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AusGAF 11 - Twice the price, a year late but still moving forward

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Yea, but wouldn't citibank give you their exchange rate? I would imagine it would be something similar to ANZ/Auspost.

Don't really see the benefit too much.

The citibank exchange rates are much better (usually). I think they give what the visa sites shows as the exchange rate. No fees on the currency conversion (or Foreign atm withdrawal)


Ahh nice! Thats good to know for my next holiday.

Though the next trip is to Tassie in a month. Haven't been yet so will be nice to see more of this lovely rock.


Got the last Caramello Koala in the charity chocolate box. Everyone else is just gonna have to settle for strawberry Freddos. Suck shit losers.


I see the pm there moongreed, just haven't opened it yet :)

Haha thats okay, no rush at all! I was out on Saturday night and somehow stumbled through big W, picked up the last little mac and a pink yoshi, which now means I have to track down a blue one as well.


Regular Freddos are the only Freddo that are worthwhile. Thing is, there was just the one Caramello amongst a whole bunch of second-tier Freddos, which never happens.

Those little fuckers sure are paying for the local State School's dance class trip - we go through a box of the cunts at least once a week.


Funnily enough I'm doing the charity chocolate box thing at my work right now. We only have...what, 12-14 people in the office on any given day so I'm driving up sales where I can by

Positioning the chocolate box so it's in people's line of sight

Buying one chocolate for someone who did a task for me, and then watching everyone else around them go buy their own.

Leaving a couple of chocolates out of the box within easy reach for people

Playing Wouldn't It Be Nice on the office jukebox for subliminal Cadbury connotations

Casually mentioning chocolate in conversation, hey I always mixed up Kenny Koala and Cadbury Koala when I was a kid, how about you?


Funnily enough I'm doing the charity chocolate box thing at my work right now. We only have...what, 12-14 people in the office on any given day so I'm driving up sales where I can by

Positioning the chocolate box so it's in people's line of sight

Buying one chocolate for someone who did a task for me, and then watching everyone else around them go buy their own.

Leaving a couple of chocolates out of the box within easy reach for people

Playing Wouldn't It Be Nice on the office jukebox for subliminal Cadbury connotations

Casually mentioning chocolate in conversation, hey I always mixed up Kenny Koala and Cadbury Koala when I was a kid, how about you?

Holy shit, Philip fucking Morris right here.

My workplace has free chocolates which is going to suck when my kids are of charity chocolate age.


Is the charity chocolate thing a anglosphere thing or just a aussie thing?

Hmm, well in the US we have girl scout cookies (amazing btw).

In the UK I don't remember ever being asked to buy cookies or chocolate. Then again I worked at an investment bank and no fun was ever allowed.

I've been asked like 10 times so far if I wanted to buy chocolate. I never have any money on me though :(

So maybe the chocolate part is just an aussie thing?


I mean, with girl scout cookies, from what I know that's usually door to door right? The aussie thing is usually for a parent on behalf of their kid or a kid in school or whatever to just carry around a box of chocolates (frogs, cadbury, whatever) and try and offload it and give the money to charity. Or does that happen with cookies as well?


Happens with the cookies as well. It is in a sense still door to door (I think), but most of the sales come from the work place with parents selling it to their coworkers/friends.I think in recent years they even started discouraging door to door, but don't quote me on that. I think the proceeds go to support the troops not charities though. Again don't quote me. I never really new many girl scouts growing up. Most girls had cooties around that age so I wouldn't go near them.

When I did cub scouts / boy scouts we had to sell tinned popcorn during the holidays. I remember going out door to door trying to get people to sign up. Freezing my tits off too. As I got older they started telling us to push our parents to sell them more for us. I think it was the way to combat the girls, but that shit was crap compared to the cookies!


It says on the website

Buying Girl Scout Cookies is about so much more than just handing over money for a box of treats. It's about the skills a girl gains from interacting directly with you – the cookie customer! It's about the experience of running her very own cookie business and working with others – learning important lifelong lessons along the way. That's why we encourage you to buy your cookies from a Girl Scout – the Cookie Professional! – and not from her parents.

