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August Wrasslin' |OT2| What? It's almost September.


more money than God
Sunny got banned?

In that case, I hereby accept the responsibilities of leading WrassleGAF, in partnership with Spider, to build a community that is forward thinking and on the cutting edge of culture.

It is in Sunny's memory that we must go on with the show.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
So I finished all of the WCW PPVs, not including those branded as JCP or NWA JCP, WCW-NWA. From Greed to Wrestlewar 1991 in reverse chronological order. He's a mini review of the years.

2001 - Fun year with only three shows. Lots of holy shit, that guy was in WCW? Reminds one a lot of current TNA.
2000 - Has the worst WCW PPV on it, but the rest of the year is a mix between fun and holy shit what the fuck were they thinking? Russo stuff is generally better than the non Russo stuff that still felt like he was there.
1999 - Secretly the worst year of WCW PPVs. I'd rewatch 2000 in a second over this. Some depressing stuff happens throughout as you can see the company fall apart in front of your eyes. The three Russo ppvs aren't great but they are in fact a general improvement over the rest of the year.
1998 - The first PPV I watched with a legitimately good Main event took around thirty shows. Fallbrawl 1998 is also notable for having the Wargames that ruined Wargames forever. Goldberg is masterfully buried after winning the belt. The celebrity matches in the summer...not that bad all things considered. Not a good year at all outside of the low card and some of the midcard.
1997 - The year of the NWO brother. Excellent Low card. Even better midcard. NWO wins even when they lose. Starrcade 1997 might be the biggest wasted opportunity in the business outside of the Invasion.
1996 - Luchadores and NWO come in at basically the same time. First half of the year has the alliance to end Hulkamania. The outsiders were awesome though when they came in. Great midcard year too. Surprisingly enough Hog Wild is a hidden gem of a PPV. Starrcade 1996 is so bad.
1995 - Not good at all. Steve Austin manages to miss almost every single PPV before leaving the company. I was waiting for him to show up...and he did a few times on the mid card. Lots of Dungeon of Doom. Lots of really shitty horsemen. The beginning of my nightmare involving the Nasty Boys. First PPV DQ of someone going over the top rope and it's a Japanese guy in the odd as fuck but still amazing NJPW vs. WCW Starrcade.
1994 - A year in two parts, pre hogan and post hogan. Pre hogan is the end of this great period with face Flair, Sting, Vadar, Rude being awesome and post hogan, well...It starts off as this odd retread of a bunch of really old Wrestlemania ideas. Also Ric Flair was right all along and Elizabeth was his girl!
1993 - The year of Bischoff! Production values soar, Ric Rude becomes simply ravishing, and a man called sting shows off. Ok mid card, great main events. Ric Flair is back! The NWA is finally gone!
1992 - A year primarily focused on fixing the company after Ric Flair was chased out. Lots of unification matches and a general lack of structure at the top. The body shows up to interrupt the quite frankly odd couple of JR and Schiavone. Great wrestling at the top, awful just about everywhere else. Production values blow.
1991 - Not a great year, though a pretty fun one. Ric Flair is back again, like he never left! Lots of Stan Hansen and Paul E.


Schiavone: You can tell he didn't really get along with Jesse or JR at all. He's still great as play by play but the booth of him and JR in the months between Dusty and Jesse as a bad color guy...yeesh. Besides his WWF stint he misses one PPV, Slamboree 1995 and Bischoff takes over.
Dusty: Fine...as long as Schiavone is with him. When that doesn't happen the results are not good.
JR: High pitched JR. Is good with Body and awful with Tony.
The Body: Hates Tony. Is pretty good with JR. Probably the best heel commentator.
The Brain: You can watch him stop caring as his tenure goes along. Is really good at hyping Nitro when that becomes a thing. When Dusty joins the NWO he is forced to call 3/4's of a match by himself...and it's bad.
Bischoff: Awful. His PPV calling is the worst ever. Give me Vince any day.
Living Legend: Better than Bischoff.
Tenay: Stro is wrong, Tenay is great...so long as Mark Madden isn't around. I love his little backstory bits.
Million Dollar Man: Nope, he just doesn't work.
Madden: He's quick witted but everything he has to say is so banal. He's the perfect Russo era guy. Awful if Tenay or Hudson is in the booth with him...which is often.
STRAIGHT SHOOTING STEVIE RAY: YES. He is taken from the booth far too soon. Him+Madden+Schiavone got it going on.
Scott Hudson: Not great. Not completely awful, but not great.

