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AusGAF 2.0 - Twice the price, a year late but still moving forward

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Choc said:
FIFA World Cup rules say the matches must be played in open roofed stadiums

if they change it now just for one tournament, corruption confirmed
They said they'll be open roofed, but air-conditioned.

Qatar allayed the fears of some — but not all — FIFA voters by promising that stadiums, training venues and areas for fans to party will be cooled with solar-powered air conditioning. But it has yet to be proven that the technology will work on such a broad scale, which prompted the American on FIFA's committee, Chuck Blazer, to quip: "I don't see how you can air-condition an entire country."

Fake edit: Cluck Blazer is an awesome name.


Choc is incensed with an indignant sense of disenfranchisement. My popcorn is warm and ready AusGAF, is yours?

I've had a shocking morning- woke up to the World Cup announcement, the news that New Zealand can lay claim to the invention of Pavlova, I dribbled a toast slice's worth of marmalade down my front, and Katich and Ponting are both out for a duck after 3 balls.


I want a tag give me a tag
Just had my passport photo taken.

I'm not going to be allowed anywhere for 10 years ;_;

I have a vegeta style smirk going on



Hooray it's not here. There's already enough soccer bogans/tragics around when the World Cup is on in another country, don't need to increase that.

Also, soccer, lol.


HolyCheck said:
Just had my passport photo taken.

I'm not going to be allowed anywhere for 10 years ;_;

I have a vegeta style smirk going on

Are you sure your photo is compliant? You're not allowed to smile in them and you're meant to show a completely blank expression.


I want a tag give me a tag
Clipper said:
Are you sure your photo is compliant? You're not allowed to smile in them and you're meant to show a completely blank expression.

yeah it sorta also just looks like i had a stroke :(


Frawdder said:
Hooray it's not here. There's already enough soccer bogans/tragics around when the World Cup is on in another country, don't need to increase that.

Also, soccer, lol.
Yeah it's awesome that we don't get the opportunity to have millions of tourists pour millions upon millions of dollars in to our economy and give a huge boost to our tourism industry.

So awesome

Bernbaum said:
Finally some upbeat news - the 7:30 report just got sexier. Kerry's great, but his vagina neck just doesn't compare to Leigh Sales.
But Kerry was the best, and so exploitable.



jambo said:
Yeah it's awesome that we don't get the opportunity to have millions of tourists pour millions upon millions of dollars in to our economy and give a huge boost to our tourism industry.

So awesome
Yep, very awesome.

I think it's hilarious, there's been a big build up for this and we didn't get it.

:lol :lol :lol

One vote

:lol :lol :lol


If the USA had won, i wouldn't mind, i don't think australia was the right bid anyway

but the fucking corruption win is bullshit and that is why i am pissed



President Barack Obama says FIFA made the “wrong decision” in awarding the 2022 World Cup to Qatar over the United States.

Obama spoke briefly as he headed to a meeting with newly elected governors at the Blair House.


HolyCheck said:
Just had my passport photo taken.

I'm not going to be allowed anywhere for 10 years ;_;

I have a vegeta style smirk going on


They will reject the passport photo if it has an expression


Fredescu said:
Eh? I mean, everyone assumes it is. It was proven? Chocerbole?

BBC Panorama program on Sunday night as well as The Times in the UK a few months back

stung 3 FIFA executives with fake meetings and those 3 were still allowed to vote


FIFA and the IOC are about as corrupt as the most corrupt things out there.

Blatter needs to get his ass out of there....


Choc said:
Nothing aside from the fact it was proven that their bid is corrupt.
Though a lot of people are against the actual country hosting the event. Qatar's a great place from what I've heard (other than the heat).


Ydahs said:
Though a lot of people are against the actual country hosting the event. Qatar's a great place from what I've heard (other than the heat).

and the fact that a women can't go out in public without a man, alcohol is banned and general partying does not occur

fun place for the world cup to be sure to be sure


Choc said:
and the fact that a women can't go out in public without a man, alcohol is banned and general partying does not occur

fun place for the world cup to be sure to be sure
Women can go out in public in Qatar, you're thinking about Saudi Arabia. And what's the big deal about about the alcohol and partying? It doesn't abide with their religion and isn't a big part of their culture. That shouldn't be a factor in deciding the world cup at all. Heck, they're even going against their religious laws by allowing alcohol and they have 11 years to sort other things out.

Also, why the hell am I receive spam mail (physical mail) about website domain renewal...


Ydahs said:
Women can go out in public in Qatar, you're thinking about Saudi Arabia. And what's the big deal about about the alcohol and partying? .

Biggest sponsor of the South Africa World Cup? An alcohol maker

That is why its BAD

Also, the world cup is a fucking PARTY, its meant to be, its meant to be partys and fun time everywhere, but no not in 2022.

