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AusGAF 2.0 - Twice the price, a year late but still moving forward

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Yeah I was in that limited TDU2 beta as well, would've killed to be in the full one.

I was in the beta for TDU1 and it was so much fun. I put like 20 hours in to it.

The only thing I miss about my Fileplanet sub is the beta access.


Nemesis556 said:
The way it's worded makes it sounds like they will have to assign a rating (the authors) but not actually get them submitted and classified?

Surely a $1.20 app wouldn't be subject to the 100+ classification fee?


Also, DA2 broken yet? =(

its over 1000 per classification nemesis

over 4000 if you want it within 2 business days

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
so, AusGAF, I'm looking to join a gym. any recommendations/things to look out for?


Save yourself the hassle of deciding which gym to join by buying an overly loud stereo system, placing speakers every five meters in a crowded, poorly ventilated room and playing nothing but nightclub music at 50 decibels above the legal volume range. Then use the rest of the wall space to install flat panel TVs showing nothing but One HD and / or Channel 10 with the volume off. Use the floor space to rent out a couple of dodgy treadmills, exercise bikes and a weird rowing machine that never works properly.

Then avoid the room like the plague for the next two years and take 50 bucks a month out of your bank account and throw it out the window.

My wife used to work in the gym business, it's a complete scam

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
yeah, gym pricing has always seemed ridiculous. I kind of need the equipment though, and I neither have the space nor the upfront money to buy the essentials. or even the know-how, I guess.

It seems ridiculously pricey, but I don't really have any other options.


but ever so delicious
Just work out in your own space if you're comfy doing that. Purchase small weights and start from there, run around the block a few times, do some cardio while watching tv and weights etc.

Having said that though i'm tempted to join a gym although one specifically, kieser-training. It's meant to specialise in backs and mine is pure shit so i would like some strength in it. I don't get 1 hour lunch breaks though, if I did then the one up the road could be might tempting.

It's a shame my room is a shoebox and i'm socially retarded, otherwise i would honestly do some working out in my own private time.

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
yeah, I've lost a fair bit through self-motivated cardio and a healthy diet, I'm at my goal weight and then some, but at the moment I'm looking to tone up a bit. I have some weights, but just focusing on my arms and neglecting every other bit of me seems a bit dodgy. I'm not looking to bulk up the glamour muscles, I'm just looking to get as generally healthy as reasonably possible. actually having a place to routinely go to helps keep me at it.

I was hoping someone would have an answer like "Gym Chain X" is reasonable, or "try to avoid the bigger chains" or something.


i hear Kinect is a good gym

don't go to fitness first, they are a scam and make you sign long term contracts

one new one which is interesting in sydney at least, not sure about elsewhere is jets

its a 24/7 gym and you have a pass key thing to get in. So you don't have to work around the gym times, just go when you want

seems cheap and has no contracts


Just do what I did and wait for your boss to use the budget surplus to build a gym and hire a person trainer that staff can use for free.

Been going 5 weeks now, just started boxing on Monday.


I do the Fitness First thing and see a personal trainer once a week. Typically, the high cost and 'salesmen' like approach of their staff to get me to purchase stuff and sign up for things would annoy me, but my employer subsidizes the entire lot so I can tolerate the bullshit.

Never thought I'd use a PT, but I recommend it if only for a few initial sessions so you have an idea of what to do and you aren't wasting your time when you're there by yourself.

Signed up to my gym following good results from a focussed jogging program I'd set for myself and managed to stick to for 6 months so I wasn't going in in entirely bad shape. My gym experience went from 1)hey I'm doing something great and have infinite enthusiasm; 2) hmmmm... this is kinda hard, I wonder how long I'll last; 3) this fucking sucks I want to quit; 4) oh hey I'm getting results, maybe I'll stick with it 5) I'm not getting buggered anymore and this is kinda fun; to finally: 6) I'm actually good at some of this suff and have specific goals I want to reach.

I started going 2-3 times a week when I signed up 6 months ago but now I'm disappointed if I go any less than 4 times and have done 5 days a week for the last 3 weeks straight. I'd lost alot of weight before signing up and my only real goal was to maybe lose a little more and use it as a preventative measure so I didn't end as a fat fuck like my dad who was the same physique as me at my current age.

