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AusGAF 2.0 - Twice the price, a year late but still moving forward

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viciouskillersquirrel said:
So I discovered tonight that I hate Mailmerge, Microsoft Word and my POS printer with a fiery passion.

Is printing 50 x A6 envelopes really that hard?
I refuse to have a damn printer hooked up in my house. Aside from the crap that it leaves in my Windows Processes I could never use one more than twice without it cracking the sads and refusing to do what I want properly. Don't even get me started on ink cartridges! At this point in life I am very happy to take my printing to uni and pay the $0.09 a page so if it chucks a wobbly I don't have to deal with the consequences. Planning on getting Harvey Norman or someone to print up some nice high def gaming related (but not geeky enough to be recognised by the 'common man') posters to frame/put on cheap canvas. So very glad to watch someone else deal with it.


Teacup, as far as I knew you can't upgrade the HDD in the 4GB model slims...the only way to expand your storage is to plug in 16GB USB drives. Am I wrong, AusGAF?
Gazunta said:
Teacup, as far as I knew you can't upgrade the HDD in the 4GB model slims...the only way to expand your storage is to plug in 16GB USB drives. Am I wrong, AusGAF?
You can buy a drive
You can rig up your own though if you really want to, google has plenty of walkthrough's.

Or is PALGN lying...?
Not lying, just rarely updated. I wouldn't use those lists at all. Better off looking at wiki pages or just ebgames. Deus Ex hasn't even been dated yet. Square Enix have pushed it to most likely May/June to make the next financial period look better. This financial year has been buggered up by FFXIV flopping.


reptilescorpio said:
Not lying, just rarely updated. I wouldn't use those lists at all. Better off looking at wiki pages or just ebgames. Deus Ex hasn't even been dated yet. Square Enix have pushed it to most likely May/June to make the next financial period look better. This financial year has been buggered up by FFXIV flopping.

Figured. I just checked it to see what I might grab tomorrow, when I trade in (execrable) Singularity and Killzone 3. I was surprised, to say the least.

Suggestions, anyone ?

I have Bulletstorm, and yes - it is startlingly wonderful.
Salazar said:
Figured. I just checked it to see what I might grab tomorrow, when I trade in (execrable) Singularity and Killzone 3. I was surprised, to say the least.

Suggestions, anyone ?

I have Bulletstorm, and yes - it is startlingly wonderful.
Where are you trading? Played Dead Space 2? Preorder The Witcher 2? ;)

Edit: Kirby Epic Yarn? deBlob 2? Tactics Ogre? Marvel v Capcom 3? Dreamcast Collection?
Or checkout ebgames current sale and pick up some great older games
So, AusGAF, the wife and I are looking at travelling to New Zealand over Easter and spending maybe five days on the whole trip (travel to and from included in those five days). We like wandering and exploring cities, aren't really "scenery" people though NZ's does look amazing (the most beautiful places I've been are the north of Vietnam and Dalmatia). Christchurch looks like it might have been our choice, but obviously that's not a good choice right now. Not fussed about the whole Queenstown "adventure" scene (been skydiving and bungee jumping, not really interested in doing it again).

Any suggestions? Is it worth the time and effort?

reptilescorpio said:
Planning on getting Harvey Norman or someone to print up some nice high def gaming related (but not geeky enough to be recognised by the 'common man') posters to frame/put on cheap canvas. So very glad to watch someone else deal with it.
Check out brilliantprints.com.au for canvas prints. The Harvey Norman ones might be cheaper, but the guys at Brilliant Prints do a fantastic job. I have a 50MP photo from Germany at about 40" over our bed and it looks amazing.
codswallop said:
So, AusGAF, the wife and I are looking at travelling to New Zealand over Easter and spending maybe five days on the whole trip (travel to and from included in those five days). We like wandering and exploring cities, aren't really "scenery" people though NZ's does look amazing (the most beautiful places I've been are the north of Vietnam and Dalmatia). Christchurch looks like it might have been our choice, but obviously that's not a good choice right now. Not fussed about the whole Queenstown "adventure" scene (been skydiving and bungee jumping, not really interested in doing it again).

Any suggestions? Is it worth the time and effort?

Check out brilliantprints.com.au for canvas prints. The Harvey Norman ones might be cheaper, but the guys at Brilliant Prints do a fantastic job. I have a 50MP photo from Germany at about 40" over our bed and it looks amazing.
Thanks for the site, bookmarked.