Things that I remembered correctly:

The following people were just as awesome as I remember them: Raven. The various Radicalz, Norman Smiley, ULTIMO Dragon, Jericho, hell, the Luchadores in general, LA PARKA, Kanyon, Cat.

Brain's call for GAB 1996 is the right one and didn't spoil shit. He always mistrusted and hated Hogan. The nice part is while he remains on the side of the WCW heels after this event he is de facto face when dealing with Hogan's NWO for the rest of his run.

People who I never knew were that awesome in WCW.

Ric Rude: I knew he had a brief career in WCW before injuring himself on the Japan tour. What I didn't know was how incredible it was. He was simply the greatest pure heel ever in WCW.

Colonel Parker: Dude is tall as fuck! He also formed the vanguard of teams looking to squash the Nasty Boys and his whole angle with Sherry is great.

Macho Man: Really proves Vince wrong in that first year. His matches with Flair are excellent.

Dustin Rhodes/Steven Regal/Steve Austin: These three literally save the early and mid 90's with how awesome they are. Steve Austin in particular is a sight to behold. Never let anyone tell you that he was a nobody in WCW before Vince rescued him, he's clearly positioned as a big deal in early 1992! He does get completely shafted when Hulkamania starts running wild.

Special Mention must go out to Jimmy Hart, who is on fucking fire with his themes from the moment he gets there until 1997 or so. All of his songs are perfectly legal ripoffs of great pop and rock tunes/amazing imitations of WWF themes. American Made, while not as awesome as Real American, is still fucking great.


Finished watching The Wolverine(very much enjoyed it, including the 3rd act that everyone hated so much). Judging by the way Viper dished out her punishment, somebody on the crew must have been a huge Muta fan. Green fucking Mist, and the apply the mist to the fingers trick that Muta would do from time to time.
Finished watching The Wolverine(very much enjoyed it, including the 3rd act that everyone hated so much). Judging by the way Viper dished out her punishment, somebody on the crew must have been a huge Muta fan. Green fucking Mist, and the apply the mist to the fingers trick that Muta would do from time to time.

Good movie. I enjoyed it quite a bit. I think I liked the Yukio character and the way it was played more than most though. I've seen people down on her. Can't wait to see how she does on Arrow.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Kotaru Suzuki (c) vs K-Ness Gaora TV Championship match. Kind of cool that they cite the network for the TV belt. Makes sense.

If this match sucks then the whole card's fucked. Kotaro is pretty good, and K-Ness used to be amazing. Back in the Toryumon days, Darkness Dragon was my absolute favorite. He reminded me the most of Ultimo, but he had a way cooler mask. Which I didn't even think was possible. Sadly, he was injured for most of Dragon Gate's hayday, and he was already feeling a little beaten up when he became active again. Still, these are two solid workers.

....It's a pre-recorded match, and it's 3 minutes long. Baba, what the fuck are these people doing with your company. This sapped the will from me. I was so excited to see K-Ness.

Atsushi Aoki & Hikaru Sato vs. Hideki Suzuki & “brother” YASSHI
Brother YASSHI is awesome, and he was retired for a long time, but I guess he's back now. If you've never seen him wrestle, he's the guy who did the slow-mo drama match where they played sad recaps of each wrestlers lives when they got hit with a chair. I don't think it's on youtube anymore. An aside, did you guys know Kensuke Sasaki is still wrestling? And he's in great shape? Man, give me Sasaki vs Triple H. Mr. Sasaki vs Mr. H's battle off. No Hokuto vs Stephanie though. That'd be like Brock vs Cena part 2. Anyways, Yasshi used to team up with Shuji Kondo when everyone thought he was going to be the next big thing in Japan. There were a LOT of people that had that expectation during that time (Minoru Tanaka, Koji Kanemoto, Shibata(who did it to himself), Shingo Takagi, Naruki Doi, I'm sure I'm forgetting a dozen more) I haven't even started the match yet. I love Yasshi, and I love talking about him. I mostly bought Wrestle Kingdom 2 to play as him. He rolls his R's so well.

They keep mentioning Xceed. I don't know what that is. Is it a stable? Yes it is. I looked it up. Hideki Suzuki is a MMA guy. Has a good look. They love the Yasshi. Should do Yasshi vs Yano. Yasshi berates Aoki in the middle of his entrance. I don't understand Japanese, but even I can tell he's legit shook Aoki. Yasshi does the dick claw. Sato's tights look like Zubaz's. The crowd went dead when Yasshi tagged out. Sato and Suzuki perform some really nice looking chain mat wrestling though. Real fast paced and fluid.

