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AusGAF 2.0 - Twice the price, a year late but still moving forward

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Anyone want a HIS 4870x2 2GB for $150 + p/h?

Someone on GAF asked for it but I figured I'd check with AusGAF first.


codswallop said:
Well, obviously. There are almost no ancient history shooters, so it must be true.

Vaguely related: I still really, really want a Robin Hood game. Ambushes and shit in Sherwood.

jambo said:
Anyone want a HIS 4870x2 2GB for $150 + p/h?

Someone on GAF asked for it but I figured I'd check with AusGAF first.

I don't know what it is, lol. Maybe.


Watched a PowerPoint presentation that had a slide linking to a video of someone else giving a PowerPoint presentation.



jambo said:
Anyone want a HIS 4870x2 2GB for $150 + p/h?

Someone on GAF asked for it but I figured I'd check with AusGAF first.
That's a pretty good deal, actually. If anyone here could forgo DX11 then go for it (perfect for a mid-high level gaming PC). Alas, I'm running two 5850s so I have no need for it.


I want a tag give me a tag
legend166 said:
I had small class sizes in year 12 too, at a public school.

I think we had 8-9 in our Modern History class.

No one wanted to do Modern History. But EVERYONE wanted to do Ancient History because at the exact same time we were making subject selections, Troy came out at the cinemas. lol.

Modern History > Ancient History.


Modern History was the best subject I did in year 12. SO awesome
So I've determined that I'm not buying another console game this generation unless it's something that's really special. Upside is that my backlog gets cut down to what's on my PC and my handheld games... which I've run out of. I've not experienced this since I first got back into gaming and it's freaking me out.

I've probably got a few days for Radiant Historia to get here and three weeks left before I see my copy of Pokemon White, so I thought "Hey, I'll get some of my 'mons ready in Soul Silver in the meantime," but grinding in that game is a royal pain in the bew-tocks and the endgame is nothing but grind, so I got over it and stopped. Then I fired up Spirit Tracks so I could do a quick replay, played for about three hours through that first intro dungeon and went to bed. I woke up in the morning excited to play through the good parts of the game again and found out that I hadn't actually saved my progress. Not wanting to sit through the introduction again I quit. I thought about starting another "naked" Shanoa run on Castlevania: OoE in hard mode but my balls shriveled up at the mere thought of going through the forest area again. I'm *this* close to starting a replay of Phoenix Wright, but my gut instinct is not to since this game takes time to fully appreciate and Radiant Historia should arrive any day now.

tl;dr - I've run out of handheld games and I'm spinning my wheels until new ones arrive :-\
I don't remember having a favourite subject, but I did win the English prize in year 12. I was *this* close to being Dux that year as well (I won it the year prior), but I got pipped at the post by my surprisingly lackluster score in Maths B (damn you, Druitt >:-|). Then I finished school and it stopped mattering.


I loved 4 unit Maths in yr 12. Then I did engineering for 2 years in uni and hated maths. Now I'm finishing my finance degree and all I ever do is simple arithmatic and maybe some differentiating so I love maths again.


And nice stuff winning a prize vks. The only prizes I won were for dux of yr 3 and yr 5. It was all pretty much downhill from there.
Just to be contrarian

English > Ancient History > Modern History. Always got the ancient prize but my lazy, minimal studying, conversational osmosis ways could not compete with the English & Modern History hard workers.


I wasn't allowed near the school computers because I "wasn't smart enough to use them properly."

some would still say that's the case
AdventureRacing said:
I love biology, in fact im not really sure why i didn't pursue that further.
The biology teacher at my old school was a toucher. She'd always be rubbing your shoulder or her hand would slip and fall onto your knee. She also had a tendency to wear revealing, tight-fitting clothes and insert innuendo every second sentence. I'm sure it was hot during the late 70s... not so much in the early 00s.


BanShunsaku said:
So, my gf is getting her first tattoo today.

I'm not sure who is more nervous :-/
no matter what, tell her it looks great.

I'm going to Hong Kong/Kuala Lumpur for a week tomorrow morning. Haven't packed or sorted travel insurance :/
travelling is annoying.


rass said:
no matter what, tell her it looks great.

