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AusGAF 2.0 - Twice the price, a year late but still moving forward

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I want a tag give me a tag
legend166 said:
So my sister and I have worked out what we're going to on our Europe trip. Anyone who's been, let me know how it sounds:

- Fly into Paris for 3/4 days
- Take the train to London for 4 days (I know this sounds backwards, but we have to do this to time it with our cousins wedding in London)
- Fly to Prague for 2/3 days
- Overnight train from Prague to Munich, spend 4/5 days in Bavaria
- Fly from Munich to Geneva, spend two days there
- Train from Geneva to Marseille
- Spend the next week driving from Marseille and end up in Bologna (it's 680km between those two, so that should be pretty easy in a week).
- Train from Bologna to Rome
- Spend a day in Rome, then fly back to Sydney

Any suggestions?

Make sure you head up to Versailles in France, in particular the palace.



Sweet, my avatar formed half a page worth of conversation that I didn't even get to participate in.

I like all sandwiches, as long as they don't have butter on them. Butter is the worst. I don't even know what butter is. They should make it bacon flavoured.

I used to have like 20 avatars on rotate at one point, but slowly got sick of them all. I think after Kritzmas I'll make a different one. Maybe in colour. Maybe without a sandwich. Maybe with more sandwiches.

Berny, I found that downloading World of Warcraft did a great job at having me capped a week before my rollover. Man, being capped suuuucks. It's why I don't want to download all the steam games I bought, as I can't pick them up on any australian mirrors. :(


Kritz said:
I like all sandwiches, as long as they don't have butter on them. Butter is the worst. I don't even know what butter is. They should make it bacon flavoured.

Butter makes everything better. Fact.

Now if this was 10-15 years ago, when we used to keep the dripping off the cooking trays, in particular that of speck and the like... you would your bacon flavoured spread, with added chunky bits. :lol

Mmm speck.

(most other pork related products can go away however)

Edit: Gaming related comment for the morning. Football Manager is getting harder by the year I reckon, this year in particular you can no longer set and forget things... seems I am having to alter my tactics ridiculously reguarly otherwise the side becomes stale and I slide down the board rapidly. Bloody good game however.


but ever so delicious
Bernbaum said:
Second month running where we've had ~15GB of quota left over at the end of the month.

I'm considering downloading TV shows we don't even like and selling burnt DVD's to street kids.

I honestly haven't gone over my cap in about 5 years. These days i find it almost impossible to get close. I'm on iinet's 200GB a month plan, 100 off and 100 on. The 100 on gets mostly used but the 100 off barely gets touched. I think last month i had like 80GB left just on offpeak :lol

I'm glad we now have somewhat decent download quotas and i'm sure if i tried really hard i could blow it on pointless crap. But after being on the net for so many years, the pointless crap really is just pointless crap.
legend166 said:
So my sister and I have worked out what we're going to on our Europe trip. Anyone who's been, let me know how it sounds:

- Fly into Paris for 3/4 days
- Take the train to London for 4 days (I know this sounds backwards, but we have to do this to time it with our cousins wedding in London)
- Fly to Prague for 2/3 days
- Overnight train from Prague to Munich, spend 4/5 days in Bavaria
- Fly from Munich to Geneva, spend two days there
- Train from Geneva to Marseille
- Spend the next week driving from Marseille and end up in Bologna (it's 680km between those two, so that should be pretty easy in a week).
- Train from Bologna to Rome
- Spend a day in Rome, then fly back to Sydney

Any suggestions?
Regarding the backwards thing, why not just leave later and start in London?

There is a LOT to see in Paris. HolyCheck suggested getting out to Versailles but you could easily spend over a week in Paris alone.

Munich is awesome, but I don't know if spending that much time there would be worth it compared to some of the other places. Definitely make sure you get out from Munich to Fussen and see castles Neuschwanstein and Hohenschwangau. Beautiful scenery and amazing castles.

You won't see much in Rome in one day, there's a lot to see -- though a lot of it is rubble so it depends on how much history you want to see.

Marseille is great and we had great seafood there. Wife thought it was a bit sketchy but I really enjoyed it.

Prague is fantastic and that's probably enough time.

Haven't been to Geneva but give Zurich a miss (I've not been but never heard anything good from a tourist point of view).

Haven't been to Bologna either, but check what the route is actually like. Had a friend who toured some of France by car and a 200km drive ended up taking over 11 hours because of mountains etc.

Take overnight trains as much as you can -- so much better than flying. If you can afford a sleeper bed, do it.

