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AusGAF 2.0 - Twice the price, a year late but still moving forward

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legend166 said:
If anything, Nintendo seems to get held to this weird standard where if they release a straight up sequel they get criticised for it a lot.
Lots of people criticise sequels, sometimes only because they're sequels. "HOW ABOUT A NEW IP DEVELOPER X?!?!" - NeoGAF. Activistion for example gets criticised constantly for pumping out yearly CoDs and so forth.

legend166 said:
And it got praised for being like that.
Maybe by some. You're overstating the overall reception of that game though I think. It has a lower Metacritic than any Zelda game, even the handheld ones.


hahah edited.

I really enjoyed the first couple of Song of Ice and Fire books, but I'm not prepared to read anymore until he's done, I forget what happens when there is a long wait between books. The complete Malazan should keep me occupied until 2020 anyway.
codswallop said:
Have you played Left 4 Dead? Accuracy is not so much required because there are usually large crowds of enemies. Particularly with melee weapons, you can just aim and mash.

Never played L4D because it seemed like it unfairly wanted skill from the player. How dare it! Anyway, I might have considered playing it but I didn't want my sensibilities to be warped by that game. If the government doesn't think it's suitable for me then I want no part of it!

PS- As an example, I though Bioshock was a really awesome game until I had to fight the Big Daddys. Then my retardo-reflexes kicked in and I died lots. Up until that, though was pretty sweet. So what, that's like 40mins into the game, isn't it? I may finish it one day as I really liked it up until then.

Kritz said:
By the screenshots it looks like Dead Rising.

Yo, I already played Dead Rising. Two of them, in fact. I don't really need another one in my life so soon. Especially one that isn't called Dead Rising 3.

That's what I initially thought until I saw the trailer. Then my mind changed. then I realised how often we're fooled into thinking a "game is different to everything else" by a developer only to find out that it's not. Which is why I still have doubts.

Mar said:
It's probably the second best trailer for a video game ever produced. Which most likely means the game will be nothing like it... But still. It's awesome.

Like I said, I was very impressed but didn't know if that was just because I hadn't been exposed to many. But now I'm curious: what's the best one you've seen?

codswallop said:
I'm not particularly good at FPS games, on lower levels with melee it's great fun.

But then I'd miss out of those precious, precious 360 achievements!! Oh noes!

Gazunta said:

No, you typed it.

Yes, I am that person.

Mar said:
Well, I guess if you play it on easy you can run from the start to the end without even looking back. But I'd hardly call that a game.


Omi said:
And immensely satisfying once completed. :)

Because of the achievements!!!

Agyar said:
I will never understand why Nintendo gets a free pass to release the same games over and over again for thirty years.

Old gamers: Nostalgia. New gamers: It's the first time they've played it.

Rez said:
Enslaved was a surprisingly good ride. I really appreciate what they did by pairing the entire game world to two. maybe threeish, characters.

There's some obvious flaws which I won't go over because they're immediately apparent, but in all I really appreciated it.

Couldn't agree more. I especially appreciated the characting acting in it. Top notch
for a game


yes VOOK, two in fact

my own Jap and an office model arrived today. Not sure what region, the box was taken before i could open it by others to play around with.

Do you want to try and play SFIV online?


We don't know why he keeps buying PAL, either.
Choc said:
yes VOOK, two in fact

my own Jap and an office model arrived today. Not sure what region, the box was taken before i could open it by others to play around with.

Do you want to try and play SFIV online?

Awesome, test the region locking :p

Can do later at lunch, Friend code is 4725-7909-5151


I played a real, working ass Atarii 2600 today!

Beat a classmate at TENNIS and did some yars revenge + pitfall, and some racing game. Was totally awesome.


Omi said:
Meanwhile... rather big news if you like fantasy books. A Dance With Dragons has a release date.
Awesome. I'll get back to reading Feast for Crows.

In the meantime I'd recommend reading The Kingkiller Chronicles (The Name of the Wind). Just started reading the second book that came out the other day and it's pretty great.


We don't know why he keeps buying PAL, either.
Choc said:
i saw you bragging on Kotaku about 3DS Vook

why did serrels close that thread

Sif bragging, what thread is that?

Oh and I need your code >_>


VOOK said:
Sif bragging, what thread is that?

Oh and I need your code >_>

What thread? I've been in San Francisco all week, didn't close anything. I would have loved a 'Vooks bragging about his 3DS thread".


Choc said:
i saw you bragging on Kotaku about 3DS Vook

why did serrels close that thread

Actually - it might have been because comments were disabled for an hour for techie reasons... Should be fine now.


