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AusGAF 2.0 - Twice the price, a year late but still moving forward

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jambo said:
Joke post?

Just look at the iPad 2, it was a tiny revision.
That's Apple for you. Look at the iPhone history, 2G -> 3G -> 3GS (small jump) -> 4G -> ? (I would say a '4GS' which is a small jump is likely, with a '5G' coming out next year).

jambo said:
For anything other than movies, widescreen tablets are the wrong shape. The iPad is shaped perfectly for a tablet imo.
Granted, I haven't used an iPad for an extended period, but widescreen to me still seems like the right format. I can live with 4:3 if it is a decent resolution, which 1024x768 isn't.


To those that care, there will be an AFL Live 2011 demo set up at an EB in Melbourne today. I'm not going but brother is. I'll get him to type a small preview and I'll post it here later.


Well multiple sources in and around Apple are pointing to a new iPad in September and it wouldn't surprise me if they moved to a 6 month release cycle to better compete with Android tablets.


Stackboy said:
^ If MS pulled something like this, there would be so much outrage.

I am already outraged at what Apple get away with because they are perceived to be 'cool'.


As for tech purchases. Thinking we need a new lens for the d700....


Gazunta said:
I own an iPad and I don't think I'm cool. I just wanted one because it is very useful for me.


I wouldn't have thought AusGAF would be particularly representative of the general consumer market that buys stuff because it looks impressive or is popular. The sort of people I refer to are the ones you see on the train with an iPod + iPhone + iPad. Yes. It Happens.

Most people here can at least reason why they make some sort of purchase.


So it's more of a "I hate fans of X" argument rather than "I hate X" argument. Gotcha.

And that's not a slam - I _totally_ get that.

For example, I can't fucking stand listening to U2 because I've had so many bad interactions with pretentious fuckwits that are also (coincidentally, I'm sure) U2 fans.


Forget me Not is freakin' awesome. It's like Pac-Man + Roguelike.

As I said on Twitter last night, if this came out for the C64 it would have got a Sizzler.

...yeah I'm a graphics whore.


codswallop said:
The iPhone/iPad UI is usable, but I think it's tired as hell. But we're all graphics whores here...

Yeah I'm getting a little over the App squares and grid layout, but it looks like Apple are pushing pretty hard in that direction, taking it over to Mac OS and what not.

I really like the look of Windows Phone 7, so hopefully when my contract comes up in mid 2012 there'll be some nice WP7 phones and deals around.


codswallop said:
The iPhone/iPad UI is usable, but I think it's tired as hell. But we're all graphics whores here...

If they change it, you'll all be in here whining about how they changed something that wasn't broken and jailbreaking all your shit just to get the old layout back.


Gazunta said:
So it's more of a "I hate fans of X" argument rather than "I hate X" argument. Gotcha.

And that's not a slam - I _totally_ get that.

For example, I can't fucking stand listening to U2 because I've had so many bad interactions with pretentious fuckwits that are also (coincidentally, I'm sure) U2 fans.

Not at all, it is an argument that people will blindly buy whatever is deemed 'awesome', rather than purchase due to some inherent need.

Why would anyone need an iPod + iPhone? Surely doubling up on the majority of functionality is completely stupid.

Or am I being far too logical and should be more impulsive? :p

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
I think Apple's 'cool' factor is the most remarkable thing about their business. Good for them.

But then I'm a fan of really, really effective marketing, whereas some people, justifiably, just hate marketing in general.

It comes down to the same eye-roll inducing nature of modern politics. It's all about manipulating people to support something that does, essentially, the same thing as another one. Making something 'cool' is really fucking hard. I have nothing but respect for people who manage it.


Ydahs said:
How long does it take Apple to reply to a damn email? I mean, when I wasn't a developer I got replies in under five hours, but it's been six days since I emailed their dev support email...

Google on the other hand took only two days.

think about how many billions of apps they need to go through :|

probably forever

also ACMA are gutless, as mediawatch displayed with the NSW minister being shown in the gay club by channel 7

not entirely sure how that is in the public interest to show.........


Omi said:
Why would anyone need an iPod + iPhone? Surely doubling up on the majority of functionality is completely stupid.
The wife uses her iPod to listen to music via the stereo at home, and uses her iPhone as a phone and Diner Dash playing device.

But yeah, people buying anything 'just because' is stupid, but it's far from limited to Apple devices.


jambo said:
Well multiple sources in and around Apple are pointing to a new iPad in September and it wouldn't surprise me if they moved to a 6 month release cycle to better compete with Android tablets.
Sounds like a strange time to unveil a new iPad, especially since that's their new iPod release month.

My money is on absolutely no new iPad until next year. I won't be buying that one either.


Danoss said:
Sounds like a strange time to unveil a new iPad, especially since that's their new iPod release month.

My money is on absolutely no new iPad until next year. I won't be buying that one either.