I'm at the stage where it's not a chore anymore and I genuinely look forward to going to the gym and it's a bunch of fun. Completely different attitutude toasted it now compared to when I joined when I though it was going to be an arduous pain in the arse. I go for a 50 min session during my lunch break every day so it doesn't chew into my video game time after work!

If that's not an incentive, my local gym is T n' A central which makes it pretty damn easy to make time for a workout.


Actually, the worst part of starting at a gym was getting used to the room you have to get changed in where dudes will just casually walk around with their willies flopping about.

Still not used to that.


Bernbaum said:
Actually, the worst part of starting at a gym was getting used to the room you have to get changed in where dudes will just casually walk around with their willies flopping about.

Still not used to that.


I'm still a member of Fitness First. I'm retarded enough that I signed up once, quit. Then started again (because my work kinda subsidised it as well).


Bernbaum said:
Actually, the worst part of starting at a gym was getting used to the room you have to get changed in where dudes will just casually walk around with their willies flopping about.

Still not used to that.

Oh man that happens all the time in the change rooms of public swimming pools in NZ.
I've noticed Kiwis are much more relaxed about stuff we wouldn't, from nudity in front of strangers to swear words on TV. They're the Europeans to us Americans.
Rez said:
yeah, I've lost a fair bit through self-motivated cardio and a healthy diet, I'm at my goal weight and then some, but at the moment I'm looking to tone up a bit. I have some weights, but just focusing on my arms and neglecting every other bit of me seems a bit dodgy. I'm not looking to bulk up the glamour muscles, I'm just looking to get as generally healthy as reasonably possible. actually having a place to routinely go to helps keep me at it.

I was hoping someone would have an answer like "Gym Chain X" is reasonable, or "try to avoid the bigger chains" or something.
Join a sporting club. Problem solved. More problems created too but hey one at a time.


Still Tagged Accordingly
Rez said:
so, AusGAF, I'm looking to join a gym. any recommendations/things to look out for?
try to go with a non-franchise, no bullshit gym.

if it looks clean, new, neat, modern... GTFO.

where do you live?


Still Tagged Accordingly
Rez said:
south-East Melbourne, near Monash
ah, that's too bad. if you lived in brisbane i would've suggested the PCYC in the valley.

i went there for a long time. provided exactly what i needed with no fluff. it's what i call a "real gym".


It's stupid as hell

But I don't want to go to my uni gym because it's so far out of the way :T

This is only contributing to my unhealthiness

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
commanderdeek said:
Why not just join the university gym? Or do they rip people off as well?
major rip-off, even with student prices.


MrSerrels said:
Hah! I've read that before and it totally nails it.

Such a stupid thing to be bothered by - I never went to a boarding school, didn't play footy, and my basketball teams never used a change room so it was confronting to sign up to a gym, enter the change rooms, wonder whether I'd packed enough towels whilst looking for a locker and OH MY GOD FLACCID VEINY PENIS, OH SHIT THERE'S ANOTHER ONE, I THINK THEY'RE MOVING IN PACKS LIKE VELOCIRAPTORS


Still Tagged Accordingly
viciouskillersquirrel said:
I've never been disciplined enough to keep going to the gym :(
if you stick at it for long enough, there's a tipping point where you realise that stopping now would be a massive waste of the time, effort and money you poured into it at the beginning. you just need to stick at it long enough to get past that tipping point and the motivation will look after itself.

you also get addicted to exercise. your body starts craving exercise because of the endorphins it releases. before you know it, it's just a part of your weekly routine and you actually get cranky if you miss a day.

that all said, you don't HAVE to go to the gym to exercise. go for a jog, or the local pool for a swim, or just do exercises at home (push ups, sit ups, tricep dips, pull ups) you don't need extra equipment for.
Bernbaum said:
Hah! I've read that before and it totally nails it.

Such a stupid thing to be bothered by - I never went to a boarding school, didn't play footy, and my basketball teams never used a change room so it was confronting to sign up to a gym, enter the change rooms, wonder whether I'd packed enough towels whilst looking for a locker and OH MY GOD FLACCID VEINY PENIS, OH SHIT THERE'S ANOTHER ONE, I THINK THEY'RE MOVING IN PACKS LIKE VELOCIRAPTORS

This. This. THIS.

My footy team never did it either Bern. I hate going to the swimming pools for this reason.