A bit out of the way but if you can get to Croatia, go. We went to Split and Dubrovnik earlier this year and it's one of the best places I've ever visited.

Have you ever holidayed alone (i.e. not in a tour) in a country where people don't speak English?


codswallop said:
Regarding the backwards thing, why not just leave later and start in London?

There is a LOT to see in Paris. HolyCheck suggested getting out to Versailles but you could easily spend over a week in Paris alone.

Munich is awesome, but I don't know if spending that much time there would be worth it compared to some of the other places. Definitely make sure you get out from Munich to Fussen and see castles Neuschwanstein and Hohenschwangau. Beautiful scenery and amazing castles.

You won't see much in Rome in one day, there's a lot to see -- though a lot of it is rubble so it depends on how much history you want to see.

Marseille is great and we had great seafood there. Wife thought it was a bit sketchy but I really enjoyed it.

Prague is fantastic and that's probably enough time.

Haven't been to Geneva but give Zurich a miss (I've not been but never heard anything good from a tourist point of view).

Haven't been to Bologna either, but check what the route is actually like. Had a friend who toured some of France by car and a 200km drive ended up taking over 11 hours because of mountains etc.

Take overnight trains as much as you can -- so much better than flying. If you can afford a sleeper bed, do it.

A bit out of the way but if you can get to Croatia, go. We went to Split and Dubrovnik earlier this year and it's one of the best places I've ever visited.

Have you ever holidayed alone (i.e. not in a tour) in a country where people don't speak English?

We've only got a month. Obviously we'd love to spend more time in more places, but alas, work :(

If we left later and started in London it would screw up our use of leave. We want to arrive on a weekend and leave on a Friday so we've at least got a day or two before having to go back to work :lol

When I say 4/5 days in Munich, I mean 4/5 days in Bavaria as a whole. I need to go to Berchtesgadaen. Anyone who has seen Band of Brothers knows why.

As for Rome, I'm a good protestant with a healthy dislike of the Catholic Church, so stuff like the Vatican doesn't interest me. Obviously there's a lot more, and you're definitely right we won't see much in a day, but like I said, with only a month you've got to make some trade offs.

I've never been out of Australia before.



Book the Eurostar BEFORE YOU GO. As soon as possible work out the dates and times you want the Eurostar

The further out you are like an airline the cheaper it is and the Eurostar can get VERY expensive.

If you book further out you are more likely to get a flexi rate as cheap as a non flexi rate, which means if you miss the train you can get another ticket without penalty

given international travel this is much suggested. Also before you go to Paris, learn a bit of french. Even if you fail at it you will get a lot further as they like you for at least trying.

Do NOT expect to see English everywhere or be able to rely on it, I went to Paris earlier this year and learnt a bit of french. Without it i wouldn't have been stuffed.

Also you can get a train from Gare Du Nord to Prague if you so desire so perhaps you should go to England then France?

Also, take into account that Jetlag will hit you at some point in the first day or so (depending on when you land). If i was you i would try to get on the Emirates flight that lands in London at 9pm in the evening (6am sydney depature). You land the same day as you leave and the Jetlag isn't as bad. You really should fly to London first if you can because it gives you a lot more options. Not as many airlines fly direct to Paris (you would have to change at Hong Kong/Singapore which in a foreign country can be f'd)

The other thing is that in Rome you will be buggered. Travelling around that much and on so many flights and trains really takes it out of you. Try to plan to have 1 or 2 days to relax in the trip rather then go go go otherwise you will just get exhausted.

ALSO, before you decide on driving in Italy, ensure

1. The company you plan to book with accepts Australian drivers licences (some companies do not and require an international drivers licence which you can get)

2. Your travel insurances covers any excess on the car, and if it does how much it is and how much the car company charges excess.


Just my advice based on my trip to Europe earlier this year.

and yes, my wife and I went to non speaking European countries on holiday before and as long as you remember that English is not the main language and you really need to learn a little bit you will be fine.

Also seriously, FLY INTO LONDON. French air traffic controllers having major industrial action over there at the moment and getting no where. Charles De Galle is regularly closed to flights for 12 hours or more every so often at the moment and if you end up on being one of those days, you will be stuck in Asia somewhere until its lifted.

Even if you fly to londo nthen back to france or train it, its worth it. There is a reason Heathrow is the hub for European travel

In paris keep your wallet in your side pockets not back, and carry at least three photocopies of your passports in different areas of your luggage. Seriously you need this asap if you lose your passport so au embassies can make anotehr within 24 hrs :)

also in Germany this is your best friend

ich bin auslander und spreche nicht gut deutsch

i am a foreigner and i do not speak german well


Thanks for the tips Choc.

