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AusGAF 2.0 - Twice the price, a year late but still moving forward

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evlcookie said:
Apple just really has the "package" to do it all with. You get the apple hardware and software all in one. If Google turned around and said here's our Google phone and OS, No one else is able to use it, I honestly think Android would be bigger than it is right now. Since you have all the other handset manufactures dicking around with their own hardware versions and android versions, It's a little bit of a cluster fuck and you can't get a group of people all that excited about it.
Yup, looking at my gf new Android phone it was confusing to work out how to put apps on it. Telstra have their shortcuts to marketplace/music/vids, Samsung have their own shortcuts to marketplace/music/vids and the actual Android one is just called Marketplace and doesn't have a shortcut. Android is great for being open and everything but it definitely isn't as user friendly or marketable. It is the word-of-mouth that sold me on it, like seeing posts about people running Mario Bros as an animated wallpaper or people getting Doom running on it.
Fredescu said:
She was in Rafters for a while too *
* is what I would say if I watched that show. Obviously I don't, so this is a guess.
Don't pretend you weren't cut up when
Mel died. Also, no-one else cares, why am I spoiler-tagging this?

Bernbaum said:
Long after being entertained by his twitterfeed and public displays of inane hilarity, I have discovered the music of Kanye West. Wow.
He really is quite good, isn't he? ...I assume you mean "wow" in a positive way.
Danoss said:
Totally agree. I was surprised when I found out what her age was on Buffy.

She won't be at the Sydney show, so it won't affect me. Only she bottom of the barrel show up at Supernova Sydney (bar a very select few).
I hadn't even heard of Supernova until a week ago so what is it like? Is it suitable for a 6 month old child? Is Christopher Lloyd likely to run around yelling "Great Scot!"? Will AusGAF be all that I imagined?


evlcookie said:
It's not a simple upgrade path like with a PC, it's a brand new $1300 - $3000 machine every year.
I've never known anyone to upgrade a Macbook annually and iPads/iPods cost nowhere near that much.


AnkhWeasel said:
He really is quite good, isn't he? ...I assume you mean "wow" in a positive way.

Every track on MBDTF is great and the production is amazing. There was no way that the Kanye I was familiar with, the hyper-rich celebrity oblivious to the inanity of his first world problems, could possibly be the mind behind the album - surely there was a deftly-skilled producer in the shadpws guiding the bumbling fool along. A quick check of the album liner notes proved otherwise - Kanye was heavily involved in the writing and production of the album and the music is genius. Has made me completely re-think his public persona and consider whether he is just having a big joke on us all.

Downloaded Shaneus' '...in with the new' mix which is also some good music happening on my headphones.


I just want to express my deep amusement at the ousting of John Paul Langbroek.

When the leader of a party starts gibbering on the radio about "faceless men", you know he's proper fucked.
Bernbaum said:

Every track on MBDTF is great and the production is amazing. There was no way that the Kanye I was familiar with, the hyper-rich celebrity oblivious to the inanity of his first world problems, could possibly be the mind behind the album - surely there was a deftly-skilled producer in the shadpws guiding the bumbling fool along. A quick check of the album liner notes proved otherwise - Kanye was heavily involved in the writing and production of the album and the music is genius. Has made me completely re-think his public persona and consider whether he is just having a big joke on us all.

Downloaded Shaneus' '...in with the new' mix which is also some good music happening on my headphones.
Dude has been making the best beats in hip hop for the past decade. Best just to take his ramblings the same way as Charlie Sheen's. 808's is one of my favourite albums of all time so when he started with his twitter stuff I knew to just ignore it and eventually he would get an album out and all the focus would be back on the music.

I've never known anyone to upgrade a Macbook annually and iPads/iPods cost nowhere near that much.
Fairly certain he was using that as an example, as in PC's are small updates rather than complete upgrades.


but ever so delicious
Yoshiya said:
I've never known anyone to upgrade a Macbook annually and iPads/iPods cost nowhere near that much.

iPods and iPads aren't all that expensive but at the same time you don't really need the upgrade. Every 2nd year is probably a good time to upgrade when it comes to Apple hardware. By then the hardware is a decent little upgrade and they usually lock you out in terms of features with the software on mobile devices on your older hardware.

The iPad 2 has some serious horsepower but i can't see any "normal" person honestly using it. Games will benefit from it and that's about it. If iOS 5 brings some real changes then the extra power would be worth it, But with iOS 4 at the moment it's completely wasted.