I have family over in NZ and last time I went over with a few mates we went up to Bay of Island north of Auckland, town was Waitangi if I remember correctly. Check it out online to see if it is your kind of thing. Rotorua was awesome fun too. Pretty much anywhere in NZ is great as it is really laid back and looks beautiful everywhere.

I'm yet to play that myself, would it be possible to get away with just renting it for a few days? Apparently it's rather short.

Tis short but great fun, took me around 8 hours. If you get the PS3 version the initial shipment comes with Dead Space Extraction which is also fantastic. It's worth $20ish on the PS store so its good value if you plan on playing both.

Edit: I wouldn't call it short, 8 hours is great and feels about right. Wouldn't have wanted it to go on much longer.


justin.au said:
One week of uni done and I'm already collapsing under the weight of the readings. And the Melbourne Comedy Festival line-up looks awful.

Fucking thing sucks.

Two weeks of uni done and I haven't taken a single note during lectures, am already skipping anything I can't be fucked going to and am passing tests with flying colours, weeks in advance of their due date. I also haven't bought a single text book because fuck text books.

Finally, I have an income from centrelink in addition to all the money I saved up while working, so cash totally isn't a problem since I still live with the folks.



justin.au said:
One week of uni done and I'm already collapsing under the weight of the readings.
This many, many times. I didn't realise how much there was until I printed it all out. Well, for me, it's a lot because I am a terrible reader, not only am I exceptionally slow but find myself re-reading paragraphs because I haven't processed any of the text.



codswallop said:
250GB 360 HDD for $80 on catchoftheday.com.au right now.
Dove into this deal when there was a code for it being cheaper or something. 'Twas pretty good :)

One week of uni and I've been to karaoke, had some prawns, had a cocktail drink called "pokemon" and one of my classes has a 25:1 female:male ratio, with that 1 only being me.



Kritz said:
Two weeks of uni done and I haven't taken a single note during lectures, am already skipping anything I can't be fucked going to and am passing tests with flying colours, weeks in advance of their due date. I also haven't bought a single text book because fuck text books.

Finally, I have an income from centrelink in addition to all the money I saved up while working, so cash totally isn't a problem since I still live with the folks.


You ass. I think Constitutional and Property Law are going to combine to murder me in my sleep


Lol skipping all my crappy lectures I get 6 hour uni week, a huge difference from the 24 hours I had last year. Hooray for business degrees!


I pretty much have to go to everything, because most of the work we do in class is direct liasing with the Health Department. Which sucks, becuase if we slack off, then someone else's job doesn't really get done and they're getting paid.

I hate final year. >_>

Mr. Tone

Kritz said:
Two weeks of uni done and I haven't taken a single note during lectures, am already skipping anything I can't be fucked going to and am passing tests with flying colours, weeks in advance of their due date. I also haven't bought a single text book because fuck text books.

Finally, I have an income from centrelink in addition to all the money I saved up while working, so cash totally isn't a problem since I still live with the folks.


You have a long way to go yet, grasshopper...
Jintor said:
You ass. I think Constitutional and Property Law are going to combine to murder me in my sleep
Wait til you get to Contracts... Fun times ahead!

(No I'm not a law student just the long suffering partner of one)
As a Commerce student none of my friends went to class. Or even use their degree. One guy graduated majoring in Finance/Financial planning and never went to a single lecture/tutorial, never bought a single book, never even went to an exam with shoes on. Doesn't help that all but one of the lecturers that I have had run a slideshow during the lecture then put it up online defeating the purpose of paying thousands of dollars to go to university. Moral of the story: teachers suck balls.
reptilescorpio said:
As a Commerce student none of my friends went to class. Or even use their degree. One guy graduated majoring in Finance/Financial planning and never went to a single lecture/tutorial, never bought a single book, never even went to an exam with shoes on. Doesn't help that all but one of the lecturers that I have had run a slideshow during the lecture then put it up online defeating the purpose of paying thousands of dollars to go to university. Moral of the story: teachers suck balls.

The problem isn't that the slideshow they use gets put online. The problem is that they read straight of the slideshow.

Many of the lecturers i had did this and the number of people attending lectures plummeted. So their solution was to refuse to put the lectures online or at best put them up a week before exams. Students still didn't bother coming.

