What if we made a promotion made exclusively of former WWE stars
Doing Dancing with the Stars next seasonWhat even happened to Nikki Bella? Hasn't been on TV in forever
What even happened to Nikki Bella? Hasn't been on TV in forever
What if we made a promotion made exclusively of former WWE stars
What if we made a promotion made exclusively of former WWE stars
Gfw/TNA is already a thingWhat if we made a promotion made exclusively of former WWE stars
Country Bumpkin Alexa Bliss is quite, uh, something
Country Bumpkin Alexa Bliss is quite, uh, something
Also jesus christ at Sasha thinking turning up the jive-talk to 11 was a good idea
Ratings don't matter! Neither do wins or losses. Reactions don't matter either as long as you get one! When are you gonna get it Anthony?
Ronda news
rumours she is facing Steph at Survivor series
I hope Rondagoes to the wwe for more than a match.
LameNah, she's gonnaput over Steph then bounce
I hope Rondagoes to the wwe for more than a match.
This Xavier promo rules.
What is this? Do forget who is a universal champ ?No better way to discredit your fake sport as having a proven hack defeat all your top women.
LOL Nakajima. Your ace credentials are done, dropping your title to fucking Eddie Edwards.
Meanwhile, tonight's AJPW show at Sumo Hall looks killer:
Yohei Nakajima & Fuminori Abe vs. Takuya Nomura & Yuya Aoki
-Yay Nomura vs. Abe should be fun.
Dory Funk Jr. & Hiro Saito vs. Masaobu Fuchi & The Great Kabuki
-Oh buddy, Dory Funk Jr. taking 20 minutes to get to the ring and leave the ring after the match, and Fuchi might be the only one to take a bump in this match. It doesn't even have Chavo Classic like last year's tag. Dory Funk Jr.'s wife filming the match on her iPad could be the most entertaining part of this match, but this will be entertaining at 2:30 am when I'm fucking tired.
Ryouji Sai, Masakado & Ishikiri vs. Massimo, Danny Jones & Sam Adonis:
-This is a hell of Japanese wrestlers vs. gaijin match. Sam Adonis's pro-Trump gimmick might not work with the Japanese crowd, but he's eating the pin after getting his chest caved in by Sai's kicks.
BANG!TV World Heavyweight Championship Battle Royal: Osamu Nishimura (c) vs. Naoshi Sano, Yutaka Yoshie, Abdullah Kobayashi, Rikya Fudo, and others
-Holy moly, Abdullah Kobayashi is on an AJPW card. This could be a shitshow.
Yuma Aoyagi vs. Taichi
-The rematch everyone has been waiting for since the last Super J Cup when Taichi supposedly shot on young Yuma Aoyagi. Aoyagi will show that he has great babyface potential here against the scummy Taichi.
Caristico vs. El Diamante
-This is fucking random. Caristico is the former Mistico/Sin Cara, so guess what time it is?
Jun Akiyama, Takao Omori, Minoru Tanaka & Koji Iwamoto vs. Joe Doering, Zeus, The Bodyguard & Kotaro Suzuki
-Huh, a hossy team with Doering, Zeus, and The BODYGAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA vs. Uncle Jun, Omori, Tanaka, and Iwamoto. Iwamoto eats the pin from Doering to set up Doering as the next Triple Crown challenger.
Asia Tag Team Championship match: Atsushi Aoki & Hikaru Sato (c) vs. Black Tiger VII & TAKA Michinoku
-Sweet Jesus, NOSAWA Rongai is Black Tiger VII. This will be full of shenanigans.
World Junior Heavyweight Championship match: Tajiri (c) vs. Ultimo Dragon
-All of AJPW's juniors are stuck elsewhere, and here we have Tajiri and Ultimo Dragon in a title match. I know that they booked this to help attendance at Sumo Hall, but this is a little disappointing match.
World Tag Team Championship #1 contenders match: Naoya Nomura & KAI vs. Strong BJ (Daisuke Sekimoto & Yuji Okabayashi)
-KAI lost Kengo Mashimo to injury, while Nomura lost Jake Lee to an injury. However, KAI might have found himself as a tag wrestlers, and I can see KAI and Nomura triumph over Strong BJ to build to a title match.
