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Still waiting for a real citation or report, while it is likely true I'm holding out for a hero
Jake Roberts is in very bad shape right now. Amazing how cancer and all this bullshit happened after he finally decided to clean up his life.
Jake Roberts is in a Las Vegas hospital, unconscious with double pneumonia and a mass on his brain.
Jake Roberts is in a Las Vegas hospital, unconscious with double pneumonia and a mass on his brain.
Suzuki is so dope
I could have sworn one of our wrestling game streams had Malibu Kane years ago, long before Cheap Pops. Like the exact same gag.
It was a Kane battle royal, with 20 different Kanes.
As he shouldIs it? Rusev looks like he gets stoned and eats 5 bags of Doritos after every show.
watched the 3 episodes of Monday Night Warand what i get from this is that the North American wrestling scene would either be dead or shit were it not for Japan.only on the wwe network for only 9.99!
I've learned that Daniel Bryan was around for 4 different network scrubbings. We've got...watched the 3 episodes of Monday Night Warand what i get from this is that the North American wrestling scene would either be dead or shit were it not for Japan.only on the wwe network for only 9.99!
Maybe they should shoot one of their audio guys too, then.Cops does more viewers then them.
Well Impact Viewership is in:
Up only 76,000 compared to last week. So the people are not coming back quickly right now.
Cops does more viewers then them.
WWE Hall of Famer Jake Roberts is currently hospitalized in an ICU unit of a Las Vegas hospital, PWInsider.com can confirm.
Roberts collapsed on a flight traveling to Vegas for an appearance for a show being promoted by Sinn "Kizarny" Bodhi this weekend and was removed from the flight via ambulance when it arrived in Vegas as the crew was unable to revive him.
Roberts had been very ill over the last week, believed to be double pneumonia but blew off going to the doctor before getting on his flight.
As of this writing, he has still yet to regain consciousness and is technically in a coma. Bodhi has been with Roberts at the hospital.
I'm not sure I see the issue with using interview clips from different interview sessions. If it's all related to the content at hand, it doesn't seem that relevant where the clips came from. Plus, it's well known that this series was originally planned to launch with the Network years ago, so that explains the different looks for guys like Bryan.
DDP tweeted about the Jake thing. He's awake now but falling in and out of consciousness.
Meltzer says it took them about two months to rebound last time they switched, so don't hold your breath waiting for the 0.8's until October.
Man, Kizarny. I always forget about him. Weeks and weeks of vignettes, debuts, has one match, then he's fired the following week. One of the shortest "debut to fired" timelines in recent WWE history.
Jake Roberts is in a Las Vegas hospital, unconscious with double pneumonia and a mass on his brain.
There was that one guy that did a few weeks of promos and was going to challenge Taker, but he didn't even make it to one match before they fired him. Something with a V in his name.
Recall said:People remember Kawada vs. Misawa, Kobashi, or teaming with Taue but rarely his matches against Hansen. There were blisteringly hot crowds and they brought such intensity and aggression to each fight, neither let up with their strikes and slams. A pairing that really let the other show their true colours and how can you not appreciate it when two wrestlers give it their all.
What a random assortment of people.
What a random assortment of people.
What a random assortment of people.
Reminds me of this.Can't stop staring at this Jeff Hardy gif. It's unsettling.
Man, Kizarny. I always forget about him. Weeks and weeks of vignettes, debuts, has one match, then he's fired the following week. One of the shortest "debut to fired" timelines in recent WWE history.
What's the over/under on how long until Rusev gets nailed by the Wellness Policy, buried, and future endeavor'ed?
Reminds me of this.