Yasshi clowning on the ropes. In Puroresu canon, Yasshi is Shinskee's dealer. That's in my mind. Honestly? I think Gedo's ripping off him for his Raintaker gimmick. It's too similar not to notice. Aoki's a real smooth wrestler. Definition of 'solid.' Suzuki does a real sharp elbow to the corner. Yasshi teabags Sato in the corner then proceeds to slap him in the head repeatedly. YASSHI LOWBLOW! YASSHI ROLLUP! YASSHI WINS!

Ref goes to raise his arm, but Yasshi is selling it and makes ref raise his other arm. This man knows the god damn business. Yasshi leaves and some fan gets up and stands up to clap and pat him on the back because he is that amazing.

Highlights: Yasshi, easily. He still has it since he came back. He steals complete focus for every match he's in. His wrestling is so-so, but his mannerisms, his selling, they're master class. He has SO much charisma it's ridiculous. Aoki really impressed me as well. Very solid wrestler, very quick, looks like he knows what he's doing at all times. The start of the match makes me think this was more of a feud of just him and Yasshi. If that's the case, that's probably the feud I'm most excited about in AJPW because they mesh well. YASSHI is a punk hooligan, and Aoki comes off as this snooty, 'I was trained proper at the country club' type wrestler. Works well. Suzuki is good, he probably hit the best looking 'moves' in the match, but he has zero character. I don't know why MMA guys think they're allowed to have zero character. Sato fucking sucks. He doesn't belong. He's like the most generic Japanese wrestler. 'I do kicks, arm submissions, and backdrosp.' Fuck off with your Puroresu Moveset #2. Him and Kenou might as well be the same person.


Hah! You wish.

KENSO is cool though. His music is exactly what you expect his music to be. Him and Taiji should be in a team. He's a big fucking dude. And his intro is crazy over. HOLY SHIT THATS

I hope Kenzo got better because this has all the makings of a disaster. Zeus really looks like Batista. Zeus tries to run over Kenso, every time Kenso stops him, he slaps Zeus in the face. Then he just starts slapping the shit out of him. I don't mean chops. I mean slaps. Open palm slaps to the face. DDT on a chair by Kenso. Bah gawd, Zeus has a crimson mask.


Boring match. Crowd was kinda into it. I think Zeus has the strongman thing down really well, but he can't work that well with a 40 something year old that's bigger than him. Kenzo's blech.

Shigehiro Irie & Keisuke Ishii (c) vs. Kento Miyahara & Kotaro Suzuki

Oh, this is where Suzuki is. Miyahara is badass even if he looks like he got his clothes from Tanahashi's hand me downs. Two DDT guys against two legit badasses. What a weird match. And what's weirder is the DDT guys are the defending champions, but it sounds like AJPW actually books them strong. No one tell Vince, but you can have a comedy tag team that is ALSO booked strong.

Kotaro rocking the Char Aznable. Lol everyone gets streamers but Irie. The crowd is definitely behind Kotaro and Miyahara. Kotaro's whole Char getup is really cool looking. A+ ring apparel. Kotaro lands on his feet off a snapmare. That motherfucker.

PERIOD. Two of the best jr Heavyweights in Japan are selling for a comedy tag team from DDT. This is so weird. Nice Enzuigiri by Keisuke. DDT team dominates for most of the match. And then Miyahara gets angry.



Keisuke performs one hell of a German, and Kotaro sells it like death. Really nice Bossman slam by Irie.

The crowd is really hot for this match now. They're gobbling it up. Doomsday Dropkick by DDT. Kinda cool. Kotaro keeps kicking out. Badass elbow vs headbutt exchange.

One thing to note that I LOVE is the two non-legal men in the match? Are constantly going in and out of the ring. Constantly trying to keep each other from breaking up pin falls instead of just laying outside. It adds so much more realism to the match. TIGER BOMB! KOTARO AND MIYAHARA WIN FUCK YES NEW CHAMPS!

This match was awesome. Best match of the show by far. By far. One of the best tag team matches I've seen all year. Everyone busted their ass. Miyahara was so vicious, looked like he could run through anybody. Kotaro sold like crazy and had amazing babyface comeback heat. Keisuke had some amazing Iron Man endurance, and Irie surrpised me by how much he helped bring the crowd alive at the end. Watch it. I may even upload it.

Highlights: The whole thing. The psychology, the offense, the crowd being so hot for it. The only thing I really had a problem with is that Miyahara and Kotaro sold for these guys like crazy. And I gotta be a Vince McMahon and just.. You look at Kotaro and Miyahara and you see two stars. You see two guys you can build around. Keisuke and Irie busted their ass, but they just look like comedy wrestlers the entire match. And they're just so small compared to the two NOAH guys. Either way, I bet Akiyama's happy he got these two to come with him to AJPW.

