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AusGAF 2.0 - Twice the price, a year late but still moving forward

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Dead Man

evlcookie said:
Fuuccck. CC fraud and shit. Someone has stolen a total of $5600 from my bank account and i only just noticed. Started on the 17th of dec. Bet you it was the atm at the fucking servo too that caused this.

I never use my account either. Money goes in from work and it goes out to my savings account, i have 0 need to check on it. Guess i did and do from now on.

Card is now frozen and i'm left with a few hundred in the bank. Gotta fill out a form and fax it off. Guess i will have to do that at work on wednesday.

Fuck yea, Christmas.
That sucks. At least if it is not normal behaviour for the account it should be able to be declared fraud quickly so you should be okay.

rass said:
do you have a Costco?
I can only get half slabs or individual cans everywhere else.
No. I need my Dr Peppers though, I'm sick of paying $2 a can!


evlcookie said:
Fuuccck. CC fraud and shit. Someone has stolen a total of $5600 from my bank account and i only just noticed. Started on the 17th of dec. Bet you it was the atm at the fucking servo too that caused this.

I never use my account either. Money goes in from work and it goes out to my savings account, i have 0 need to check on it. Guess i did and do from now on.

Card is now frozen and i'm left with a few hundred in the bank. Gotta fill out a form and fax it off. Guess i will have to do that at work on wednesday.

Fuck yea, Christmas.
That absolutely sucks. Hope everything works out for you mate.

I guess I should also start checking out my balance more often (and see all the money I've wasted on games...).


but ever so delicious
Bernbaum said:
Evl that sucks. What makes it worse is that there's a long string of public holidays and you're gonna have to sleep on it until Wednesday before you can even try to resolve it.

Given your description, I'm not sure if there's much you can do, but I hope it works out.

Will be heading into the bank on wednesday morning. Get to work, call the boss and tell him i'm gone for an hour or so and walk up the street to the local branch. Hopefully they can get me through the steps needed so i can try and resolve this stupid situation.

rass said:
cookie, that's the worst - which bank are you with? One of my mates had $700 stolen by a dodgy taxi driver and the fraud squad from whichever bank he was with refunded it within a few days of him noticing - that wasn't cc though. Comm Bank call me relatively frequently if I make a big purchase on my cc to make sure it was me, good peace of mind. How did you find out too?

I'm with NAB, Never had an issue with them before. Found out since kritz was complaining about how broke he was so i thought i should check my account, noticed i only had $500 in there and went WTF!.

I've only ever gotten a call from them once and that was over the viva pinata purchase from gfwl at $1. I have NO big transactions at all on my account, so this shit should have been a red flag. But with it being christmas and it sounds like they picked up some plane tickets and a swish hotel in Brisbane, they may have thought it was just a holiday.

I'm a little bit angry but not too pissed off. I have no debts and 90% of my money is in another account so it's not killing me or anything. But seriously, the bank and visa should have picked up on these large as fuck purchases. Will bring that up with whoever i speak to at the bank on wednesday.


That sucks cookie.

There should be a way to make it so you're required to use the SMS code thingy for transactions over a certain threshold.

I have no way to transition from bank fraud to my next topic, so I'll just say it - DKCR is such an awesome game. Could contend with SMG2 for my GotY.


DKCR is actually pretty hard to find on shelves at the moment, and my local JB had a slew of them not long before chrissy. Big ad for it at the cinema too.

Here's my extended boxing day haul:


20% off sticker price at JB.

Unsurprisingly, Rockstar's plodding yawnfest Red Dead Redemption is proving itself the critic's darling in the current batch of GotY awards from irrelevant websites like Gamespot. It's an average game at best but at least it left me with a hankering for some classic western cinema.

Also grabbed some online content-


Telltale Holiday Pack
Sam and Max Season One
FarCry 2


Perfect Dark
Super Meat Boy
Alan Wake: The Signal
Alan Wake: The Writer

Looks like the Mass Effect 2 DLC will go on offer before the year is out, so I'm sure to pick that up.

Super Meat Boy is the nun's tits. So good.


legend166 said:
I have no way to transition from bank fraud to my next topic, so I'll just say it - DKCR is such an awesome game. Could contend with SMG2 for my GotY.

I read that as Super Metal Gear 2.

I imagine it's like Pacman Championship Edition but for Metal Gear. Dunno what that means though. Aside from being crazy.


Neo Member
Bernbaum said:
Here's my extended boxing day haul:


20% off sticker price at JB.