As for the Macbooks selling every year, I can honestly tell you when new apple hardware comes out, be it something expensive as a new Macbook and iMac people buy it in huge numbers. I can't tell you if they are doing a yearly upgrade or are just brand new users, But even now there's still backorders for the new MBPs at work.


Only just created a new post on my website due to scorpio's post and I see someone's listening to a mix from it. I really need to get my creative arse into gear :(

Bern: That thing is (likely) around 2 years old. I'm sorry.


Rahk said:
I haven't used any E-Readers apart from the Kindle 3 I bought a couple week ago, but I love it. The text is pretty much the same as reading a book. Much better for reading than iPhone/iPad.

Unfortunately it appears they have to region lock some books on Amazon (Feast for Crows is one I've come across), no doubt due to retailers. It is possible to simply change your region to America, however if you download a book in Australia over 3G while your region is set to US you might get hit with roaming charges or something. Haven't tried it though so I'm not entirely sure, this is just what I found from a quick Google. Should be fine if you buy over wifi/PC.

Fortunately, you can convert any DRM free books to Kindle format using Calibre. Pretty simple to do and takes just a minute, so you can still buy e-books from other sites if you choose. Bit more of a hassle than simply buying on the Kindle, but the option is there.

I ordered one of these awesome cases: http://www.oberondesign.com/Kindle3.php Slightly pricey though.

You can actually set up a US based amazon account but link it to your Australian CC. The books in the US store are cheaper.

Downloading books over 3g connection is free eventhough you have a US account.
However, Amazon will charge extra fees if you subscribe to periodicals(newspapers,magazines etc).


What I dont get is how apple is the 'cheap' option when it comes to tablets >_<; whod of thunk it?!

The others seem to price their stuff so horribly...


What I wouldn't give for something that's essentially identical to the iPad 2 that runs an OS that accepts things like USB, external programs, media management software that isn't iTunes... I'd love a tablet I could watch high-def movies on without having to convert them first.


Well neither Charisma nor Julie are Eliza Dushku, so we can live in peace.

I've only been to one Supanova, it was mostly full of half-naked underage anime cosplayers. I'm not sure there'd be much there to entertain a really small child, it's kind of like going to the showbag pavillion of the Royal Show that happens to have panels and geek celebs or otherwise slightly notable nerds and d-listers in the corner. It was a lot smaller than Armageddon.

Still Kaylee from Firefly had fan-fucking-tastic legs, Lou Ferrigno was surprisingly charming and fun, Spike Spencer spoke at length about all the fucked up shit that said half-naked Anime cosplayers get up to, Michael Winslow continued being the greatest part of Police Academy (Sorry Tackleberry) and hearing John Rhys-Davies talk about England stealing Australian rights is an experience for all ages.


The iPad may herald the moment I start paying for digital TV shows.

The shows I want are a leeeeeeeetle overpriced on the iTunes store and a lot closer to DVD/BR prices than I'd like them to be. Sell that shit on the cheap and I'd probably spend much more on the store.


Shaneus said:
What I wouldn't give for something that's essentially identical to the iPad 2 that runs an OS that accepts things like USB, external programs, media management software that isn't iTunes... I'd love a tablet I could watch high-def movies on without having to convert them first.

Shit for battery life though, and way expensive. I dunno if the upcoming Android tablets can do what you want. Certainly the current ones can't.
Lou Ferrigno is pretty awesome, you can tell from his role in I Love You, Man that he's just having a good time post-Hulk.

With Kanye, I started with MBDTF and grabbed the rest. All of it is really rather excellent.


evlcookie said:
Apple is in a unique position with pushing out new items every 12 months, No one else really does it in the IT industry as good as they do.

I just don't buy this. What technology manufacturers have a longer release cycle than 12 months? Every other phone manufacturer has new models at least every 12 months, if not sooner in a lot of cases and for things like laptops, there's certainly a smaller time gap between models from Dell, HP etc.

About the only items I can think of in this space that don't get similarly timed upgrades are video game consoles (although Nintendo has come pretty close with the DS).


reptilescorpio said:
I hadn't even heard of Supernova until a week ago so what is it like? Is it suitable for a 6 month old child? Is Christopher Lloyd likely to run around yelling "Great Scot!"? Will AusGAF be all that I imagined?
There's really nothing of interest to a 6 month old. Hell, there's barely anything of interest for me there.

