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AusGAF 2.0 - Twice the price, a year late but still moving forward

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Shaneus said:
Looking at getting a Driving Force GT for GT5 next week (and some PC use)... best price so far is $138 @ DSE. Anyone know cheaper?

Also looking for impressions... if I can use it on PC with F1, NFS, Burnout etc. then I'll be a happy camper.
Wow I thought it was a lot more than that. I might go out and look for one next week. No idea how I'm gonna set it up though. I might just grab the piano stool from my errr.. piano, clamp the wheel on and play from the couch.:lol Totally jealous of all the people who have a proper setup.

Oh and nice impressions Mar. As I said, nothing stood out for me during the gb quick look. It just seemed really bland compared to, well, Burnout for instance. I just remember hot pursuit being really really fun back in the day but none of that nostalgia came through after watching the video. If it's as fun as you say it is, I might pick it up when it's cheaper.
Agyar said:
I don't mind, my XBL tag is a public thing. Not like you have to add me with my credit card number or something.

Anyone on XBL feel free to add me, I don't play a whole lot of multiplayer but I will be up for Ass Bro, Super Street Fighter 4 against people who are worse than me, sending random messages about butts or spying on your achievements.

Also add me on twitter (lorcanw) if you want.

No problems, some people are just a bit sensitive about their tag.


All this password talk makes me feel old. There weren't any passwords on the computers at my high school. It probably helped that the extent of the network was one room and we only had a handful of computers we could use to access the Internet (and we didn't even have those until my final years).

That did change for Uni, though. For a while, they even forced us to use printed password sheets and you had a different password every time you logged in.

The funniest thing from Uni was being there for the Y2K bug. We started getting our print quota notices and so on dated in the year 19100 for a few months.


commanderdeek said:
Wow I thought it was a lot more than that. I might go out and look for one next week. No idea how I'm gonna set it up though. I might just grab the piano stool from my errr.. piano, clamp the wheel on and play from the couch.:lol Totally jealous of all the people who have a proper setup.

Oh and nice impressions Mar. As I said, nothing stood out for me during the gb quick look. It just seemed really bland compared to, well, Burnout for instance. I just remember hot pursuit being really really fun back in the day but none of that nostalgia came through after watching the video. If it's as fun as you say it is, I might pick it up when it's cheaper.
a) Yeah, I'm surprised at how cheap it is too, especially with how it compares to the G27 wheel which is (at least) twice the cost.

b) If you're looking at getting it for PC, ozgameshop.com has it for around $40 shipped.


Even my coworkers thinks my 22 character minimum password length is a bit too much.

If I had it my way, passwords would reset twice every day, require a 20 character length hexadecimal username and require the user to email us in advance to grant access to a single specific computer for use over a period of 1 hour per request!

Or maybe I'd just force teachers not to make their password the same as their username but with a 4 at the end.


Harvey Norman will be selling GT5 for $75.

Wondering if I should cancel my ozegameshop order and pay $10 extra to get it on release.

What are the chances Harvey Norman sells out before I can get there after work?

Although, I can't see anywhere to cancel. I'd probably have to email them and everything, which is too annoying.


Kritz said:
Even my coworkers thinks my 22 character minimum password length is a bit too much.

If I had it my way, passwords would reset twice every day, require a 20 character length hexadecimal username and require the user to email us in advance to grant access to a single specific computer for use over a period of 1 hour per request!

Or maybe I'd just force teachers not to make their password the same as their username but with a 4 at the end.

If I was your boss, I would take your enthusiasm for security on board and update the policy so that whenever a teacher wants to log in, you have to go to their desk personally and verify their identify.


Bernbaum said:
I'm tempted. Is it a racing wheel game, or will I be happy with a 360 pad?
I would describe it as a pad game, yeah.
Shaneus said:
How's it look? I'm thinking of jumping in on PC but with practically zero online community (if it doesn't use Steam or GFWL it can fuck right off) I'd be happy to take a slight graphical hit if it means I can actually find a game online.
It doesn't look bad per se, but I image a PC version would look arseloads better. I'm not exactly the best person to ask about this because I'm playing it through a vga cable at like... scaled 1680x1050 so yeah.


Agyar said:
If I was your boss, I would take your enthusiasm for security on board and update the policy so that whenever a teacher wants to log in, you have to go to their desk personally and verify their identify.

That's what we call 'sneakernet authentication'.

Edit: I should mention about 70% of today has been spent doing exactly that...