Took the same opportunity to finally pickup The UK Office on DVD. It's been on my wishlist for ages but it's been selling for $A80+


DKCR is awesome! it's kicked my ass a little though haha, I had to use a continue :/

I am absolutely loving super meat boy, haven't had so much fun chasing leaderboard times (I aim for 1,000 :lol) since trials HD. So many ridiculous moments of impossible success, love it.
I'm catching up to you Legend, slowly but surely.

bern, Costco has a few DKCRs in stock if you know anyone with a membership. Cheapish too.

Dead Man

evlcookie said:
Will be heading into the bank on wednesday morning. Get to work, call the boss and tell him i'm gone for an hour or so and walk up the street to the local branch. Hopefully they can get me through the steps needed so i can try and resolve this stupid situation.

I'm with NAB, Never had an issue with them before. Found out since kritz was complaining about how broke he was so i thought i should check my account, noticed i only had $500 in there and went WTF!.

I've only ever gotten a call from them once and that was over the viva pinata purchase from gfwl at $1. I have NO big transactions at all on my account, so this shit should have been a red flag. But with it being christmas and it sounds like they picked up some plane tickets and a swish hotel in Brisbane, they may have thought it was just a holiday.

I'm a little bit angry but not too pissed off. I have no debts and 90% of my money is in another account so it's not killing me or anything. But seriously, the bank and visa should have picked up on these large as fuck purchases. Will bring that up with whoever i speak to at the bank on wednesday.
Call the lost or stolen card line, there is always a person there, at least then there will be a record that you tried to alert them about the fraud: 1800 033 103


rass said:
bern, Costco has a few DKCRs in stock if you know anyone with a membership. Cheapish too.
I know you, don't I, sort of? - WINK WINK

One of my 'fond' E3 memories is playing DKCR with Nintendo's Australia PR rep. She promptly chose Diddy and jumped on my back (that is, Donkey Kong's back) for the entirety of the demo and made me do everything - obviously aware of the game's difficulty. I continued to die repeatedly while she browsed twitter on her blackberry. Once I chewed through all my lives, she put down her phone, declaring 'It's really hard isn't it!' with a big innocent smile on her face.

Starting to make efforts to import a US 3DS. There's no way I'm going PAL. It looks like pre-orders might be tight but I MUST have one.


Breaking news: someone, somehow managed to get net access during show hours at e3. Christ that was a nightmare this year...


Bernbaum said:
I know you, don't I, sort of? - WINK WINK

One of my 'fond' E3 memories is playing DKCR with Nintendo's Australia PR rep. She promptly chose Diddy and jumped on my back (that is, Donkey Kong's back) for the entirety of the demo and made me do everything - obviously aware of the game's difficulty. I continued to die repeatedly while she browsed twitter on her blackberry. Once I chewed through all my lives, she put down her phone, declaring 'It's really hard isn't it!' with a big innocent smile on her face.

Starting to make efforts to import a US 3DS. There's no way I'm going PAL. It looks like pre-orders might be tight but I MUST have one.
if you want it I can make the trip tomorrow or the day after, $68 according to the receipt.
It's a good excuse to go for a cross town adventure

I want a 3DS but can't be bothered importing, will probablty have to wait a little while after launch though. Can't wait to play Ocarina of Time: portable.

in unrelated news - 24 hour kmart is a black hole filled with disappointment. I go there all the time for no reason at all and am never satisfied. On the plus side, I have more lemsip for tomorrow.
Bernbaum said:
I know you, don't I, sort of? - WINK WINK

One of my 'fond' E3 memories is playing DKCR with Nintendo's Australia PR rep. She promptly chose Diddy and jumped on my back (that is, Donkey Kong's back) for the entirety of the demo and made me do everything - obviously aware of the game's difficulty. I continued to die repeatedly while she browsed twitter on her blackberry. Once I chewed through all my lives, she put down her phone, declaring 'It's really hard isn't it!' with a big innocent smile on her face.

Starting to make efforts to import a US 3DS. There's no way I'm going PAL. It looks like pre-orders might be tight but I MUST have one.

You better have punched her in the tit, Bern.


rass said:
if you want it I can make the trip tomorrow or the day after, $68 according to the receipt.
It's a good excuse to go for a cross town adventure

I want a 3DS but can't be bothered importing, will probablty have to wait a little while after launch though. Can't wait to play Ocarina of Time: portable.

in unrelated news - 24 hour kmart is a black hole filled with disappointment. I go there all the time for no reason at all and am never satisfied. On the plus side, I have more lemsip for tomorrow.
I really should watch myself when I suggest people buy me things - poor Viciouskillersquirrel went out of his way to secure me some Pocky from Japan when I knew full well that it was available locally.

