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August Wrasslin |OT2| Sting in 2015


Not a writing or booking issue at all. Rollins is pure trash.


how does it feel to be wrong


Yeah, Reigns and Ambrose are tied up (and he already beat them), he already dealt with Orton and Cena, Brock is still feuding with Undertaker, so I'm not really sure who is there for Rollins to face right now. He's kind of run through the top faces and they haven't built up anybody else to that status.
Reigns and Ambrose tied up in a feud literally NO ONE gives a fuck about.

Like, it's not that hard. Build a story around the original Shield members and have shit build until it reaches critical mass at Mania. Easy money.

Nah. Let's have Rollins feud with the 60 year old legend that we already buried, then have the next two guys we want to push in a feud with the Wyatts whom we've already very methodically taken all possible heat from.
I would argue that Rollins is a bad wrestler, since he has no idea how to wrestle as the character he portrays, which is pretty much the most important thing about being a wrestler.


I'm a crossfit Jesus mark for life. That was me being a sarcastic dick.

Good to see you are on the winning side.

Sadly I think they've blown their load with the Shield stuff, what with Dean already having two decently long feuds vs Rollins both of which he lost and Roman perhaps not being over enough to risk being put up as the huge babyface in the whole feud.

Rollins and Sting could be FnP or it could be trash, we'll see.


I would argue that Rollins is a bad wrestler, since he has no idea how to wrestle as the character he portrays, which is pretty much the most important thing about being a wrestler.
He isn't the one booking himself to be suplexed by Brock 12 times in a match with no offense to return.

That shit was so fucking ridiculous. Especially disappointing when you look back how great the triple-threat match with Cena was back at Royal Rumble.

Good to see you are on the winning side.

Sadly I think they've blown their load with the Shield stuff, what with Dean already having two decently long feuds vs Rollins both of which he lost and Roman perhaps not being over enough to risk being put up as the huge babyface in the whole feud.

Rollins and Sting could be FnP or it could be trash, we'll see.
They can pretend like the previous Rollins/Ambrose feuds never happened, like they already have.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
He isn't the one booking himself to be suplexed by Brock 12 times in a match with no offense to return.

That shit was so fucking ridiculous. Especially disappointing when you look back how great the triple-threat match with Cena was back at Royal Rumble.

They can pretend like the previous Rollins/Ambrose feuds never happened like they already have.
My favorite part was Rollins being super scared of Lesnar when he wasn't super scared in the triple threat and talked a bunch of junk leading up to the Cena match.
I would argue that Rollins is a bad wrestler, since he has no idea how to wrestle as the character he portrays, which is pretty much the most important thing about being a wrestler.

Is it that he doesn't know, or that there is so much confusion and bullshit surrounding the main event scene that the bookers and road agents don't give him proper direction? I'll bet a lot of his dumb face spots in that SS match were laid out for him beforehand because he's an "ROH guy" and they think that him doing spots is how he'll make them money, and he - like everyone else on the roster - doesn't challenge them, either because he too thinks the indie shit is what will make him money, or he's scared of losing his spot, or simply doesn't care and just wants to get home and plow his racist girlfriend.


My favorite part was Rollins being super scared of Lesnar when he wasn't super scared in the triple threat and talked a bunch of junk leading up to the Cena match.
That got me so fucking hype for the match at the Rumble and it delivered.

This Jekyll & Hyde booking is really wearing thin on me.
He isn't the one booking himself to be suplexed by Brock 12 times in a match with no offense to return.

That shit was so fucking ridiculous. Especially disappointing when you look back how great the triple-threat match with Cena was back at Royal Rumble.

They can pretend like the previous Rollins/Ambrose feuds never happened like they already have.

The Brock match is what should happen to your shit talking mega cheap heel who finally faces against the killer that smashes him. That's not ridiculous at all. That was the heel getting his comeuppance. What's ridiculous is his entire offense being geared to pop the crowd and get this is awesome cheers instead of wrestling as the character he portrays in 20 minute promos every week. It's bad story telling and bad performing. No one is making Seth go out there and do nothing but high spots and play to the crowd even though his job is to make them hate him. One is on the writing team. The other is on Seth.