We don't know why he keeps buying PAL, either.
MrSerrels said:
What thread? I've been in San Francisco all week, didn't close anything. I would have loved a 'Vooks bragging about his 3DS thread".

The 'what are you playing this weekend' story :p


codswallop said:
Mmm... Faux wood paneling. Now that's what I call design!

It was actually the Jr. model :<

Also, Bungie confirmed they're working on an MMOFPS. Yet I recall a certain AusGAFer copping some flack due to a story they wrote about that and some contracter firings.

Could go do an "I told you so" in the current thread. >_>
Kritz said:
I played a real, working ass Atarii 2600 today!

Beat a classmate at TENNIS and did some yars revenge + pitfall, and some racing game. Was totally awesome.

Still have one. Worked last time I checked, too. Thinking about firing up Pitfall tonight. If anyone's interested in for multi, my gamertag is PlanetJASE.
Rahk said:
Awesome. I'll get back to reading Feast for Crows.

In the meantime I'd recommend reading The Kingkiller Chronicles (The Name of the Wind). Just started reading the second book that came out the other day and it's pretty great.

I'll be starting Wise Man's Fear this weekend :) I'll join you in recommending the Kingkiller Chronicles to anyone interested in fantasy fiction. Rothfuss is probably one of my top 3 favourite writers at the moment.

But first I have to finish The Way of Kings, which I should do tomorrow. Been working on that baby for a couple of months now but haven't really got into it until the past week while I've been sick. I'm enjoying it a lot, my first Sanderson book and if this is anything to go buy I'll be reading the Mistborn series very soon.

Video games Books!


jambo said:
I still need to do the L4D and L4D2 campaigns on Expert.

AusGAF game night?
I'd be up for that sometime on the weekend. Think there's a couple I haven't done on L4D2 on expert.
Kritz said:
Bungie confirmed they're working on an MMOFPS.
And it's being published by Activision. Meaning if Bungie is up to their usual standards, millions will want to play it for a long time, and if Activision are up to their usual games, millions will be gouged for a long time.

Everyone wins! Except consumers.


Planet_JASE said:
Because of the achievements!!!


I suppose I do have all but 3. :S

Personally I think L4D has this wonderful co-op balance that requires player skill and ACTUAL co-operation. A weak player on your team is quickly found out on expert to be just that, weak.

Not saying I am a good player btw, just capable. I tend to be far too reckless now :D

Oh and hey. Beer o'clock 8) Happy days.
Mar said:
Did you seriously just recommend one of the hardest co-op fps games in the world to a person who admitted he isn't so great with them? Golfham.

Watch the trailer. It's probably the second best trailer for a video game ever produced. Which most likely means the game will be nothing like it... But still. It's awesome.
The biggest problem for me with Dead Island is that the trailer was hyped to high heaven and when I saw it my response was, "Meh." This trailer shows nothing of what the game will be about, if you base the story off the trailer you would say it would be a story driven game like Uncharted 2 or Shenmue or something. I think the uncanny valley visuals made it hard to emphasis with the characters (and this is someone who has a 5 month old son). I just didn't feel the emotional connection that they obviously want to portray is in the game, maybe some better flashbacks that showed more loving moments. Like maybe they could have flashed back to the childs birth, first steps, first word. That kind of stuff shows the connection between father and daughter.

Next problem is that Techland and a decent but not great developer. They created Call Of Juarez and Chrome. Not much of a pedigree but they could potentially make a great game (or another fantastic meme like laddergoat). In fact it wasn't even techland who made the trailer, they outsourced it to a firm who specialises in these things. I want to see gameplay. I loved DR2: Case Zero but I don't think my attention could be held for more than 4 hours of this kind of genre. If they take a story heavy approach I would be very intrigued, hopefully it turns out that way.
reptilescorpio said:
The biggest problem for me with Dead Island is that the trailer was hyped to high heaven and when I saw it my response was, "Meh."
The trailer was fantastic but it didn't sway my impression one way or the other. I would've thought most gamers (or at least those on GAF) wouldn't have been so easily hyped from a trailer showing no gameplay at all. Regardless, the amount it's been talked about (like right now) has generated an awful lot of publicity for it, even if we really don't know anything.

Omi said:
I tend to be far too reckless now :D
One of my best memories of L4D2 was when I first started playing it with a mate of mine. In Dead Carnival, I dropped the chainsaw, said "pick this up", threw a bile jar and then watched as he gleefully ran into the massive crowd that appeared, giggling the whole time. Those are the sorts of moments L4D2 has in spades, and I'm sure everyone has a story evoking similar memories.

