The group was dropped on TV for whatever reason. Xavier Woods and Big E both made passing comments about it (on twitter), but nothing too exact. Last I heard, they wrestled together at a house show with Xavier Woods acting as a manager. They wrestled as faces, by the way.
Not sure where it is headed at all but those three definitely need something to do even if it's not as a group.
There's a recent thread on the F4W Board where one of the site's contributors passes on anonymous thoughts and opinions from WWE employees. Take it for what it's worth. Here's what was said about Xavier's group.
Vince was adamant in NOT wanting this to be racial, and killed any and all inference that it was a new Nation of Domination.
So yeah, it was doomed to fail since everybody saw it as the new NOD and Vince didn't want it to look that way no matter how obvious it actually was.