Meltzer says a lot of dumb stuff, though. I listened to him and Bryan talk about the Divas stuff, and then Bryan and Vinny talk about the Divas stuff, and all three of them are missing the point on a lot of it. Particularly when they were ragging on Charlotte for saying the Horsemen were dominant in WWE and acted like either Charlotte was so stupid she didn't know they weren't a WWE stable, or she just messed up In almost all cases in the past decade (except for Sting), WWE is the catch all for all wrestling history (that WWE owns). It doesn't mean just WWE on WWE television. It hasn't for a long time. Since around they time they brought back the HOF and started saying guys like Verne Gagne, Bill Watts, and Antonio Inoki were all time WWE greats.
They're just finding reasons to hate on it all, down to minute stuff like the names of the teams. The idea that Dave Meltzer doesn't see that WWE has to completely reeducate the Raw audience (which is not the NXT audience) on what women's wrestling is and can be is silly. It took almost a year to establish legit women's wrestling in NXT in the same building with the same fans at each show. Meltzer knows better than to think that will transfer over to Raw without having to do any of the work. If fans aren't buying into the idea of the ring work being something better than what they've seen in the past decade, the character work will not matter at all.
WWE are handing everyone reasons to hate it. Look at the crowd reaction to that segment and match. They're failing to "change" anything because of how awful the set-up is.
Just because they need to re-educate the fans doesn't mean the way they're going about it is the right way.
Maybe. But at the same time, people still laud the cruiserweight division and Smackdown Six era when neither of those had real angles and were strictly matches for the sake of matches. The Divas Revolution stuff is booked pretty much exactly the same as those. Cruisers and SS had zero character development. Everyone loves La Parka, but how many great WCW matches and feuds can people recall?
Maybe. But at the same time, people still laud the cruiserweight division and Smackdown Six era when neither of those had real angles and were strictly matches for the sake of matches. The Divas Revolution stuff is booked pretty much exactly the same as those. Cruisers and SS had zero character development. Everyone loves La Parka, but how many great WCW matches and feuds can people recall?
So I just read that they are looking to cut some people from NXT and bring in 4-6 new talents. Thus far Rich Swann, Biff Busick seem like locks for 2 spots and Gargano, Ciampa, Kana, Athena and Sarah Stock are all contenders as well. Wondering if any of the tv crew could get axed like Carmella or Lefort and Louis? Thoughts?
talk right now of introducing an actual person to be Sister Abigail
It would be nice if they removed members from the Wyatt family...starting with Bray.
Audrey Marie <3freckle was right.
WWE never said that Watts, Gagne, and Inoki were WWE greats - just that WWE was giving them a Hall of Fame induction. WWE has treated women's matches like a joke for the better part of two decades now. They tried a serious push in the '80s when it sorta worked briefly and again in the early to mid '90s and it didn't click. They got this NXT women's revolution over AND GOT THE ACTS OVER AS MAIN EVENTERS.
They weren't treated like women on the card, they were treated like top acts who happened to be women and there's a big difference between the two. One gets gravy bowl and pillow fight matches, and a division that isn't taken seriously because it can't be taken seriously. WWE is trying to force-feed this revolution bullshit and it's not working because it's so poorly-done.
They're telling you there's a revolution, but not actually building the foundation to make the change. I can say I've got 20 million dollars in the bank until I'm blue in the face, but that's not going to make my bank account balance go up any higher. WWE took the NXT women and just plopped the act, not the well-developed characters, but the acts into WWE ice cold.
They're all one note acts with no substance to them at all and they're failing - not due to their doing, but WWE's failure. Ronda Rousey didn't get over because UFC said there's a women's revolution - she got over by talking shit, breaking arms, and kicking ass. WWE is name-dropping her and every other big female athlete they can think of but don't understand that they got over for compelling stories in one form or fashion - not for being women with a marketing machine yelling REVOLUTION REVOLUTION REVOLUTION all the time.
It isn't even a matter of needing a top-notch roster to do a revolution with. TNA legitimately made the knockouts into the biggest ratings-movers in company history. They didn't yell "revolution", they just made women a featured act of the show not because they were women, but because they were characters that either had well-defined characters like the Beautiful People with perfect chemistry outside of the ring, while a classic series of Gail vs. Kong gave the division a foundation that is still being lived off of and to some degree at least trying to be met by the younger women on the roster who know that they will be judged by the division peak - which also happened to be its beginning.
Agreed. Someone show him the stairs.
A lot of this I agree with in principle. But you're also acting like Divas being the main event happened over night. It took nearly a year of building the foundation of "women can actually wrestle" in NXT before they even got to giving them a title and real angles. And it took another 2 years before they were able to be considered a co-main event. People seem to forget that Bayley vs Sasha was really a nearly 3 year build for the women to get to that spot. If it took 3 years in NXT in the same building with the same fans, why is everyone expecting that it's going to happen overnight on Raw?
When it comes to TNA, they had the advantage of not having 20 years of baggage of women's wrestling being treated as a joke and an excuse to get women into their underwear. WWE doesn't. They have to take time to reset it, just like they did in NXT, and just like they did by taking 2-3 years to fully reeducate their audience to an almost completely different style of wrestling after 2008. It's only been a little over a month. It's going to take some time. Raw crowds are a difference audience than NXT crowds. You have to give the Divas Revolution stuff time, because it is going to take a lot of time. People immediately shitting on it and not being supportive are not seeing the bigger picture. #givedivasachance isn't just a dumb twitter thing. People literally need to have patience and give them a chance, otherwise this whole thing is going to fail and women's wrestling outside of NXT will never be anything but a joke.