I'm researching stuff now and it doesn't seem like the drive from Marseille to Bologna is all that great. Apparently northern Italy is the poor area.

I've found cheap flights into Paris and out of Rome ($1650 all up) with Malaysian airlines. There's a stop over in Kuala Lumpur but that's fine with me.


legend166 said:
So my sister and I have worked out what we're going to on our Europe trip. Anyone who's been, let me know how it sounds:

- Fly into Paris for 3/4 days
- Take the train to London for 4 days (I know this sounds backwards, but we have to do this to time it with our cousins wedding in London)
- Fly to Prague for 2/3 days
- Overnight train from Prague to Munich, spend 4/5 days in Bavaria
- Fly from Munich to Geneva, spend two days there
- Train from Geneva to Marseille
- Spend the next week driving from Marseille and end up in Bologna (it's 680km between those two, so that should be pretty easy in a week).
- Train from Bologna to Rome
- Spend a day in Rome, then fly back to Sydney

Any suggestions?
In Paris

Climb Sacre-Coeur Church


I'm not religious at all, but the architecture is wonderful and the view is one of the best in Paris. The area around Sacre-Coeur is great too, lots of cobble stone roads and old bakeries. Simply wonderful.

Visit the Musée du Louvre


Amazing collection of works, with something like 40,000 on display. Greek, Roman, Egyptian, Renaissance, French, Middle Eastern and more. Venus de Milo, The Mona Lisa and Nike of Samothrace are highlights. The Nike is over 2000 years old.

Eiffel Tower


Climb it, see it at night and dine in the restaurant if you can. Best view of Paris and it's just a sight to behold at night when it sparkles every hour.

Notre Dame de Paris


Took almost 200 years to build and is just stunning both inside and out. The organ inside has something like 8,000 pipes. The back of the cathedral is actually a lot more interesting to look at than the front, so I'd recommend going on a river cruise which will not only let you see Notre Dame's south side, but also all of the wonderful bridge along the Seine.




Protip on the Louvre

You will notice a massive queue near that triangle earlier posted. That is NOT the only entrance. There is another entrance on the side that only locals generally know about.

Use that entrance and get in instantly rather then wait for the massive queue at the front entrance

I find that in most countries learning the "do you speak English" equivalent will get you by in almost all situations -- if you're doing touristy type things anyway.

But as Choc says... except France. Learn a little bit and the locals will be more than happy to help if you stuff up. The first time I spoke to someone in Paris it was at a train station, I tried English and the lady shut the window and refused to talk to me. Every other time I butchered French and everyone was super helpful.

The times that I've had to ask directions from people who don't speak English (and I don't speak their language), we've managed to communicate with pointing and grunts. Sometimes it works, sometimes not.

You'll also be surprised how quickly you'll pick up other languages, even just spending a day or two there you will understand how to read basic words (maybe not pronounce them). This is particularly true of the romance languages (French, Italian, Spanish, etc).

Edit: One other thing, Europe is a lot smaller than you expect, and it's actually really easy in Western Europe to get overnight trains from one major city to another. We've travelled from Barcelona to Paris on an overnight train. So much better than trying to fly.


In france

stay at this place

Hotel Les Jardins du Trocadero Eiffel Tower

if you greet them in french they are likely to upgrade you (as they did us :) )

not the most expensive either and most rooms have a view of the eiffel tower so you can watch it sparkle all night long

its a 10 minute walk from the tower and has an amazing view of it.


Luckily I had learnt some Italian in primary and high school so when I was in Paris and Italy I was able to read a lot of stuff and even have broken conversations.

Once they realise you're trying and more importantly that you're Aussie, you're fine. They love Aussies.


jambo said:
Luckily I had learnt some Italian in primary and high school so when I was in Paris and Italy I was able to read a lot of stuff and even have broken conversations.

Once they realise you're trying and more importantly that you're Aussie, you're fine. They love Aussies.

ABSOLUTELY. Wear an Australian cricket or football shirt or something in these countries and you will be FINE

it's only if they think your a pom that you are stuffed :)

learn this to

bonjour, parlous von zonglais

do you speak english (french)


Pretty much.

Man I miss Paris. Sitting outside a cafe on a cobble stone street, watching kids nick apples and baguette's across the street while a busker plays the violin.

Need to go back one day.