Two matches left. I'm sticking to one 'review' per page. Plus the next set of matches involves Akebono, so I'm not holding my breath for much.


Man God, I completely disagree with you thoughts on Jesse/JR/Tony. Jesse and Tony worked together MUCH better than Tony/JR or Jesse/JR. Jesse and Tony had great chemistry in WCW and the WWF and I think are one of the best WCW announce teams. I wish Jesse had stayed with WCW into the Nitro era so he could spend the whole show giving Bischoff a ton of shit.


Junior Wrestlemania XXX Champion
Okay, normally I try to keep an open mind and try to stay out of banning situations and such, but I've seen worse stuff on GAMING SIDE that didn't get banned.

Look, Sunflower could be rough around the edges at times, but he never, EVER, had the aura of malice that many posters on NeoGAF got away with.

Should he probably not have done what he did in that thread, probably. But a Perm? Really?

To quote the great Gorilla Monsoon:

"What a gross miscarriage of Justice!"

Man God

Non-Canon Member
They get a lot better in the last year but Jesse also becomes super busy and distracted at the same time. There's one or two PPVs where they really work well together but I think they didn't have it early on.

JR and Body is my favorite because JR so rarely bites on his comments which in turn makes Body turn them up to 11. I still think his peak is with Vince and Monsoon, both awful commentators but marvelous with the Body to go up against them.

Schiavone and Dusty is strangely my favorite WCW duo. Dusty kind of infects Schiavone with his sayings and mannerisms and you can hear him bringing them up a lot more when he's left the company. He misses him, if you will.
Okay, normally I try to keep an open mind and try to stay out of banning situations and such, but I've seen worse stuff on GAMING SIDE that didn't get banned.

Look, Sunflower could be rough around the edges at times, but he never, EVER, had the aura of malice that many posters on NeoGAF got away with.

Should he probably not have done what he did in that thread, probably. But a Perm? Really?

To quote the great Gorilla Monsoon:

"What a gross miscarriage of Justice!"

I disagree. Even PopGAF knows when to rein it in outside of their den in non pop-related threads. Sunflower tried to fly too close to the sun.

EDIT: Wait, perm? uhhhhhhh
Ok, I get that Sunny would get a slap on the wrist, fine

But a PERM?! hell stro didn't deserve a perm and he went off a lot more than sunny did

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
The Heyman doc.

I wonder just how many wrestling documentaries would start with, 'Well I was watching Superstar Billy Graham.' Man is the Progenitor of wrestling.


more money than God
It's one of the probably with the community sub sections. Many posters never stray out of them. And the community posters tend to often be the most level headed. All that's left in OT and Gaming are the social rejects who can't seem to function within normal emotions. It's why OT has gone downhill.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Well ya learning from the best because I am the American Dweem Dusty Rhodes, and I am a Super Genius now go back inside and take some notes.

Boys, I'm da weedwhackers, and you da weeds.

I wish there were recordings of backstage Dusty Rhodes.
It's one of the probably with the community sub sections. Many posters never stray out of them. And the community posters tend to often be the most level headed. All that's left in OT and Gaming are the social rejects who can't seem to function within normal emotions. It's why OT has gone downhill.

OT/Gaming are only good for news. If you go there for discussion, then you're not browsing GAF properly. Many posters have already recognized this, and it's the reason they either never leave the community sections, or leave GAF entirely.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
I'm really annoyed that I don't know if there will ever be a proper Terry Funk documentary. WWE has his ECW, WCW, WWE, territories stuff and would have the rights and ability to market it. But AJPW a ton of his best matches, and FMW has a ton of his death matches.

All his material is scattered all over the place.
god damn, Stevie Richards in 1994 was literally just a low rent Shawn Michaels, looks wise. he only got in two superkicks as his offense in this match though, The Funks pinned him after aggressively headlocking him

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
So far my Thunder In Paradise review is going in this direction

Also kind of shocked about Edge saying on the Heyman documentary that he thinks Paul's the only one left who cares what the fans want. Guess they can't fire him so he can say what he wants.


It's one of the probably with the community sub sections. Many posters never stray out of them. And the community posters tend to often be the most level headed. All that's left in OT and Gaming are the social rejects who can't seem to function within normal emotions. It's why OT has gone downhill.

Gaming & OT are a cess pit.

I'm convinced that non one in Gaming side actually plays games - they just love to talk shit about frame rates and resolutions when none of them are capable of outputting "Hello World" to the screen.

Every other topic in OT is about how white males are bad and should feel bad.
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