THIS IS WHAT IM AFRAID OF (everyonwatcharcher)


We don't know why he keeps buying PAL, either.
Or you can be going to the gym for 7 months straight, barely lose any weight, then have your Grandmother die and stop and then lose another 20 kilos.


I think I'd only stick out at the gym if I had a trainer or some such to just give me shit to do. When I try to make me do stuff, it doesn't work out.

Also anyone want to go see Motorstorm tomorrow in the Melbourne CBD? I won some tickets but now can't attend, and realised that they plan to show the game in 3D which I totally can't see.

Probably should have read through it closer in my eagerness to win free shit


Still Tagged Accordingly
VOOK said:
Or you can be going to the gym for 7 months straight, barely lose any weight, then have your Grandmother die and stop and then lose another 20 kilos.
my goal when going to the gym was different. i'm trying to put on weight, so i can't talk from your perspective.

but three things stand out to me from what you said.

- Did you change your diet too? No point burning more calories if you just eat more of the wrong sorts of food.
- 7 months isn't a long time. Regular exercise is something you need to commit to for at least a year to really see the benefits, in my opinion.
- When you say "barely lose any weight", how much is that exactly? How much did you weigh before? Maybe you have unrealistic expectations.

and sorry to hear about your grandmother. my grandfather passed away late last year too, so i know what it's like.


Anyone else have trouble seeing when they get PSN messages? Like, I always notice I have a message days after someone has messaged me.
Megadrive said:
Finally, someone else in AusGAF who likes the best show.
It feels like the spiritual sequel to Harvey Birdman, another show that completely ignores it's initial plot pitch to ensure unadulterated hilarity. And Woodhouse.
Scrow said:
my goal when going to the gym was different. i'm trying to put on weight, so i can't talk from your perspective.

but three things stand out to me from what you said.

- Did you change your diet too? No point burning more calories if you just eat more of the wrong sorts of food.
- 7 months isn't a long time. Regular exercise is something you need to commit to for at least a year to really see the benefits, in my opinion.
- When you say "barely lose any weight", how much is that exactly? How much did you weigh before? Maybe you have unrealistic expectations.

and sorry to hear about your grandmother. my grandfather passed away late last year too, so i know what it's like.
I agree that there is a certain amount of weight (seasonal fat for lack of a better term) that you lose quickly when increasing exercise or decreasing intake but to really bring the weight down it will take 12 months of exercise, even just making sure to go for a long walk every day will help in the long run. (also creepily I lost about 15 kilos when my grandfather died)


reptilescorpio said:
It feels like the spiritual sequel to Harvey Birdman, another show that completely ignores it's initial plot pitch to ensure unadulterated hilarity. And Woodhouse.
Fucking love Archer. Harvey Birdman is similar? Anything else? Must have!
Shaneus said:
Fucking love Archer. Harvey Birdman is similar? Anything else? Must have!
Sealab 2021, The Brak Show, Space Ghost? The old Adult Swim stuff was all great (makes me feel old to think back to 2002 :( )
The only thing since Birdman finished up that has been as enjoyable is Archer, thank god for Archer. Hopefully future animation lords look to Archer et al rather than shit like The Cleveland Show for inspiration.


Space Ghost Coast to Coast is the pinnacle of human civilization.

I have subsidized gym as part of my work, but given the choice between spending an hour at the gym or spending an hour working on either my day job or my night job the working always wins. I just get too much out of being productive :/
Rez said:
yeah, I've lost a fair bit through self-motivated cardio and a healthy diet, I'm at my goal weight and then some, but at the moment I'm looking to tone up a bit. I have some weights, but just focusing on my arms and neglecting every other bit of me seems a bit dodgy. I'm not looking to bulk up the glamour muscles, I'm just looking to get as generally healthy as reasonably possible. actually having a place to routinely go to helps keep me at it.

I was hoping someone would have an answer like "Gym Chain X" is reasonable, or "try to avoid the bigger chains" or something.

Don't know about Gym Chains in Melbourne, as my Gym is located on Central Coast of NSW, but there are some things to look out for in terms of equipment.

Make sure the gym has a power/squat rack, a couple of benches and ample room for motions that require more room (like the space for deadlifts). I tend to prefer free weight type exercises as opposed to machines, and stick to the big lifts as your foundation, with isolation exercises as secondary.


