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AusGAF 2.0 - Twice the price, a year late but still moving forward

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I want a tag give me a tag
Clipper said:
I'll give you that we're Australasian, but Asian? No. I'm not saying anything about whether it's good, bad or whatever to be considered Asian, but just that we aren't.

And I'm not sure about the concept of a group gift. Yes, the thought is there, but if we give in our own names, we get tax deductions. That wouldn't happen through an AusGAF pooling, unless you are more meaning that we do some marathon gaming session or something to get money from the rest of GAF.


i wwas just saying suggest anything! i had no ideas

we are so asian, check out the soccer league we're in!
Salazar said:
Books. SF, fantasy, and crime. Small store, but full of good stuff. Genial staff. Quiet. What I don't buy through Book Depository or on my Kindle, I buy from there.

Minotaur is decent, I agree.

Yep. Up until I got a Kindle (and the odd bit of importing), Pulp Fiction was my number one store. Great staff, great service, and I was only too happy to spend more money that I needed to (with regards to being able to get them cheaper from overseas) to support the store. I still go in from time to time because I refuse to completely give up physical books for some authors and series.

I really do enjoy looking through a bookstore. You can't replicate the feeling of looking through the shelves, spotting books you've wanted and stumbling over new and interesting books when you're dealing with online and digital media.

Plus there's no shopkeep to talk about your purchases with when you're online, either.


Clipper said:
I'll give you that we're Australasian, but Asian? No. I'm not saying anything about whether it's good, bad or whatever to be considered Asian, but just that we aren't.

Did you sleepwalk through the Keating years?


Aon said:
Did you sleepwalk through the Keating years?
I don't think he means geographically located (though oceania is a better term, as i don't think many would associate our region with india/pakistan), but more culturally. We have lots of asian influences (and much better for it), but i wouldn't call us asian by culture by a long way.


Stackboy said:
Here's hoping for change (though not necessarily an R18+ rating).
I think reading between the lines, he's basically said, either the AG's get their shit together and piece together an R18+ rating and stop forcing games into M15+ or UC, or he wil ltake that power from them.

I should point out, i agree with him that the whole system needs a fundamental change. I don't think just adding in a R18 category is the coverall solution people think it will be.


VOOK said:
Because I'm sick of hearing everyone go on and on about it, like importing it is some major revelation, omg I can buy games off the internet - and they're cheaper! I'm SOO Awesome!

Worldwide release dates? Pff shit I have things before they're out - I import all the time, I don't go and make a big song and dance about it all over the internet though.

Look at me, I'm importing Mortal Kombat, weeeee.

*plays 3DS*

I'm becoming worried you're turning into an amalgamation of Gazunta's video game review guy and Choc.


Federal Government may have been late to the party on this - but they really have made an effort to get this thing over the line.

And O'Connor's completely right - if this doesn't get through because of a couple of rogue Christian AsG the system has to change. Point blank.


giri said:
I think reading between the lines, he's basically said, either the AG's get their shit together and piece together an R18+ rating and stop forcing games into M15+ or UC, or he wil ltake that power from them.

I should point out, i agree with him that the whole system needs a fundamental change. I don't think just adding in a R18 category is the coverall solution people think it will be.

Perhaps not, but I don't think you can move ahead with reforms to how media is classified when there is such a clear disparity between formats.


I am speaking geographically actually.

Asia is a continent. Australia is a continent. Continents are mutually exclusive. I classify the term 'Asians' to refer to people from the continent of Asia. End of argument.

I do agree that we do share some geographically derived cultural relationships that do make them closer to us than the North Americans :p.


We don't know why he keeps buying PAL, either.
Mar said:
I'm becoming worried you're turning into an amalgamation of Gazunta's video game review guy and Choc.

Never, just illustrating my point that if I can't get it here - I import.

What other local member of the media imports games to make sure they cover things first? No one, that's our point of difference.


I am quite ill today :( at home :(

watching Japan ;_;

puts everything in perspective, I was shitty i had a sore throat, then i saw japan and was like well shit, that sore throat doesn't seem so bad now.


VOOK said:
Never, just illustrating my point that if I can't get it here - I import.

What other local member of the media imports games to make sure they cover things first? No one, that's our point of difference.

Vook i regularly imported shit when i was in the media to cover it.

but yes indeed ign et al have not imported 3DS units


We don't know why he keeps buying PAL, either.
Choc said:
Vook i regularly imported shit when i was in the media to cover it.

but yes indeed ign et al have not imported 3DS units

Look at the likes lof Joystiq and that now doing 'unboxings' of the 3DS now, like completely ignoring the fact it's been out in the wild for a month.

We're in the internet era now, you can't hide that something is out in another region - so instead of trying to cover it up - use it for your advantage.