The lines to see stars, or in many cases "stars", is ridiculously long and the amount of seating for them is pathetic. The show floor is mostly filled with anime stuff. There are awesome costumes to see people wearing, there are also horrendously bad ones, yet you can enjoy both kinds in their own way.

All in all, it's a pretty lame show, I just go there for a bit of fun and some laughs with friends. A fun way to spend a few hours.


but ever so delicious
Agyar said:
I just don't buy this. What technology manufacturers have a longer release cycle than 12 months? Every other phone manufacturer has new models at least every 12 months, if not sooner in a lot of cases and for things like laptops, there's certainly a smaller time gap between models from Dell, HP etc.

About the only items I can think of in this space that don't get similarly timed upgrades are video game consoles (although Nintendo has come pretty close with the DS).
It's not really about the cycle it's more to do with the perception of one. Intel can pump out new CPUs every 12-18 months and thats the nature of technology. Apple is in a different position that Dell or any other pc manufacturer are in, they have three things going for them. Design / form factor, software and they are able to sell direct to the consumer due to the first two.

Apple knows design is just as big as software, it's what initially gets people interested in what you're selling, it's why they spend so much time on it at a conference. They make you believe that 33% thinner, lighter, more curved are features that you need in your life.

The second being software since no one else can run apples iOS or osx. You need the hardware to run the software and what do they do at just about every conference, throw in a handful of new os features or a preview to their next os. Dell, motorolla. Samsung etc can't do that since they are relying on google or Microsoft to show off the new features of their upcoming os. It's why I said google would have been better to do their own handsets so when they do a conference it could have an impact just like apples. Because it's so splintered though with so many different manufacturers, pc and mobile, they only ever show off stuff at trade shows to build up press.

Selling to consumers is what it's all about. Apple isn't selling their hardware or software to another third party, they ask themselves is this something we would buy and if it's a yes they flog it off as a new product. Everyone else is trying to sell their hardware and software to all the other third parties, the more parties who jump on the better chance of market penetration. However those hardware guys can only work with and around the software they are given, so everything ends up looking the same.

So it's more about the perception of a rehashed 12 month cycle because you are buying a full product. Dell and the rest cant do it and if they could I'm sure they would. Apple is able to sell you the most meaningless features as something you can't live without, they are brilliant at it and no one should hate them for playing the game so well. But they are in a unique position and that's probably what pisses people off.
reptilescorpio said:
Edit: Just checked out your blog, very popular. One of your posts has 51 comments!

I can't visit Shaneus' site anymore; it was costing me too much. One the plus side my penis is as large as it has ever been, remains rock hard for extended periods of time and my bathroom cabinet is stocked full of prescription medicine, for which I have no prescriptions.

eBook Talk

I remember being the most ardent, anti-eBook Reader asshole for a very long time. I love books and never would have thought that I would give them up. After seeing the Kindle I was quite amazed at the quality of the e-ink, the nonglare screen which I can use in direct sunlight, and the fact that regardless of the book size it will only take up the same amount of space. The rest of my family were just as reticent as I... until I showed them. My Dad's already bought his and my sisters are planning to get theirs.

Danoss said:
This may have changed since I last did it because I haven't bought over 3G for a long time (as you can see by the date below). I found that if you buy or have a kindle book delivered over 3G in Australia, regardless of where your region is set, you will be hit with an "International Book Service" fee.

Out of curiosity, Danoss, did you select the "international version" of the Kindle when you bought yours? I'm wondering if perhaps your purchase region is set to US, which could be why you pay roaming fees.

Axiom said:
Well neither Charisma nor Julie are Eliza Dushku, so we can live in peace.

Awesome, I'll take Julie Benz, then. Or Charisma. Or all three.
Probably old news, but for those wanting to buy the fancy pants steelbook version of Yakuza 4, if you get it from JB they will give a a free copy of Yakuza 3.

Yakuza 4 is great BTW (also old news I know) the problem is I never finished Y3 and now I'm torn on whether or not to finish it before I really get stuck into 4. I know the normal answer would be hell yes I should finish 3 first, but knowing how I play Yakuza games I will probably get distracted and never get to 4!


Planet_JASE said:
I can't visit Shaneus' site anymore; it was costing me too much. One the plus side my penis is as large as it has ever been, remains rock hard for extended periods of time and my bathroom cabinet is stocked full of prescription medicine, for which I have no prescriptions.
I've trimmed the spam comments... it's now officially The Least Popular Blog on the Internet™.