It never even occured to them that they could maybe try and make the lectures worth attending. The best lecturers had a good amount of people show up whilst the ones that read of the slide ended up with about 20 people showing up in a 1000 seat hall.

When i finished the course i ended up pretty much writing an essay in the feedback survey. I thought the course was poorly run and the uni itself is quite poor from what i know of my own and others experiences (newcastle uni).


reptilescorpio said:
ITT: University courses are poorly run by academics on $80,000+ salaries where 4 hours work on a bunch of powerpoint presentations constitutes a years work.

I went through four years of literature and classics without once seeing a powerpoint slide. I feel I should kneel and weep at somebody's feet for the privilege.

Your commentary on the academic workload is about a third right and two thirds humorously bogus. That is a ratio AUS-GAF should strive for in all things.
reptilescorpio said:
ITT: University courses are poorly run by academics on $80,000+ salaries where 4 hours work on a bunch of powerpoint presentations constitutes a years work.

Moral of the story, find a good job where you can see yourself getting promoted up the ranks past your incompetent peers.

Well im hoping to go back and do some teaching at uni.


but ever so delicious
Quick ausgaf pc dudes, did splinter cell have it's drm removed along with asscreed 2? It's $13 at eb, tempted by that price.

Oh it's $24, not too bad I guess.


evlcookie said:
Quick ausgaf pc dudes, did splinter cell have it's drm removed along with asscreed 2? It's $13 at eb, tempted by that price.

Oh it's $24, not too bad I guess.
Quick google search says it was removed.
Salazar said:
I went through four years of literature and classics without once seeing a powerpoint slide. I feel I should kneel and weep at somebody's feet for the privilege.

Your commentary on the academic workload is about a third right and two thirds humorously bogus. That is a ratio AUS-GAF should strive for in all things.
I thought using ITT would show I was being sarcastic, at my uni the only courses plagued by the overuse of powerpoint is Commerce and a few Arts units. Considering the uni's main focus now is on Nursing and Med students I would say we got off lightly. Workloads differ depending on course, and even unit. The 3 university's I have been involved with though have been pretty disappointing teacher wise. Oddly enough it has been the foreign born teachers that have been the best. One of my law teachers had to leave the uni halfway through a unit to go back to South Africa to help redo a law or something.


All this uni talk is making me feel old. Someone start talking about mortgages and starting a share portfolio or something.
Gazunta said:
All this uni talk is making me feel old. Someone start talking about mortgages and starting a share portfolio or something.
Did you see the final episode of Friends? The end of an era my friend.

Edit: In all seriousness what should I be look for in a mortgage at the moment? Looking to build a house between Geelong and Melbourne, seems like it's going to take a lot of research.
Gazunta said:
All this uni talk is making me feel old. Someone start talking about mortgages and starting a share portfolio or something.

I'm about to get a mortgage :(

Goodbye, disposable income. Farewell, it was nice knowing you. May we meet once more before my life ends.

Is my (impending) pain making you feel better?


Started following Charlie Sheen on twitter, and I see a bunch of game industry people, muso's, journalists and AusGAFers show up on my 'also followed by' list!

I think that is the most hilarious thing ever - like we're all lining up with popcorn for the big show.
I don't get the Australian fascination with owning your own house. If you want an investment, go for shares. If you want to live in the same place for a long time, get a long-term lease. If you want to save lots of money over a long period of time, open a savings account or put more money into your super fund.

Bernbaum said:
Started following Charlie Sheen on twitter ... I think that is the most hilarious thing ever - like we're all lining up with popcorn for the big show.
I know that's why I followed him!
Bernbaum said:
Started following Charlie Sheen on twitter, and I see a bunch of game industry people, muso's, journalists and AusGAFers show up on my 'also followed by' list!

Charlie Sheen is currently the greatest form of entertainment around. Best of all, it's free. his latest interview with Alex Jones (I think that's his name) is gold plated win. "Winning! Rhymes with winning. Me!"

I this is him without drugs (and really, there's no way it could be. Is there?) I'm all for him staying clean. If, however, this is him self medicating again, I'm willing to Paypal him some money for his next shipment of drugs.


Bernbaum said:
Started following Charlie Sheen on twitter, and I see a bunch of game industry people, muso's, journalists and AusGAFers show up on my 'also followed by' list!