I would argue that Rollins is a bad wrestler, since he has no idea how to wrestle as the character he portrays, which is pretty much the most important thing about being a wrestler.

Rollins PPV matches this year

3-Way at the Rumble: Rollins taking advantages where he could, trying to setup the stomp, busting out the Phoenix Splash for the first time as a desperation move but mostly staying out of the way of Cena/Brock.

6 Man at Fastlane: Relied on everyone else to do the hard work, would tag in to do one or two moves, any sign of danger tagged back out, lots of J&J shenanigans, hiding behind the Big Show

Mania: Well fucking duh. Still got a huge babyface pop.

ER vs Orton: Banned RKO, had direct help from Kane preventing Orton from leaving the cage, J&J fuckery, goaded Orton into hitting RKO, pissed off Kane by being a fucking idiot heel, hit RKO after interference.

Payback 4 Way: Kane & J&J interference, dived to outside immediately as he was getting beat up by Reigns/Ambrose, delusionally thought all was okay after they did the Shield powerbomb to Orton, snuck in ring after Reigns hit finishers and Orton ran wild, Kane interfered allowing Rollins to hit finisher

Elimination Chamber vs Ambrose: Rollins cheats his ass off everywhere, using the ropes, throwing everything at Ambrose. Ambrose fights back, Rollins pushes the ref into Ambrose for a super cheap DQ. Then heel beatdown on Ambrose with Authority goons into Reigns save.

Money in the Bank vs Ambrose: No help for Rollins or Ambrose. Completely brutal match with Rollins really giving off that he wanted to legitimately put Dean out for good with lots of painful powerbombs onto ladders, the barriers, tables. Ambrose then bullshit face fights back to a super close finish that told us that Rollins and Ambrose were both on similar 1 on 1 wrestling level but Rollins has the edge.

Battleground vs Lesnar: A squash match for Lesnar where Rollins desperately tries to work on Lesnar's leg but gets cut off everytime. Rollins runs away from the bell ringing and never ever gets any true offense.

Summerslam: Seth Rollins shoot breaks Cena's nose and gets "Thank you Rollins" chants and general babyface reactions for it. Thus Rollins wrestles as a babyface as nothing would get a smart mark crowd booing him faced with the possibility of Cena as champ again and tying Ric Flair's record.




The Brock match is what should happen to your shit talking mega cheap heel who finally faces against the killer that smashes him. That's not ridiculous at all. That was the heel getting his comeuppance. What's ridiculous is his entire offense being geared to pop the crowd and get this is awesome cheers instead of wrestling as the character he portrays in 20 minute promos every week. It's bad story telling and bad performing. No one is making Seth go out there and do nothing but high spots and play to the crowd even though his job is to make them hate him.
Gotta disagree there.

I think it's a bigger problem that Rollins even before the Brock match was booked pretty damn weak. He looked like a real chump coming out of that Brock match. That win over Cena at SS was one of very few convincing wins (albeit with the Stewart run-in) Rollins has had since his tittle run started. Heels are allowed to win matches by wrestling well. It's what Haitch was doing during his best year in 99'.

Would you rather him work pure heel matches that purposely bore crowds while being booked like hot garbage simultaneously? Because that sounds like something I'd rather not watch.

WWE has a company wide issue of, as Steve Austin says, guys working harder not smarter. Somewhere along the way there's not someone there to instill the fear of God into these guys to maintain at least a shred of kayfabe into their matches and make the product a little more engaging once again. Blaming it all on Rollins is very short sighted.
Rollins PPV matches this year

3-Way at the Rumble: Rollins taking advantages where he could, trying to setup the stomp, busting out the Phoenix Splash for the first time as a desperation move but mostly staying out of the way of Cena/Brock.

6 Man at Fastlane: Relied on everyone else to do the hard work, would tag in to do one or two moves, any sign of danger tagged back out, lots of J&J shenanigans, hiding behind the Big Show

ER vs Orton: Banned RKO, had direct help from Kane preventing Orton from leaving the cage, J&J fuckery, goaded Orton into hitting RKO, pissed off Kane by being a fucking idiot heel, hit RKO after interference.

