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AusGAF 2.0 - Twice the price, a year late but still moving forward

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DualShadow said:
Yea i saw the active thread and had a look :lol

What a complete douche, and why would anyone take a picture of that and then share it as well. Shows how stupid some people can be.

I've said it before, but footballers, from any code, are collectively the dumbest group of people in existence.
Guys do I have to pay an installation fee from switching from ADSL1 to Naked ADSL2+?

legend166 said:
I've said it before, but footballers, from any code, are collectively the dumbest group of people in existence.

I dunno, the dickheads around my side of Melbourne are pretty stupid.


jambo said:
Wow, there are bitches and there are bitches!
Totally reminds me of Trading places:

Billy Ray Valentine: I wish my bitches would get here. I ain't got time to be sitting in this cell with you.
Even Bigger Black Guy: Where are your bitches, Mr. Big-Time Pimp?
Big Black Guy: Yeah!


Megadrive said:
Guys do I have to pay an installation fee from switching from ADSL1 to Naked ADSL2+?.
I can't imagine why you would have to. The only additional money you may have to spend to do that is to upgrade your modem if it isn't ADSL2/2+ compatible.


BanShunsaku said:
I ended up getting the "Producers House Seats" which are apparently the best in the house.

We'll be 5 rows from the front just off the centre. Pretty excited to be honest, I'll probably enjoy it just as much if not more than my parents :D Did you enjoy it?
Please tell me it was worth the money
Nice, sounds like you got some AWESOME seats there! :)

Yes I enjoyed it, and I don't think I'd be exaggerating in saying that in hindsight I reckon even $500 per ticket would be "worth it".

It's definitely a must-see.

In fact I was even toying with the idea of spending a weekend in Sydney and going to see the show again.

Hopefully you enjoy it too!

lol Millions of Aussies already agree, so I'm not the only one :)


What a fuckstick.

Anyway, looks like I'll be getting RB3 for a decent price today... Zone Adrenalan are selling it online for $79 and they knock off $5 if you pay cash instore. Just checking that it's a PAL/UK copy to ensure exporting of tracks work (can't be too sure with a US version, despite region-freeness) but yeah, should be golden for this weekend :D

FWIW, they're another cheap place to check out if you don't mind buying imported games... little markup over places like The Hut/Zavv/OzGameshop etc. (in general) and they have a shopfront (if you're in Melbourne). They're also selling the new NFS for PC @ $54 when it comes out too.




Hope im not the only one that looked for the pic >_>....

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
I spent ages looking for an uncensored version and then I realised I was looking for an uncensored version.


I was going to say if it's just dudes mucking around it's a bit uncalled for. But... he actually does stuff?


You couldn't see anything in the uncensored pic, but I must admit, I didn't look thoroughly. The uncensored was posted on bigfooty, but it's been taken down now.


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I've been at uni since 8:40am to start my assignment.. so far I've done nothing.

I haven't even decided on a research topic question :(

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
you know what they say, fifty is one more than forty nine!


Danoss said:
I've been meaning to give PriceUSA a try. I've heard good things about them.
Wait, so you refer them to an item on another website, they buy it and send it over? That's a neat concept.

And they charge you 5% more than the actual price? Looking at the past 100 orders, this person must be racking in the cash...

Ran the calculations, that's a profit of $1435.35. Not bad at all.

Syth_Blade22 said:
Word count update: 50!
Hope that's not due today. At this time yesterday I had 0 words for my essay due in... 2.5 hours D:

Nearly there...


Ydahs said:
To bring discussion back to what matters:


Still don't know of any good US import sites?
Was just talking this over with a friend. We actually looked around and compared the price of Playstation Move. Amazon US, Play-Asia and JB Hi-Fi. They're all pretty close - in fact JB is probably cheaper once you factor in shipping. A lot of JB's other prices are still higher, but it's interesting that the Move, which is relatively new and in-demand* has been priced competitively with the US.

I'm not sure why - there doesn't seem to be a helluva lot worth playing on it yet
markot said:
Anyone have a Kindle here? Impressions, especially if you use the 3g stuff plzzzzzzzzzzz.

I bought one of the latest gen kindles recently, been using it for about a month. Absolutely love it, it has quickly become just one of those things I have with me at all times (like my ipod, phone etc).

Can't comment much on the 3g though, as although I have a 3g kindle I tend to download all my books using my wifi when I'm at home. The times I have used the 3g have been fine though, it uses the vodafone network so if you have coverage where you live I guess its all good.