:( srsly guys I know global policy isn't always 100%, but just because it doesn't automatically have the education domain selected when you log on, doesn't mean you're not able to click it yourself to change it.


Agyar said:
I don't mind, my XBL tag is a public thing. Not like you have to add me with my credit card number or something.

Anyone on XBL feel free to add me, I don't play a whole lot of multiplayer but I will be up for Ass Bro, Super Street Fighter 4 against people who are worse than me, sending random messages about butts or spying on your achievements.

Also add me on twitter (lorcanw) if you want.

Added you on twitter, might already have you on XBL. My Gamertag is Stackboy Royale.


legend166 said:
Harvey Norman will be selling GT5 for $75.

Wondering if I should cancel my ozegameshop order and pay $10 extra to get it on release.

What are the chances Harvey Norman sells out before I can get there after work?

Although, I can't see anywhere to cancel. I'd probably have to email them and everything, which is too annoying.
You can preorder it @ HN... it's on their website... though I don't know if it's only for the regular game or the collector's ed.


Yeah Shaneus, I just can't find anywhere to cancel on ozgameshop easily. I'll probably just leave it.

Also, damn you Michael Hussey. Can't you just go away?


jambo said:
I may have to create a new Twitter List entitled "Garbage" :lol

It's probably for the best. But I promise I will never tweet about the sandwich I am eating. You have to know me in real life to hear about that.


This is the shelf above our fridge at work :lol


Yay for free beer!


We don't know why he keeps buying PAL, either.
Clipper said:
Bloody hell! I'll have just landed in Singapore... At least PlayTV can wake up the PS3 in order to record shows, though. I guess I'll be leaving everything plugged into the wall on this trip.

Don't worry it'll be up on my site or theirs.


VOOK said:
Don't worry it'll be up on my site or theirs.
Yeah, I know. But I want the original recording for posterity's sake... even though it's in violation of Australian copyright if I watch it more than once without the permission of the copyright holder.


turns out I have the best girlfriend ever.
she had this waiting for me when I got home :D


now I'm off to shoppo to get some component cables and probably another game


rass said:
turns out I have the best girlfriend ever.
she had this waiting for me when I got home :D


now I'm off to shoppo to get some component cables and probably another game
Aww. She likes you! I mean like like!


+1 for the Driving Force GT, it's an awesome wheel, I bought mine online for around $100 including postage and man it's solid. I've had it for 6 months, no issues or anything, played it with F1 2010 and Need for Speed: Shift, both excellent in support for the wheel and the force feedback in Need for Speed is so good!

Obviously you'll need a good stand, I have a wheel stand pro which is double the price of the wheel itself but if you have the money, it's easily worth it, absolutely fantastic build quality.

Most driving games support it on PS3 and PC and it's the official wheel for GT5 so you really can't go wrong :)


Just an hour before I pick up my soon to be brother in law from the airport... hope he successfully made it considering he can't speak English... and hope he didn't bring anything which will cause suspicions from customs... :|


Caramello said:
+1 for the Driving Force GT, it's an awesome wheel, I bought mine online for around $100 including postage and man it's solid. I've had it for 6 months, no issues or anything, played it with F1 2010 and Need for Speed: Shift, both excellent in support for the wheel and the force feedback in Need for Speed is so good!

Obviously you'll need a good stand, I have a wheel stand pro which is double the price of the wheel itself but if you have the money, it's easily worth it, absolutely fantastic build quality.

Most driving games support it on PS3 and PC and it's the official wheel for GT5 so you really can't go wrong :)
Can I just say that it is a right fucking CUNT to find this wheel. Everywhere online is sold out... fucking EVERYWHERE! Well, JB online have it for $189, but fuck that noise. One of my local DSE stores has it "in stock" (it's a display with no pedals... they're not selling it) so I'm hoping JB have some instore that they'll price match (I've heard they've done so with DSE before and not even checked) so I'll try my luck tomorrow.

Itching to play Dirt 2 on PC with it as well... apparently it's unreal with it.


rass said:
turns out I have the best girlfriend ever.
she had this waiting for me when I got home :D


now I'm off to shoppo to get some component cables and probably another game
Awesome, mate! I know I'm probably beginning to sound like an old record about this, but can I please be your Wii Ambassador? It's a program run by Nintendo that lets us both get 500 free Nintendo points each if you say I helped you get the Wii online (which in a way, I am!).

It's easy to do and you can do it with a different friend if you want if they have an Aussie Wii.