September is ipod touch month

so iphone 5 june

ipod touch 5 september


maybe the new touch is a mini ipad?


and in more ridiculous news channel 9 is not showing the cricket live tonight instead putting on the AFL/NRL footy show and cutting to the second innings of the match

what the fuck

i mean its on foxtel but 9 has the rights to show the lot and is not. Whats the point of having multiple digital channels when you aren't even going to use them for something like this

fuck sake


Choc said:
and in more ridiculous news channel 9 is not showing the cricket live tonight instead putting on the AFL/NRL footy show and cutting to the second innings of the match

what the fuck

i mean its on foxtel but 9 has the rights to show the lot and is not. Whats the point of having multiple digital channels when you aren't even going to use them for something like this

fuck sake

You are surprised by Channel 9 doing bizarre things with their broadcasting?



Choc said:
Whats the point of having multiple digital channels when you aren't even going to use them for something like this

fuck sake
But, but... Australia needs its re-runs of TV shows that they've already seen 100 times before and/or have no interest in watching.


Danoss said:
But, but... Australia needs its re-runs of TV shows that they've already seen 100 times before and/or have no interest in watching.

I have a keen interest in rewatching Seinfeld every single night. I really do.
Shaneus said:
I've trimmed the spam comments... it's now officially The Least Popular Blog on the Internet™.

Yay! It's safe to go back!

Shaneus said:
I *still* haven't bought a new game since I said I would stop buying them, including iPhone stuff. Pretty fucking proud!

Well done. That is actually very awesome. Congrats.

codswallop said:
Me too, though I still haven't received BioShock 2 which I ordered on the same day I decided to initiate Operation Backlog.

And the same to you, too, good sir.

This year has actually been quite good to me, at least as far as pounding out some of my backlog. I haven't really bought that much (in comparison to last year, that is) and I've already on my way to completing my 8th game for the year. That kind of makes me happy.

I think part of my problem in the past has been that I sometimes play games far too slowly (at least with open world style ones) and that, after a while, I lose a little bit of interest. This is due to my not progressing the story quickly enough and then getting bored or just running around doing side quests and then not being able to get back into the story. So then, when I find myself with some time, the prospect of playing a game I've lost interest with combined with my dislike for not finishing what I've started means that I usually just do something else with that free time.

This year, I've decided to go through story missions a bit quicker and lessen the time that I do side quests and aimless wandering. Then, once I've finished the game I can then choose to either go back in and finish up what's left or start and new game. It's working out a lot better.

It's also been assisted by playing a few more linear games, too.

BanShunsaku said:
One day I will post my backlog list, and it will embarrass the hell out of me.

No. No. No no no no. NonononononononononononononohellnonowaynohownonononononononononononononononononononononononononononononoNO!

I don't think I could do this. Anyway, I'm not certain if I would like to share mine. Plus it depends on how many generations you would want to include. Mine's... baaaaaaad. But if you then included PS2... well... then it's insultingly bad.

This wasn't helped when retailers went through a period a offloading their stocks of old PS2 games last year. They were getting rid of them for $5-$20 and I... I... couldn't help myself. I *will* set up my PS2 some time this year.

Plus, I could never post my full backlog list... because then you would all find out that even though I bought Zelda Oot and Major's Mask I never actually finished them... I tried to play Oot last year but, it was never a good looking game, an affliction that is only compounded by large screen TVs. Maybe I should hook it up to my PC Monitor...

Shaneus said:
Don't even get me started on Steam sales.

The main reason that I both wish I played PC Games and am infinitely glad that I do not.

Gazunta said:
I heard LANsmash can't get an erection unless it kills a dog.

They should have visited Shaneus' blog...

jambo said:
MS make hardware?!*

Yep. The Zune. Hm? What's that? Oh, never mind...


Gazunta said:
A 24 hour Simpsons channel would really hit the spot.
Only if it's seasons 1-10 (or so). I've recently started from season 1 again and had forgotten how good they were. Treat yourself to the DVDs, then you can use the commentary track as an excuse to watch each episode twice!

PS. Re: my backlog. There are some games that I genuinely want to put serious time into that I haven't. I'm keen as hell to plow through some of the essentials... Gears 1, Halo 3, the Uncharteds, God of War 1+2, to name but a few.

Pretty sure it's a good indication I may have ADHD. My brother has the same passion for games yet doesn't own nearly as many as I do :/
Agyar said:
If they change it, you'll all be in here whining about how they changed something that wasn't broken and jailbreaking all your shit just to get the old layout back.
I don't own or regularly use any iDevice so it makes no difference to me, but obviously with a customer base of Apple's size even 1% of customers is now a huge number.

Rez said:
I think Apple's 'cool' factor is the most remarkable thing about their business. Good for them.
I was just reading about Jonathan Ive, who is undeniably a huge part of why Apple is so cool now. He's responsible for most of Apple's product look since before the first iMac. Once he hit on the first iPod style design, things started steamrolling pretty quickly for Apple.


