Welcome back.I don't feel bad for you.
Welcome back.I don't feel bad for you.
These website writers are...uhh... something else.
Welcome back.
I hate all of you.
Almost brings a tear to my eye.
I don't feel bad for you.
Yes, Dadlol
Dear Anth0ny,
You don't want to miss the epic rematch of WWE World Heavyweight Champion Brock Lesnar vs. John Cena at Night of Champions.
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This gif has bothered me long enough...
This gif has bothered me long enough...
Is that right eye photoshopped?! It is huge in comparison to his left.
This gif has bothered me long enough...
Is that right eye photoshopped?! It is huge in comparison to his left.
Negative. Some people just have an eye droop. Brock don't care though
Ahh. I guess I just never noticed. Thanks for clarifying.No. It's been like that since one of his fights where he got wrecked. The scar is from the same fight. It was either Carwin or Damon Cain.
I would by a King of Stronk style shirt. I would buy a US NJPW PPV if I could buy it directly on my computer or TV and not do it through cable.
Brock's eye droop will be perfect for WM season. He can stare at this opponent and the WM sign at the same time.
More respect for the big guy. Hope he heals up well and I wish this was his character on tv with no script.Ryback cuts a promo from his hospital bed
Ryback cuts a promo from his hospital bed
so Big Guy vs Bryan final 2 at the rumble?
Was Monday Night War really cut down to 3 episodes, or is that just based on the quality of episode 3?
Was Monday Night War really cut down to 3 episodes, or is that just based on the quality of episode 3?
No it wasn't. Its just the third episode talked about how Raw turned it around during the attitude era. So it was jumping around from 96-00 and a lot of people didn't like this.
Have you guys seen this? It's actually pretty damn funny.
I wish friend Laserfrog would return
Have you guys seen this? It's actually pretty damn funny.
A 15 dollar item. Fuck you WWE Shop and your precharging of duty and taxes. Fuck you. Fuck. You.
Have you guys seen this? It's actually pretty damn funny.
Just paid just shy of 31 dollars on shipping of this...
A 15 dollar item. Fuck you WWE Shop and your precharging of duty and taxes. Fuck you. Fuck. You.
Payback, bitch!...Goddamnit, Aiii!
Ryback cuts a promo from his hospital bed
What in the fuck? Was nit expecting Adam Bomb. Pretty good.