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AusGAF 2.0 - Twice the price, a year late but still moving forward

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HolyCheck said:
If some one downloads the new mortal kombat game illegally, other than the obvious law you're breaking there, they would be put under this giant fine thingy too right? lmao
I doubt it. Possession is totally fine and I doubt you can consider downloading stuff to be importation.
In happier news the Protector Trials have finally been released for Bioshock 2 PC for FREE!!!!!! Hopefully this means Minerva's Den isn't too far away too. Very impressed they even bothered to finalising development on this, even better that it is free.

Also the Oddboxx is half price on Steam this week, did they fix all the problems? Kinda want to checkout Munch as I never got a chance to play it. Everyone should buy Strangers Wrath. One of the best FPS of all time without a doubt.

Bern said:
Professor Choc's concerns over 'teh amount of water' Nuclear plants require might just be AusGAF's finest hour.
Doesn't even come close to kitten pictures (plus there have been very interesting comments in the Nuclear Thread itself...)
guidop said:
Those types of responses are completely wrong and unwarranted though I still think its fare to highlight the dangers and issues associated with the technology when these disasters happen obviously the dust needs to settle first.

In saying that everything I have heard on Radio National has totally reaffirmed my opposition to the technology.

I agree that it is an important issue to discuss. I'm pro-nuclear power.
pro-tip, anti-cut, pro-abortion oh noes gaf thread derail
I just think that even if, in the end, not much happens, and everything returns to normal, the anti-nuclear movement will come out with cries of "I am so thankful it didn't get any worse. Now we can worry about stopping the use of these plants to prevent a future occurence.", rather than saying, "Nuclear power has evolved since the shoddy, converted, Chernobyl reactor with it's poorly instructed workforce and that if we put more value in the technology we would develop even safer plants."


reptilescorpio said:
Also the Oddboxx is half price on Steam this week, did they fix all the problems?

Apparently if you have an Nvidia GPU you should be fine; ATI users still have issues. My copy of Munch works (ATI GPU), but, Stranger's Wrath is still a mess. At this point it seems like a bit of a crapshoot whether you'll have issues or not.


guidop said:
Those types of responses are completely wrong and unwarranted though I still think its fare to highlight the dangers and issues associated with the technology when these disasters happen obviously the dust needs to settle first.

In saying that everything I have heard on Radio National has totally reaffirmed my opposition to the technology.

i know you didn't mean it but not hte best choice of words :(
FreeFallin' said:
"Nuclear power has evolved since the shoddy, converted, Chernobyl reactor with it's poorly instructed workforce and that if we put more value in the technology we would develop even safer plants."


Apparently if you have an Nvidia GPU you should be fine. ATI users still have issues. My copy of Munch works (ATI GPU), but Stranger's Wrath is still a mess. At this point it seems like a bit of a crapshoot whether you'll have issues or not.
Thank you dear friend! Also I have the original Abe's Awesome games, can I gift them if I buy the box (since it is the same price as Munch+Stranger)?
Also what I quoted is stupid talk. It's not sexy/action enough for the evening news to get viewers. The next 2 years will be nothing but hysteria and scaremongering in regards to nuclear energy. The whole thing will be set back again and we will continue to screw our planet up with fossil fuels and pay $2 for fuel just to avoid nuclear energy. Yay! (note: I believe we can use nuclear related technology for the next 30-40 years before renewable/clean energy can be viable at which point shall be exploited. I also have no idea how to blackout my post so people can only see it when they select it which is why I use brackets so much).
reptilescorpio said:
Thank you dear friend! Also I have the original Abe's Awesome games, can I gift them if I buy the box (since it is the same price as Munch+Stranger)?

No idea about the gifting sorry. It should say during the checkout process, if it doesn't it will say "Hey you own some of these games ... no gifts, sorry man".

To blackout posts put em in brackets like this[/ spoiler] without the space between the dash and second spoiler.
FreeFallin' said:
No idea about the gifting sorry. It should say during the checkout process, if it doesn't it will say "Hey you own some of these games ... no gifts, sorry man".

To blackout posts put em in brackets like this[/ spoiler] without the space between the dash and second spoiler.
Thank you good sir! You're like a miniature Buddha, covered with hair.

So anyone into music? New Strokes album is amazing? Pharoahe Monch? Rikki Lee?

CLipper said:
No, you don't get your old purchases back as gifts if you buy the Oddboxx. I did exactly this a while back.
Poop. Won't be offering free copies of Abe is Awesome 1+2 then, sorry AusGaf.

Edit: Can I has entry to zee AusGaf Steam group? I am a simple peasant, not allowed access to Kritz' apparent drunken ramblings :(


Bernbaum said:
Professor Choc's concerns over 'teh amount of water' Nuclear plants require might just be AusGAF's finest hour.

We're all Ministers for Home Affairs and Nuclears Engineers here in AusGAF.
justin.au said:
You're pro-tip? Australian citizenship revoked. Go and join the crazy Yanks and their system of mandatory tipping.