Payback 4 Way: Kane & J&J interference, dived to outside immediately as he was getting beat up by Reigns/Ambrose, delusionally thought all was okay after they did the Shield powerbomb to Orton, snuck in ring after Reigns hit finishers and Orton ran wild, Kane interfered allowing Rollins to hit finisher

Elimination Chamber vs Ambrose: Rollins cheats his ass off everywhere, using the ropes, throwing everything at Ambrose. Ambrose fights back, Rollins pushes the ref into Ambrose for a super cheap DQ. Then heel beatdown on Ambrose with Authority goons into Reigns save.

Money in the Bank vs Ambrose: No help for Rollins or Ambrose. Completely brutal match with Rollins really giving off that he wanted to legitimately put Dean out for good with lots of painful powerbombs onto ladders, the barriers, tables. Ambrose then bullshit face fights back to a super close finish that told us that Rollins and Ambrose were both on similar 1 on 1 wrestling level but Rollins has the edge.

Battleground vs Lesnar: A squash match for Lesnar where Rollins desperately tries to work on Lesnar's leg but gets cut off everytime. Rollins runs away from the bell ringing and never ever gets any true offense.

Summerslam: Seth Rollins shoot breaks Cena's nose and gets "Thank you Rollins" chants and general babyface reactions for it. Thus Rollins wrestles as a babyface as nothing would get a smart mark crowd booing him faced with the possibility of Cena as champ again and tying Ric Flair's record.


Your wrong.

All of these matches except at Battleground: Wrestles like a face the whole match until the finish, which is cheap. Which is why he's not good at his job. Doing springboards and dives repeatedly. Not cheating at all. He wrestles like a babyface at all times. His entire moveset is based around popping the crowd.


why is everyone so excited about Sting? you realize they're giving a TITLE SHOT to a 56 year old has been who had ONE match in WWE and it wasn't that great, and that on a roster FILLED with potential

What's wrong with being a 56 year old? It's not real. Face point covers up his age. His one match wasn't a bad match until the clusterfuck at the end happened.

I love Sting because he's still a great cool character, he's not a first name last name wrestler guy like most of WWE's roster.

I hope Sting wins and keeps the title until Wrestlemania where he faces the Undertaker.


What's wrong with being a 56 year old? It's not real. Face point covers up his age. His one match wasn't a bad match until the clusterfuck at the end happened.

I love Sting because he's still a great cool character, he's not a first name last name wrestler guy like most of WWE's roster.

I hope Sting wins and keeps the title until Wrestlemania where he faces the Undertaker.
Don't try to tell me that Sting doesn't look old because his make up covers his face. Come on now. Just the fucking hair alone is distracting.


What's wrong with being a 56 year old? It's not real. Face point covers up his age. His one match wasn't a bad match until the clusterfuck at the end happened.

I love Sting because he's still a great cool character, he's not a first name last name wrestler guy like most of WWE's roster.

I hope Sting wins and keeps the title until Wrestlemania where he faces the Undertaker.



Don't try to tell me that Sting doesn't look old because his make up covers his face. Come on now. Just the fucking hair alone is distracting.

You can be balding in your early 40s. I think most would be surprised to learn that he's 56.


All of these matches except at Battleground: Wrestles like a face the whole match until the finish, which is cheap. Which is why he's not good at his job. Doing springboards and dives repeatedly. Not cheating at all. He wrestles like a babyface at all times. His entire moveset is based around popping the crowd.

One of Rollins strong points is his athleticism and in the year of our lord 2015 I don;t think a heel who revolves soley around eye rakes, headlocks, low blows and grabbing the ropes/tights is going to be accepted. He's going to be Sheamus status which is apparently bad "boring" go away heat.

Going back to watch the matches now, gonna skip the Rumble match which was praised unverisally and Rollins was 100% the heel in that alongside Cena who is default half heel at all times and yet always wrestles babyface. 6 Man was Rollins being a 100% coward heel.