If people can't drink at the world cup THEY WILL NOT GO end of story. Seriously, they won't

but the reason why i am seriously pissed is the corruption.

If they won on merit, fine, but they didn't and its clear as fucking day. Why would the exec vote for the highest risk bid.....


Choc said:
Biggest sponsor of the South Africa World Cup? An alcohol maker

That is why its BAD

Also, the world cup is a fucking PARTY, its meant to be, its meant to be partys and fun time everywhere, but no not in 2022.

If people can't drink at the world cup THEY WILL NOT GO end of story. Seriously, they won't
Well, Middle Easterners will go! But really, they've already said alcohol is allowed. If it's such a big deal it was probably something which the Qatar officials had to agree to for them to get the bid (this is prob. where the corruption gets involved).

EDIT: saw your edit. yeah, I'm not defending the corruption at all. don't know much about it to personally comment.


Alcohol is already allowed in Qatar, just privately through licensing. It's only public drinking that isn't allowed. And like people have said, they've already indicated they will allow it.

And women's rights in Qatar are actually pretty normal right now. They only got the vote back in 1999, but there are no laws dictating what they have to wear in public or who they can go out with.

FIFA is definitely corrupt, but I think the 2022 World Cup will turn out ok.


Omi said:

He speaks the truth, and clearly is not worried about a defamation law suit

The first thing that should happen after football's black Thursday is that FIFA's technical committee should be disbanded. No more whizzing around cities like The Jetsons, all traffic lights switched to green. No more five-star hotels and lavish receptions. The technical assessment is irrelevant. What works is unimportant. The two worst, most problematic technical bids will host the World Cup in 2018 and 2022. Poor infrastructure, fabulous expense, potentially fatal heat, crazy overcrowding, the two World Cups after next promise them all.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/fo...ten-core-England-better-it.html#ixzz170pZnwOX

it is SHIT like that which makes you know its corruption

oh man

England could stop playing football for 1,000 years starting tomorrow and at the end of that time would still have contributed more to the game than Qatar. And the jury's out on Russia.

:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol

he's right you know ;)

This is only the beginning, these types of articles will dominate the English media today.

Here is something that is yet to be explained and to be honest can it be

Round 1 Qatar got 11 votes Round 2 8

so 3 people decided that Qatar wasnt' a good host after Australia got booted? WHATEVER

FFA Board Member Ron walker just said FIFA is corrupt on television, ahahahaha oh shit :eek: that aint going to be good :)


Those evaluations have been available for a while. Qatar is "high risk". The thing about it is, I still find it possible that Blatter and co think they're taking a noble risk for the good of the game by giving the cup to a region that hasn't had it before.


Ydahs said:
Check out the stadiums on pg. 14 and 15. Sure, high risk but those will look amazing once complete.
One of the tenants of WC bids was always to make sure the infrastructure gets reused for the good of the game. These will be dismantled and shipped off elsewhere once the cup is over. Also one of them looks like a vagina.


Fredescu said:
Those evaluations have been available for a while. Qatar is "high risk". The thing about it is, I still find it possible that Blatter and co think they're taking a noble risk for the good of the game by giving the cup to a region that hasn't had it before.

Yeah they have been, just interesting reading them in hindsight I suppose. As you say, the 'impact' on teh future of the game is the only hurt to Australia. We would be gaining it all with barely an impact into Asia and/or Oceania you would have thought.

Australias - http://www.fifa.com/mm/document/tournament/competition/01/33/74/50/b3ause.pdf

Barely a negative really, little low on accom + keeping eye on construction of stadia. :-/

Edit: Also, the quotation on the amount of money to build the stadia in Qatar seems INCREDIBLY low when compared to all the other bidders...


Bleh, just set up a library's computers today. It's so hot and groggy it isn't funny. What's worse is the staff vending machine is out of drinks! (Yeah, I know, water... and to be fair the water at this school is really good)

At that, the server room is SO HOT OH GOD. There are... ten active computers, and five big 24 port switches pummeling out hot air all throughout the room. :(

Also everyone else has gone home and I'm worried that if I go outside the server room I'll trip an alarm.


>_< holy crap, the principal just came back to the school and actually shut off the alarm so he could come in. I am so glad I didn't need to go to the toilet 5 minutes earlier or I'd probably have police everywhere by now.

and no, there is no aircon. I have a cruddy little 15cm fan going but it really isn't enough. This room wasn't designed to be a server room (was a storage room at some point), so it doesn't have those nice things such as air or light.


Kritz said:
I'd probably have police everywhere by now.
Not to spoil your fantasy, but I've set off plenty of alarms doing after hours work in server rooms and I can tell you that 100% of the time it will result in a bored overweight security guard waddling up to the alarm and turning it off and maybe getting you to sign a thing. The first time I did it was kinda scary though since it was a bank, but if you're meant to be there they don't care .
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