Pro-tip in the sense that if I feel that some service was done well and I will go back to the place (restaurant/hairdresser mainly) I'll throw in a little something extra. I wont tip for mediocre service though, if someone does a shit job and isn't attentive I wont tip; put some effort in and you'll reap the benefits.

/summary man mode

Mandatory tipping is a terrible policy. Only tip if the service warrants it.

/summary man mode


FreeFallin' said:
Pro-tip in the sense that if I feel that some service was done well and I will go back to the place (restaurant/hairdresser mainly) I'll throw in a little something extra. I wont tip for mediocre service though, if someone does a shit job and isn't attentive I wont tip; put some effort in and you'll reap the benefits.

/summary man mode

Mandatory tipping is a terrible policy. Only tip if the service warrants it.

/summary man mode
Well, I don't consider that to be pro-tip on this board (or any other American board). I tip if the service is truly outstanding but when I hear someone is pro-tip on GAF, I presume they mean pro-mandatory-tip.

Revocation of Australian citizenship withdrawn. Carry on.
evlcookie said:
Nope. I currently have -15 in confidence. I need to find a tunic and a hat so it can enter a plus state.
Have a scotch in the morning before work. Done well for me so far.

Also I believe in the pro-tip you are talking about FreeFallin' I always go back to my fav places and buy more stuff than I should just because I like supporting them. Meeting expectations shall reap what they ask for. Exceed my expectations and they shall be friends for life.


reptilescorpio said:
Have a scotch in the morning before work. Done well for me so far.

Also I believe in the pro-tip you are talking about FreeFallin' I always go back to my fav places and buy more stuff than I should just because I like supporting them.

Lightbulb down the wastemaster.

My gesture that approximates tipping is buying a large stack of books from Pulp Fiction every couple of weeks.
Salazar said:
Lightbulb down the wastemaster.

My gesture that approximates tipping is buying a large stack of books from Pulp Fiction every couple of weeks.
Refers to the act of having a startlingly restorative strong drink at an inappropriate hour?
What if I work nightshift? You don't know me.

Pulp Fiction books or comics? Either way neither site gives me enough information to gauge their worth. Minotaur in Melbourne is pretty good from the single visit I gave it. Also I buy stupid amounts of Red Rock Deli chips which could be considered tipping since I buy at full price?


justin.au said:
You're pro-tip? Australian citizenship revoked. Go and join the crazy Yanks and their system of mandatory tipping.
I've had more social faux pas with tipping in the UK than I have in the US. The day the pope was in London, a bubbly enthusiastic old Catholic waitress who was in the best mood ever morphed into a vision of pure horror when she picked up the bill wallet and realised we'd left no tip.
we begrudgingly left a tip anyway

American Cabbies were largely friendly people but knowingly terrible drivers and on more than one occasion I had to say "you drove me to the wrong spot and wasted 15 minutes getting me back to where I wanted to be and I don't feel like paying what's showing on the ticker" and they've happily obliged.

I don't really have a problem with tipping, although I love that I live in an economy where I know exactly how much something costs and employees in relevant industries get paid sufficiently from the earnings of their wares without having to rely on the goodwill of others.


Bernbaum said:
I don't really have a problem with tipping, although I love that I live in an economy where I know exactly how much something costs and employees in relevant industries get paid sufficiently from the earnings of their wares without having to rely on the goodwill of others.
This >.<

In the US they pretty much need tips to survive, its crazy.


reptilescorpio said:
Pulp Fiction books or comics? Either way neither site gives me enough information to gauge their worth. Minotaur in Melbourne is pretty good from the single visit I gave it.

Books. SF, fantasy, and crime. Small store, but full of good stuff. Genial staff. Quiet. What I don't buy through Book Depository or on my Kindle, I buy from there.

Minotaur is decent, I agree.
Salazar said:
Books. SF, fantasy, and crime. Small store, but full of good stuff. Genial staff. Quiet. What I don't buy through Book Depository or on my Kindle, I buy from there.

Minotaur is decent, I agree.
Book Depository does indeed have a good selection and great prices. Unfortunately bookstores in my town are headlined by Borders and Angus&Robertson so not much to choose from. At least Borders has a Gloria Jeans! I can fondle a book and drink my latte to my hearts content until they are closed up.


Bernbaum said:
I've had more social faux pas with tipping in the UK than I have in the US. The day the pope was in London, a bubbly enthusiastic old Catholic waitress who was in the best mood ever morphed into a vision of pure horror when she picked up the bill wallet and realised we'd left no tip.
we begrudgingly left a tip anyway
Really? That's interesting because I've heard some English people complain about the tipping culture of America. (Not doubting the veracity of your story).

Possibly a regional thing.


Clipper said:
I doubt it. Possession is totally fine and I doubt you can consider downloading stuff to be importation.

