct...eurgghhhh
Danny Kidman exposing those rock hard....black t-shirts
Jeff is super jaded, but on the other side Dan will eat ANYTHING WWE gives him, which isn't that much better
looks like we're getting a male vs female main event in montreal!
He's on the show?! Niiice. Is he doing it under the same magic gimmick?
I'll take Dan's acceptance to bad creative to Jeff wanting bad creative.
Jeff is the type of guy that would want Russo 1999-2000 booking. Like a Miss Elizabeth rape angle preventing Goldberg from being in the arena ending with a finger poke or building your main event around the shockmaster.
I believe so yes
couldn't we all settle on accepting good creative instead?
You're watching professional wrestling, temper your expectations.
Ah sweet Jesus, there's a gun show going on at the same time... what a crowd it'll be...
Get me a time machine or give me a Backfist to the Future so I can attend. #IndiePosterThursday
A Hardcore Cowgirl!
Scott SteinerR aka "Big Poppa Pump"
Rick Steiner
Big Vader
Big Vader's Nephew - Big "Cuzz"
Rakishi "WWE Hall of Famer"
Wild Bill Irwin
Brandon "the Brideless" Groom
Chavo Guerro Sr.
Tokyo Monster
Shawn Hernandez
Rashee Brown
Chris Stevens
The Oklahoma Kid
Special Guest Referee
James Beard
Special Guest
Danny Hodge
Bill Watts
Oh fuck, this is during our Gun Show?
Oh wow. Oh, wow. Uhh...wow..