Bernbaum said:
So uh, who else is still rocking Windows XP?
My netbook still has XP on it and I ain't budging. Not that I use it much since I got my iPad besides Facebook gaming 9which barely fits the screen anyway) and quick Photoshop edits for when I can't be arsed getting up off the couch just to correct a typo on the comic.

XP was good stuff.


VOOK said:
Look at the likes lof Joystiq and that now doing 'unboxings' of the 3DS now, like completely ignoring the fact it's been out in the wild for a month.

We're in the internet era now, you can't hide that something is out in another region - so instead of trying to cover it up - use it for your advantage.
Wait, you post against the people talking about how they are importing stuff, and then you go and say this about the people who didn't import stuff. So to please you, you need to definitely import stuff, but don't tell anyone you did it?

Also, the contents of the non-Japanese boxes are interesting to me. We don't get all those hilarious warning pictures in the user guide for one thing, so what replaces them?


Oh crap, thanks for reminding me I promised to do a comic for a NZ earthquake charity book by Monday.

I had uh better...um, get started on that.


VOOK said:
Look at the likes lof Joystiq and that now doing 'unboxings' of the 3DS now, like completely ignoring the fact it's been out in the wild for a month.

We're in the internet era now, you can't hide that something is out in another region - so instead of trying to cover it up - use it for your advantage.

US unit vook. So its different in a way. US Media just got 3DS's


Vook Winning Eleven at least is region locked. No go in US 3DS.

Haven't tried street fighter yet


VOOK said:
Never, just illustrating my point that if I can't get it here - I import.

What other local member of the media imports games to make sure they cover things first? No one, that's our point of difference.

I'd talk about magazines, but... magazines...!


Choc said:
US unit vook. So its different in a way. US Media just got 3DS's


Vook Winning Eleven at least is region locked. No go in US 3DS.

Haven't tried street fighter yet
What's really going to be interesting is whether the Aussie games work in other units. Only the Aussie Pokemon Black/White was region free, right? The Japanese one was locked. Then again, I haven't heard confirmation of region freedom nor region lockdown on the US Pokemon, so perhaps it was free too...


We don't know why he keeps buying PAL, either.
Clipper said:
Wait, you post against the people talking about how they are importing stuff, and then you go and say this about the people who didn't import stuff. So to please you, you need to definitely import stuff, but don't tell anyone you did it?

Also, the contents of the non-Japanese boxes are interesting to me. We don't get all those hilarious warning pictures in the user guide for one thing, so what replaces them?

Import all you like, do whatever you want - but don't make out like it's anything special. It's not rebellious. You got a game, woop-de-do.

You know what replaces those warning? Well at least in the Euro box there's a phone book sized instruction manual. Not even kidding, that box is double the size of the Japanese one.

Clipper said:
What's really going to be interesting is whether the Aussie games work in other units. Only the Aussie Pokemon Black/White was region free, right? The Japanese one was locked. Then again, I haven't heard confirmation of region freedom nor region lockdown on the US Pokemon, so perhaps it was free too...

One of my Twitter followers said that his copy of his US Pokemon Black was region free in his Japanese DSi. I think what happened with that is because of the closeness of release they just produced one card for the entire world and just left off the region lock. It probably won't happen again.

The minute I get my Australian 3DS I'll be doing all sorts of region lock testing, don't worry. That's more important than what's in the box. ;)


the region lock is game based not hardware based

so if someone wants to ship an unregioned game they are allowed, its just like 360

Its possible because Japanese and US games are so different in terms of text etc the reason why JP games are locked

US/EU could be a different kettle of fish


We don't know why he keeps buying PAL, either.
Jambo you'll be fine.

Don't worry, I'll test it all out. I got Japanese and English DSi games, DS games, 3DS games from both regions (well will). Everything will be tested and on video.


VOOK said:
Import all you like, do whatever you want - but don't make out like it's anything special. It's not rebellious. You got a game, woop-de-do.

But why do you care?

We live in Australia, where retailers charge double the price for just about everything. There are a lot of people out there that have no idea you can buy a game for half the price, so what's wrong with getting the word out there? Someone's got to speak up.

I know Australian's have a culture of the 'battlers', where you suck it up and keep trying. But eventually someone has to throw their hands up in the air and say 'fuck you', and do something about it. If that comes at the cost of Australian retailers then great.


VOOK said:
Jambo you'll be fine.
I figured, I'm just worried cause I've bought a few hundred dollars worth of DS games.

Also it's weird not having an iPad. So many times in bed or on the bus I've gone to pull it out and been like "...oh wait." Can't wait for March 25th, get me a shiny new iPad 2!


jambo said:
I figured, I'm just worried cause I've bought a few hundred dollars worth of DS games.