BS though, never even seen a girl scout besides the movies! Yet I've had so many of those god damn delicious cookies! Their parents always would palm them off to us at work. Order forms would be at our desks ready to fill out. The smart parents would buy loads of them right away so we didn't have to wait and could get orders that day!


So in America, the charities come directly to your house to deliver god-tier sweetfoods directly into your open mouth as to not interrupt your constant consumption of daytime television, whereas in Australia where we are cursed with the burden of gainful employment, not only do we need to get our arses to work in the first place, we also have to waddle all the way over to the fucking coffee break area and convince ourselves that a shitty peppermint Freddo is palatable enough so we can feel good about feeling charitable.

Rub it in our faces why don't you.



But thats why we are fat.

Just wait till you move there! I'm keen to see how much weight you gain in a year ;)
Especially in Texas!



Bern after 6 months in Texas.
Happens with the cookies as well. It is in a sense still door to door (I think), but most of the sales come from the work place with parents selling it to their coworkers/friends.I think in recent years they even started discouraging door to door, but don't quote me on that. I think the proceeds go to support the troops not charities though. Again don't quote me. I never really new many girl scouts growing up. Most girls had cooties around that age so I wouldn't go near them.

When I did cub scouts / boy scouts we had to sell tinned popcorn during the holidays. I remember going out door to door trying to get people to sign up. Freezing my tits off too. As I got older they started telling us to push our parents to sell them more for us. I think it was the way to combat the girls, but that shit was crap compared to the cookies!


It says on the website

BS though, never even seen a girl scout besides the movies! Yet I've had so many of those god damn delicious cookies! Their parents always would palm them off to us at work. Order forms would be at our desks ready to fill out. The smart parents would buy loads of them right away so we didn't have to wait and could get orders that day!

When I lived in the US, one girl scout had set up a trestle table just outside the entrance to the local QFC supermarket. That was the only time I saw the girl scout biscuit racket I lived in an apartment building with restricted access so no unexpected callers ever, not even Halloween. The only person I ever had knocking on the door was someone who had managed to get to my floor to serve papers to the previous tenant. I would have preferred the cookies. Trader Joes seemed to undercut them on price anyway.

I do have fond memories of the boy scouts and their parents selling a damn fine hot dog and a can of coke for 25 cents total outside Fry's in Los Angelese back in 2003. I think they still do that but it's 50c for the hot dog. But I never saw a sausage sizzle like you'd see here.


I saw Terminator Genysis.
I dunno, I thought it was enjoyable. The fucking person behind me who kept talking to his friends and kicking my seats was annoying as fuck though.


Ahh I remember why I don't take public transport anymore. Phones going off constantly! Silent people silent!

i hear the boyscouts are super homophobic compared to the girl scouts so I bet their cookies suck, too

Yea, they were. And probably still are. Everyone in my squad was a redneck. So not too surprising...
Maybe it's just food preferences but girl-scout cookies never really seemed appealing as a concept. Much more likely to give money to charity for a freddo :p

I saw Terminator Genysis.
I dunno, I thought it was enjoyable. The fucking person behind me who kept talking to his friends and kicking my seats was annoying as fuck though.

aw man, that is the worst :( I'm sorry you had to deal with that. My friends kept trying to talk to me during Jurassic world and it was so awkward trying to respond but also not contribute to the noise and also enjoy the film.
It's school holidays so all the parents had a box dumped on them by the teachers to sell. My boss is weak as fuck, he's lost 30kg since the last time I had a box. He's already ate half the box over the past week mwhaha. Helps I leave the box within eyeshot next to the printer :)


It's school holidays so all the parents had a box dumped on them by the teachers to sell. My boss is weak as fuck, he's lost 30kg since the last time I had a box. He's already ate half the box over the past week mwhaha. Helps I leave the box within eyeshot next to the printer :)

