roosters93 said:
Where do you live? haha
I'm from Wamberal.
I'm from the coast as well.
Not same suburb as you though
roosters93 said:
Where do you live? haha
I'm from Wamberal.
That sucks. At least if it is not normal behaviour for the account it should be able to be declared fraud quickly so you should be okay.evlcookie said:Fuuccck. CC fraud and shit. Someone has stolen a total of $5600 from my bank account and i only just noticed. Started on the 17th of dec. Bet you it was the atm at the fucking servo too that caused this.
I never use my account either. Money goes in from work and it goes out to my savings account, i have 0 need to check on it. Guess i did and do from now on.
Card is now frozen and i'm left with a few hundred in the bank. Gotta fill out a form and fax it off. Guess i will have to do that at work on wednesday.
Fuck yea, Christmas.
No. I need my Dr Peppers though, I'm sick of paying $2 a can!rass said:do you have a Costco?
I can only get half slabs or individual cans everywhere else.
That absolutely sucks. Hope everything works out for you mate.evlcookie said:Fuuccck. CC fraud and shit. Someone has stolen a total of $5600 from my bank account and i only just noticed. Started on the 17th of dec. Bet you it was the atm at the fucking servo too that caused this.
I never use my account either. Money goes in from work and it goes out to my savings account, i have 0 need to check on it. Guess i did and do from now on.
Card is now frozen and i'm left with a few hundred in the bank. Gotta fill out a form and fax it off. Guess i will have to do that at work on wednesday.
Fuck yea, Christmas.
Bernbaum said:Evl that sucks. What makes it worse is that there's a long string of public holidays and you're gonna have to sleep on it until Wednesday before you can even try to resolve it.
Given your description, I'm not sure if there's much you can do, but I hope it works out.
rass said:cookie, that's the worst - which bank are you with? One of my mates had $700 stolen by a dodgy taxi driver and the fraud squad from whichever bank he was with refunded it within a few days of him noticing - that wasn't cc though. Comm Bank call me relatively frequently if I make a big purchase on my cc to make sure it was me, good peace of mind. How did you find out too?
legend166 said:I have no way to transition from bank fraud to my next topic, so I'll just say it - DKCR is such an awesome game. Could contend with SMG2 for my GotY.
Shit, sorry to hear that dude.Fuuccck. CC fraud and shit. Someone has stolen a total of $5600 from my bank account and i only just noticed.
Bernbaum said:Here's my extended boxing day haul:
20% off sticker price at JB.
Call the lost or stolen card line, there is always a person there, at least then there will be a record that you tried to alert them about the fraud: 1800 033 103evlcookie said:Will be heading into the bank on wednesday morning. Get to work, call the boss and tell him i'm gone for an hour or so and walk up the street to the local branch. Hopefully they can get me through the steps needed so i can try and resolve this stupid situation.
I'm with NAB, Never had an issue with them before. Found out since kritz was complaining about how broke he was so i thought i should check my account, noticed i only had $500 in there and went WTF!.
I've only ever gotten a call from them once and that was over the viva pinata purchase from gfwl at $1. I have NO big transactions at all on my account, so this shit should have been a red flag. But with it being christmas and it sounds like they picked up some plane tickets and a swish hotel in Brisbane, they may have thought it was just a holiday.
I'm a little bit angry but not too pissed off. I have no debts and 90% of my money is in another account so it's not killing me or anything. But seriously, the bank and visa should have picked up on these large as fuck purchases. Will bring that up with whoever i speak to at the bank on wednesday.
I know you, don't I, sort of? - WINK WINKrass said:bern, Costco has a few DKCRs in stock if you know anyone with a membership. Cheapish too.
if you want it I can make the trip tomorrow or the day after, $68 according to the receipt.Bernbaum said:I know you, don't I, sort of? - WINK WINK
One of my 'fond' E3 memories is playing DKCR with Nintendo's Australia PR rep. She promptly chose Diddy and jumped on my back (that is, Donkey Kong's back) for the entirety of the demo and made me do everything - obviously aware of the game's difficulty. I continued to die repeatedly while she browsed twitter on her blackberry. Once I chewed through all my lives, she put down her phone, declaring 'It's really hard isn't it!' with a big innocent smile on her face.
Starting to make efforts to import a US 3DS. There's no way I'm going PAL. It looks like pre-orders might be tight but I MUST have one.