We don't know why he keeps buying PAL, either.
Scrow said:
my goal when going to the gym was different. i'm trying to put on weight, so i can't talk from your perspective.

but three things stand out to me from what you said.

- Did you change your diet too? No point burning more calories if you just eat more of the wrong sorts of food.
- 7 months isn't a long time. Regular exercise is something you need to commit to for at least a year to really see the benefits, in my opinion.
- When you say "barely lose any weight", how much is that exactly? How much did you weigh before? Maybe you have unrealistic expectations.

and sorry to hear about your grandmother. my grandfather passed away late last year too, so i know what it's like.

I'm in a unique position, I've lost 76kgs in the last two years. I have a gastric lapband. When I wasn't going to the gym I was losing any where from 2kgs to 9kgs one week. When I was at the gym it was the slowest period in the last two years. Now not at the gym and just riding my bike it's coming off. 7 months is probably wrong, it was closer to a year.

So yeah my diet is completely different to it was there. I used to eat take away all the time , huge bowels of pasta most nights, ice cream and crap all the time. Also I used to drink 2-3 litres of Pepsi Max a day. Now none of that.

I'm fitter now doing my own thing then I ever was at the gym. All the gym did was make me sore every night, my arms, my legs, everything.

Plus it doesn't cost me anything to ride my bike.
VOOK said:
I'm in a unique position, I've lost 76kgs in the last two years. I have a gastric lapband. When I wasn't going to the gym I was losing any where from 2kgs to 9kgs one week. When I was at the gym it was the slowest period in the last two years. Now not at the gym and just riding my bike it's coming off. 7 months is probably wrong, it was closer to a year.

So yeah my diet is completely different to it was there. I used to eat take away all the time , huge bowels of pasta most nights, ice cream and crap all the time. Also I used to drink 2-3 litres of Pepsi Max a day. Now none of that.

I'm fitter now doing my own thing then I ever was at the gym. All the gym did was make me sore every night, my arms, my legs, everything.

Plus it doesn't cost me anything to ride my bike.
When I started out at uni I was drinking 4 litres of Vanilla Coke a day, playing videogames, getting wipeout drunk every night and eating the most messed up stuff just for the sake of it. Now I work fulltime and have a family I don't have that kind of intake time which has made me a good weight now.


but ever so delicious
While cheesy or maybe bad, http://gainfitness.com/ i find that website to be decent at creating me a little workout when i can be bothered getting off my ass.

Might be worth giving a shot to see how you go, it is in beta form still though.


reptilescorpio said:
Sealab 2021, The Brak Show, Space Ghost? The old Adult Swim stuff was all great (makes me feel old to think back to 2002 :( )
The only thing since Birdman finished up that has been as enjoyable is Archer, thank god for Archer. Hopefully future animation lords look to Archer et al rather than shit like The Cleveland Show for inspiration.
Birdman and those shows are like... the golden age. So fucking funny, the whole lot of them.


In this thread, video gamers discuss how useless gyms are.

I've been going to the gym for quite a few years, I couldn't live without it. Also, chicks in lycra. Dude.


but ever so delicious
Mar said:
In this thread, video gamers discuss how useless gyms are.

I've been going to the gym for quite a few years, I couldn't live without it. Also, chicks in lycra. Dude.

Didn't you lose most of your weight or at least start it with just dieting and walking the dog?

What's the gym for you now?


We don't know why he keeps buying PAL, either.
Mar said:
In this thread, video gamers discuss how useless gyms are.

I've been going to the gym for quite a few years, I couldn't live without it. Also, chicks in lycra. Dude.

Chick in lycra, low cut tops everywhere. Woop-de-doo.


Mar said:
In this thread, video gamers discuss how useless gyms are.

I've been going to the gym for quite a few years, I couldn't live without it. Also, chicks in lycra. Dude.

Pool beats gym. As long as you can monopolise a lane.


evlcookie said:
Didn't you lose most of your weight or at least start it with just dieting and walking the dog?

What's the gym for you now?

Yeah, probably two thirds of my weight was lost jogging. But the gym lost the rest and toned me up (except my beer belly of course).

To be honest, I go mainly for the women. I'm a simple man.

VOOK said:
Chick in lycra, low cut tops everywhere. Woop-de-doo.

I forgot, there's only room for one person in Vook's life.

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