And he was gone with an Okada avatar.
And this:
And this:
Yeah these gimmicks really don't come across well in non-wrasslin threads.
so the "mouth breathing wwe dorks"comment in fine but "Stand down, nerds" is crossing the line, riiiiiiiiiiight
So dont mess with Marvel GAF unless you want to get got.
Sunny got banned?
In that case, I hereby accept the responsibilities of leading WrassleGAF, in partnership with Spider, to build a community that is forward thinking and on the cutting edge of culture.
It is in Sunny's memory that we must go on with the show.
Finished watching The Wolverine(very much enjoyed it, including the 3rd act that everyone hated so much). Judging by the way Viper dished out her punishment, somebody on the crew must have been a huge Muta fan. Green fucking Mist, and the apply the mist to the fingers trick that Muta would do from time to time.
Okay, normally I try to keep an open mind and try to stay out of banning situations and such, but I've seen worse stuff on GAMING SIDE that didn't get banned.
Look, Sunflower could be rough around the edges at times, but he never, EVER, had the aura of malice that many posters on NeoGAF got away with.
Should he probably not have done what he did in that thread, probably. But a Perm? Really?
To quote the great Gorilla Monsoon:
"What a gross miscarriage of Justice!"
Ok, I get that Sunny would get a slap on the wrist, fine
But a PERM?! hell stro didn't deserve a perm and he went off a lot more than sunny did
Well shitSunny was on probation.
So dangerous to venture outside of wrasslegaf.
Sunny, you will be missed. I didn't even get to discuss Dynasty Warriors with you.
It's one of the probably with the community sub sections. Many posters never stray out of them. And the community posters tend to often be the most level headed. All that's left in OT and Gaming are the social rejects who can't seem to function within normal emotions. It's why OT has gone downhill.
Well ya learning from the best because I am the American Dweem Dusty Rhodes, and I am a Super Genius now go back inside and take some notes.
Boys, I'm da weedwhackers, and you da weeds.
I wish there were recordings of backstage Dusty Rhodes.
had your fill of hurricane and bru?
Well ya learning from the best because I am the American Dweem Dusty Rhodes, and I am a Super Genius now go back inside and take some notes.
Boys, I'm da weedwhackers, and you da weeds.
I wish there were recordings of backstage Dusty Rhodes.
First Lambda, now Sunny, and Sina might have major injuries.
Wrasslin' is just not FnP anymore, friends ;_;
I hate that goddamn fucking Guy Fieri gif so much
I hate it so much I have to edit it out of the quote[/IG]
I hate that goddamn fucking Guy Fieri gif so much
I hate it so much I have to edit it out of the quote[/QUOTE]
Not only am I making his face right now, but I had pizza for dinner. I wonder if I have some leftovers so I can actually do it....
Not only am I making his face right now, but I had pizza for dinner. I wonder if I have some leftovers so I can actually do it....
I hate that goddamn fucking Guy Fieri gif so much
I hate it so much I have to edit it out of the quote
Late night fuckery and how to be a cunt, starring Guy Fiery?his shit's on tv right now
Update: I have letover pizza, and I am mimicing that gif right now.
It's one of the probably with the community sub sections. Many posters never stray out of them. And the community posters tend to often be the most level headed. All that's left in OT and Gaming are the social rejects who can't seem to function within normal emotions. It's why OT has gone downhill.