You're a terrible person!
The woman at the desk opposite me had a box sitting on top where I look but I held my resolve to never buy one. Although if there were any dark chocolate in the box I probably would have caved.
Especially for you, Batman.

i saw someone I knew in one of the
photos of the bodies strung up.
an ex-colleague who now works at Rocksteady

I can't make my mind up if the game includes a lot of repetitive busy work that bloats out so many open world games (especially the Ubisoft ones). It's also one of the few games I've played in years where I've actually enjoyed the story, even if it did drag on a bit. They managed not to do what Arkham City did and add an encounter with every single Batman villain. AC always felt like you were being sent on a tangent.

anyway, I'm done with it. I'm also in the middle of the first cold/flu thing I've had in about five years so I'm just chilling on the couch watching all of the Terminator films in the hopes I'm well enough to see the new one by the end of the week. Next week belongs to Antman!
I vaguely remember selling chocolates door to door as a kid for our school (this is in Queensland), working my butt off every afternoon and hustling every street in my allowed catchment area to sell two whole boxes worth of Cadbury Dove in the space of a week. There were prizes in the offing for the kids who could sell the most, see, and I had my eye on this awesome backpack.

I feel proud of my accomplishments and handed in the sixty odd dollars revenue in anticipation of getting into at least the top three for the school, only to have my hopes crushed when they held the big announcement assembly and they're announcing that some of my classmates sold five, six, eight times what I managed with just my bike and my own two feet. I was flabbergasted and asked my classmates how they did it, thinking that surely they had amazing selling skills and visited every house twice.

Nope, they never bothered going door to door at all, instead just gave the boxes to their parents to sell at work. For my trouble, I never did get that backpack. I got a ruler or pencil sharpener or something like that instead. That, and a valuable lesson in the relative value of hard work when compared to family connections and taking credit for other people's work.

That was a good memory. Hadn't thought about it in years.



LinkedIn is the most pointless fucking thing ever. It's incredibly basic - you just add people, that's it. The community discussions and news feeds are all terrible. You can't even customize it to be less terrible, unlike facebook which can at least be tailored to be as intrusive as you'd like.

The only value of LinkedIn is as a virtual wallet of business cards. A lot of people change jobs, so it has the advantage of being independent of company email addresses.

The colleagues I respect the most for their technical abilities don't use LinkedIn, and that includes other geologists, engineers, commercial analysts, economists etc... When those people have moved on and found jobs, it's because of existing relationships outside of LinkedIn.

The only outlier is HR - that function exists solely to create work for themselves and create shitty presentations with shitty clipart and buzzwords so of course they fucking love LinkedIn. LinkedIn is also a fantastic tool for headhunters who suck at their job and want to advertise their uselessness by PM-ing all potential clients and personally alerting them to the fact that they suck at headhunting.


The carton of milk I was going to use for breakfast tomorrow is curdled and I'm already in my PJs. Fuuuuuuuu


LinkedIn is the most pointless fucking thing ever. It's incredibly basic - you just add people, that's it. The community discussions and news feeds are all terrible. You can't even customize it to be less terrible, unlike facebook which can at least be tailored to be as intrusive as you'd like.

The only value of LinkedIn is as a virtual wallet of business cards. A lot of people change jobs, so it has the advantage of being independent of company email addresses.

The colleagues I respect the most for their technical abilities don't use LinkedIn, and that includes other geologists, engineers, commercial analysts, economists etc... When those people have moved on and found jobs, it's because of existing relationships outside of LinkedIn.