Including some lazy friends which just haven't connected their Wiis yet, I'm only one person away from qualifying to get every NES game on the store, with two Red Wiis from AusGAF making up part of the 10 required people. I'd certainly be indebted to AusGAF if I receive you as a third :D.

Here's the instructions for you or anyone else:

1: Set up the Internet and access the Wii Shop
2: On the front page of the shop, there will be a button at the bottom-left for the Wii Ambassador Promotion, click it.
3: Select the big "Person who was helped" button on the right.
4: Enter in your helper's Wii Number. Mine is 0046 1341 3634 4230.
5: Answer three survey questions.
6: Exit the Wii Shop and go to the Wii Message Board (the button at the bottom-right of the channels screen)
7: Click the option to Create a Message
8: Click the Address Book and you should see the number for your Wii.
9: Message your helper the Wii's number so they can finish the process by repeating with the "Person who helped" button instead.


Clipper said:
Awesome, mate! I know I'm probably beginning to sound like an old record about this, but can I please be your Wii Ambassador? It's a program run by Nintendo that lets us both get 500 free Nintendo points each if you say I helped you get the Wii online (which in a way, I am!).

It's easy to do and you can do it with a different friend if you want if they have an Aussie Wii.

Including some lazy friends which just haven't connected their Wiis yet, I'm only one person away from qualifying to get every NES game on the store, with two Red Wiis from AusGAF making up part of the 10 required people. I'd certainly be indebted to AusGAF if I receive you as a third :D.

Here's the instructions for you or anyone else:

1: Set up the Internet and access the Wii Shop
2: On the front page of the shop, there will be a button at the bottom-left for the Wii Ambassador Promotion, click it.
3: Select the big "Person who was helped" button on the right.
4: Enter in your helper's Wii Number. Mine is 0046 1341 3634 4230.
5: Answer three survey questions.
6: Exit the Wii Shop and go to the Wii Message Board (the button at the bottom-right of the channels screen)
7: Click the option to Create a Message
8: Click the Address Book and you should see the number for your Wii.
9: Message your helper the Wii's number so they can finish the process by repeating with the "Person who helped" button instead.
no worries mate, I was going to post up and ask if anyone wanted to "help me set up online for free points" I'll do it later today. 500 points, what's that enough for? I never connected my old wii haha.

What games are half decent for the motion plus? I only have wiiplay, nsmbwii and wii sports. And the 25th anniv. mario. If anyone has any wii games they want to unload cheap let me know :) I might buy myself goldeneye for christmas and relive my childhood haha.
picked up a second remote last night (black) with the motionplus built in. Guy at EB said they were out, even though I saw one on the rack while he was 'trying to find it'. Turns out he wanted to sell me a normal remote + motionplus for the same price. Dodgy.


jambo said:
This is the shelf above our fridge at work :lol


Yay for free beer!

I want free beer :(

remz said:
My GT is NinjaSandwhich for any other ausgaffers with NFS MW. Need times for my autolog!!

Ahh that was you. I got a friend request from a ninja sandwhich and I was like, bwah? I'll add you when I'm on next.

One thing I'll say about NFS multiplayer, it's frustrating playing with randoms. There's so much shit that goes on (spike strips out of nowhere, bounced traffic into your path, random collisions with on coming traffic) that it can get pretty annoying trying to take winning seriously. With friends however it's easy to just laugh at all the chaos going on and have fun.

Oh, another thing. The later single player events become absolutely white knuckle thrilling. Shit flying everywhere and so many cops that the game actually turns into Burnout, because every 10 seconds or so you're taking a guy down or there's a huge crash in front of you involving like 5 cars. Even the other racers are easy to take down because there are so many cops that they get damaged and you tapping into them wipes them out too.

It also reminds me of old school Road Rash more and more too.

So damn fun.


I've got some qualms with it, but I really like it.

The variety is great, but I get swamped by so many different racing styles, it's hard to learn a system and get into the rhythm- sometimes I'll try and play it like Burnout, other time like PGR4 depending on the event. Some times it plays like it doesn't know what kind of game it want to be- it's temptingly close to Burnout but tries to do its own thing. The Autolog system that explicitly states times from your friendlist is the main drive to keep playing, but I find myself restarting heaps of events once I know a time or result is unnattainable and the loading time is annoying. I don't like the impact that shortcuts have on the game. A high number of shortcuts are a near-necessity if you want to get the time you're chasing, and if you miss one, you may as well restart. With such a high emphasis on beating friend's times, a 'quick-restart' like in Bionic Commando's challenge modes would have been ideal.