Also it's weird not having an iPad. So many times in bed or on the bus I've gone to pull it out and been like "...oh wait." Can't wait for March 25th, get me a shiny new iPad 2!
If they somehow decided to make Australia an actual region rather than lumping us in with the rest of the PAL territories, it would be pretty crazy.


Clipper said:
If they somehow decided to make Australia an actual region rather than lumping us in with the rest of the PAL territories, it would be pretty crazy.

There is a specific model of 3DS Debug which is aus

you never know


Choc said:
you queueing jambo?

If I end up deciding to get an iPad 2, I will just try going to JB or Myer that morning and see if they have stock. If that doesn't work, I'll try again the next week.


Choc said:
you queueing jambo?

No Apple Store in Adelaide, and when the iPad 1 launched a few of my mates just walked in to JB Hi-Fi's and Next Byte's and bought them on the spot.

Hopefully it'll all go smoothly again.

EDIT: "abcnews: Breaking: Christchurch will no longer host Rugby World Cup."


We don't know why he keeps buying PAL, either.
Mar said:
I know Australian's have a culture of the 'battlers', where you suck it up and keep trying. But eventually someone has to throw their hands up in the air and say 'fuck you', and do something about it. If that comes at the cost of Australian retailers then great.

Aren't we doing that already?

viciouskillersquirrel said:
I'd prefer they just make NAL a subsidiary of NoA. NAL never get anything right.

Ha! Nintendo America only just started pushing the 3DS this week, Nintendo's Japan, Australia and Europe started touring the 3DS around months before.
VOOK said:
Ha! Nintendo America only just started pushing the 3DS this week, Nintendo's Japan, Australia and Europe started touring the 3DS around months before.
I don't give a damn about demo booths - I've already decided to buy a 3DS. What I care about is the number of titles they release and when they get released. The US gets more of the stuff I'm interested in, so I've taken my business to them.


We don't know why he keeps buying PAL, either.
viciouskillersquirrel said:
I don't give a damn about demo booths - I've already decided to buy a 3DS. What I care about is the number of titles they release and when they get released. The US gets more of the stuff I'm interested in, so I've taken my business to them.

And as your right as a consumer you're allowed to.

I'm buying a 3DS from every region so I can choose where to buy my games and when. It sucks, and it's quite dumb because the 3DS will probably get hacked one day - but for now that's what I, you gotta do.

The only games we're missing out on from launch is Pilotwings and Steel Diver (which so is Japan and Europe). Pilotwings is two weeks later (which is an unhealthy precidient).

Oh and Madden, but I doubt anyone here gives a shit about that.


but ever so delicious
My back is more screwed than normal and i'm thinking i should get off my ass and get it checked out. Clearly an appointment at the docs is required but i'm so lazy. Is there anything else i should do before the docs though? Maybe try a massage place? lol

No email today from steam regarding my reply, Guess they are having a lazy day too. I also sent an email to NAB telling them of their fuck up, let's see what sort of reply i get from those guys.


Man, just a weird thought, VOOK... Are you going to be carrying all three 3DS' with you to make use of streetpass?

Then again, the Japanese one is probably useless as you won't have many of those games, I'm guessing. Still, if you are going to split between the two English language ones, will you be carrying both around, or just using the local one to play games that are only being release in PAL and not US?


We don't know why he keeps buying PAL, either.
Clipper said:
Man, just a weird thought, VOOK... Are you going to be carrying all three 3DS' with you to make use of streetpass?

Then again, the Japanese one is probably useless as you won't have many of those games, I'm guessing. Still, if you are going to split between the two English language ones, will you be carrying both around, or just using the local one to play games that are only being release in PAL and not US?

The Japanese one will probably stay at home, I won't be buying too many games for that.

But yeah I'll be taking around my Australian and American one, I have my iPad bag which stores a ton of stuff so it's no biggy. At moment I'm taking my Japanese one everywhere as everyone wants to check it out but after launch I don't think people will care.

My US one is a 'in case shit happens' console. I'm buying it now because the Aussie dollar is so good - but most of my gaming will be done on the AU one. But I'm being negative here, once we get one of those, the 'Super Paper Mario' of the 3DS that gets a 6 month delay, that's when I import. Waiting a week, two weeks for an AU game isn't a biggy.

I need my AU console mainly too because review games will be Aussie.


viciouskillersquirrel said:
I don't give a damn about demo booths - I've already decided to buy a 3DS. What I care about is the number of titles they release and when they get released. The US gets more of the stuff I'm interested in, so I've taken my business to them.


Madden, BUST-A-MOVE, Steel Diver and Samurai Warrior are deal breakers?
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