The only outlier is HR - that function exists solely to create work for themselves and create shitty presentations with shitty clipart and buzzwords so of course they fucking love LinkedIn. LinkedIn is also a fantastic tool for headhunters who suck at their job and want to advertise their uselessness by PM-ing all potential clients and personally alerting them to the fact that they suck at headhunting.
I was gonna make an account recently for job searching purposes, but the profile making screen was so cluttered and full of crap I had to close my browser window real quick! Luckily, crappy headhunters can still work their magic and find you - with or without linkedin!
I was gonna make an account recently for job searching purposes, but the profile making screen was so cluttered and full of crap I had to close my browser window real quick! Luckily, crappy headhunters can still work their magic and find you - with or without linkedin!
I had six different recruiters call me up and ask if I wanted to be put forward for the exact same job.
Everyone I speak to says LinkedIn is rubbish so I've never bothered. That and I'm so far down the proverbial food chain it wouldn't help.


Egh, its okay. It's helped me get interviews before and stay in touch with people I normally wouldn't.

Though. I never actually use it besides for when I'm looking for a job.
Yeah LinkedIn sucks but it's a requirement of my job sadly. People get pissy as fuck if you don't add them. Even had a state manager chew me out once for not adding them quick enough.


I find LinkedIn fine, maybe it's just better suited to the IT sector? It's just there to be used as a tool for perusing job offers.
I find LinkedIn more of a background research tool. The business savvy clients of mine research LinkedIn to find out you're a real person/company with a history of decent trade or skills etc. As I work with start ups and angel investors often they also use LinkedIn much the same way. The groups/chats appear to be far less valuable for me or generating leads.

It's worth having for my specific reasons but overall I don't spend much time on it. FYI marketing on LinkedIn is a mixed bag from a Cost Per Click perspective.
LInkedin is great for some, useless for most.

Also fuck recruiters and HR people. The lowest of the lowest vermin scum on the planet Earth.

If you can name five genuinely good HR people you've met, I will buy you lunch.

a recruiter I was connected to while back thought this was the funniest pic ever and posted it on Linkedin. a quick google gets you disconnected from these shits.
If you can name five genuinely good HR people you've met, I will buy you lunch.

Sounds good, I didn't bring lunch with me today!

I can think of ahhhhhh you know, I'm sure I've had a good experience with someone. Mayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyybe, no. Not him. He's a dick. Hmph. Okay maybe I ain't getting a free lunch :/
A lady who got away from an abusive husband left her dog with us as an emergency boarder for a few weeks and she moved with her kids to a suburb near my house. Her dog was kind of losing it in the shelter and she had nobody she knew that could come get the dog until Saturday. So I took the dog to her last night after work and man. What a great feeling. Lovely family, awesome kids. They were really happy to get their dog back after a few weeks.

This is why I work where I work.
A lady who got away from an abusive husband left her dog with us as an emergency boarder for a few weeks and she moved with her kids to a suburb near my house. Her dog was kind of losing it in the shelter and she had nobody she knew that could come get the dog until Saturday. So I took the dog to her last night after work and man. What a great feeling. Lovely family, awesome kids. They were really happy to get their dog back after a few weeks.

This is why I work where I work.

A lady who got away from an abusive husband left her dog with us as an emergency boarder for a few weeks and she moved with her kids to a suburb near my house. Her dog was kind of losing it in the shelter and she had nobody she knew that could come get the dog until Saturday. So I took the dog to her last night after work and man. What a great feeling. Lovely family, awesome kids. They were really happy to get their dog back after a few weeks.

This is why I work where I work.


Joking. Nice work! Domestic violence sucks :(
A lady who got away from an abusive husband left her dog with us as an emergency boarder for a few weeks and she moved with her kids to a suburb near my house. Her dog was kind of losing it in the shelter and she had nobody she knew that could come get the dog until Saturday. So I took the dog to her last night after work and man. What a great feeling. Lovely family, awesome kids. They were really happy to get their dog back after a few weeks.

This is why I work where I work.

Congrats on having a fulfilling job.

*turns back to computer screen*
I spent a large potion of my day clearing broken bottles, used hypodermic needles, and mouldy old meat products from a house while trying to block out fleas and some old lady who thought I could understand her cussing despite the lack of teeth. Today was fulfilling as fuck!
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