Bernbaum said:I know you, don't I, sort of? - WINK WINK
One of my 'fond' E3 memories is playing DKCR with Nintendo's Australia PR rep. She promptly chose Diddy and jumped on my back (that is, Donkey Kong's back) for the entirety of the demo and made me do everything - obviously aware of the game's difficulty. I continued to die repeatedly while she browsed twitter on her blackberry. Once I chewed through all my lives, she put down her phone, declaring 'It's really hard isn't it!' with a big innocent smile on her face.
Starting to make efforts to import a US 3DS. There's no way I'm going PAL. It looks like pre-orders might be tight but I MUST have one.
I really should watch myself when I suggest people buy me things - poor Viciouskillersquirrel went out of his way to secure me some Pocky from Japan when I knew full well that it was available locally.rass said:if you want it I can make the trip tomorrow or the day after, $68 according to the receipt.
It's a good excuse to go for a cross town adventure
I want a 3DS but can't be bothered importing, will probablty have to wait a little while after launch though. Can't wait to play Ocarina of Time: portable.
in unrelated news - 24 hour kmart is a black hole filled with disappointment. I go there all the time for no reason at all and am never satisfied. On the plus side, I have more lemsip for tomorrow.
But she's a lovely person! One of the nicest.Megadrive said:You better have punched her in the tit, Bern.
True story - I travelled from Maitland in the Hunter Valley to a 24 hour Kmart in Waratah west of Newcastle after hours just because they had a copy of Gianna Sisters DS and I had nothing to do at work. Was totally fucking worth it.rass said:in unrelated news - 24 hour kmart is a black hole filled with disappointment. I go there all the time for no reason at all and am never satisfied. On the plus side, I have more lemsip for tomorrow.
oh yeah... bayonetta. goty for 1st half of this year, meat boy for the second. Bayo always feels like last year, for me. even thoguh it came out in feb, right?Rez said:it's funny, nothing topped off Bayonetta this year for me, and it was basically the first game I played this year.
haha no worries. I like having an excuse to go for a ride somewhere far away :lolBernbaum said:I really should watch myself when I suggest people buy me things - poor Viciouskillersquirrel went out of his way to secure me some Pocky from Japan when I knew full well that it was available locally.
I'm sure I can find it for $70 in town no worries, but thanks for the offer!
rass said:Actually, my goty would be angry birds and it's expansion. Love it.
More troublesome still, some apps -- including Angry Birds and DoodleJump -- were found to be transmitting the user's screen name or password to advertisers -- information that could be used to compromise weakly passworded accounts.
I bought it on the cheap from DSE early in the year (along with DJ Hero :lol) and still haven't played it. I'm a bad person, aren't I?Rez said:it's funny, nothing topped off Bayonetta this year for me, and it was basically the first game I played this year.
Bought it, now to wait for the mac version.Ydahs said:AusGAF, I don't know how many of you are awake at the moment but you need to buy Super Meat Boy. Such an amazing game.
Really makes we want to continue that small time trial based platformer I threw together a few months ago...
$3.75 on Steam. Go go go!
Not familiar with that, I expect it will be about 100 years before Adelaide updates its public transport ticketing. I did like the Oyster Card system in London though, even if it is a stupid name.evlcookie said:http://www.heraldsun.com.au/news/vi...d/story-e6frf7kx-1225976819534?from=newscomau :lol
No surprise they might consider scrapping it. It really is a shitty system and the only reason i use it is because the card has actual strength to it. I would hate to have a metcard bend or be unreadable with a months worth of travel time on it. Maybe you're able to get that corrected if it happened (i have no idea) but there's a feeling of security with a thickish plastic card over the paper metcard.
It should work without issues but damn, They really have fucked it up.
Yeah, the oyster card works well. Despite being rife with squillions of people and those elusive pickpockets, the Underground is about as efficient a system I can imagine for a city as large, old and poorly laid-out like London.Dead Man said:Not familiar with that, I expect it will be about 100 years before Adelaide updates its public transport ticketing. I did like the Oyster Card system in London though, even if it is a stupid name.
Gazunta said:Don't remind me. The last three weeks of my life have been almost exclusively devoted to digging and installing drainage.
Megadrive said:edit god damn it changes
Bernbaum said:So, ah, Southeast Queensland is a bit soggy out at the moment...
Kritz said:I hate people who do that.
I swear that's not me! Grand theft avatar! Identity theft!Bernbaum said:So I'm browsing Wiifitroutine.com, as you do, and lo and behold I spot something familiar.
Let's see if you spot it as fast as I did:
Did you click on who that was? I'd like to know just who is pretending to be me online.Bernbaum said:Lies.
jambo said:Minecraft is amazing. So much fun tunneling up under a mountain with untold and fred!