Anyone know the best place to get an official 360 FF wheel? The amount of fun I'm having with the DFGT and GT5 has reignited my interest in... Forza 3 :lol

PS. They say it's been discontinued, but hopefully there's an odd store here or there that's still selling them new.


yes you must use seatguru, seriously

also you can now check in online for international flights and choose seats 24 hrs before, DO THIS.

you dont want to be on a flight for 23 hours with an annoying person.

Also if you can get a plane with a 2 4 2 configuration, because if you do you and your sister can have that two and not have to deal with other people :)
Choc said:
yes you must use seatguru, seriously
also if you can get a plane with a 2 4 2 configuration, because if you do you and your sister can have that two and not have to deal with other people :)
Even better, get a flight with under-seat power. Our last flight was a 2-4-2, we were on the side in front of the wing with under-seat power. Except for the screaming sick kid with the fever it was a great flight.


codswallop said:
Even better, get a flight with under-seat power. Our last flight was a 2-4-2, we were on the side in front of the wing with under-seat power. Except for the screaming sick kid with the fever it was a great flight.
can you get under seat power in cattle-class? Or is that for fancy business types? I wouldn't mind long flights if my laptop worked for more than it's 2-3 hour battery. the 11 hour or so flight to Japan was brutal for me, too tall for the legroom - 23 hours would nearly kill me :/
rass said:
can you get under seat power in cattle-class?
We flew an Etihad flight from Melbourne direct to Abu Dhabi and every seat had under-seating power.

Think this was the one: http://www.seatguru.com/airlines/Etihad_Airways/Etihad_Airways_Airbus_A330-200.php

Edit: Wrong one. I've done the direct Melbourne to Los Angeles before. It's pretty much the longest direct you can possibly do. It was murder (about 16 hours, not including the four hour delay).

Edit edit: Duh I can type.


We don't know why he keeps buying PAL, either.
markot said:
Is Mario All Stars capped at 50hz like you said previously?!

It's def 50hz and 576i but I can't notice the different in how it sounds, but it 'plays' and feels different to the NTSC one I have. I can't put my finger on it.

The interlacing is BALLS.


some cattle class flights have underseat power these days not many though, and i dont think Malaysian airlines is one of them.

so hard to go back to Cattle once you have flown Business long haul, the FA's give a crap about you in biz class

also in your transfer at KL do it either one of these ways

get bac kon the plane asap (usually 1-2 hour stop over) and it feels like a direct


stay overnight

seriously DO NOT get to a situation where you are waiting 8-12 hrs between flights, ist just crap and extends your travel time in a ridiculous way. You also cop ten tons more jetlag due to the fact you have been travelling and stressed so long


I want a tag give me a tag
As mentioned before, make sure in france (and some other places) they know you're Australian :lol :lol I remember a few waiters being rude to me when coming up to me.. until I spoke and they were like :eek:h... Australian? :D We thought you were American"
In Italy, make sure that when you buy something and they put your change on the tray, don't take the change right away. Wait a moment and sometimes they'll put more change out. It's a common tactic by unscrupulous shopkeepers to bilk hasty or rushed tourists out of the majority of their change.

If you can see that they've plainly short-changed you, wait a moment and say "E il resto?" and they'll grumble and pull out the rest of your change.
viciouskillersquirrel said:
In Italy, make sure that when you buy something and they put your change on the tray, don't take the change right away. Wait a moment and sometimes they'll put more change out.
I have to say, I never experienced this in Italy and I always received the right change... but now you have me thinking I might've been shortchanged.

The best piece of advice I ever got was when I was in Prague chatting online to a friend back home. I told them we were heading to Rome in about a week and they warned us, very seriously, not to catch babies thrown at us by Gypsies because they would rob us when we caught the baby.

I was very disappointed when babies were not hurled at me in Rome.


in france, you will notice why Americans are despised there

good grief they go on bad (some do anyway) from what i saw

Make a point of going to the Australian Pub in London as well, because as an Australian its GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD Times ;) if i were a single man .......

English ladies hang out there for Aussie blokes, but other then that its just good fun


Since Northern Italy sounds like crap, I'm thinking of starting the French road trip at Montpellier and going to Nice.

Also, apologies for hijacking the thread over the last page.


codswallop said:
The best piece of advice I ever got was when I was in Prague chatting online to a friend back home. I told them we were heading to Rome in about a week and they warned us, very seriously, not to catch babies thrown at us by Gypsies because they would rob us when we caught the baby.

I was very disappointed when babies were not hurled at me in Rome.
Look out for those dropbears...
codswallop said:
I have to say, I never experienced this in Italy and I always received the right change... but now you have me thinking I might've been shortchanged.