Related to your comment, I try to be a team player but I just love rushing into crowds, hacking away with the axe or katana. Who cares if I actually survive.


There were police all outside the Melbourne Uni Muslim prayer room today. Friends thought it was being raided, but turns out the Malaysian PM was just visiting lol.

Never seen so much protection for just one man. Police on motorbikes, police cars, people in suits with ear pieces looking intimidating.
On Dead Island: http://arstechnica.com/gaming/news/2011/03/dead-island-how-the-gameplay-stacks-up-to-must-see-trailer.ars

The Article said:
The setting is goofy, the voice-acting is subpar, and many of these concepts seem to have been borrowed from past games, but it all looks good. Certainly goofier than we were hoping for based on the trailer, but I went into the appointment excited about the game, and left wanting to get my hands on it and play some more.


We're told that you'll begin to feel for these characters and see some more emotion in the game as things progress, but based on our time with the game this is more of a fun—but ultraviolent—look at what would happen if zombies took over paradise.


but ever so delicious
Fuck it. Got told by a supplier / courier thats there's nothing they can do regarding the two missing iPads that I signed for. I got 4 boxes and signed for 4, didn't expect one to be missing two iPads. Oh well, see what happens on monday.

Our system that we use for everything crashed as well so we lost all of today's work.

So glad it's Friday

I forgot to call the bank about my steam account, something for Monday during lunch.
codswallop said:
Need more achievements? Buy an Ubisoft game.


Mar said:
Silent Hill 4 Long Trailer.

Wow... I watched it and, having done so, can definitely say... that I watched it. I... really don't know. It's effective. It conveys mood and atmosphere. It's stylish. creepy as hell. but I don't know if I'd necessarily buy the game if I'd seen it (and I have played the game). It didn't really tell me anything about the game beyond "creepy japanese mind fuck horror." I didn't get the sense of the game.

With Dead Island (regardless of how is actually turns out) I got a feeling that it was about survival. That it was about loss. About losing those close to me. Making hard decision. Those close to me changing and becoming the enemy. Insurmountable odds. Survival.

Once again, I'm not sure what the final game will end up being and, realistically, it doesn't matter. It may be none of that. It may be shite but that's not the point of a trailer (or back cover synopsis of a book); it's all about describing the elements that may pique the interest of a buyer.

Silent Hill have me... a music video. The only bit of info I was fed was that there were 5 bodies found, a woman alive who later died from her wounds. Then more creepy shit. All very, very, very well done creepy shit.

For me personally, Dead Island did a better job of selling the game to me. That may be only because I'm more of a storyline sucker than I am a creepy japanoweirdoshit junkie.

codswallop said:
And it's being published by Activision. Meaning if Bungie is up to their usual standards, millions will want to play it for a long time, and if Activision are up to their usual games, millions will be gouged for a long time.

Everyone wins! Except consumers.

Yearly expansion packs!! Huzzah!!!

reptilescorpio said:
The biggest problem for me with Dead Island is that the trailer was hyped to high heaven and when I saw it my response was, "Meh."

Thankfully this wasn't my situation. I found out about the game when... I think someone on this board used the trailer music against a different video. I liked the music, searched for the game and found the trailer.

reptilescorpio said:
This trailer shows nothing of what the game will be about, if you base the story off the trailer you would say it would be a story driven game like Uncharted 2 or Shenmue or something. I think the uncanny valley visuals made it hard to emphasis with the characters (and this is someone who has a 5 month old son). I just didn't feel the emotional connection that they obviously want to portray is in the game, maybe some better flashbacks that showed more loving moments. Like maybe they could have flashed back to the childs birth, first steps, first word. That kind of stuff shows the connection between father and daughter.

Some valid points there. I didn't feel like they were going for the emotional heartstring tug but more the "...?" approach. Why is that girl lying there. Where is there a burning man in the background. Why is she suddenly launching into the sky, etc, etc. Then the backstory to that is slowly revealed. So yeah, maybe that perspective helped me enjoy it.

reptilescorpio said:
In fact it wasn't even techland who made the trailer, they outsourced it to a firm who specialises in these things.

I'm not trying to be snarky/trolly but what difference does that make? The idea is to get interest so you it makes sense to get some people with experience in. The clip was slick. that's their job. The job (for me) was done well.

codswallop said:
The trailer was fantastic but it didn't sway my impression one way or the other. I would've thought most gamers (or at least those on GAF) wouldn't have been so easily hyped from a trailer showing no gameplay at all.