Rollins immediately tries to climb up cage. Gets whipped into cage by Orton, immediately tries to get up it again, planted by Orton. Lets go Rollins chants. Randy springboards Rollins into the cage, Rollins just grabs on and starts climbing, could be a face move but its very brief. Commentary are talking about how athletic Rollins is. Seth slows it down with stomps after whipping Orton into the cage. Takes a 4 count foot choking Orton in the corner. Slow, taunts Orton. Dives off toprope into a powerslam. This match is slow and boring. Orton drapes Rollins for DDT, Rollins rolls up, into a seated kick to Orton, Rollins goes to climb, big fall off the top due to Orton. Randy hits top rope DDT after 2 sneaky counters by Seth. Rollins kicks out of Pedigree. Match is getting better! Rollins is begging Orton to stop. Orton steps up for the punt. Rollins moves, hits an enzugiri, babyface I suppose!!!! Kane shit happens. Rollins goes after Orton, hits Kane instead, like an idiot heel. Kane shit happens. Rollins looks a terrified child when Kane hits him with the chokeslam. Kane shit happens, Rollins hit RKO wins.

Springboards: 0
Dives: 0
Popping the crowd: At the start
Other Babyface moves: 1 (enzugiri)

Everyone advances at Rollins. Rollins cowers in the corner, J&J interfere, like they'd planned it or something. Roman hits that crazy both feet over the top rope dive, that's pretty awesome. Still gets some boos. Rollins takes a big backbreaker from Reigns and does the Flair bump on the turnbuckle (athletic!!!). Rollins trips Reigns into turnbuckle. Rollins disappears for a while, turns back up with a sneak attack on Reigns (lots of kids screaming for Reigns here). Punches and stomps in the corner. half hearted splash on Reigns. Takes too long to setup the second one because he gives Reigns this look of disgust so Ambrose cuts him off. Spear is setup, Kane shit happens. Kane feeds Ambrose back into Rollins, Rollins backs off initially, tells J&J to deal with Orton. Hits a sloppy slingblade on a distracted Ambrose. (babyface!!!) This does not pop the crowd. Top rope knee thing, no pop. Starts slapping Ambrose, taunting him, Buckle bomb into seated kick. Starts repeatedly stomping Ambrose, Ambrose counters whips him into ropes, stupid lariat thing Kane shit happens. Orton gets to hit a bunch of shit on Rollins, T-Bone, draping DDT, blocks that trip that Rollins did to Reigns, superplex after crotching Rollins. Shield powerbomb spot into stupid dumb heel Rollins celebrating into getting BTFO. Kane shit happens. Sweet jesus they powerbomb Kane onto Rollins. They do it again. Reigns + Ambrose fight. Rollins breaks up spear pin. Runs the fuck away once Reigns gets back up. Lmao crawls like a baby around the ring, Reigns runs into J&J. Rollins eats a superman punch and a dirty deeds. Kane shit happens. Rollins tries to do an Orton draping DDT but like an idiot heel takes too long gloating and Randy counters. Mercury drags Rollins away. Draping DDT to Rollins Kane shit happens. Terrible pedigree into 3 count with lots of boos

Dives: 0
Springboards: 0
Popping the crowd: 1, with Reigns + Ambrose, immediately into heel shit
Other babyface moves: 1 (terrible sliingblade)

HOly shit this is taking me too long but to suffice to say

Two PPV matches in, not much babyface stuff from Rollins.
One of Rollins strong points is his athleticism and in the year of our lord 2015 I don;t think a heel who revolves soley around eye rakes, headlocks, low blows and grabbing the ropes/tights is going to be accepted. He's going to be Sheamus status which is apparently bad "boring" go away heat.


Sheamus is 100% a better heel in the ring than Rollins and his offense doesn't have eye rakes and low blows. He wrestles like a dick head, because he's a dick head, and stops spots the fans are chanting with or getting into. The goal of the heel is to make the fans mad, not happy. It is the responsibility of the heel (especially the top heel) to change up his offense and spots when fans start cheering for them. Instead, Rollins doubles down and instead of doing one dive, does three in a row while playing to the fans.


