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AusGAF 2.0 - Twice the price, a year late but still moving forward

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Mar said:
Also, is there any way to see this MX section thing without physically holding one of those terrible news papers in my hands?

Most likely, but I imagine it involves having to read Andrew Bolt.
viciouskillersquirrel said:
I just witnessed a sweaty fat woman attempt to surreptitiously remove her underwear right in front of me in a crowded food court. Lunch ruined.


You should send that to the MX checkout thing:

"To the sweaty fat woman attempting to surreptitiously remove her underwear in something something food court... Coffee?"
Shaneus said:
PS. AusGAF, I think I'm going on a self-imposed game-buying ban for a few months, not counting an import of MK. No cheap sale games, no de Blob 2, no MLB '11, nothing... my backlog is just bullshit. Can I do it?
I'm thinking I need to institute a "finish two, allowed to buy one" rule until I whittle my fourteen unfinished games down to as many as I can count on one finger.

Mar said:
Dude. Just walk down to the governmenty building thing and sign a piece of paper. Imagine all that money you saved. Then put all that into the best honeymoon in the world.
We did this, but the next day we hired a room in a local restaurant and shouted close family and friends to a nice fancy meal. We didn't tell them it was for a wedding (because it technically wasn't) and it only cost us a few grand.

Then we took the rest of the money we had and pissed off overseas for a few months. Much better use of money IMO!


I'm gonna be an arsehole and say that ConsoleAusGAF's disposition towards big comfy couches and all the lovely support and comfort they provide for our manly regions is fully justified because we actually have the balls to talk to women.


Bernbaum said:
I'm gonna be an arsehole and say that ConsoleAusGAF's disposition towards big comfy couches and all the lovely support and comfort they provide for our manly regions is fully justified because we actually have the balls to talk to women.

I met my wife on the internet via my comfy desk chair :(

Oh noes.


but ever so delicious
Bernbaum said:
I'm gonna be an arsehole and say that ConsoleAusGAF's disposition towards big comfy couches and all the lovely support and comfort they provide for our manly regions is fully justified because we actually have the balls to talk to women.

I have no issues talking to chicks at work, I find it to be really fucking easy. However most of the time it's just silly flirting / teasing / making fun of random shit, I'm not actually trying to score a date with any of them.

It's the open and more public places that i hate, The same rules would apply to if i even knew the person.

Tape drives with 800GB / 1.6TB compressed, I gotta get me some!
Mar said:

Also, is there any way to see this MX section thing without physically holding one of those terrible news papers in my hands?

Nothing online if that's what you're asking. I can take a photo of it for you to read later if you want. :p


you could try what i did one day :) i saw this nice girl on the train and im like she's a bit of alright, this was in my uni days

wrote on a note 'i think i'd like to get to know you better, call me if you like.' wrote my number on paper dropped it on her lap as i left the train.

She called like 20 min later as she was intrigued, we met up for a coffee and are friends now.

didnt' work out obviously but its just crazy enough to work!


codswallop said:
I'm thinking I need to institute a "finish two, allowed to buy one" rule until I whittle my fourteen unfinished games down to as many as I can count on one finger.
That works for me! I should try that... I almost always feel guilty for dropping games down a difficulty level or two because I may not get my money's worth, but if I don't then I won't play the game at all. Then I get NO money's worth!

PS. 14? I chuckle heartily at thee. Just on PC alone I've gotta be nearing 100 or so that are completely unplayed, let alone unfinished. Good games, too!
Shaneus said:
PS. 14? I chuckle heartily at thee. Just on PC alone I've gotta be nearing 100 or so that are completely unplayed, let alone unfinished. Good games, too!
I have plenty of old games I've chucked out or given to others, and I'm not counting games for systems that are no longer hooked up or I don't use any more. Makes me feel better about my half-arsed attempts at finishing games.

MTV Multiplayer has a Dragon Age 2 review up:
"Dragon Age 2" is an imperfect beast, but a beast all the same. If you liked the first outing then you want to play this game, simple as that. For any shortfalls, the gameplay itself is exceedingly entertaining while the story keeps you always pushing to learn more.
... actually, there are a lot of DA2 reviews up now.