If you love reading I would highly recommend a kindle, probably one of my fave tech purchases of the last few years.


F1 this week is going to be awesome

'Red Bull have denied all season that they favour Vettel, but, when asked if his team was behind his younger teammate, Webber told The Guardian: "F---ing obvious, isn't it? Of course.'

Meanwhile, Alonso's teammate Felipe Massa has been threatened with a jail term of up to six years if he attempts to "defraud" Brazil's sporting public by making way for his teammate during the race.

also Alonso is a nut

"But there are some people who will never understand. The crowd have opposing views but I insist our work is not to understand the opinion of the crowd but to do the best on the track."

who the fuck pays the tickets to go you moron

how can you be doing the best on the track if you move aside for your team mate!


r1chard said:
Was just talking this over with a friend. We actually looked around and compared the price of Playstation Move. Amazon US, Play-Asia and JB Hi-Fi. They're all pretty close - in fact JB is probably cheaper once you factor in shipping. A lot of JB's other prices are still higher, but it's interesting that the Move, which is relatively new and in-demand* has been priced competitively with the US.

I'm not sure why - there doesn't seem to be a helluva lot worth playing on it yet
You get the full sports game with the US one, we just get a demo disc (both AU and UK).


Shaneus said:
You get the full sports game with the US one, we just get a demo disc (both AU and UK).
Ah, thanks for that, I'll pass that on to my friend (who's probably going to end up with Move as an xmas gift).


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Ydahs said:
Wait, so you refer them to an item on another website, they buy it and send it over? That's a neat concept.

And they charge you 5% more than the actual price? Looking at the past 100 orders, this person must be racking in the cash...

Ran the calculations, that's a profit of $1435.35. Not bad at all.

Hope that's not due today. At this time yesterday I had 0 words for my essay due in... 2.5 hours D:

Nearly there...
It was due monday , its a group presentation (30 minutes) but i dont like groups so i asked if i could do it how the external students are doing it (just email in the powerpoint plus speech) and theres is due today... So ill assume mine is... Im also going to assume its due midnight like every other subject i do... Anyway.. Time to play Wow


markot said:
Anyone have a Kindle here? Impressions, especially if you use the 3g stuff plzzzzzzzzzzz.
I have the previous Kindle 2, which came with 3G enabled. I have my 3G turned off as you have to pay for delivery of a book if you use it (I only switch it on occasionally for the clock to sync and it goes back off again). Because of this, I just download the books to my PC and transfer over USB. If I had one of the newer Wi-Fi models, that would make it even more convenient.

I generally don't travel anywhere without my Kindle. It's as BanShunsaku said, definitely one of the best and most useful purchases I have made in a while.


Syth_Blade22 said:
It was due monday , its a group presentation (30 minutes) but i dont like groups so i asked if i could do it how the external students are doing it (just email in the powerpoint plus speech) and theres is due today... So ill assume mine is... Im also going to assume its due midnight like every other subject i do... Anyway.. Time to play Wow

Should have done it in a group. Presentations are so easy. Especially if you're doing it in a class full of international students who don't have great English. All you have to do is be able to speak in coherent sentences and you'll look relatively amazing.


Just handed in my assignment with 10 minutes to spare... Now for breakfast and Fruit Ninja and revision for Monday's exam :(


legend166 said:
Should have done it in a group. Presentations are so easy. Especially if you're doing it in a class full of international students who don't have great English. All you have to do is be able to speak in coherent sentences and you'll look relatively amazing.
Add to the fact that nobody is actually listening except for the tutor.
What a fucking week. So glad to be home and done with work for a couple of days.

My reward for 3 weeks of doing about 4 peoples jobs:


Time to crack this bad boy open and disappear into the Mojave Wasteland.


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legend166 said:
Should have done it in a group. Presentations are so easy. Especially if you're doing it in a class full of international students who don't have great English. All you have to do is be able to speak in coherent sentences and you'll look relatively amazing.

Alas! Media degree, and the subject is on Aboriginal Culture.. all whities with a guilty conscious!

But yeah I shoulda.. I just didn't go to class all semester and didn't wanna be the jerk who gets forced into a group with one week to go :lol


Syth_Blade22 said:
Alas! Media degree, and the subject is on Aboriginal Culture.. all whities with a guilty conscious!