Taking a look at that statute again, since 'importation' isn't defined explicitly in the statute you could be able to take it its ordinary meaning of 'bringing it into the country' or 'causing it to be brought into the country'


guidop said:
I'm so over all these fucking pro-nuclear people coming out saying how awesome nuclear is and how it would be a travesty if we abandoned the Technology how it is still safe etc. when this Japanese station is completely shitting itself

For something that's been battered by one of the largest earthquakes in 100 years, huge tsunamis and hydrogen explosions, I'd say its doing pretty well (we're still waiting for that meltdown you promised us, Ten News!). If this were one of our coal stations the coal waste would be all over the suburb which, I might add, is also radioactive.

markot said:
This >.<

In the US they pretty much need tips to survive, its crazy.

The flip side is that the reason everything is so much cheaper in America than here is because of their low wages.
guidop said:
I'm so over all these fucking pro-nuclear people coming out saying how awesome nuclear is and how it would be a travesty if we abandoned the Technology how it is still safe etc. when this Japanese station is completely shitting itself
Almost any form of power generation we use on a large scale has inherent risks.

The Japanese in this situation have done just about everything right while just about everything has gone wrong. The station was designed to handle the earthquake of that magnitude, and it began to automatically shut down as soon as the quake began. They were unlucky that the tsunami damaged the pumps (new BWRs have gravity-fed cooling systems which don't need these pumps, so reactors that aren't 40-years old wouldn't have this issue, though it's moot now) but all of the reactors are still intact. Three are already in cold shutdown and "safe", while one is still a bit sketchy.

Even if the final reactor does "meltdown", it can still be contained within the reactor and would be unlikely to have significant impact unless again luck isn't on our side.

Yes, some radiation has leaked out, but it's not anywhere near the scale of Chernobyl (something like one thirtieth at it's peak so far, and that's right at ground zero). Unless something terrible happens, things should only improve now.

Nuclear power has its dangers, sure, but we shouldn't abandon it unless we have something better (solar and wind are great, but they don't really scale well), ready and waiting in the wings. We shouldn't bet our future on coal or gas, either.


Ventron said:
The flip side is that the reason everything is so much cheaper in America than here is because of their low wages.

Is stuff that much cheaper?

Also its not really cheaper if you are expected to pay an extra 20% for any 'service' you get over there.

Also I hate 'tip jars'......... At least put those blind dog thingys.


Nemesis556 said:
Why shouldn't he be? People make a huge deal, and now it's gonna be even harder to import. So yeah.

If the amount of media and public attention around Left 4 Dead 2's classification wasn't enough to ruin importing then this certianly won't be.

Vook is just angry because Nintendo region locks everything and he can't just import everything.


It'll still be on just without his input, which has got to be a victory.

Amazing Tapas tonight at Pintxo's in the valley (Bris), then the thickest Italian Hot Chocolate at Portofino, all for under 20 bucks. I'm going to bed happy.


markot said:
Good, less crappy British cop crap on our screens is a win for every race.
You take that back, every episode of Midsomer Murders is a quintessential British whodunit. We're not talking about The Bill here.


Salazar said:

"We just don't have ethnic minorities involved because it wouldn't be the English village with them," True-May said.

The funniest thing is, he's absolutely right. :lol

At least until recent times.

markot said:
Is stuff that much cheaper?

I occasionally go to the States. I cannot say 'yes' to this question enough. Especially in the area of anything digital.


markot said:
Pretty sure downloading something doesnt count as importing.

It would depend on the judge you draw, really. And the public policy they decide to pursue. Since the Act doesn't 'define' importation it would be a case law matter, and downloading it is technically bringing it (or a copy of it, which is the same really for all intents and purposes) into the country...


I want a tag give me a tag
Guys we have one of the most tight nit communities here on GAF so I was wondering if we should do something to help out japan gaf, I don't know how we could help.. or by doing what, but I think we should, after all we're asian too!

anyone got any ideas or suggestions?


We don't know why he keeps buying PAL, either.
Mar said:
I'm legitimately interested as to why you're so bitter about this.

Because I'm sick of hearing everyone go on and on about it, like importing it is some major revelation, omg I can buy games off the internet - and they're cheaper! I'm SOO Awesome!

Worldwide release dates? Pff shit I have things before they're out - I import all the time, I don't go and make a big song and dance about it all over the internet though.

Look at me, I'm importing Mortal Kombat, weeeee.

Agyar said:
Vook is just angry because Nintendo region locks everything and he can't just import everything.

*plays 3DS*


HolyCheck said:
Guys we have one of the most tight nit communities here on GAF so I was wondering if we should do something to help out japan gaf, I don't know how we could help.. or by doing what, but I think we should, after all we're asian too!

anyone got any ideas or suggestions?
I'll give you that we're Australasian, but Asian? No. I'm not saying anything about whether it's good, bad or whatever to be considered Asian, but just that we aren't.

And I'm not sure about the concept of a group gift. Yes, the thought is there, but if we give in our own names, we get tax deductions. That wouldn't happen through an AusGAF pooling, unless you are more meaning that we do some marathon gaming session or something to get money from the rest of GAF.

VOOK said:
*plays 3DS* but can't read the words on the screen
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