I'm in no way "gonnagonnagonnabuythisgamedayonepreorderedohmygodohmygodsoooooohyped" like some people act, but the game is on my radar. At this point if I see a news story or a thread or even a pre/review about the game I will read it. Not hyped. Piqued. I think the trailer - as a separate entity - was excellent. Especially for what I've seen game trailers, which is mainly aggressively edited pieces of game play footage.

I guess we just want different things from our trailers. Or perhaps I didn't go into with the attitude of "sell me the game."
Planet_JASE said:
Not hyped. Piqued. I think the trailer - as a separate entity - was excellent.
Makes an interesting short film, but as a game trailer, is as good as the rendered Madden footage people were calling out EA for using a few years back.

evlcookie said:
Our system that we use for everything crashed as well so we lost all of today's work
Eesh. If it's such an important system, why doesn't it do hourly incremental backups for 24-hours, as well as the assumed nightly backup? Easy to rollback that way...
I'll take 'Salt in the Wounds' for $1000, please Alex.

codswallop said:
Eesh. If it's such an important system, why doesn't it do hourly incremental backups for 24-hours, as well as the assumed nightly backup? Easy to rollback that way...

What is "Questions that really don't help me after a shit day at work".


but ever so delicious
codswallop said:
Eesh. If it's such an important system, why doesn't it do hourly incremental backups for 24-hours, as well as the assumed nightly backup? Easy to rollback that way...

Who the heck knows, It's a silly system. I'm surprised they don't do the same thing but it's always been up and down. It did this like 5 months ago or so as well.

Fun, Hilarious times :D
codswallop said:
Eesh. If it's such an important system, why doesn't it do hourly incremental backups for 24-hours, as well as the assumed nightly backup? Easy to rollback that way...
The amount of systems in place at my work that are outdated, bandaid solutions is ridiculous. I could make better systems in Microsoft Access, just changing one tiny thing will apparently cost between $10,000 and $40,000. Which is how I know I will have a profitable career here :) Not to mention how often AAE and DHL courier systems crash at the end of the day. Still running on Win 95 for fecks sake! /end rant

I'm not trying to be snarky/trolly but what difference does that make? The idea is to get interest so you it makes sense to get some people with experience in. The clip was slick. that's their job. The job (for me) was done well.
I wasn't being snarky about the fact, just that the work done on the trailer has no bearing on how the game will turn out. Kinda like how Square Enix are responsible for the cinematic on Deus Ex 3 while Eidos are creating the actual game itself (bad example but you know what I am getting at). I only meant that the trailer would not be indicative of the resulting game, more should be gleaned from the previous work of the actual developer rather than the producer of the trailer.
reptilescorpio said:
The amount of systems in place at my work that are outdated, bandaid solutions is ridiculous. I could make better systems in Microsoft Access, just changing one tiny thing will apparently cost between $10,000 and $40,000. Which is how I know I will have a profitable career here :) Not to mention how often AAE and DHL courier systems crash at the end of the day. Still running on Win 95 for fecks sake! /end rant

Lot's of companies don't have proper redundancies and back up systems. they cost money. Plus, they only ever get used once in a blue moon. That sounds like stupid spending, if you ask me. Backups? Pfffft.

reptilescorpio said:
I wasn't being snarky about the fact, just that the work done on the trailer has no bearing on how the game will turn out. Kinda like how Square Enix are responsible for the cinematic on Deus Ex 3 while Eidos are creating the actual game itself (bad example but you know what I am getting at). I only meant that the trailer would not be indicative of the resulting game, more should be gleaned from the previous work of the actual developer rather than the producer of the trailer.

Cool. Thanks for clearing that :) By the way, I checked out the company that did the cinematics - they don't do some bad work. There were a few in there that I recognised.

Oh, and I watch the reserve (read: chronological order) version of the trailer.

Hmmmmmm... I think I may have liked it more.

Kritz said:
Yo, in dead island you combine a machete with a battery at a workbench to create an electric machete and then you go and rescue survivors.

I said it before and I'll say it again: the more I learn the less I like about this game.


jambo said:
L4D is not a game I TK in, serious face on!

Just don't let Kritz play >_>

Hey. My griefing is limited to Magika.

In L4D I'm just incompetent!


Yo, in dead island you combine a machete with a battery at a workbench to create an electric machete and then you go and rescue survivors.


I for one have never heard of that concept in a game before.
Planet_JASE said:
Lot's of companies don't have proper redundancies and back up systems. they cost money. Plus, they only ever get used once in a blue moon. That sounds like stupid spending, if you ask me. Backups? Pfffft. Cool. Thanks for clearing that :) By the way, I checked out the company that did the cinematics - they don't do some bad work. There were a few in there that I recognised. Oh, and I watch the reserve (read: chronological order) version of the trailer. Hmmmmmm... I think I may have liked it more.