This is one of those days where absolutely nothing is happening at work.

I'm so bored.

Give me something to do, AusGAF. And no tvtropes, I've had enough of it.
legend166 said:
Give me something to do, AusGAF.
Create a website where we can do meta-reviews of reviews of video games. Then let me cross-reference it by site, person, platform and genre. I'm reading Dragon Age 2 reviews at the moment and there's some truly awful stuff on supposed big name sites.


Are the F1 races broadcast on any of the Foxtel sports channels? We don't have a FTA antenna at our new place, just the Foxtel satellite dish and the F1's start this month =S


legend166 said:
This is one of those days where absolutely nothing is happening at work.

I'm so bored.

Give me something to do, AusGAF. And no tvtropes, I've had enough of it.
If I have long drawn out meetings or discussions over the phone I tend to draw a lot of doodles in my day book. They aren't particularly good drawings but because I'm not really paying attention I tend to draw whatever pops into mind and it's entertaining to go over my notes for the week passed and see if there's any Freudian basis to what I've drawn.

I've considered setting up a blog where people can contribute their random doodles they've drawn in class or at work, if only so I can use the tagline for the website- "Show us your doodle!"


That's a genius idea Bern.

Legend, go through my comic archive and figure out which are the best 5 so I know which ones I should put on my flyer.
Bernbaum said:
If I have long drawn out meetings or discussions over the phone I tend to draw a lot of doodles in my day book. They aren't particularly good drawings but because I'm not really paying attention I tend to draw whatever pops into mind and it's entertaining to go over my notes for the week passed and see if there's any Freudian basis to what I've drawn.

I've considered setting up a blog where people can contribute their random doodles they've drawn in class or at work, if only so I can use the tagline for the website- "Show us your doodle!"

Fredescu said:
Posting excerpts from reviews in a thread where people have already said they're trying to avoid reading anything about it is not very considerate.
I thought the quote avoided any real information other than saying something has changed (and then didn't go into detail about it), but I see your point.

Dragon Age 2 has a different plot to Dragon Age: Origins

Edit: And I thought people were just avoiding the OT because of the negativity.


codswallop said:
I thought the quote avoided any real information other than saying something has changed (and then didn't go into detail about it), but I see your point.
Some people prefer to find that out for themselves I guess. I'm reading the reviews. I shouldn't be, it's just making the wait harder.

codswallop said:
Edit: And I thought people were just avoiding the OT because of the negativity.
Not this guy: "Yeah, avoiding all talk on this."


but ever so delicious
All my random doodles end up just being shapes, most are just straight lines connecting with other straight lines. Sometimes there's a circle and then more straight lines, It's never really a picture.

Maybe i should see a psych to see what it all means.
I'm mentally insane



Australians will soon be able to complain about mobile and tablet apps they take offence to and get them removed from app stores such as Apple's iTunes if they're deemed "refused classification".

The government says it will require app distributors including Apple and Google to show ratings (e.g. MA15+) next to some apps and will prosecute those who distribute apps that have been banned due to extreme content.

Home Affairs Minister Brendan O'Connor said he had already received some complaints about game apps.

That is going to be a whole barrel of fun for the ratings board. lol.


Translation: We'll just review the ones people complain about and let everything else get through without being classified.


The way it's worded makes it sounds like they will have to assign a rating (the authors) but not actually get them submitted and classified?

Surely a $1.20 app wouldn't be subject to the 100+ classification fee?


Also, DA2 broken yet? =(


evlcookie said:
All my random doodles end up just being shapes, most are just straight lines connecting with other straight lines. Sometimes there's a circle and then more straight lines, It's never really a picture.

Maybe i should see a psych to see what it all means.
I'm mentally insane
Nah, that would fascinate me just as much.

Very senior people I work with are prolific doodlers, and most of their stuff is just obscure shapes and patterns. Sometimes you get lucky and find some non-technical business type who will draw actual objects. If I ever saw anyone in a high position draw something as ridiculous as say, the bit in the Big Lebowksi when the Dude uses his detective skills to uncover a doodle of naked man with an erection, I would probably lose my shit.