Sheamus is 100% a better heel in the ring than Rollins and his offense doesn't have eye rakes and low blows. He wrestles like a dick head, because he's a dick head, and stops spots the fans are chanting with or getting into. The goal of the heel is to make the fans mad, not happy. It is the responsibility of the heel (especially the top heel) to change up his offense and spots when fans start cheering for them. Instead, Rollins doubles down and instead of doing one dive, does three in a row while playing to the fans.

OKay im getting trolled gusy


It's only indie flippy shit if I don't like the move. Whether it has flips or whether it's common on the indies is irrelevant.
I agree with brisk tacos. Sheamus plays a dickhead character, and he wrestles like a dickhead. Orton does the same thing when he's a heel, along with a million other little mannerisms that contribute to his character. Bray Wyatt doesn't have a big war crate, but he also wrestles as his character.

People not wrestling in character is actually a pretty big problem in modern WWE, I'd say. Triple H made a fucking Tiger Suplex feel like the biggest deal on the planet at WM 30 because his offense is crafted around his character - slow, methodical, cerebral. So when he does something like drop someone on the back of their neck, it feels like a big deal because the match built up to it, rather than landing a huge spot RIGHT AWAY and then having to go EVEN BIGGER later in the match, which would be more dangerous and chip away at both performers' bump cards even more.

I wouldn't exactly say that it's true that Seth Rollins wrestles like a face, because it's not really fair or logic to say that someone jumping around is inherently a babyface thing. That was the offense Seth spent two years in The Shield and NXT building up, and it's the offense people would have wanted to see from him whether he was a face or a heel. The problem is the other thing tacos mentions - that there are no real heel tactics from him. No cheating that's not J&J interference, no denying the crowd excitement, no cheap shots, etc. He's been made to look like a gigantic wimp, someone who can't even cheat to win unless he has help. And then you get that Summerslam match, where he wrestled as a babyface "cuz of the smarks!", rather than wrestling as a heel to keep the story consistent and at least try to get the appropriate reaction from the crowd.

That ladder match with Ambrose was a great example of how he SHOULD wrestle. There was no stupid flippy shit, no pointlessly dangerous ladder spots, just a slow, methodical, psychologically sound match of two guys trying to grind each other into dust.


is this considered indie flippy shit? what does the WrassleGaf rulebook say

https://cdn0.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/83ecFhltFfi_JVWZbcnlQRwO8Lk=/800x0/filters:no_upscale()/cdn0.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_asset/file/4009794/tumblr_ntlhutdHs01sbzhteo1_400.0.gif[/QUOTE]That and doing the top rope double knee strike is just replicating moves from Evan Bourne, a high flyer. Indie move? Maybe, maybe not. But it's not a heel move to do.

And doing the superplex into the Falcon Arrow was stupid as hell.


why is everyone so excited about Sting? you realize they're giving a TITLE SHOT to a 56 year old has been who had ONE match in WWE and it wasn't that great, and that on a roster FILLED with potential

Not much worse than wanting us to believe a similarly old guy who barely wrestles anymore could actually beat Brock. I agree that Sting needs to cut his hair at the very least, but it's easier to believe him beating Seth than Taker beating Brock. Hopefully it's a decent match. I'm assuming there will be HHH fuckery involved., because LOL WCW LOST, herp derp


I still don't know which one is Blake and which one is Murphy.

Murphy is the one with the long brown hair. Blake is the one who matches his hair color like Bliss. Blake wore trunks last week on Takeover while Murphy still wore his long pants to differentiate the two.


Why would Triple H pick this as his guy? It would make much more sense for Roman to be in that position. That way Seth could be the babyface doing his flippy dippy shit crawling his way to the top. That would require him not dating a racist, though.

He probably thought Seth was an Indie Flippy Shit dude until he saw his crossfit workouts.

Now Triple H does Crossfit.


Watching Destruction 2012...for my NJPW brethren, have Suzuki Gun ever feud with Bullet Club? If not...this shit needs to happen before the inedible break up.
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