Consider it growing pains. All the people shitting all over it are just giving ammunition to the people in charge who don't give a shit about women's wrestling. This is a situation where the smart fans need to be supportive even if they aren't all that into the angle/matches, because without them, the whole thing tanks and the 3 years of work in NXT means nothing.
Such a beautiful gif.Agreed. Someone show him the stairs.
Maybe. But at the same time, people still laud the cruiserweight division and Smackdown Six era when neither of those had real angles and were strictly matches for the sake of matches. The Divas Revolution stuff is booked pretty much exactly the same as those. Cruisers and SS had zero character development. Everyone loves La Parka, but how many great WCW matches and feuds can people recall?
A lot of this I agree with in principle. But you're also acting like Divas being the main event happened over night. It took nearly a year of building the foundation of "women can actually wrestle" in NXT before they even got to giving them a title and real angles. And it took another 2 years before they were able to be considered a co-main event. People seem to forget that Bayley vs Sasha was really a nearly 3 year build for the women to get to that spot. If it took 3 years in NXT in the same building with the same fans, why is everyone expecting that it's going to happen overnight on Raw?
When it comes to TNA, they had the advantage of not having 20 years of baggage of women's wrestling being treated as a joke and an excuse to get women into their underwear. WWE doesn't. They have to take time to reset it, just like they did in NXT, and just like they did by taking 2-3 years to fully reeducate their audience to an almost completely different style of wrestling after 2008. It's only been a little over a month. It's going to take some time. Raw crowds are a difference audience than NXT crowds. You have to give the Divas Revolution stuff time, because it is going to take a lot of time. People immediately shitting on it and not being supportive are not seeing the bigger picture. #givedivasachance isn't just a dumb twitter thing. People literally need to have patience and give them a chance, otherwise this whole thing is going to fail and women's wrestling outside of NXT will never be anything but a joke.
Consider it growing pains. All the people shitting all over it are just giving ammunition to the people in charge who don't give a shit about women's wrestling. This is a situation where the smart fans need to be supportive even if they aren't all that into the angle/matches, because without them, the whole thing tanks and the 3 years of work in NXT means nothing.
Yooo RP912 you see this. Hyabusa walking
God damn Until Dawn is hilarious/amazing. It's like my own 2000 teen horror movie simulator. Shit is hilarious how dark you can go on purpose
You guys have been way over-dramatizing the women's thing for like weeks.
If you just thought of it as "three girls are promoted from NXT" you never would have questioned why the dumb way its booked happened. Instead you got worked by Steph delivering a promo with a catch phrase.
It's incredible. Life is Strange's time as my GOTY has come to end.
You guys have been way over-dramatizing the women's thing for like weeks.
If you just thought of it as "three girls are promoted from NXT" you never would have questioned why the dumb way its booked happened.
God damn Until Dawn is hilarious/amazing. It's like my own 2000 teen horror movie simulator. Shit is hilarious how dark you can go on purpose
It's incredible. Life is Strange's time as my GOTY has come to end.
It's incredible. Life is Strange's time as my GOTY has come to end.
It's actually good?![]()
How much do you like Heavy Rain and how much do you like Scream?
I never finished Heavy Rain lol, just checked out the ending on youtube. I'll probably like Until Dawn better than Heavy Rain if it's corny like Scream.
How much do you like Heavy Rain and how much do you like Scream?
It's actually good?![]()
That gif is like a representation of what that Cena feud did to his career.
John Cena did nothing to ruin Bray Wyatt's career. Bray Wyatt is doing just fine. He has a storyline with a third family member, and has had matches at SummerSlam and Wrestlemania against the WWE's top stars.
What do you want? Do you want the Bray Wyatt hour complete with a 30-minute singalong? Do you want him to have the WWE championship?
There are plenty of reasons to dislike John Cena. Can't you pick one that's at least true?
I had no idea what Until Dawn was until I accidentally clicked on a thingy and saw that it was an interactive slasher flick and that is so awesome but this smells like a game that will be heavily discounted soon so maybe i will wait for it to hit the magic price point and i think the magic price point might be $29.99 i don't know I suppose I could stomach it at $39.99 but I don't think I'd feel good about myself it I bought it at that price but at the same time I pretty much play kideos only for the stories and if this is truly story driven it could possibly be worth an 80 dollar purchase but man i dunno because i wish I loved Beyond more than I did I mean I liked it but there were parts of it that were just dreadful which is kind of sad because I play all david cage games knowing that at some point the frenchman is going to fuck me in the ass like oh say purple internet aliens in farenheit or the reveal of the origami killer in heavy rain but it seems that the ass fucking in beyond came from not being explicitly fucked in the ass but rather being fucked in the ass with a slow drip of mediocrity i dunno man 80 dollars is a lot to pay for a game like this i kind of wish blockbuster video still existed because this seems like a perfect rental alongside maybe sleepaway camp 1 and we could just make a weekend of it like we did when we were kids so yeah i'm thinking maybe 29.99 would be good because I can see this being what we called red spine greatest hits games if it were on playstation 3 i dunno we'll see what happens
What if it was Fandango that returned as the third member of the Wyatts, only they didnt' change his gimmick or look. He was still just Fandango?