I'm sure I can find it for $70 in town no worries, but thanks for the offer!

Megadrive said:
You better have punched her in the tit, Bern.
But she's a lovely person! One of the nicest.

Fuck, you know you're getting old when the most rewarding thing about your holiday is being able to stay up past 12 and sleep in past 8.

Just breezed through a big chunk of levels in World 3 of Super Meat Boy without dying and now I feel like the video game champ! Also, the holiday sales on PSN are pretty bloody miserable.


AusGAF, I don't know how many of you are awake at the moment but you need to buy Super Meat Boy. Such an amazing game.

Really makes we want to continue that small time trial based platformer I threw together a few months ago...

$3.75 on Steam. Go go go!


rass said:
in unrelated news - 24 hour kmart is a black hole filled with disappointment. I go there all the time for no reason at all and am never satisfied. On the plus side, I have more lemsip for tomorrow.
True story - I travelled from Maitland in the Hunter Valley to a 24 hour Kmart in Waratah west of Newcastle after hours just because they had a copy of Gianna Sisters DS and I had nothing to do at work. Was totally fucking worth it.


I really liked Meat Boy, and played it a tonne (I think I'm in the top 5000 on the PC overall leaderboard), but DKCR has it beat for mine. Although I guess it's hard to compare them, beyond being platformers they are totally different games with totally different goals. I think I just appreciate the design in DKCR more.

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
it's funny, nothing topped off Bayonetta this year for me, and it was basically the first game I played this year.


but ever so delicious
http://www.heraldsun.com.au/news/vi...d/story-e6frf7kx-1225976819534?from=newscomau :lol

No surprise they might consider scrapping it. It really is a shitty system and the only reason i use it is because the card has actual strength to it. I would hate to have a metcard bend or be unreadable with a months worth of travel time on it. Maybe you're able to get that corrected if it happened (i have no idea) but there's a feeling of security with a thickish plastic card over the paper metcard.

It should work without issues but damn, They really have fucked it up.


Rez said:
it's funny, nothing topped off Bayonetta this year for me, and it was basically the first game I played this year.
oh yeah... bayonetta. goty for 1st half of this year, meat boy for the second. Bayo always feels like last year, for me. even thoguh it came out in feb, right?


Bernbaum said:
I really should watch myself when I suggest people buy me things - poor Viciouskillersquirrel went out of his way to secure me some Pocky from Japan when I knew full well that it was available locally.

I'm sure I can find it for $70 in town no worries, but thanks for the offer!
haha no worries. I like having an excuse to go for a ride somewhere far away :lol

dkcr is literally kicking my ass, I find it harder than meat boy. I think it's because the time commitment for each level in SMB is quite small and you can restart immediately. I just rage quit dkcr. I don't rage quit anything.

I think SMB is my goty though, with DKCR a close second. Both games which I picked up in the past week haha. Actually, my goty would be angry birds and it's expansion. Love it.


but ever so delicious


Rez said:
it's funny, nothing topped off Bayonetta this year for me, and it was basically the first game I played this year.
I bought it on the cheap from DSE early in the year (along with DJ Hero :lol) and still haven't played it. I'm a bad person, aren't I?


Ydahs said:
AusGAF, I don't know how many of you are awake at the moment but you need to buy Super Meat Boy. Such an amazing game.

Really makes we want to continue that small time trial based platformer I threw together a few months ago...

$3.75 on Steam. Go go go!
Bought it, now to wait for the mac version.

As for goty, I don't really remember what I played this year so I'll go with what was awesome recently, DKCR. Also really enjoyed Dragon Quest 9.

Dead Man

evlcookie said:
http://www.heraldsun.com.au/news/vi...d/story-e6frf7kx-1225976819534?from=newscomau :lol

No surprise they might consider scrapping it. It really is a shitty system and the only reason i use it is because the card has actual strength to it. I would hate to have a metcard bend or be unreadable with a months worth of travel time on it. Maybe you're able to get that corrected if it happened (i have no idea) but there's a feeling of security with a thickish plastic card over the paper metcard.

It should work without issues but damn, They really have fucked it up.
Not familiar with that, I expect it will be about 100 years before Adelaide updates its public transport ticketing. I did like the Oyster Card system in London though, even if it is a stupid name.