That said it's addictive and insanely fun. The racing mechanics are refined, it's snappy and technically proficient with the exception of loading times and it's great to see some real world cars get the smashed-to-bits treatment from Criterion. I haven't played a racer all year, and as I put it on twitter yesterday, it's scratching an itch I didn't know I had.


rass said:
no worries mate, I was going to post up and ask if anyone wanted to "help me set up online for free points" I'll do it later today. 500 points, what's that enough for? I never connected my old wii haha.

What games are half decent for the motion plus? I only have wiiplay, nsmbwii and wii sports. And the 25th anniv. mario. If anyone has any wii games they want to unload cheap let me know :) I might buy myself goldeneye for christmas and relive my childhood haha.
picked up a second remote last night (black) with the motionplus built in. Guy at EB said they were out, even though I saw one on the rack while he was 'trying to find it'. Turns out he wanted to sell me a normal remote + motionplus for the same price. Dodgy.
Thanks heaps mate! I'm glad you can do it today, as I go to Singapore on a work trip tomorrow.

500 points is enough for any NES game (well, except the Japanese ones like Lost Levels), or a choice of the cheaper WiiWare games. It's worth AU$7.50 if you compare with points purchased on the Wii.

As for MotionPlus games, the only one I own is Wii Sports Resort, but it is well worth it. The rest are sports games and FPS, and I've never been much into either. Red Steel 2 did get some good press, though.


Got my wheel :D

Lucky JB pricematched, because the only DSE they could use had one in stock $138 but it was a display model and someone had nicked the pedals :lol JB guy said that was good enough and knocked it down from $189 for me. Stoked.


Cancer survivor asked to remove prosthetic breast during airport screening - report


this is the line



this is getting ridiculous.


Choc said:
Cancer survivor asked to remove prosthetic breast during airport screening - report


this is the line



this is getting ridiculous.
I don't know if you can blame the TSA. After finding a link to the article, it seems this is poor training or poor judgement of the security personnel. "The TSA told the station its agents are not supposed to remove any prosthetics and will review the matter."


alright Clipper, done.
I guessed you are between 20-29, hopefully haha.

my console number is
5335 9833 9640 8294


rass said:
alright Clipper, done.
I guessed you are between 20-29, hopefully haha.

my console number is
5335 9833 9640 8294
Close, I'm 30. Not that it matters :p.

I've done my bit, so you should now have your extra 500 points. Spend them wisely.

First thing I'll do when I get back from this trip is going to get the other friends I have lined up to finally get around to connecting their Wiis to the Net. It'll be cool to have all the NES games. I doubt I'll ever reach the level that gives you all the SNES and N64 games too; that'll need another 10 new Wiis...


Clipper said:
Close, I'm 30. Not that it matters :p.

I've done my bit, so you should now have your extra 500 points. Spend them wisely.

First thing I'll do when I get back from this trip is going to get the other friends I have lined up to finally get around to connecting their Wiis to the Net. It'll be cool to have all the NES games. I doubt I'll ever reach the level that gives you all the SNES and N64 games too; that'll need another 10 new Wiis...

Can you do it cross-region?

You deserve it for maintaining the homebrew wiki and not getting annoyed when everyone asks the same questions over and over.


but ever so delicious
God damn bus, 12 minutes late ffs. I was about to walk off too :lol Of course the myki card system is out of order on it too, tends to be that way. This card system in melb has to be the biggest piece of shit in public transport, the old cards were quicker for people to get on and off all pub transport systems.


legend166 said:
Can you do it cross-region?

You deserve it for maintaining the homebrew wiki and not getting annoyed when everyone asks the same questions over and over.
PAL Wiis can do it with PAL Wiis and Japan Wiis can do it with Japan Wiis. The US doesn't have the feature.

The only other region issue is that you do have to have the Wiis set to the same country for it to work. However, for a new Wii, you can still end up with the new Wii on any country you like by doing the following:
1: Set the new Wii to the Ambassador's country (e.g., Australia for me).
2: Perform the Ambassador steps on both Wiis.
3: Have the new Wii buy a NES game or 500 point WiiWare title from the store.
4: Change the new Wii to the desired country setting

The key thing is to buy the game before you change the country as changing country settings will make you lose all your points, but not your purchases.

And thanks for the support! I did consider asking in the Homebrew thread if there were any PAL Wiis still disconnected, but it's sort of like code begging, so I decided not to. If you know anyone with a PAL Wii that never went to the Wii Shop, I'd be glad to help them get the extra points.
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