The best piece of advice I ever got was when I was in Prague chatting online to a friend back home. I told them we were heading to Rome in about a week and they warned us, very seriously, not to catch babies thrown at us by Gypsies because they would rob us when we caught the baby.

I was very disappointed when babies were not hurled at me in Rome.
Happened to me one or two times (the short-changing, not the babies). When it happened, I was like "Yeah, yeah. Can't fool me. I've dealt with dodgy characters like you before." Mind you, this is one or two times out of like a hundred transactions.

Also, in Rome, the best tactic for getting rid of the Gypsies who hand out roses to women and use this as an excuse to try to extort money from their partners/boyfriends/husbands is to NOT take the rose and try to hand it back, but rather to drop the rose on the floor and just keep walking.

That is, if she finds herself holding a rose unexpectedly. Otherwise, if she sees someone handing out roses, just have her put her hand in her pockets and walk on by.


viciouskillersquirrel said:
Happened to me one or two times (the short-changing, not the babies). When it happened, I was like "Yeah, yeah. Can't fool me. I've dealt with dodgy characters like you before." Mind you, this is one or two times out of like a hundred transactions.

Also, in Rome, the best tactic for getting rid of the Gypsies who hand out roses to women and use this as an excuse to try to extort money from their partners/boyfriends/husbands is to NOT take the rose and try to hand it back, but rather to drop the rose on the floor and just keep walking.

That is, if she finds herself holding a rose unexpectedly. Otherwise, if she sees someone handing out roses, just have her put her hand in her pockets and walk on by.

ahaha this could be totally embarassing for Legend considering he will be with his SISTER :D

you get this kind of stuff in Paris as well


legend166 said:
Since Northern Italy sounds like crap, I'm thinking of starting the French road trip at Montpellier and going to Nice.

Also, apologies for hijacking the thread over the last page.

if you drive in france do not drive in paris, tehy drive like crazy fucks

also if you park a car leave the handbrake off in france, this is tradition as they bump each other to reverse park in, shit you not.

also when walking in paris, be very careful of cars. Red lights and zebra crossings mean nothing to those crazy fucks

AND go to the Arc De Triomphe and see almost 50 smashes in 2 mins


viciouskillersquirrel said:
I've never seen Paris :(

I have an offer to go next year, and to Venice too, but it will be pushing it - taking just a little bit too much time away from uni. I'm going to have to say no, which burns me up a touch.


Still Tagged Accordingly
legend166 said:
So my sister and I have worked out what we're going to on our Europe trip. Anyone who's been, let me know how it sounds:

- Fly into Paris for 3/4 days
- Take the train to London for 4 days (I know this sounds backwards, but we have to do this to time it with our cousins wedding in London)
- Fly to Prague for 2/3 days
- Overnight train from Prague to Munich, spend 4/5 days in Bavaria
- Fly from Munich to Geneva, spend two days there
- Train from Geneva to Marseille
- Spend the next week driving from Marseille and end up in Bologna (it's 680km between those two, so that should be pretty easy in a week).
- Train from Bologna to Rome
- Spend a day in Rome, then fly back to Sydney

Any suggestions?
you really need to give yourself more than a day in rome. at the very least 2. ideally 3 or more. it's a city worth exploring. you'll burn a day just at vatican city.

Bernbaum said:
My new computer has:

48 GB of RAM.
A $4,000 4 GB video card.
A measly 3.33 GHz Quadcore Xeon CPU.

It's for work oh my god this is torture.
uh... i'm not much of a hardware tech-head.... but a 3.33 GHz quadcore sounds pretty damn good. sarcasm? :p

Dead Man

You guys are making me want to go back to Europe so bad! I had a great time there last year for a few months.

Anyway, enjoy your trip Legend, you'll have a great time.


Bernbaum said:
My new computer has:

48 GB of RAM.
A $4,000 4 GB video card.
A measly 3.33 GHz Quadcore Xeon CPU.

It's for work oh my god this is torture.
But can it handle Crysis?

Btw, what do you work as to need so much power at your hands? I mean 48 gigs?! That is insane :lol


I want a tag give me a tag
Dead Man said:
You guys are making me want to go back to Europe so bad! I had a great time there last year for a few months.

Anyway, enjoy your trip Legend, you'll have a great time.

The craving! I just had that craving to go back overseas, can't afford Europe though, so I'm going to NZ for 3 weeks, still excited as i've never been.

Gonna find me a fuckin' kakapo.
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