Dead Man said:
Not familiar with that, I expect it will be about 100 years before Adelaide updates its public transport ticketing. I did like the Oyster Card system in London though, even if it is a stupid name.
Yeah, the oyster card works well. Despite being rife with squillions of people and those elusive pickpockets, the Underground is about as efficient a system I can imagine for a city as large, old and poorly laid-out like London.

The Go Card system in Brisbane is okay too, PROVIDED you're prepared and used to using it. If you don't have a card or haven't got it topped up you can get caught out and then life starts to suck real quick. If you conform to the system, it works fine, but it can be a headache for those not used to it. I did like the paper ticketing system we had for a while - a ticket would be good for the bus train and ferry for the time period covered and you could abuse the hell out of it. Not sure if it still works like that because I am now a Go Card robot.


Yeah, buying paper tickets is a real hassle.

The octopus card in hong kong is amazing. It's the only thing I like about the place. Use it for any form of transport, buying stuff from convenient stores/ super markets, movies etc. and you can link it to your credit card so it auto refill's itself when your balance is zero.

The only thing I've seen here that's kinda similar is the ads for the mastercard thing where you can beep and go for small purchases.


Lol, Gonna be over real quick tomorrow in Melbourne >.<

Im enjoying Australia losing too much... I was just so bored of teh Aussies steam rolling everyone for so long.


'tis a user by the name of 'KCGator' with no additional details attached.

*sidesteps the elephant in the room that I may indeed have just purchased Wii Fit in the flurry of boxing day sales*


My GOTY is (possibly quite easily, I tend to be indecisive at the best of times) Just Cause 2 for PC. Definitely the game I've had the most fun with, and that's without modding it or even completing the story mode. Every time I try to complete something relating to the story I just end up getting into a fun-arse firefight with the local gestapo until I'm barely out of ammo and have helicopters chasing after me :lol Honestly can't think of another game released this year that I've had this much fun with.
I'm sure I'll be reminded of a stack of other games that were probably as good, but this one sprang (sprung? springed?) to mind first... and if it did that over any other then I guess that makes it a winner.
Why? Just 'cause :D


hey all

Australia suck but maybe its their turn to suck

I started Heavy Rain with move last night. Wow, that takes the game from pretty good to very immersive very quickly.

Having to twist a door knob slowly is a lot better and more interesting in the game then slowly pressing a button thats for sure. I've also found that i am finding the tougher sections of the game easier to handle as I have the precision control of the move. Anyone else played it? If you have HR and a move i recommend the 1gb download patch.

In hindsight Sony possibly should have made this a Move launch title. Going back to the game a 2nd time and knowing what is going to happen is a shame
and knowing what Shelby ends up being shows you just how vindictive he is as you play him in the early game

i would have loved to play this sight unseen with move.


Aside from maybe Tumble, I think Move lacks a single must-have title that properly showcases what the tech is really capable and how it differs from the Wii without resorting to a sports game compilation.

It's still looking for its Zack and Wiki I guess...


but ever so delicious
Bank update, cause they are fun.

I got told to fill out the usual forms, filled out 2 since you can only put 3 dodgy transactions on each form, although i should have done 3 forms but i was told the misc transfers may vanish in a few days. If they don't then form 3 gets done!

There seems to have been a second card attached to my account. I know nothing about it either but going by the dates, it looks like it was created / issued on the same day when shit started to go bad. So i'm guessing my card was swiped, the information transfered to a new card and that card somehow got linked to my account. Looks like both cards were used for transfers though. Magical stuff i say!

After filling it all out it felt like there's little chance of me getting any of it back. Although if that's the case then i will have to make an appointment with a bank dude and have a serious talk about it all. Their nab defense system clearly didn't work, how can it not notice $3500 in 2 days of transfers from an account that has never done anything like that before. I got a phone call over a $1 purchase over games for windows live, a $3500 spending spree should fucking warrant a call.

So i'm tinkering with the idea of using my ingdirect account as my middle man bank account. Savings <> Middle <> Current would be how it is setup. Since there's no card for my ingdirect there's no chance of that getting swiped. Of course if i log into from a dodgy location then that serves me right if my money vanishes.

The middle account will serve as my work payments and it will also transfer money into my savings account every month like my main one has been doing. The current account gets a limit of $200 or so and never goes over. Middle account fills that up when needed and that's it.

Not too sure if i should use my ingdirect account or go with a new bank. The idea of having a debit card linked to it is nice for emergencies, But maybe i can simply use credit on the Current account and then transfer the money the next day to pay that off. Not sure how it works, i should have asked about it before.

Suggestions on a bank for a middle man setup? Something with sweet security would be nice i guess :lol
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