Yup no backup systems either, I thought I was crazy when they said that :( Management are pretty old school and most of the workers are in their 50's so these should be some simple ways to improve the place if I bring it up softly to them.

The most intriguing part of the video game industry for me is the marketing and distribution side of things. Things like Carpe Fulgar bringing Japanese games to Steam, ARG's, contracted firms building their own image of a video game, publishers creating the major cash flow for the publics primary information network. There is so much complexity because of the infancy of our hobby that the videogames themselves are sometimes overshadowed but so many factors that come out during the long process. Some games bomb based on the lack of marketing or an over exposure of marketing, some games ride the popularity created by other developers who spent millions of hard fought hours to create that market, some games can be misrepresented to such a degree that it will be seen as corrupting our society. The game itself depends on how it is seen in the public, whether or not the developers wish for that image is beside the point these days. Video killed the radio star, etc.


Bububu-best video game trailer ever because it had some sad music and a little girl and was all CG and didn't show a single second of game-play footage!
oh wait...
But hey if they end up making a ripoff of Dead Rising that is actually as fun as the concept deserves as opposed to being a frustrating poorly designed mess, then good on them.
For some reason I have little faith that this will actually happen.
Sooooo I posted a while back but no answer :( I got an Xbox 360 Slim 4GB, how cheap and where can I find 360 Slim HDs from? I assume I can't just buy a USB one and plug it in.

Also what's the cheapest anyone has seen a PAL halo reach around for?
teacupcopter said:
Sooooo I posted a while back but no answer :( I got an Xbox 360 Slim 4GB, how cheap and where can I find 360 Slim HDs from? I assume I can't just buy a USB one and plug it in.

Also what's the cheapest anyone has seen a PAL halo reach around for?
I just picked up a 16GB USB from Harvey Norman for $25ish and formatted it on the 360 to use as storage, works great. Overseas there have been great deals on woot, etc but I have never seen one for Australia. Still rocking my launch 20 gig HD :(
I got an import Halo Reach from OzGameShop for $45 at launch, haven't seen it cheaper than that here. Check forums for second hand copies or ebay seems pretty good.

Edit: Also $45 for $50 PSN credit emailed to you. Anyone here like Dance Gavin Dance/Emarosa? Downtown Battle Mountain Part II is very awesome if you like that kind of thing (you should).
reptilescorpio said:
I just picked up a 16GB USB from Harvey Norman for $25ish and formatted it on the 360 to use as storage, works great. Overseas there have been great deals on woot, etc but I have never seen one for Australia. Still rocking my launch 20 gig HD :(
I got an import Halo Reach from OzGameShop for $45 at launch, haven't seen it cheaper than that here. Check forums for second hand copies or ebay seems pretty good.

import from where? is it region free? (PS3 has spoiled me)

Game prices are just so fucking obscene, and getting a 360 has made me realise this a bit... I had one early on but it broke and I never really bothered with it after that. Now I'm snapping up some titles on the cheap but even at JB reach is like 100, ugh

EDIT: just checked ozgameshop what is the catch being only 50 bucks still...
teacupcopter said:
import from where? is it region free? (PS3 has spoiled me)

Game prices are just so fucking obscene, and getting a 360 has made me realise this a bit... I had one early on but it broke and I never really bothered with it after that. Now I'm snapping up some titles on the cheap but even at JB reach is like 100, ugh

EDIT: just checked ozgameshop what is the catch being only 50 bucks still...
I import 99% of my games, ozgameshop has been the best with 2 week postage time and very cheap prices. Never had a problem, every game has worked. Been using them when they were originally 365games. Game.co.uk is really great when they have a sale but you have to pay postage. Same with zavvii, kinda sucks to pay per item for postage but they also have great Mad Monday deals and sometimes have free postage (like last month).

360 games will work as long as you buy a UK/Euro copy. Avoid most US and Japanese copies. Play Asia say whether or not their 360 games are compatible with each market. Just sign up for ozgameshops email newsletter so they tell you the bargains every week. This week is a bunch of accessories, picked up a Move controller for $45 which is fantastic. Hoping they have a sale on the Sharpshooter when it comes out.

No catch, I have one of the NTSC-J copies so you can either wait for the $38 copy to come back into stock (type in your email to be notified) or buy the LE for $53. Postage is free.


One week of uni done and I'm already collapsing under the weight of the readings. And the Melbourne Comedy Festival line-up looks awful.

Fucking thing sucks.
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