I think that is the most hilarious thing ever - like we're all lining up with popcorn for the big show.


So uh, I just checked out the Battlefield 3 thread on Gaming side.

So its midday and I've already had a haircut, bought Bulletstorm and placed an order for a giant bomb Lincoln Force shirt. For me, that's pretty productive for a Saturday.

Played the first couple of chapter parts of bulletstorm, seems pretty good. Lots of grunting.


codswallop said:
I don't get the Australian fascination with owning your own house. If you want an investment, go for shares. If you want to live in the same place for a long time, get a long-term lease. If you want to save lots of money over a long period of time, open a savings account or put more money into your super fund.
The 'rent money is dead money' mentality is pretty prevalent amongst my friends. I'm sure if you saved the amount of somebody's mortgage repayments minus your own rent, you'd probably end up further ahead, but I'm sure that requires a fair bit of willpower.

As for Uni, I really like my lectures (powerpoint or no) so I go to them regardless. I find this to be a more common theme amongst more mature aged students.

Posting in this thread for Megadrive. Yay Melbourne?
BanShunsaku said:
So its midday and I've already had a haircut, bought Bulletstorm and placed an order for a giant bomb Lincoln Force shirt. For me, that's pretty productive for a Saturday.

Played the first couple of chapter parts of bulletstorm, seems pretty good. Lots of grunting.

I've done one of these things. Now I'm just watching Chuck.


BanShunsaku said:
Wait til you get to Contracts... Fun times ahead!

(No I'm not a law student just the long suffering partner of one)

Did it last year. Constitutional and property are looking a lot more boring. Well, constitutional a little less so.

Though the Property lecturer at least tried to make it interesting with conundrums like virtual land and organs, but still


but ever so delicious
codswallop said:
I don't get the Australian fascination with owning your own house. If you want an investment, go for shares. If you want to live in the same place for a long time, get a long-term lease. If you want to save lots of money over a long period of time, open a savings account or put more money into your super fund.

I typed out my response on the iphone and it didn't go through, curses!

For me wanting to own a house is more about the backyard and my goals for the property than anything else. I want a kickass backyard, fruit and veg with maybe some herbs and who knows, why not throw in a pond down the track (ok probably not that) but i want it to be my backyard in my house. I wouldn't want to put in all the effort and know it's going to increase the price of the property for the schmuck who owns it that isn't me.

If all you wanted to do was live in a house and didn't give a crap about it or anything around it then owning one seems a little silly at this point in time. Although i've seen apartments in say the city going for $290k but it's $2300 a month in rent, It's cheaper to buy the bastard and pay off the loan than it is to rent it, god knows why.


codswallop said:
I don't get the Australian fascination with owning your own house. If you want an investment, go for shares. If you want to live in the same place for a long time, get a long-term lease. If you want to save lots of money over a long period of time, open a savings account or put more money into your super fund.
Super funds and shares aren't really any more or less safe than property over the long term. Over the short term, I guess shares have already had their their crash, whereas property is still considered to be very overvalued in Australia. No one can really predict what will happen next, though. There's no guarantee that the financial sector won't fuck up again and send shares down the drain again. Also some crazy shit could easily happen to some industry and gut your share port folio.

Owning your own place is nice because you know you will never get the rug pulled out from under you by a landlord wanting to sell, and you can do what you want with it. Long term leases are so rare for residential dwellings that they might as well not exist. They're really more a commercial property thing. Also, as cookie said, depending on where you want to live, a mortgage could work out cheaper than renting.

If you're wondering why people are mad about property investment over other forms of investment, it's mostly to do with the crazy amount of tax breaks property investment gets. Interest earned in a savings account is pretty heavily taxed.
Shaneus said:
On special on catchoftheday.com.au

If you have no willpower, I advise against going to a site like www.usafoods.com.au... it's fucking dangerous.
My gf loves Cherry Coke so on special occasions I'll get some for her but damn it can add up quick. I mean, since I'm getting her that I might as well grab some Dr. Pepper, maybe some reeces pieces, shit. There goes $300.

Went with the new Castlevania. No idea what it's like, but it looked the most interesting thing on offer.
It is a very good, enjoyable reimagining. I think most of the complaints came from old school fans. I enjoyed it just as much as Enslaved, for some reason they gave me a similar feel that I can't explain.