I yearn for a return to the days when channel 10 ran 14.5 hours of Simpsons a week. It's all they had and we'd just call it the Simpsons channel. I know PayTV would run it 24/7 when the Olympics was on, but that was pretty damn miserable/lazy/awesome of channel 10 to run it so much.

Speaking of the Olympics, Vook pointed out that I will be living in London when the 2012 games are on. Rad.
Danoss said:
But, but... Australia needs its re-runs of TV shows that they've already seen 100 times before and/or have no interest in watching.

I'm a huge supporter of HD (well, subHD that we are told is HaaaaaaaaatchDeeeeeeee) channels showing nothing but pre-1990 programs. Mmmmm-Mm, I love's be some HD 1953 B&W programming, I dos.

Oh look, The Virginian is on. Again.


And, Choc, if CH9 took The Virginian / I Love Lucy / Ellen DeGeneres off the air to play sports? Well, that would be a very angry email written and sent to their complaints department, my friend. I would not stand for that.


Bernbaum said:
I yearn for a return to the days when channel 10 ran 14.5 hours of Simpsons a week. It's all they had and we'd just call it the Simpsons channel. I know PayTV would run it 24/7 when the Olympics was on, but that was pretty damn miserable/lazy/awesome of channel 10 to run it so much.

Speaking of the Olympics, Vook pointed out that I will be living in London when the 2012 games are on. Rad.

Having been in London last year and seeing all the planning etc and what they are closing and talking about changing during the olympics

it is far from rad my friend

aside being able to go which is cool, but London itself is going to be a mess and chaotic.

It's already bad enough as it is to get around


Choc said:
Having been in London last year and seeing all the planning etc and what they are closing and talking about changing during the olympics

it is far from rad my friend

aside being able to go which is cool, but London itself is going to be a mess and chaotic.

It's already bad enough as it is to get around
Haha yeah. One day I was there the Picadilly line on the Underground was down for eight hours and the whole citty felt it. Trains on alternate routes were overloaded with people and the bus service got hammered too. It's remarkable how that city works - it's like a big modular organism

It's going to be a claustrophobic nightmare but that's half the fun.



What is the best label for a parcel yielding a 3DS + software that will be sent from the US to Australia?

I would like my parcel to arrive quickly without delay.

I am thinking ‘electronics’ or ‘video game hardware’.

Thank you.


Bernbaum said:

What is the best label for a parcel yielding a 3DS + software that will be sent from the US to Australia?

I would like my parcel to arrive quickly without delay.

I am thinking ‘electronics’ or ‘video game hardware’.

Thank you.

Mortal Kombat RC Edition x 25.


"Not Mortak Kombat"

Danoss said:
Sounds like a strange time to unveil a new iPad, especially since that's their new iPod release month.

My money is on absolutely no new iPad until next year. I won't be buying that one either.

Just you wait.

You'll see... you'll see.
Bernbaum said:

What is the best label for a parcel yielding a 3DS + software that will be sent from the US to Australia?

I would like my parcel to arrive quickly without delay.

I am thinking ‘electronics’ or ‘video game hardware’.

Thank you.

I really don't think it will matter, to be honest. However, I would go with "electronics", just in case customs are already paying close attention to anything video game related because of MK.


jambo said:
Just you wait.

You'll see... you'll see.
Yes we will. Funnily enough, the same "rumours" were floating around shortly after the original iPad was released. Nothing came of that, nothing will come of this one either.

But we will wait and see.


Omi said:
Not at all, it is an argument that people will blindly buy whatever is deemed 'awesome', rather than purchase due to some inherent need.

Limiting this view to Apple devices is ridiculous. People buy 'awesome' stuff they don't inherently need across all segments of retail. TVs, cars, houses, clothes, all the way down to food.

Do you need those extra couple of inches on your TV? No, but it looks cool right?

Why would anyone need an iPod + iPhone? Surely doubling up on the majority of functionality is completely stupid.

Or am I being far too logical and should be more impulsive? :p

You aren't being logical at all. If you're looking at it logically there are clear reasons someone might want to own both of these devices. Looking at them more generally you could say there's no need.

From my experience most Apple haters are people who see no advantages or use in design and build quality. Apple make those points a priority and people who are happy to throw a bunch of ugly components together to get the job done see it as a useless exercise. Strangely, they can never see the other sides perspective even if Apple fans acknowledge that wanting something functional and cheap is a valid approach.

Having said that I do know Apple enthusiasts that scoff at anything non-Apple and do buy hardware refreshes yearly and on day 1.

Takes two to tango.


Danoss said:
Yes we will. Funnily enough, the same "rumours" were floating around shortly after the original iPad was released. Nothing came of that, nothing will come of this one either.

But we will wait and see.
That's what my guy in the US suggested. If they check it they check it and there's nothing I can do.

Agyar said:
Mortal Kombat RC Edition x 25.
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