I was walking my dog one day in the park, and a man walking about without a dog walks up asking me what breed my dog is. Now this guy is maybe just shy of 50, drunk as hell and has that sort of wiry build I have always illogically associated with the possibility of sudden, irrational violence. So I inform him that my dog's a Labradoodle. He bursts out laughing. I sort of smile awkwardly at him. "Doodle," he says. "Is he a bloke?" he asks. "Yep," another burst of laughter into my face. "A doodle with a doodle!" he manages to say between guffaws.
"Yep, if only the rest of us could have our genitals in our names," I say, falling back on sarcasm. He walks off, still pissing himself with laughter.
What a weird thing.