I'm going to Hong Kong/Kuala Lumpur for a week tomorrow morning. Haven't packed or sorted travel insurance :/
travelling is annoying.
Rad. Have fun!

I'm traveling interstate next week. I look forward to finding out what state it is.


Anyone know if we're getting the MK demo on PSN+ here? I'm kinda hanging for it but doubt we'll get to see even that much :(

PS. Screw you, Gaz... I've done nothing but played Speedball 2 with every free moment I've had. I even fired it up on the PS3's Amiga emulator. Suffice to say, it's shitloads harder than the iOS version :/


Shaneus said:
Anyone know if we're getting the MK demo on PSN+ here? I'm kinda hanging for it but doubt we'll get to see even that much :(
You can always create a US account and download it from there. You can guarantee it won't appear on the Aussie store, as that would just be plain stupidity.

Oh wait, just noticed you mentioned PSN+ for the early release. Nah, it almost certainly won't be in the Aussie one either. It's already confirmed for UK though, I think. And you'll be able to play the demo when it's available for everybody else in two weeks or whatever. Sucks, but thems the breaks when you don't have an R rating...


It's only PSN+ though, so I'd have to pay ~$70 for a US PSN+ account too (unless someone from the US was willing to authorise some weirdo, random Aussie's console). Guess I can wait, but it really fucking sucks :/

Edit: Nailed it.


rass said:
I'm going to Hong Kong/Kuala Lumpur for a week tomorrow morning. Haven't packed or sorted travel insurance :/
travelling is annoying.
Whoa I'm going to be in HK for a few days as well! But I'm leaving friday.

I think HK flu season is still at its peak now so be wary of people wearing masks and what not. Also, as an extra precaution, try to wash your hands before eating or use the hand germ killing liquid stuff they have at most hotel lobbies.


viciouskillersquirrel said:
I don't remember having a favourite subject, but I did win the English prize in year 12. I was *this* close to being Dux that year as well (I won it the year prior), but I got pipped at the post by my surprisingly lackluster score in Maths B (damn you, Druitt >:-|). Then I finished school and it stopped mattering.

Oh god. I was *forced* to complete English in year 11 (ended up doing yr 12 english that year just to be rid of it.) As a result barely scrapped through with a pass due to pure lack of interest. Would be different these days I imagine, but thats the way it goes.

Absolutely nailed most other subjects however despite my apathetic tendencies towards study. Somehow managing top 10 in a >1.5k student population college. Heh.

Might well say something about the brain capacity of the Tasmanian population, but hey!
Yes, a few over-entitled cunts with rich parents get to jump the queue, but that rarely stops you from getting where you want to be if you want it bad enough.

It must be a very odd coincidence then that private schools with lots of funding dominate the top University admission rankings in each state. Is it that they want it more? Or might it be that a proper education is easily bought?

My sister went to a school that cost 30k a year, and she sure got a better education than I did at the local public school. I had teachers that would come to class stoned, sat next to students that spent the whole English class carving dragons into their desk with a switchblade or smoking weed. She had teachers that would give powerpoint presentations every class and sat next to Peter Garret's daughter and Menzie's grand daughter.

I think one would need to lack an education to think that the funding of a school is not one of the primary indicators of student success, instead following some notion like 'student drive'. While there are exceptions, they are exactly that.

Also, sup AusGAF? :D I'm from Sydney, La Perouse to be more accurate :)


I hate spamming this thread, but here goes:

Anyone know the date The Show '11 is supposed to come out here? I'm kinda keen.


I never get sick when travelling, hoping for this trip to go the same way :)
look out for me, I'll be the tall white idiot haha.
I wash my hands before most meals anyway, will be extra diligent overseas.

jambo said:
Just keep quoting Leviticus 19:28 when she's finished.
unless she's getting the tattoo to commemorate a dead relative then that passage is irrelevant. King James version btw.

I want to read the bible, it seems fascinating.