So uh, I just checked out the Battlefield 3 thread on Gaming side.
Don't throw it out man! Think of how awesome it is!
Trade that thing in towards the game!

I don't get the Australian fascination with owning your own house. If you want an investment, go for shares. If you want to live in the same place for a long time, get a long-term lease. If you want to save lots of money over a long period of time, open a savings account or put more money into your super fund.
The house I am currently renting has no hooks on any walls. I got cool shit I want to hang up. The landlord also won't re-do the front lawn which is full of clay so nothing but weeds will grow. Pretty much if I build my own house I can do whatever the hell I want with it. I have a 5 month old son so I would love my own room to play violent/profane games without waiting until he is asleep, my gf also doesn't want me hanging gaming related stuff so my own room would fix that problem. Also if I want to knock down the wall between my bed and the toilet so I can take a distance wizz I kinda need to own that wall first.

In other news my gf updated to a Samsung Galaxy 551, since it is Android I was wondering what the best apps would be for it? I ask here in case there are some useful Australian orientated ones of course.
All good points on the owning thing. In the UK, you can get 100-year leases for houses instead of outright purchasing. In Germany, if you're renting you are still allowed to renovate without the landlord's say so (I assume only to a certain extent), and there it's apparently a lot cheaper than buying.

I really think housing in Australia is totally screwed. I don't want to have to move to Werribee or Pakenham just so I can afford to own the damned building. You're really renting the land from the council too, since they have final say-so on what you can and can't do.
codswallop said:
I don't get the Australian fascination with owning your own house. If you want an investment, go for shares. If you want to live in the same place for a long time, get a long-term lease. If you want to save lots of money over a long period of time, open a savings account or put more money into your super fund.

evlcookie said:
For me wanting to own a house is more about the backyard and my goals for the property than anything else. I want a kickass backyard, fruit and veg with maybe some herbs and who knows, why not throw in a pond down the track (ok probably not that) but i want it to be my backyard in my house. I wouldn't want to put in all the effort and know it's going to increase the price of the property for the schmuck who owns it that isn't me.

If all you wanted to do was live in a house and didn't give a crap about it or anything around it then owning one seems a little silly at this point in time. Although i've seen apartments in say the city going for $290k but it's $2300 a month in rent, It's cheaper to buy the bastard and pay off the loan than it is to rent it, god knows why.

Fredescu said:
Super funds and shares aren't really any more or less safe than property over the long term. Over the short term, I guess shares have already had their their crash, whereas property is still considered to be very overvalued in Australia. No one can really predict what will happen next, though. There's no guarantee that the financial sector won't fuck up again and send shares down the drain again. Also some crazy shit could easily happen to some industry and gut your share port folio.

Owning your own place is nice because you know you will never get the rug pulled out from under you by a landlord wanting to sell, and you can do what you want with it. Long term leases are so rare for residential dwellings that they might as well not exist. They're really more a commercial property thing. Also, as cookie said, depending on where you want to live, a mortgage could work out cheaper than renting.

If you're wondering why people are mad about property investment over other forms of investment, it's mostly to do with the crazy amount of tax breaks property investment gets. Interest earned in a savings account is pretty heavily taxed.

Almost everything I would have said in those replies. I've been renting for a long time and I've been kicked out on 2 occasions by owners wanting to move back into the house. I don't like living in a place where there is no certainty beyond the Rental Agreement. Where I'm forced to cough up more money and like it or find anouther place to live if the owner suddenly wants more money.

I want to be able to hang up a picture, paint the walls, remove carpet, repave the sides of the house, landscape the garden or any number of other things. If I'm renting I have no control, no freedom and a feeling that my time is limited.

However, that's me. I know people that have spent their whole lives renting. Had kids while renting. It doesn't bother them in the slightest. For me, I'm willing to pay extra money per week for the piece of mind that I will always have a home to come back to (barring any disasters, obviously).

I agree, however, that if you're after an investment, there are more efficient ways to go about it. Unless you pay off a home way in advance of the mortgage period, you will never make money on a house. A $500k home will end up costing someone $1.2mil after 25 years, so unless you sell it for over that you have made a loss. If you where to place $500k into a bank account over that period of time, however...

For me, though, it's worth it :)
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