I always draw objects animals and people. Today I've drawn a raygun; a futuristic walkie-talkie; a dude getting abducted by a UFO; a python; my colleague dressed as superman; a woman who looks like Liza Minelli with an 18 yr olds body; and a drunk clown with bad posture wearing cargo pants.


viciouskillersquirrel said:
Say, does anyone know where I might locate a calligraphy stencil in Brisbane?

The Pen Shoppe has moved around quite a bit. That's where I would have been inclined to look, but it beats me whether it is even still around.

Failing that, Eckersleys.
Shaneus said:
I think I took the analogy too far if I'm getting these kind of responses :/

No, not too far but I haven't used a CD to play music in years; I use a CD once, to rip and then put it away never to be seen again. MP3 is a far more convenient format for me. You analogy, for me, was like putting in my PS3 to get fixed and having BC put into it :)

Shaneus said:
PS. AusGAF, I think I'm going on a self-imposed game-buying ban for a few months, not counting an import of MK. No cheap sale games, no de Blob 2, no MLB '11, nothing... my backlog is just bullshit. Can I do it?

No. Don't delude yourself. I don't think I even got a two week chip when I tried...

VOOK said:
Well what about the ones who stand you up? Then try and make out like nothing is wrong with it?

I had one meet me for a date, say that she felt it was too since she broke up with her boyfriend to start dating. I found out the next day that she had a date with a friend of mine for the weekend.

Choc said:
or you could put a message in that 'i am checking you out section' of MX!

??? Me no know this MX.


Planet_JASE said:
??? Me no know this MX.
AusGAF Pro-tip: If choc is talking about a media publication, assume it's a News Ltd one.

Mx is a free 'metro' paper given out to people near bus / train stations at the end of the day in most capital cities.


Planet_JASE said:
??? Me no know this MX.

A waste of paper, ink, time, money (for someone), energy, space, brain cells, water, and so on. I would much prefer to contemplate the contents of my wallet.

Speaking of which, JB Hifi receipts fade like motherfuckers.


Planet_JASE said:
No. Don't delude yourself. I don't think I even got a two week chip when I tried...
Nope, definitely going to give it a crack. Start off with some quick-finish games (Bulletstorm) then move up the ranks. Shit, I haven't even finished Ghostbusters :(

iPhone games (and MK) are exempt, though... and Ridge Racer 4 is coming out on PSN in a day or two, and that's supposed to be awesome. But that's it.

Re: mX papers: I've always picked them up and read them from habit. I deliberately didn't get this week's ones and I actually feel smarter for having not read them.


Gazunta said:
Translation: We'll just review the ones people complain about and let everything else get through without being classified.

Exactly - felt like that whole story was blown out of proportion. Seems like an alright solution in the interim - although they should just be happy with the Apple ratings. Can't see them getting many complaints. It's utterly impossible for the Classification Board to rate everything.


I just got an email from Bungie saying I had been accepted in to the Bungie Beta Tester program, but the link in the email says

Bungie Beta Tester Signup Survey v2
Survey Is Not Live

Well, you certainly did your worst! We had to kill the survey for the time being. Don't worry, we'll be back and you'll get another chance. If you feel like ranting email: playtest@bungie.com

I got the email 9 minutes ago =\
I always get the mX papers to read Overheard and Here's Looking At You. I find myself constantly dispappointed that nobody is checking me out. Then again, I catch the bus to and from work with my fiance sitting right next to me, so it's not like there's much chance of anyone writing in even if they were. I'm taken and it's stupid, but it'd be nice to be noticed, you know?

Plus, people on my busline tend to fall a few years above the mX line.

Just called The Pen Shoppe and Eckersleys. TPS has none and Ecker's only has a gothic font stencil. Oh well.


jambo said:
I just got an email from Bungie saying I had been accepted in to the Bungie Beta Tester program, but the link in the email says

I got the email 9 minutes ago =\
Hope you have more luck with that than I did as a tester for TDU2. Fuckers only ever had the server online from about 1am-7am Sunday mornings our time.
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