But yeah I shoulda.. I just didn't go to class all semester and didn't wanna be the jerk who gets forced into a group with one week to go :lol

You're an Adelaide boy right? At UniSA by any chance? I did the presentation for that class this week, it was pretty piss easy. We did it as a video, did like a 2 minute (if that) voiceover each, and left the film students in the group to slap it together and make it presentable. We did the whole thing in like 3 hours total, and didn't have to do a thing on the day apart from push play on the DVD. Easy.

Oh an furthermore, whatatwist.gif if we happen to be in the same class.


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fisheyes said:
You're an Adelaide boy right? At UniSA by any chance? I did the presentation for that class this week, it was pretty piss easy. We did it as a video, did like a 2 minute (if that) voiceover each, and left the film students in the group to slap it together and make it presentable. We did the whole thing in like 3 hours total, and didn't have to do a thing on the day apart from push play on the DVD. Easy.

Oh an furthermore, whatatwist.gif if we happen to be in the same class.

haha yes :O

What day was your tute? mine was on monday I think.. I only went to one class all semester...


Yep, Monday. I think most of the tuts for that subject were on Monday though. I was on 1-3 (I think... might have been 12-2, but pretty sure it was 1-3) with that Josh bloke as a tutor.

We could be like, best friends :lol


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fisheyes said:
Yep, Monday. I think most of the tuts for that subject were on Monday though. I was on 1-3 (I think... might have been 12-2, but pretty sure it was 1-3) with that Josh bloke as a tutor.

We could be like, best friends :lol

Fuck we are in the same class lol.


Syth_Blade22 said:
:lol in other news, That josh bloke is actually pretty alright, good tutor compared to most

Yeah. I thought he would be a bit of a twat when I first started (just because he was an Indigenous Culture tutor and he kept yapping on about politics and this and that) so I skipped so many of his classes. Then when I actually went in again I realised he wasn't all that bad. Not as good as the Sullay guy I had for Media Literacies who spent the whole first lesson telling us that he wasn't offended by black stereotypes because he did like eating chicken and getting booty, but still, a good tutor.

Ah this is all still so crazy. AusGAF, bringing classmates together. Kinda.

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
I could cut the sexual tension in here with a knife.


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fisheyes said:
Yeah. I thought he would be a bit of a twat when I first started (just because he was an Indigenous Culture tutor and he kept yapping on about politics and this and that) so I skipped so many of his classes. Then when I actually went in again I realised he wasn't all that bad. Not as good as the Sullay guy I had for Media Literacies who spent the whole first lesson telling us that he wasn't offended by black stereotypes because he did like eating chicken and getting booty, but still, a good tutor.

Ah this is all still so crazy. AusGAF, bringing classmates together. Kinda.

Media Lit lmao. such a 'fun' subject.

You doing the MBMA if you don't mind me asking! or something else?

edit: according to rez i'm not allowed to ask :(


Nah, not MBMA. I'm in some bullshit Communication (Media and Culture) course (MBMC), though I was doing the IT and Multimedia course, which is pretty much just MBMA with some extra IT crap, before that. I have mates that were doing the IT and Multimedia course with me that switched to MBMA though, though I would think this would be their last year in it, so chances are you wouldn't know them.
Unless, apparently, they also post on GAF :lol


Bernbaum said:
Doesn't Adelaide have a population of about, what, seven people?

It's the mainland version of Tasmania.
Something like that just without the two heads and fornicating with family members.


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fisheyes said:
Nah, not MBMA. I'm in some bullshit Communication (Media and Culture) course (MBMC), though I was doing the IT and Multimedia course, which is pretty much just MBMA with some extra IT crap, before that. I have mates that were doing the IT and Multimedia course with me that switched to MBMA though, though I would think this would be their last year in it, so chances are you wouldn't know them.
Unless, apparently, they also post on GAF :lol

I too was doing the MBIC :p Shitty course, was promised greatness when going into it in 2006, then we made Roney Tail. and I transferred out last year into the MBMA...

@ Bern, more like 70.


Syth_Blade22 said:
I too was doing the MBIC :p Shitty course, was promised greatness when going into it in 2006, then we made Roney Tail. and I transferred out last year into the MBMA...

@ Bern, more like 70.

Hold the fuck up. When you say you were going into it 2006, do you mean you started in 2006, or you enrolled in 2006 and therefore started in 2007. Because if its the latter, then so did I. And considering there seemed to be a grand total of maybe 15 people starting MBIC in 07, I probably know you, and you probably know me.

This is absolutely nuts. :lol

EDIT: Post 5000 in AusGAF 2.0 may be the threads greatest twist yet.
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