Oh, FWIW everyone... I *still* haven't bought a new game since I said I would stop buying them, including iPhone stuff. Pretty fucking proud! Just don't ask me how much money I've spent on hardware :/
I need recommendations for a new printer. Help me Ausgaf before I drop a wad at officeworks or JB tonight.

For some reason, I've decided It doesn't have to be a canon (I've had only canon printers since 1999), also I'm considering a colour laser.

Home use, printing things like forms and documents. I don't print photos at home (I go to Big W for those) Would like it to be easily networkable, though I'm getting a router with a USB port at the same time. not printing CD's.

i seem to be replacing everything I bought in 2006 ATM- 360, printer, router, etc.
Shaneus said:
I *still* haven't bought a new game since I said I would stop buying them
Me too, though I still haven't received BioShock 2 which I ordered on the same day I decided to initiate Operation Backlog.

Though my plan to reduce the backlog is a bit different. I'm not allowed to buy a new game until I've finished two in the backlog; I knew if I ordered myself not to buy anything until the backlog was gone I'd just quit. I've only finished once since Operation Backlog started.


Actually, I just realised I kinda have. I "bought" a shitload of games in the Ubisoft firesale. I started playing Arse Creed :/

I think I'm going to stop, go back to Mirror's Edge and run through that on easy difficulty. It's a great game and I'm ashamed to say that I haven't finished it yet. Going to do that with my entire backlog, too... easy difficulty and if I want a challenge I can go back to it. Otherwise it'll sit there entirely unplayed.
codswallop said:
Though my plan to reduce the backlog is a bit different. I'm not allowed to buy a new game until I've finished two in the backlog; I knew if I ordered myself not to buy anything until the backlog was gone I'd just quit. I've only finished once since Operation Backlog started.

That is actually a really good idea. My backlog is ridiculous, I think part of that is that fact that I like getting collectors suckers editions of games which tend to only be available when they first come out.

A good example of this was my pick up of Yakuza 4 yesterday, and the fact that I have both the Witcher 2 CE and Duke Forever CE preordered for May, when I know I won't play either until June or July.

One day I will post my backlog list, and it will embarrass the hell out of me.

But yeh, great idea, I might steal it!



She said she knew who she’d rather have on her side, not Alan Jones, not Piers Akerman, not Andrew Bolt, but the CSIRO, The Australian Academy of Science, the Bureau of Meteorology, NASA, the National Atmospheric Administration, and every reputable climate change scientist in the world. Did you hear that?

There was no mention of leading Australian scientists who question climate change including Professor Ian Plimer, Professor Bob Carter and Dr David Evans, among others. What, none of them are reputable now?

— 2GB Sydney, The Chris Smith Afternoon Show, 17th March, 2011

BanShunsaku said:
One day I will post my backlog list, and it will embarrass the hell out of me.
I'm also cheating by only including current generation systems and games since older ones are sitting in a pile somewhere.

I uncovered my Megadrive (still in the box, of course!) and a copy of Warsong (import only, never finished) the other day!


For all those who are wanting something GOOD to do on the weekend of Supernova in Brisbane, Lansmash is hosting a 2 day LAN at ANZ stadium. 300 pc gamers (TF2, L4D2, everything else in between) 100 console players (Halo:Reach, MvsC3, SSF4, Smash Brothers) in one big room.


Come check it out, say hi to me.


I just have a terrible tendency to buy games on the cheap when I know I have a massive backlog. I remember getting Bayonetta from DSE for about $20 around 6 months ago or so, have barely put an hour into it :(

Don't even get me started on Steam sales.


I'm not sure whether I'll buy an iPad 2 any more. With all the rumours of the iPad 3 coming later in the year I might hold off and see what comes out.

I'll have the 3DS to keep me occupied anyway.


jambo said:
I'm not sure whether I'll buy an iPad 2 any more. With all the rumours of the iPad 3 coming later in the year I might hold off and see what comes out.

I'll have the 3DS to keep me occupied anyway.
Keep holding off and you'll never buy one.

If you want it, buy it.


Stackboy said:
For all those who are wanting something GOOD to do on the weekend of Supernova in Brisbane, Lansmash is hosting a 2 day LAN at ANZ stadium. 300 pc gamers (TF2, L4D2, everything else in between) 100 console players (Halo:Reach, MvsC3, SSF4, Smash Brothers) in one big room.