Shaneus said:
It's only PSN+ though, so I'd have to pay ~$70 for a US PSN+ account too (unless someone from the US was willing to authorise some weirdo, random Aussie's console). Guess I can wait, but it really fucking sucks :/

Edit: Nailed it.
I don't think PS Plus content works through sharing, but then again, I guess it would have to. I went with the US version when choosing which Plus to subscribe to, so I could let you try it, but it's also my primary account, so I can't really trust anyone enough to do something like that either, unfortunately.


OttomanScribe said:
It must be a very odd coincidence then that private schools with lots of funding dominate the top University admission rankings in each state. Is it that they want it more? Or might it be that a proper education is easily bought?

James Ruse says hi

number 1 in NSW for years upon years and is public.

Whilst that may be true, generally private school students struggle in Uni when they get there. Why? because the lecturers and tutorial teachers dont give a fuck if you do the work or not, you are not pandered to and do not get individual attention

aka the real fucking world.


rass said:
unless she's getting the tattoo to commemorate a dead relative then that passage is irrelevant.

James Ruse says hi

number 1 in NSW for years upon years and is public.

Whilst that may be true, generally private school students struggle in Uni when they get there. Why? because the lecturers and tutorial teachers dont give a fuck if you do the work or not, you are not pandered to and do not get individual attention

And my wife went to Sydney Girls, also pretty high ranking. However would you describe either of those schools as 'underfunded'? They are also both selective correct? So you can't get in if you aren't smart... as opposed to many private schools who do not use such processes, yet still turn out 98s and 99s.


I kinda want to read The Bible too. I've read a lot of other fantasy and it sounds like you it's a decent read if you look past all the fundamentalist stuff.

I think I'd skip all the begat stuff though.


OttomanScribe said:
And my wife went to Sydney Girls, also pretty high ranking. However would you describe either of those schools as 'underfunded'? They are also both selective correct? So you can't get in if you aren't smart... as opposed to many private schools who do not use such processes, yet still turn out 98s and 99s.

private schools churn out a number of less than 30's (*) as well. Private schooling does not guarantee a good UAI

Generally every school produces a 90+ and a less than 30, its how the HSC works.

In comparison to private schools, yes those schools are underfunded. Parents of those schools are just happy to pay fees and costs for things.

Selective yes. and? still public...........

A number of private schools have tests when kids start to rank them...

And yes using your UAI as anything other than the end of school mark is ridiculous. The amount of focus on UAI is ridiculous.
jambo said:
I kinda want to read The Bible too. I've read a lot of other fantasy and it sounds like you it's a decent read if you look past all the fundamentalist stuff.

I think I'd skip all the begat stuff though.
It's one of the foundations of western culture. Everyone who considers themselves educated should read it at least once for the thematic and literary allusions alone.
I find using UAIs as indicative of anything other than your UAI is a dangerous thing.

If nothing else it represents choice in the path that you want to take. Even if it only shows the ability of a school to teach to the test, it still shows that they can do it better than others.

In comparison to private schools, yes those schools are underfunded.

Indeed, but in comparison to other public schools?
private schools churn out a number of less than 30's (*) as well. Private schooling does not guarantee a good UAI
Certainly not a guarantee, but it certainly increases your chances!


OttomanScribe said:
If nothing else it represents choice in the path that you want to take. Even if it only shows the ability of a school to teach to the test, it still shows that they can do it better than others.

Indeed, but in comparison to other public schools?

Certainly not a guarantee, but it certainly increases your chances!

You can fail high school and still become a doctor.


Wait till you are 21. Apply as a mature age student. Pass the intake test. Done

It's a harder path generally but getting a shite UAI does not guarantee you are fucked for life and its a disgrace that the educational institutions go on as if it does.

It causes people to suicide each year and that shit should not be acceptable in this day and age.
It's a harder path generally but getting a shite UAI does not guarantee you are fucked for life and its a disgrace that the educational institutions go on as if it does.

It causes people to suicide each year and that shit should not be acceptable in this day and age.

I don't think I said otherwise. Though I wonder how exactly people would expect Universities to canvas applications without a system like the UAI? Personal interviews? Individual entrance exams?

As to failing high school and becoming a doctor, I don't think the point has any relevance to the discussion at hand, which was about private versus public. As an independent point I guess its valid though...
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