SUWAMA vs. Satoshi Kojima
-Twenty years in the making since Kojima refused to drop the title to SUWAMA and dropped it to Ryota Hama instead, this is my second most anticipated match on the card. He had a really good G1, and doesn't Kojima vs. Ishikawa (if he retained) or Miyahara sound good? After all, it's not New Japan will have plans for Kojima. On the other hand, with this story, SUWAMA needs to win. This should be intense and violent.
Triple Crown Championship match: Shuji Ishikawa (c) vs. Kento Miyahara
-OH BABY, IT'S THE MOTHERFUCKING BIG DOG OF PURORESU vs. one of my favorite in the world, Kento Miyahara. Everyone thinks that Miyahara gets the title back here, but it feels like Ishikawa's reign would be disappointing and short if he lost the title. And there's plenty of juice left in the story of Miyahara's climb back to the top. I'll mark out for either, but I hope that Ishikawa retains.
SUWAMA vs. Satoshi Kojima
-Twenty years in the making since Kojima refused to drop the title to SUWAMA and dropped it to Ryota Hama instead.
LOL Nakajima. Your ace credentials are done, dropping your title to fucking Eddie Edwards.
Meanwhile, tonight's AJPW show at Sumo Hall looks killer:
thanks brother
How does one watch this? Is watching it live possible?
The Wrestling With Words Puro Stream will air it live tonight.
What's the story behind this? And it's ten years in the making.
Great post.
What if Kojima wins, beats Shuji and then Miyhara beats Kojima.
Think of the HEAT brother.
We had our first roach run-in at the apartment this morning.
I noticed my cat go straight into my roommate's bedroom and then come back out with something in his mouth. I thought it was a piece of a plant or something. Then he drops it in the living room and it's a massive roach that starts wiggling around. My roommate started screaming and she jumped up on a chair. Lol my cat just keeps hitting it with his paw and picking it up with his mouth again as it tries to run away. I try killing it with my hand and paper towels, it basically does nothing and is still alive. I'm hungover and don't want to deal with it so I just grab a can of Raid and spray the ever living fuck out of it. My cat was upset that his toy was gone.
I hate New York sometimes.
Manhattan is basically built on top of a bed of roaches. At my old job I worked at 25th street and Park Ave South. We were on the 16th floor. When you opened up maintenance closets or went into the back stairways it was just giant roaches scattering everywhere, or a ton of dead ones if the exterminator was there recently.Walking down 7th from Penn I saw a ton of dead roaches from around 28th to 27th.
Heil HydraSo 88 and HH are shorthand for "Heil Hitler"?
HH. Where have I seen that before? 🤔
BOTCH, sponsored by Jagermeister.
Terry Bollea hulking up but instead of pointing he sieg heils
Terry Bollea hulking up but instead of pointing he sieg heils
https://www.bleedingcool.com/2017/08/23/aaa-lucha-libre-worldwides-triplemania-xxv-to-air-on-twitch/Twitch announced a new partnership with Mexico's AAA Lucha Libre Worldwide as their premiere event, Triplemania XXV, will be livestreamed on the social streaming platform. This is a major deal since it is the first time a PPV wrestling event from a promotion outside of the United States will be taking advantage of Twitch's outreach to send their event to other countries they couldn't have reached otherwise. Triplemania XXV will be broadcast with English and Spanish commentary, and come with a pre-show marathon featuring ”best of" matches from previous Triplemania events to get people up to speed with their product.
The Triplemania pre-show marathon on Twitch starts on August 24 at 3pm PDT, with the live broadcast of Triplemania XXV starting on Saturday, August 26th at 5pm PDT.
I really want to photoshop this but I'll use my better judgement and refrain.
Do itI really want to photoshop this but I'll use my better judgement and refrain.
Terry Bollea hulking up but instead of pointing he sieg heils
I don't want to be responsible for SS Hogan floating around the internet for the next 5 years.Do it
Everybody's doing it
Don't you want to be cool, Mahonay