Come check it out, say hi to me.

Aren't LANs dead by now? Obviously like roaches, late 1990s PC gamers are both unevolved and resilient.
Shaneus said:
I just have a terrible tendency to buy games on the cheap when I know I have a massive backlog. I remember getting Bayonetta from DSE for about $20 around 6 months ago or so, have barely put an hour into it :(
I feel your pain. I'm like that, if something's cheap I'm more likely to buy it even if I think I'll only have a bit of fun with it. Unless something goes out of print, once games get older they go down in price (unless incredibly popular, like COD) though, so you can steel that impulsive urge with that knowledge.

jambo said:
I'm not sure whether I'll buy an iPad 2 any more. With all the rumours of the iPad 3 coming later in the year I might hold off and see what comes out.
I doubt an iPad 3 will come out this year, I'd expect it to be out early next year. That said, I also believe the 2-3 jump will be a much bigger jump than 1-2. I really want a widescreen one with higher resolution. 1366x768 or 1280x800 would be fine.

Actually, I'd prefer a non-Apple tablet device, but the other manufacturers are so far behind, and cost so much more, than even though I shy away from most Apple products, the iPad is the one I'd be most likely to buy.


LANs dead? Hahaha

There's a big one coming up in Adelaide, around June, should get around 700-1000 people.

Same organisers also do ones every month or two and they get 300+ people.

codswallop said:
I doubt an iPad 3 will come out this year, I'd expect it to be out early next year. That said, I also believe the 2-3 jump will be a much bigger jump than 1-2. I really want a widescreen one with higher resolution. 1366x768 or 1280x800 would be fine.

For anything other than movies, widescreen tablets are the wrong shape. The iPad is shaped perfectly for a tablet imo.

And I bet you 10 galleon's it'll be out before this year is over!


Omi said:

She said she knew who she’d rather have on her side, not Alan Jones, not Piers Akerman, not Andrew Bolt, but the CSIRO, The Australian Academy of Science, the Bureau of Meteorology, NASA, the National Atmospheric Administration, and every reputable climate change scientist in the world. Did you hear that?

There was no mention of leading Australian scientists who question climate change including Professor Ian Plimer, Professor Bob Carter and Dr David Evans, among others. What, none of them are reputable now?

— 2GB Sydney, The Chris Smith Afternoon Show, 17th March, 2011

Yeah, and fortunately GetUp have risen to the bait from that show and will be formally complaining to ACMA


Planet_JASE said:
Out of curiosity, Danoss, did you select the "international version" of the Kindle when you bought yours? I'm wondering if perhaps your purchase region is set to US, which could be why you pay roaming fees.
It's been so long (18 months) I honestly can't recall. If others are saying they don't get charged fees currently, then I must have had it set to US. It does make more sense.

jambo said:
I'm not sure whether I'll buy an iPad 2 any more. With all the rumours of the iPad 3 coming later in the year I might hold off and see what comes out.
Is this a joke post?


Vote 1 for Gazunta at Supanova, vote 0 for Stackboy at LANSmash

I heard LANsmash can't get an erection unless it kills a dog. Supanova, on the other hand, gives cookies to orphans every day.


Clive - wish I could remember the name of my printer / scanner / cd burner thingy I have at home. I swear by it.
So I've decided I'm going to do a backlog spreadsheet... I'm estimating I'll have more than 50 games in it :O (I don't tend to finish many games)

Also, only got about 3 episodes of Friday Night Lights season 5 left, going to be so sad when its all over :(


Gazunta said:
Vote 1 for Gazunta at Supanova, vote 0 for Stackboy at LANSmash

I heard LANsmash can't get an erection unless it kills a dog. Supanova, on the other hand, gives cookies to orphans every day.


I would go to Supanova but it's 99% animu weird stuff.


Gazunta said:
Vote 1 for Gazunta at Supanova, vote 0 for Stackboy at LANSmash

I heard LANsmash can't get an erection unless it kills a dog. Supanova, on the other hand, gives cookies to orphans every day.


Nooooooooo I told you that with confidentiality!!

LANs aren't dead. What part of 300 PC gamers don't you understand?


How long does it take Apple to reply to a damn email? I mean, when I wasn't a developer I got replies in under five hours, but it's been six days since I emailed their dev support email...

Google on the other hand took only two days.
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